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I've seen this issue brought up on the Beta forums and since I can't post there, I have to rant about it here.
The issues is...Horde females. Are they too ugly? Should they be prettier? Will female gamers avoid playing them because they're not pretty? (Not to mention the fact that a large portion of male players play female chars)
When I made my first couple of Horde characters, I inadvertantly gave them the "prettiest" face I could. Yeah, they were still Horde...but some of the Horde females had options that basically gave them an uncharacteristically pretty face. Undead for example...the facial hair option gives you varying degrees of decayed looks for the female face. One of them is basically blemish and decay free. With a face and facial hair combination that gave you nice features and no decay, you've got a pretty cute undead chick on your hands.
When I realized what I had done, I quickly planned new looks for remaking them when the game is released. I don't WANT a pretty troll or a cute, sexy undead. I want them to look blemished and decayed and badass.
Horde isn't SUPPOSED to look attractive to us. a male troll, a female troll's tusks are probably super sexy. Who are we to try and make them look more...what? human?
When this issue was brought up on the stress test forums, I saw so many female gamers say that they would NOT play Horde just because the females were ugly.
Bah, I say! That sort of thinking just shows a lack of creativity and willingness to immerse oneself into the game world.
They need to stay the way they are. No...they need to get more gruesome and grotesque. They are tribal, and unadvanced. They don't care how they look to other species, or their own species sometimes, so they should act that way.
I would much rather roleplay a Troll who hasn't bathed for weeks than play a Human in a tuxedo. The funnest part about not roleplaying a human is...not roleplaying a human. That means you act different, speak different, and look different. If that means you're ugly as crap and no one likes you...well, so be it.
The only thing I want as far as looks for horde characters is more customization. More ugly looks and more imperfections. Let the Alliance be "beautiful" all they want. Yeah, you just go one being beautful while the ugly tribal horde beats you into oblivion.
When I say that the horde needs more customization options, I have a little bit in mind.
Don't know if this is all possible to be added to the game what with the promised release not too much farther away. Even if they don't add anything, they don't need to make the Horde prettier because that isn't what the Horde represents.
If you want to play a pretty race, go play your Night Elves.
Alliance Chars:
~Drakthol, Destromath PVP server
Level 52 Dwarf Hunter
Horde Chars:
~Foorinore, Archimonde PVP server
Level 11 troll priest
Yup. The horde should be as ugly as possible.. easier to "kill" an ugly opponent than a pretty one
Haha. I have to admit to loving the Night Elves, outside of the fact that my favorite faction is Horde. Night Elves have pretty starting areas, pretty people, and I do love the quests. One of the Teldrassil quests nearly made me teary-eyed, I got so into it. I'll probably have to make a night elf on one of the servers.
But yes...back to Horde. If I'm a Night Elf, I expect to look pretty. But Horde....
Did you know that female trolls used to look uglier? If you got a good look at the female troll options in the stress test, just go to the troll race page on the official site to see the difference. I prefer the more trollish looking female troll. Dammit.
Alliance Chars:
~Drakthol, Destromath PVP server
Level 52 Dwarf Hunter
Horde Chars:
~Foorinore, Archimonde PVP server
Level 11 troll priest
Looks don't matter to me when looking for something to kill. I'd enjoy killing everything in sight.
Well, from a female perspective, Hoard should be as gruesome as possible. I play a Night Elf, sure, but I plan on going into some RP at release. My first choice will be Hoard. I'm a fairly nice, average on the attractive scale and shy in real life. Role playing for me will be being mean, ugly, harsh, brutal and cruel. It's much easier to immerse yourself when it's the polar opposite of what you are. The graphics aren't going to scare me off, they are more to pull me in.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.
Alliance Chars:
~Drakthol, Destromath PVP server
Level 52 Dwarf Hunter
Horde Chars:
~Foorinore, Archimonde PVP server
Level 11 troll priest
my rogue is a female orc i think she is hawt and her dance is awesome
Zimok - WoW - PvP Server
Zimok - SWG - Bloodfin
Zimok - PS - Emerald
Zimok - SWG - Bloodfin
*Grows a smirk on his face* I thought you wanted your charactar that condradicts yourself.
Alliance Chars:
~Drakthol, Destromath PVP server
Level 52 Dwarf Hunter
Horde Chars:
~Foorinore, Archimonde PVP server
Level 11 troll priest
Haha. Gee. Good one.
Interestingly, your avatar picture is a large poster on my wall. /random
i salute you so damn much on this topic .. i have seen posts of several games where people want the evil characters to look pretty and sexy so that they can be an ebil undead chick and strut down a catwalk at the same time .. i say that anyone wishiong for a prettyfaced undead character can go strait to hell becuase lets face it ( pun not intended) undead look like what they are ... a pile of rotting flesh and bones , not a pale / tanned beach cutie that could pull out all the guys with a single glance ! so im toattally with you WE WANT DEAD LOOKING UNDEAD !
1,2 buckle my shoe 3,4 knock on the door 5,6 pick up sticks
without life we'd be dead.
girls play mmorpgs?
They're only men on the outside.
Maybe it's just the fact that I prefer to hang out with women with some intelligence, that would beat the crap out of you if you got lippy, over some vapid Brittney Spearsesque dingbat. But if I were to present the Alliance/Horde characters, I'd say all my female friends would all pick Horde characters. And if they did pick an Alliance character, it'd get dropped like a hot potato for an 'ugly' Horde race after the first time some subhuman prepubescent pantysniffer came traipsing around...
That's just my take on it. But I think people that find polygonal video game characters sexually stimulating should probably be sterilized for our protection.
I personally think that the current options are fine. I wouldn't want the "prettier", more human options taken away and I would even be willing to accept new options that were even more "attractive". Why? Because options should be available for people that want them and I have learned long ago that even if there is an option in a game I would never use, I should not begrudge someone else that choice.
Free choice aside, it's also good from a roleplaying perspective to offer a wide array of appearance options, even some that may fly in the face of what some may invision as "proper". An Undead that looks almost, but not quite, like a living human could provide interesting roleplay, someone who maybe still believes they are alive, or yearns for the mortal life that was cut short. An almost human looking troll could be roleplayed as a half breed, caught between worlds.
Making a particular race more "accessible" visually may give someone an opportunity to play something they would otherwise have passed on. It's even possible that once they get past those initial barriers, they may decide to start a new character that is "uglier" and more representative of that race's norm.
In the case of WoW, I was actually a little disappointed to see the choices for undead so limited. Not because they don't have the same amount of variety available as other races, but because the game universe has established that undead can be of many different pre-undead racial origins. I would love if Undead could chose to be undead versions of the other races in the game. Should be possible with different skins for the base figures and the armor/clothing items, but maybe I'm just asking too much
In the end, I will always support a wider range of options, rather than less, because everyone is different and I shouldn't judge a choice invalid because it's a choice that doesn't appeal to me personally.
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Aren't alot of women always bitching about female avatars looking too sexy in games? So why wouldn't they play because they aren't sexy? It doesn't make sense.
because that's what women do. You cannot win. Example: A woman ask you if her pants make her ass look fat. If you choose to tell the truth, and say yes, you get slapped, and sleep on the couch. You choose B, and say no, your ass looks fine, they say you're just saying that, and get huffy.
Somewhat cliched, to be sure. But there is more than just a bit of a grain of truth there, as well. It is of note that it is well worth the while to tell them that their ass looks fat when they ask. The look of shock and disbelief that you would dare tell the truth is priceless.
i dont see girls playing video games because there is some hot hunk in it. so i think they should make the girls average, (without huge busts) just so we can play a video game without someone lusting over a graphic. there are going to be kids playing as well, the game looks sort of toonie so that will draw the younger ones in. and to even have a discussion about how someone wants the girls to be sexier or cuter, is just silly, its irrelevant to playing video games, and anyone that thinks otherwise shouldnt get their sexlives or hormones mixed up with their VIDEO GAMES. get a girl friend--a real one.
They're only men on the outside.
thats a negative...met 3 girls on planetside last bad they were all in there 20's
*clears throte*
i dont really think the horde was met to look good since orcs, trolls, and (tauren) minotaurs, havnt looked to apealing in any game....theyre suposed to look grusom and mean to scare the other people off
1: If you play a game to hook up with people, you need to hit the 'Quit' button, eject the CD out of the computer, break it in half, and slit your wrists with the sharp broken edges. It's too weird seeing people spam "Will give lap dance for gold" and stupid stuff like that.
2: I think that Blizzard has done the right thing keeping their Horde gruesome and hideous. I know that some games *cough*Everquest*cough* kinda sorta prettied up some of their evil races just because a whole bunch of horny teenagers wanted them to.
And is in the eye of the beholder. I know while I was playing I saw this pretty hot Troll...well, let's not go there. JK!