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^^ Quotes from James Ohlen.
"Companion characters--we want them to be more than pets,"
"You're gonna be able to customize your companion character in different ways," "Your companion characters are going to be leveling up and getting different equipment."
"You'll be able to form friendships, romance companion characters, or even to trade them,"
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i dont rly want to have pet.. unless its done superb
Starting to lose some interest in this seems like it's going to be a single player game with MMO like qualities. The pet thing is a little weird in this game. Marry your pet?
It's not a pet that you feed bones and keep on a leash, it's a companion with AI, I imagine they are optional like Guild Wars henchmen.
It might be optional...but if everyone gets one why would people not use them? The pet thing is a little weird in this game. Marry your pet?
I wonder if you can get them to do your dishes and clean the house! All the super Star Wars nerds can finally have their slave girls.
Kinda what I expected. Don't find a girl friend in RL? Just get your own customizable one in this game...
Of course, it will earn them a lot of money.
While my Mercenary character will have a female copilot/engineer companion for sure, I don't intend to get 'romantic' with any companions. I prefer there to be a real girl rping on the other side if I did end up doing any relationship RP stuff...
But this whole 'marry your companion character' bit makes one wonder if same-sex relationships will be activated or not... they did it in Mass Effect but I think it only works if you play a female character. My 'Sheppard' wasn't bothering with relationships lol...
BOYCOTTING EA / ORIGIN going forward.
I played a female Shepard in Mass Effect and I never got any indication of a sexual relationship (except with the all female alien race, but then that does not count).
MMOs Played: I can no longer list them all in the 500 character limit.
Well this game just continues to sound less and less interesting as it goes along. But i knew it was going to be like Guildwars, with the Single player MMO kinda thing, same with Champions.
The companion idea is good in theory ... but
how much lag does it add? Or are they only available in certain zones? Does this imply instances?
Romances ... any race with either sex? Or is this going to be a 'Can woo the girl.' kind of game and no story options for women to catch a man (like in Mass Effect from the poster above).
If they allow same sex relationships, what sort of provisions are built in to remove the homo-phobe flak? Or, to minimize the ... flamboyance ... of avatars. Just as I wouldn't want to get spammed with the gay hate, I really don't want to hear about ... or see ... players 'enjoying' their companions, same sex or otherwise.
And trading companions ... you mean like for money and stuff ... like slaves? It's a horrible idea ... you either view your companions as equipment and trade them as such (which begs all sorts of ethical questions) or you're really supposed to care about them and their struggles ... and then sell them?
I can see the Jedi pimps giggling in their purple felt hats already.
"Where my money?"
lol pet?
These things have AI, it will be as annoying at times as a Furby, only with better AI which = smack talk and embarrassing you
My thinking exactly. While it would make sense to have a companion AI (ala, my characters wife), I'd prefer not to have some dumb AI following me everywhere and butting in on cinematics.
Just another step towards being a single player game... /sigh
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
I have to agree with most of the posters here that I dont like HAVING to have a pet/companion. I want to be "solo" if I want to be. I sure hope they give you the option to turn it off or leave them at the cantina or something.
Hmmmmm. This game is something that I'll continue to watch, but my interest is waring thin.
Sadly, this seems to be the direction people want their games to head. . .
I have no idea why grouping has faded so badly, I blame the new crowd of MMO players.
= |||||| =
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
I don't see what the big deal is seriously. KotOR 1+2 was awesome and you had companions there also. This game is story driven which is something a lot of people have been crying for for a long time now. Quests that matters and worth reading instead of clicking through to get the next exp fix. If you weren't a fan of the KotOR series chances are you won't like the MMO either
People complain about forced grouping. Well now there might be an option to avoid that. But i guess it's better to change the stance to "love forced grouping" now that the problem might be solved. It seems like people just want to complain to complain. Fix one of their issues and they take an opposite stance on it so they can continue complaining.
There shouldn't be 1 standard for every MMO being released. Having something different is a positive thing. If you dislike the style SW: TOR is turning out to be then thank god for other options? I for one love the direction this is going as i am tired of the same ol same ol
You'd think they would keep more emmersion by NOT doing this kind of thing and making people be each other's companions.
Think people are looking too deeply into this. The companion is most likely there as a catalyst to driving the story forward. They might help during questing or whatever the hell is going to be in the game, but I don't think that is a push towards a single player styled game. Just because you have a companion doesn't mean all the content is soloable. That would be like saying a hunter or warlock can roll into Naxx and stomp it because they "haz the petz." Realistically speaking, this game will probably reflect the same amount of team work required in recent games. Some content will be soloable, and some content will require other players. In all honesty, I don't know.
Some of you who are SWG vets probably should not complain, unless you were highly outspoken when they introduced doc buffs and comp armor. Most content after that patch (don't remember which one or the order of events) made many things soloable. Only the high end mobs like elder krayts required hunting groups and even then, some people made claims of soloing them (riflemen with DoT rifles come to mind). Don't mistake this as a TOR fanboi post, because quite frankly I think the game does warrant comparisons to WoW with its artistic direction and the Republic v. Sith, among other things. I also believe comparisons to SWG are fair as well, because they share the same IP. I just think some of you Vets need to stop sweating it. It is not going to be like SWG, nothing said will make it as such, because the major systems are already in place.
I'm personally waiting to see how Earthrise turns out. Keeping an eye on this one because it is SW and I liked KotoR, so figuring maybe this could be alright despite copping out with the art direction.
Sounds exactly like npc companions in the KOTOR games.
As others have said this seems like its shaping up to be a single-player RPG with multiplayer. I don't know why but thats the way the industry is headed all around. The idea of an MMO being a player driven community is becoming an obsolete idea. Wish it wasn't
I like the idea of a KOTOR with multiplayer as a standalone game, but if I'm coughing up a monthly fee there has got to be more to hold me to the game than someone else's storyline.
Sadly, this seems to be the direction people want their games to head. . .
I have no idea why grouping has faded so badly, I blame the new crowd of MMO players.
There is nothing wrong that I don't want my entertainment depends on other people. Probably the best model is WOW BG (i hope Jedi vs Sith battles are like that). You don't need to group to go into battle but lots of people are involved.
This eliminate the problem of looking for groups, which can be a pain.
Well, they have said that the game is more story-driven than other MMOs, and for the most part I think story has to be delievered in a single-player mode because everyone progresses through the story at a different pace. But just because the game has that element, doesn't mean they won't also have a lot of grouping, too.
Totally agree with this. Why complain when there's other MMOs coming out that will cater to completely different styles of game play? It's too much fun to whine maybe.
Evolution of a genre means that it splits into different sub genres, that's not a bad thing it means we are going forward.