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From their news section:
Community event, MO Fight Night
While we are waiting for the next update for Mortal Online, the community proposed an interesting event – a battle in the classic game Ultima Online. Thanks to our old friendship with the owner of Defiance we are soon going to have a fight night in their UOR realm. It’s Mortal Online community (including us Devs) vs Defiance community, read about when and how here
Also, here is the thread I've made on MO's official forums ( still waiting for the developers to respond ) where I've asked if it's okay for people to freely make private servers of MO since they don't have a problem in regards to other companies IPs:
I've already sent an e-mail to EA, since I figure they have a right to know.
Grow up please.. If EA really wanted to shut down those servers they would have done it along time ago. They really have no impact on the Official UO anyways.
Not the point.
The point is that the developers of Mortal Online think copyrights and game EULAs mean nothing. Will they have that same attitude when it comes to their own game?
Well, here we go. the only response by a dev:
WisebutCruel, you have 8 posts on the entire forum, all dealing with us supporting (not providing) a tournament at a freeshard that may or may not be illegal (depending how you interpret the 10+ year old EULA) that has been running for 5+ years without being shut down by EA, and actually (you might argue) has kept the game going?
I would hate people breaking our own EULA, so I don't know what to say, really. You certainly got us there, didn't you?
Looking forward to your future contributions to the forums.
So hey, piracy is okay as long as you interpret it that way.
Seriously, who cares. If it was illegal, or EA cared, they would have been shut down already.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
Hey, all I saw in your thread was you being owned by Lachrymose. Probably why you came crawling over here .
You bring up a good point WisebutCruel. You live up to your name.
Not alot of people bring up the moraly grey areas that society likes to ignore.
Im sure they wouldnt want anyone playing MO on a server thats not owned by them.
Ok first off third-party servers for the most part are 100% legal. Look at any court case where this has gone to court if you do not believe me. As long as the server is created without using any of the original server code then it is fine. Players are also legally able to connect to these servers, they can't get sued.
The reason it's not copyright infringement? Because nothing was stolen, the server code is all original and it different from the actual servers, the only that that remains the same is the client-server communication. The art. names, places, etc.. also were not "stolen" since the player still has to buy the CLIENT to connect to one of the third-party servers.
Now I did say "for the most part", if the EULA forbids connecting to third-party servers then it's a legal matter to that player, since he has terminated his license to use the game, and is therefore illegally using the game when playing third-party servers. However, most EULA's are illegal, again look at past courtcases or google "shrinkwrap" licenses. The reason why they are unenforcebale/illegal? Because 99% of stores/game companies have a no return policy on PC games after they are opened, but guess what, you have to open it to read the contract. So basically, if you buy the game, then don't agree with the contract (EULA) you are screwed since you can't return the game. This is illegal, for EULAs to be enforceable you they either A.) Have to show you the EULA BEFORE you purchase the game or B.) Allow you to return the game for 100% money back if you disagree with the EULA (I.E you don't hit "i agree".) This can be seen in the Klocek vs Gateway court case where gateway did provide a 30 day return policy which made the eula enforceable. However, as mentioned earlier, it's nearly impossible to return PC games these days for money back which makes the EULA void and null.
Kind of similer court case, was Sony vs Bleem!. Bleem is a playstation emulator, but since it was programmed without using any of the original playstation code, the courts said it was perfectly legal and sony needs to stfu.
i lol'd. can't believe you actually emailed EA.
I still can't put my finger on why exactly this guy is taking it so personally. He has some sort of agenda against SV, but I got no clue why.
It's also hilarious that after his thread failed on the official MO forums he came crawling here trying to get support for his "cause".
Some people are just..... yeah.... no comments.
You don't happen to like/play Darkfall by any chance?
You don't happen to like/play Darkfall by any chance?
No, he actually tried to post this , ALSO, in the DF forums and was shutdown horridly. The 15yr old fool, whom knows nothing about the law or copyright infringement, has failed a total of THREE times now on three major forums. I pitty his parents .
The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity:
Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.
You don't happen to like/play Darkfall by any chance?
No, he actually tried to post this , ALSO, in the DF forums and was shutdown horridly. The 15yr old fool, whom knows nothing about the law or copyrightinfringement, has failed a total of THREE times now on three major forums. I pitty his parents .
I PITTY A FOOL! But also show him ways in which to better himself.
You don't happen to like/play Darkfall by any chance?
No, he actually tried to post this , ALSO, in the DF forums and was shutdown horridly. The 15yr old fool, whom knows nothing about the law or copyrightinfringement, has failed a total of THREE times now on three major forums. I pitty his parents .
I PITTY A FOOL! But also show him ways in which to better himself.
You sir, sadden me.......=|
The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity:
Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.
You have to have an account with EA to use them. The OP is uninformed.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
Did nobody else find it ironic that the response the guy got was basically "you are an idiot for even bringing this up, its not illegal and their EULA is old....BUT I wouldn't want you doing this with our game."
Actually, MMORPG companies for years now have provided people the option of returning the game directly to the company for a full refund thus preserving the enforeceability of their EULAs.
So it's really a question of how a particular juristiction chooses to apply the anti-reverse engineering clauses in the EULAs. In the US there are legal precedents which rule against private servers.
mats didn't imply that the OP was an idiot and said that it may or may not be illegal. mats is a critical thinker and realized starvault's potential hypocrisy. guarantee you that the devs did some self-reflecting over the issue. and he said he was looking forward to the guy's future contributions to the forums, demonstrating his openness to being criticized.
I think this is a subjective debate around the principle of whether a company making an MMO should promote illegal (Im still not sure if it is ) particiaption on a server for a game ?
Personally I have no issue with people playing UO on none EA servers for reasons mentioned ...the main ones being
"after the time of dice came the day of mice "
The OPhas proven, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that human beings are hypocritical and not infallible by nature. He may put a feather in his hat and toot his own horn for the rest of his days on this earth.
But once past this ultimately inconsequential issue- Yes. Star Vault will have no problem attacking/persecuting you for violations of their EULA/ToS and for hosting private servers. I'm pretty sure there is nothing to be found in any legal books to protect masturbatory self-congratulation from hypocrisy.
@ OP
get out of here, I cant believe you even reported to EA, thinking they would even care a little bit? If your e-mail even got read, the customer service guy prolly thought it was some kinda joke.
I play all ghame
lol,rofl,lmao,roflcopter,haha *wipes tear from eye*
Thanks for the good laugh.
If anything it shows me, like most of their dev vs. fans tournaments, that they are a lot more like us gamers than all of the suits that have been putting out complete crap for the past 5 years.
Has the OP even read UO's EULA?
I openly admit to my ignorance here, could someone tell me why its okay to have emu UO servers? EA have given permission? No sarcasm here I genuinely don't know the history.
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
I wouldn't say I'm siding with the OP here but I think you guys need to cut him some slack.
Whether or not it's legal to play private UO servers, it's morally dubious. Yes, EA screwed up UO. Yes, EA has enough money already.
Now, if a player chooses to play a private server, I have no problem with that. However a games developer should not openly endorse it whether they believe it's ok or not. It's just a politics thing. If Mortal Online devs wouldn't want it done to them, they shouldn't do it to EA. It's not a matter of whether it's legal or not.
I agree that the OP is desperately trying to find supporters for his "cause". But to say it's ok for Mortal Online devs to openly endorse private servers because of technical loop holes is moronic.
In real life I'm a musician. And as a rule of thumb, I never illegally download other bands' stuff because I wouldn't want people doing it to me. Even if there was a technical loop hole, I wouldn't do it. The same should apply to game developers.
People who think "it's legal so it's ok" or "it's illegal so it's wrong" are idiots. Think for yourselves. Just because it's legal does not make it right.
MMOs played (In order of how much I've liked them): Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Vanguard, City of Villains / Heroes, Guild Wars, Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, Tabula Rasa, Anarchy Online, Ryzom, Final Fantasy XI, Matrix Online, RF Online, Rappelz, Hero Online, Roma Victor