main thing was, i never saw any potential in war, it was broken from the start, 1k-2k population cap on server were patchetic, game on high/full pop server felt like singleplayer ,
you know when you start open beta/early start, with max settings and 60+ fps, and just 3 weeks latter you strungle to keep 40 fps with medium settings, due silly patches. those were main reason...
playing single player game most of the time, poor chat system didnt help that in any way, detiorating performance.. , when i used to run aoc on 50-60 fps, and 2 months latter it got to 35-40, it was just as bad
( war had insane spking, i remmember doing t3/t4 wel 30-40 lvl zone pqs, with few guys. aoing shit, and fps would drop so badly) while game was nowhere near eyecandy
+ bugs, retarded scenarios.. usually only one would be up.. and one i always hated, balance, and puzle map.. couldnt said better..
GoA , i swear to god they pissed me of so much with my pre order of the CE i cancelled the two i ordered ive never felt such contempt as i felt when i came into contact with these fucking idiots. Which in turn makes me hate mythic even more and il never touch a product with there name anywhere near it there a bunch of ass holes lead by the king of all asshats MBJ i hope there game goes down the hole and that dick goes down the drain. ugh mythic dont care about european players yet they happily sold there game to some shitty group that they knew were shite and couldnt wipe there own behinds let alone run a mmo , they didnt even step in when they STOLE money from people who cancelled there accounts only to have goa re activate them on more than one ocasion.
Mythic have ruined my joy of mmo's i have been turned into a jadded gamer. ty mythic
/end rant
I am quite happy with GOA on the contrary
HAd to pay something like $5 to preorder the collectors edition.
So we were supposed to get 14 days in total for collectores edition before we put in the retail key
After the pre order launch mess they made they compensated players with additional 7 days ( basic version ) and 14 days ( for CE editions)
So i got 14 +14 = 28 days total to play for $5 .Then I bought in a basic version and put it on the same account
I strongly disagree that scenerio's was Mythics biggest mistake. Its easy to point at Scernio's being the reason for the lack of participation in keep sieges but its just not the case. I think most people are halfway burnt on Scenerio's by the time they get to T4, but then when you see that the Keep raids are nothing more than a ping pong match with little or no consequences or rewards for holding a keep, well theres only so long that will your attention.
In scenerio's theres hardly any lag, and I feel you can get the full pvp experience in a zoned scenerio. Now Keep sieges where working good an worth holding I dont think you would see people do them as much because the end game raids would keep there attention. The way it is in its current form isnt working.
It can only hold your attention so long, and needs to be seriously looked at to make it more interesting an rewarding. Until then scenerios are at least one extra component to an otherwise lacking end game.
Conclusion: WAR has too much big mistakes that it is a GG.
MMO played (paid): AION DragonRaja Dungeons & Dragons Online Lineage Lineage 2 Tibia Ultima Online Warhammer Online World of Warcraft
MMO tried: Atlantica Online Darkfall Dead Frontier Dungeon Runners EverQuest Lord of the Rings Online Monster Hunter Frontier Online Ragnarok Online Requiem Runes of Magic Runescape The 4th Coming
To sum it up:^ 1. War is not the Warhammer world. Far from it. Where are the seperate Army identities, the flying units of Warhammer TT? As a result Dawn of War 2 has now in VERY tiny letters "warhammer 40k" in its title, because after Mark of Chaos and now Warhammer on line, it is better NOT to be associated with failed Warhammer gaming products.?... 2. War PvP animations and avatars controls are often clunky and unresponsive. You fight the unresponsive avatars more than you fight a PvP player. 3. War is too dependant on server populations.4 Tiers each with 3 BG's, each with dozens of PQ's, each with their own RvR zones. That is one divided by far too many ... and you get 3 players total on each piece waiting to see other players. War had a ... shortage of servers the first week of launch (Sep 18th 2008). I was there and 50% of all servers were locked/full. People just left after 3 weeks because it had no world feeling (see above). 4. War is a PvP copy of that other game, but with LESS PvP control, fluid animation and variation. No duels, no arena's (controls of character interaction,), no destructable Keeps, no tank combat, no moving artillery, no sea invasion, no PROMISED multiple 100/100+ combat every night on every server. 5. War has no grading system in its dungeons and Raid systems. 6. It scenario system was from the beginning not server linked, so waiting times for the unpopular ones take ages to open. 7. War HAS RvR but it is very badly implementated and because of it, no onecares. It just sits there turning blue and red without any meaning or control for 98% of the players. And the 2% that care have to group in teams of 6 to have ANY fun. That wasn't even the meaning of "War " is everywhere. 8. War has still a very bad chat interface and PvP players apparently don't like to chat much. Just beat the hell out of it. 9. War uses a very old "engine", taxing the whole server and server/client system too much. So server caps and population caps were the only remedy to limit the large end game battles. ---CONCLUSION ---- The ratio of Wow/War on Xfire has now become greater than 30 to 1 in the past 2 days. Unbelievable but this ratio was 6.5 to 1 at the end of Sep 2008. So War lost 5 times more of its population than a 4 year old game in one (launching ) winter campaign. 6.5 to 1 Wow ratio on Xfire meant it had around 750 K players back then in Sep (compared with the 5 M of US/EU Wow). The same figures btw that Mark JAcobs came up with. So,the Xfire ratio worked. 30 to 1 Wow ratio on Xfire now it means it is down to 160-180 K players. In line with all the earlier Xfire stats btw. Only 2 months ago this ratio was 18 to 1. And XMas sales made up for the few other "extra" susbcriptions in their first free month. So forget about those 300 K subs (XMas sales included): these are already long gone (hence the 100 lay-offs from EA in two waves recently), because 250 K was the bottom of "return rate" already laid out by EA in Sep 2008 (at launch EA said they had to achieve 250-350K after 6 months to arrive at "break even").
That's where I stopped reading, cause it proves you never to to t3..
In tier 3 you can choose from 6 BG's (scenarios as I like to call them.)
So I didn't bother reading any further cause it's probably filled with more crap..
You should read the complete post. It explains it all.
A typo in a general statement doesn't contradict in what I wanted to say: TOO much players spread out in too many "locked" player options. 6 BG's instead of 3 is indeed true as of Tier 3, but it shows WHY some scenario's don't pop up. Thinning the already limited player population even further.
Lol don't give me that 'shortsight', You are the one shortsighted telling me I'm shortsighted after reading 1 post about me? You don't know me at all..
Anyways back on topic:
2: Yes was like that at launch, but that has been improved a lot.
Once in a while your animation will get stuck, but only the 'Flee' animation and some '/' animations
Combat has become very fluid.
3: I agree with you about the population.
about PQ's, there was about 3 pq's a zone, they made an easy one (1-3 players) a normal one (2-4 players) and a hard one (3-9 players) there are always enough people around on high pop. servers and if there aren't enough people around most guilds now do pq's together.
4: I don't really know what game u are talking about. But I'm open rvring everyday mostly 1-4
warbands and order always has about the same numbers.
Duels are coming to the game. Why want arenas? I'd rather take some fortresses and altdorf.
Arenas might be in the game someday who knows, if ur talking about WoW, they didnt have arenas when
they first released the game, could be wrong about this tho.
5: No idea what that is.
6: Yeah would be helpful. But still doesn't really bother me I don't queue that much anymore, I do ORvR
most of the time.
7: Well sure 3 weeks after launch no one cared to RvR, but that changed now. Everyone is RvRing nowadays
8: Agreed but a lot more people chat then they did in the beginning, but yeah it needs to improve.
The repetitive aspect to RVR and the superficial aspect to world design, essentially. Top that off with a good amount of restrictions like the chicken mechanic and the lethality of warcamp guards. All big hits to my immersion and sense of freedom in this game.
One of the other consequences of this is also a total lack of excitement in PVP; it only happens where everyone expects it to happen, with mutual consent and dying is virtually 'painless' anyway.
Scenarios, hugely unbalanced classes, boring pve, too many rvr lakes, poor/useless crafting, whacked economy(gold is more or less useless), unfaithful to ip and by that the fans, faction balance, low server cap(, GOA and too many pq's(essentialy only 1 got done each tier). Those where my foremost concerns with the game and why my box is gathering dust on my shelf for the time being. I didn't even made it past the first free month
Guess I'll give my 2 cents since I was there since day one and I am no longer playing for various reasons..
I think the biggest mistake on Mythic's part was not properly testing the game and therefore releasing it too early unfinished and broken.
Many of you guys or gals have brought up scenarios...well scenarios aren't too bad if you give the players other means of entertaining themselves...sadly WAR's PVE is sad, boring, and broken. Let's take for example Guild Wars...Guild Wars has what you can call Scenarios, Guild VS Guild With 3 Guilds which is very addictive and competetive, but you also have great PVE in Guild Wars which keeps people very entertained. If you log on to Guild Wars right now you find more people online with less lag. What's that you say GW isn't a persistent world, well hell neither is WAR because it literally takes you hours on any day to run into someone on some servers.
250 SUbs is not enough to keep developers happy it's just enough to keep this game afloat, the more subs this game loses the more devs mythic keeps firing, why do you think they got you guys testing the game now, they just can't afford to keep more staff...
if this game drops below 200k you can bet EA's fingers will be twitching to turn the lights EA its all about the Buck, and folks WAR stopped making bucks on the box when they dropped it into the 9.99 bin...
this game is headed towards a dreary path of a prematur end.
yes....just say it...DOOOM DOOOM what else is there?
They should've just had one very vast, open RvR zone with 3 factions that fought over 6 relics (2 for each faction). Then have several different Battle Grounds with a central keep, perhaps so lower levels players could get the feel of the big RvR zone for end game. Have a dungeon that could only be accessed by having the most keeps in the major RvR zone, and people did not get kicked out when this changed over.....ok I think you get where I'm going with this now. Why play WAR when you got the best PvP game ever created sitting right next door. DAoC ftw!
Personly I have no problem with the PvE, while the end content could have been more (more instances and such) I do believe overall they are interesting. Shamefully on a lot of places the rewards are kinda off and not fitting to what you have done (having done an epic quest chain only to get some low level item you should get in a tier below). PQ on the other hand are great and an inovating idea!
I do not see the problem many seems to see regarding the amount of players. On my server it has always been active. However after the merges it is extreamly active! Atleast 2+ WBs running around for both sides and many order players actualy care about it aswell.
GOA is a solid company. While they had some problems early on, they have given most poeple a free week for that. That is a pretty big gesture especialy if you consider we only did not got access to a beta, with is never gaurenteed anyway (promised with the pre-order though)! After lauch I have not have any problem with them.
My biggest problem is that Orvr could have been (and hopefully will be) be so much more. Taking a keep is no archivement at all anymore and it aint rewarding enough. Loosing a region should hurt a lot, not only PvP wise, but also PvE areas (PQs getting harders for exemple becouse the area is owned by the enemy).
In patch 1.2 however you will have an instance will might be open if you own the region it is in. This is a very good start though to improving PvP.
The World just don't feel like a Warhammer World but a simple background.Mythic's vision of Warhammer is a travesty of World of Warcraft...and Paul Barnett is very annoying as he looks like always overdoing things to sound interesting.
In the land of Predators,the lion does not fear the jackals...
I picked Other because I feel the biggest misstake they made was to make the game too casual. No death penalty, no big penalty for losing a keep or even your city. All made this way to cater to the casuals who doesnt want to put effort in gaming and basically want everything handed to them.
If they just made some more hardcore servers with somewhat higher penalties and bigger penalties for losing a zone or your city I think more people would play the game. Right now the game is fun but after a while you just feel like you are at a themepark and there is no real incentive to fight for anything.
All made this way to cater to the casuals who doesnt want to put effort in gaming and basically want everything handed to them.
While this game can be played casual I will have to step in an defend the casual player here. The casual player simply does not have time to play a lot. This however does not mean they do not WANT to put an effort into the game or want everything handed to them. Infact pretty sure many casual player prefer to spend more time in the game and less on there work.
i am still suprised that it took them a month after to release to even implement region chat (before each region sub zone that their own chat so there would 10+ chat channel you can switch while traversing a single map/region). It killed player comm, i remember saying to myself i never played MMO in OB that was this quiet.
They completly forgot player interaction even cities felt like dead zones primarily cause there is no real reason to hang around in there till 30s since you could only queue scenarios from you own tier GG.
It's a long list of mistakes. Also include Paul Barnet in it, hype hype and more hype and no substance.
/ Agreed
Took another month and... stopped 5 days after. Played War from 19.02 to 24.02, can't play anymore. Pve is boring, RvRE is not RVR, RVRE is repetitive. Most boring game played, worst than Wow. War is a cheap paste copy of Wow. Full of bugs...
Reason why i quit this game is because they released too many servers at launch. They basicly spread the population all over the place leaving a FEW over populated realms and the rest of them UNDER populated.
Since i was coming from WOW, i was not interested in having to queue up to play on a descent population server, so i just quit cause all the servers i tried days after launch were ALL already ghost towns.
Reason why i quit this game is because they released too many servers at launch. They basicly spread the population all over the place leaving a FEW over populated realms and the rest of them UNDER populated. Since i was coming from WOW, i was not interested in having to queue up to play on a descent population server, so i just quit cause all the servers i tried days after launch were ALL already ghost towns.
i have not seen any queues when i was there a month ago, i think queue are actually good since it makes player base more appreciate their playing time. It beats me why they paniced listening to the player base and cloned more servers during launch week.
main thing was, i never saw any potential in war, it was broken from the start, 1k-2k population cap on server were patchetic, game on high/full pop server felt like singleplayer ,
you know when you start open beta/early start, with max settings and 60+ fps, and just 3 weeks latter you strungle to keep 40 fps with medium settings, due silly patches. those were main reason...
playing single player game most of the time, poor chat system didnt help that in any way, detiorating performance.. , when i used to run aoc on 50-60 fps, and 2 months latter it got to 35-40, it was just as bad
( war had insane spking, i remmember doing t3/t4 wel 30-40 lvl zone pqs, with few guys. aoing shit, and fps would drop so badly) while game was nowhere near eyecandy
+ bugs, retarded scenarios.. usually only one would be up.. and one i always hated, balance, and puzle map.. couldnt said better..
Making it a WoW clone.
Voted world didn't feel like a world, but I think this may very well be #1 for me.
I am quite happy with GOA on the contrary
HAd to pay something like $5 to preorder the collectors edition.
So we were supposed to get 14 days in total for collectores edition before we put in the retail key
After the pre order launch mess they made they compensated players with additional 7 days ( basic version ) and 14 days ( for CE editions)
So i got 14 +14 = 28 days total to play for $5 .Then I bought in a basic version and put it on the same account
So 2 months play for $45.
I strongly disagree that scenerio's was Mythics biggest mistake. Its easy to point at Scernio's being the reason for the lack of participation in keep sieges but its just not the case. I think most people are halfway burnt on Scenerio's by the time they get to T4, but then when you see that the Keep raids are nothing more than a ping pong match with little or no consequences or rewards for holding a keep, well theres only so long that will your attention.
In scenerio's theres hardly any lag, and I feel you can get the full pvp experience in a zoned scenerio. Now Keep sieges where working good an worth holding I dont think you would see people do them as much because the end game raids would keep there attention. The way it is in its current form isnt working.
It can only hold your attention so long, and needs to be seriously looked at to make it more interesting an rewarding. Until then scenerios are at least one extra component to an otherwise lacking end game.
Conclusion: WAR has too much big mistakes that it is a GG.
MMO played (paid):
Dungeons & Dragons Online
Lineage 2
Ultima Online
Warhammer Online
World of Warcraft
MMO tried:
Atlantica Online
Dead Frontier
Dungeon Runners
Lord of the Rings Online
Monster Hunter Frontier Online
Ragnarok Online
Runes of Magic
The 4th Coming
and some other Chinese/Korean or beta MMOs
That's where I stopped reading, cause it proves you never to to t3..
In tier 3 you can choose from 6 BG's (scenarios as I like to call them.)
So I didn't bother reading any further cause it's probably filled with more crap..
You should read the complete post. It explains it all.
A typo in a general statement doesn't contradict in what I wanted to say: TOO much players spread out in too many "locked" player options. 6 BG's instead of 3 is indeed true as of Tier 3, but it shows WHY some scenario's don't pop up. Thinning the already limited player population even further.
Lol don't give me that 'shortsight', You are the one shortsighted telling me I'm shortsighted after reading 1 post about me? You don't know me at all..
Anyways back on topic:
2: Yes was like that at launch, but that has been improved a lot.
Once in a while your animation will get stuck, but only the 'Flee' animation and some '/' animations
Combat has become very fluid.
3: I agree with you about the population.
about PQ's, there was about 3 pq's a zone, they made an easy one (1-3 players) a normal one (2-4 players) and a hard one (3-9 players) there are always enough people around on high pop. servers and if there aren't enough people around most guilds now do pq's together.
4: I don't really know what game u are talking about. But I'm open rvring everyday mostly 1-4
warbands and order always has about the same numbers.
Duels are coming to the game. Why want arenas? I'd rather take some fortresses and altdorf.
Arenas might be in the game someday who knows, if ur talking about WoW, they didnt have arenas when
they first released the game, could be wrong about this tho.
5: No idea what that is.
6: Yeah would be helpful. But still doesn't really bother me I don't queue that much anymore, I do ORvR
most of the time.
7: Well sure 3 weeks after launch no one cared to RvR, but that changed now. Everyone is RvRing nowadays
8: Agreed but a lot more people chat then they did in the beginning, but yeah it needs to improve.
9: Agreed.
nom nom nom
The repetitive aspect to RVR and the superficial aspect to world design, essentially. Top that off with a good amount of restrictions like the chicken mechanic and the lethality of warcamp guards. All big hits to my immersion and sense of freedom in this game.
One of the other consequences of this is also a total lack of excitement in PVP; it only happens where everyone expects it to happen, with mutual consent and dying is virtually 'painless' anyway.
My brand new bloggity blog.
Scenarios, hugely unbalanced classes, boring pve, too many rvr lakes, poor/useless crafting, whacked economy(gold is more or less useless), unfaithful to ip and by that the fans, faction balance, low server cap(, GOA and too many pq's(essentialy only 1 got done each tier). Those where my foremost concerns with the game and why my box is gathering dust on my shelf for the time being. I didn't even made it past the first free month
Grammar nazi's. This one is for you.
Guess I'll give my 2 cents since I was there since day one and I am no longer playing for various reasons..
I think the biggest mistake on Mythic's part was not properly testing the game and therefore releasing it too early unfinished and broken.
Many of you guys or gals have brought up scenarios...well scenarios aren't too bad if you give the players other means of entertaining themselves...sadly WAR's PVE is sad, boring, and broken. Let's take for example Guild Wars...Guild Wars has what you can call Scenarios, Guild VS Guild With 3 Guilds which is very addictive and competetive, but you also have great PVE in Guild Wars which keeps people very entertained. If you log on to Guild Wars right now you find more people online with less lag. What's that you say GW isn't a persistent world, well hell neither is WAR because it literally takes you hours on any day to run into someone on some servers.
250 SUbs is not enough to keep developers happy it's just enough to keep this game afloat, the more subs this game loses the more devs mythic keeps firing, why do you think they got you guys testing the game now, they just can't afford to keep more staff...
if this game drops below 200k you can bet EA's fingers will be twitching to turn the lights EA its all about the Buck, and folks WAR stopped making bucks on the box when they dropped it into the 9.99 bin...
this game is headed towards a dreary path of a prematur end.
yes....just say it...DOOOM DOOOM what else is there?
It's a long list of mistakes. Also include Paul Barnet in it, hype hype and more hype and no substance.
They should've just had one very vast, open RvR zone with 3 factions that fought over 6 relics (2 for each faction). Then have several different Battle Grounds with a central keep, perhaps so lower levels players could get the feel of the big RvR zone for end game. Have a dungeon that could only be accessed by having the most keeps in the major RvR zone, and people did not get kicked out when this changed over.....ok I think you get where I'm going with this now. Why play WAR when you got the best PvP game ever created sitting right next door. DAoC ftw!
Personly I have no problem with the PvE, while the end content could have been more (more instances and such) I do believe overall they are interesting. Shamefully on a lot of places the rewards are kinda off and not fitting to what you have done (having done an epic quest chain only to get some low level item you should get in a tier below). PQ on the other hand are great and an inovating idea!
I do not see the problem many seems to see regarding the amount of players. On my server it has always been active. However after the merges it is extreamly active! Atleast 2+ WBs running around for both sides and many order players actualy care about it aswell.
GOA is a solid company. While they had some problems early on, they have given most poeple a free week for that. That is a pretty big gesture especialy if you consider we only did not got access to a beta, with is never gaurenteed anyway (promised with the pre-order though)! After lauch I have not have any problem with them.
My biggest problem is that Orvr could have been (and hopefully will be) be so much more. Taking a keep is no archivement at all anymore and it aint rewarding enough. Loosing a region should hurt a lot, not only PvP wise, but also PvE areas (PQs getting harders for exemple becouse the area is owned by the enemy).
In patch 1.2 however you will have an instance will might be open if you own the region it is in. This is a very good start though to improving PvP.
The World just don't feel like a Warhammer World but a simple background.Mythic's vision of Warhammer is a travesty of World of Warcraft...and Paul Barnett is very annoying as he looks like always overdoing things to sound interesting.
In the land of Predators,the lion does not fear the jackals...
Making it. (@OP)
Mythic had a huge PvP/RvR rep from Daoc and practically destroyed that with WAR.
I picked Other because I feel the biggest misstake they made was to make the game too casual. No death penalty, no big penalty for losing a keep or even your city. All made this way to cater to the casuals who doesnt want to put effort in gaming and basically want everything handed to them.
If they just made some more hardcore servers with somewhat higher penalties and bigger penalties for losing a zone or your city I think more people would play the game. Right now the game is fun but after a while you just feel like you are at a themepark and there is no real incentive to fight for anything.
My gaming blog
While this game can be played casual I will have to step in an defend the casual player here. The casual player simply does not have time to play a lot. This however does not mean they do not WANT to put an effort into the game or want everything handed to them. Infact pretty sure many casual player prefer to spend more time in the game and less on there work.
i am still suprised that it took them a month after to release to even implement region chat (before each region sub zone that their own chat so there would 10+ chat channel you can switch while traversing a single map/region). It killed player comm, i remember saying to myself i never played MMO in OB that was this quiet.
They completly forgot player interaction even cities felt like dead zones primarily cause there is no real reason to hang around in there till 30s since you could only queue scenarios from you own tier GG.
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
/ Agreed
Took another month and... stopped 5 days after. Played War from 19.02 to 24.02, can't play anymore. Pve is boring, RvRE is not RVR, RVRE is repetitive. Most boring game played, worst than Wow. War is a cheap paste copy of Wow. Full of bugs...
- Mythic's biggest mistake with WAR??:
> war is a wow clone
Reason why i quit this game is because they released too many servers at launch. They basicly spread the population all over the place leaving a FEW over populated realms and the rest of them UNDER populated.
Since i was coming from WOW, i was not interested in having to queue up to play on a descent population server, so i just quit cause all the servers i tried days after launch were ALL already ghost towns.
i have not seen any queues when i was there a month ago, i think queue are actually good since it makes player base more appreciate their playing time. It beats me why they paniced listening to the player base and cloned more servers during launch week.
Don't want to sound too much like DAOC 2....but I think a third side would have vastly improved the RvR
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)