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Because all I'm seeing from the forums is house purge and pickup this, and profession change holo-pets, and TCG expansions left and right.
It amazes me that anyone can still stomach this game even after let-down after let-down. Is it addiction?
So my question remains.
Where's the content?
When will professions stop getting overhauled?
When will REAL STAR WARS STORY LINE CONTENT be put back into the game?
When will the bribery of TCG items stop?
When will I get my Star Was Galaxies back?
The answer is: probably never.
For SOE and Smed, the bottom line is all that matters, not the players, not the game integrity, nothing else. And no, not all companies do business that way. Some care about product quality, some care about satifying the customer base, some care about their reputation in their respective industry. Not SOE.
SWG and the other station pass fodder, have been reduced to a means to pay for the production of DCUniverse, The Agency, and the other titles SOE has in the works. Minimal game development, minimal tech/customer support, minimal attention. And it is not a coincidence that RMT and TCG in their various forms are now present in all SOE titles: your $15/mo is not enough for them. If SOE loses 1 sub for all of the TCG/RMT crap for each person actually buying packs for $3 each, it is net game for them, short term. And that is all Smed seems to be looking at, short term gain.
SWG and the other underpreforming SOE titles have been written off, with the few remaining people playing them. They are willing to sqeeze out the last few $$$, to raise revenue for their stuff in the pipeline, even at the cost of subs. They were willing to toss existing customers over the side for the NGE and they are doing so again now.
SWG will never see any more major developements and the small ones have been and will be buggy, light in content, and all behind schedule. SOE simply won't spend the money on SWG. Ever.
If you like SWG as it is, good for you: It is all that it will ever be. (Gamebreaking updates notwithstanding)
you managed to leave out I spent nothing on the TCG and am having fun with a game I went into as an open minded individual.
My question is when will people get on with their lives and stop pining away for a game that just doesn't exist any more?
yes believe it or not some people actually enjoy the game as it is, we are not paid shills from SOE, it does not make us "ignorant" or a lesser gamer for enjoying something that is different than what you like.
I play SWG as well as other games, and the bottom line is I enjoy them, for what they are GAMES.
I am not here to defend SOE or try to sell a game to anyone, just stating I enjoy it as well as do several people I play with /have met in game. I will say your post looks more like a troll bait attempt as you provided no other options than I spent some money in the TCG.
To answer your initial question though,,,
SOE will probably never again add anything significant to SWG as its past it's prime and is now just another game on the back shelf that a few people still enjoy playing. I would love to see new stuff added, but I wont get my panties in a bunch if it never happens, as I still have plenty to do ingame to enjoy it for what it is.
Your enjoyment of the game doesn't make anything said here untrue. It just means you are able to ignore those things for whatever reasons of your choosing.
I suspect people will move on when one of two things happens.
1) SWG shuts down.
2) SOE stops trying to entice older players to return to the game with free trials.
I think you are right about the baiting tone of the post though.
Which reminds me it's about that time again.
you will get real star wars content when it is no longer in the hands of soe.
Which reminds me it's about that time again.
It surely is. For those vets hailing from the transfer servers that didn't get a free trial during the free CTS (which ends 3/31/09), they will find themselves logging into a real "I am Legend" scenario should they exercise their next free trial. I would like to believe that $OE has the forethought to include free trasnfers in the upcoming free vet trials, but I wouldn't bet on it. Vets may very well find their structures packed up too. I believe there are now restrictions on free trials which will not allow a player to put down structures, but I cannot say if this is only for Noob trials or if this includes free vet trials too. I am sure someone here can confirm if and what restrictions there are.
I am guessing the next round of vet trials will go hand in hand with the next Chapter publish, but I have no idea when that will go live.
Loche, the lead developer on SWG said yesterday:
"What this means is we are steering away from updates devoted to one profession. We will finish giving the updates to the professions that have not had one yet, but afterward want to move away from that.
We want our monthly publishes to be geared more toward the majority of the player base, not to a specific profession. That said, it doesnt mean we wont be touching professions anymore, we just wont have updates devoted to them."
The Next "Monthy Publish" is Game Update 9 which will see improvemtns to Domestics, Structures and a Space Chassis Rebalance, Game Update 10 looks set to deliver a "PvP update" which will hopefully deliver more content for PvP players.
There is no confirmed news on what content we can expect in Chapter 12 yet, but based on Loche's comment it looks like the profession tweaking is pretty much done and we can look forward to a lot more focus on content.
I keep the Star Wars Galaxies Game Play FAQ updated with what we know of the current publish plan, I hope it helps.
Catering to the 'majority' has caused prolems in itself. Since the severely broken DE profession has such few players left, the devs seem to have no issues in delaying a much needed revamp (a revamp that should have been a priority). Beast Master has not had any expertise tweaking done since the combat professions had more experrtise point intensive revamps (Jedi being a prime example) done over the course of the last several months, making BM a much less viable combat alternative for most professions. The devs really need to consider future impacts of the changes they make and rush through the test center.
I will admit that some of the more recent updates have been good ones, but they have seriously lacked in doable content. Collections substituted for content and group intensive heroics gets old. Different quests, (big & small) for all levels, or even scalable instances (not unlike DDO) would add a lot to the game, involve more players and accommodate more play styles. Sadly, SWG just doesn't have the staff nor the budget to have appreciable changes and additions made in a timely manner, if ever.
That has been the underlying theme from players for 5 years now.
Simply put...if it doesn't include TCG, it doesn't matter anymore. Everything new put into the game can only be won with TCG. So pay your sub n dump even more money into TCG. Sure some things are going to be added for the subscribed players, a couple new houses with...get this...WINDOWS!! That is right...I said WINDOWS!....WOWSERS! But TCG gets jetpacks, special mounts, special speeders, special outfits, special furniture, special ships.
So anything new n fun will simply be put into TCG. Anything else is just basic updates, no use on screwin with the rest of the game now...only a year or two till TOR comes out n SWG becomes even more of a ghost town than it already is.
This thread reminds me of space balls the movie when they are all watching the movie and asking when will then be now.
And all they can say is ooops you missed it.
That's very incorrect, SWG now enjoys more frequent updates than ever. In the old days, we used to wait over three months for one update, now we get regular monthly Game Updates as well as Chapter publishes the size of small free expansions roughly every three months.
It's not rare to see four different publishes in the space of three months!
So now they are small free expansions and that is more than the game previously got?
How many new planets have you gotten in the past 3 years? That sure doesn't sound like more to me. I can think of 3 complete expansion packs on top of the free content publishes with cities, dungeons, space stations, force villages etc. I don't know, somehow it just doesn't seem to stack up the way you put it.
I am not knocking the efforts by the small dev team. They do an impressive amount of work considering their size, but thats where it really ends.
SOE has the laziest Devs or is it just me? SOE publish: We will be re-shuffling the deck this month next month and the month after that. Oh by content we mean we will be changing the refire rate for commando from 0.333 to 0.444. We are always striving for excellence. So much that we have revamped the 0.444 to 0.443 for our next mini hot fix to make it look like we are doing more than working on the next SOE flagship project. You know we are committed to this game by the 4 months it took us to find the old coding some Dev made 4 years ago. Umm I mean we really made the Star Destroyer, we really did.
The game has had 3 new bargain basement aspects added since the NGE, collections, instances for pve, and a RE system. <== Those must be the expansion size work they have done. Honestly I have seen more work done by modders on BattleFeild 2 in its first year than the entire work done by SOE devs in the past 6 years and those people are not even payed. Not to mention the new SWG additions are just basic EQ3 content they thought would be easy to add. Strike that, free to add, and charge LA for. Double strike that; use that already made content it has taken two drag your feet years to introduce to justify the 15$ a month we charge for subs.
SOE really has alot to explain for if it actually is spending money on development for this game. I mean were has all the millions gone too? It isnt in the game, maybe the doenut bill at SOE needs to be looked at. Better yet fire the 40 year old V'r!g'ns working for you and hire some talent.
I mean really is anyone besides B-smack, buying the SOE line that they are doing actual work on the game? 100$ to the first person that agrees that fixing a 5 year old bugg with domestics is content?
You know the force is strong with Smed, hes been pulling the Emperors mind trick on players for years. And one thing you can read into Loches statement, we have completley pissed off 90 of the player base by making only one class Uber for 3 months. Which has lost us countless players.
P.S. Anyone with a brain can tell we are really not trying anymore. We even dont even put out high content lies like we used to.
That's very incorrect, SWG now enjoys more frequent updates than ever. In the old days, we used to wait over three months for one update, now we get regular monthly Game Updates as well as Chapter publishes the size of small free expansions roughly every three months.
It's not rare to see four different publishes in the space of three months!
A trading card game doesn't count Badger
"small free expansions"
That line of thought always cracks me up, if you took a peak outside SWG you'd see that the level of patch content you now describe as "small free expansions" are actually common place. Just another case of the bar being raised and SOE still shooting for the halfway point instead of actually trying to keep pace.
...The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
it gets me too.
Also, valara's job for community relations is now up for grabs or so it seems. It seriosuly looks like the game is on life support, Small changes made to the infistructure of the game are pronounced as grand or revolutionary. For Farks sake they're advertising WINDOWS IN HOUSES. Since when has the windowless houses been a major issue to game play?
The game has minimal staffing, minimal content, minimal customer support, minimal everything, but just like Barrac Obama, they continue to promice CHANGE, with no results.
Seems to me the small free expansions are mostly fixing bugs that should have been fixed along time ago.
Ten Golden Rules Of Videogame Fanboyism
"SOE has probably united more gamers in hatred than Blizzard has subs"...daelnor
That's very incorrect, SWG now enjoys more frequent updates than ever. In the old days, we used to wait over three months for one update, now we get regular monthly Game Updates as well as Chapter publishes the size of small free expansions roughly every three months.
It's not rare to see four different publishes in the space of three months!
A trading card game doesn't count Badger
Nor does the loot that is commercialised through that game.
Bottom line is - and correct me if I am wrong - the last updates over the last several months have been either:
- related to specific events (ie halloween, valentines...) which are removed right after the event has finished (and lets be fair not very starwarsy or iconic)
- content for the TCG and new loot introduced by the TCG
- profession tweaks and fixes
- the a-tab which is a nice feature but would not have been needed pre-cu and could hardly be considered content.
Hoth was the last content update they introduced and its broken.
Did I miss any main points of your "frequent updates"?
Only that the "updates" frequently break more things than they fix.
Or break things that were previously fixed.
Updates are supposed to make the game better, not worse, but as usual, everything in SWG is:
"Working as Intended"
There's a reason for no plans for major content addition. They used up their a massive chunck of their budget on Hoth, which failed to bring back enough subs to make up for the cost and the fact it was delayed a couple months, so they are having to hold off on any major content additions.
They are trying to please the population by giving the small things that the community is asking for which if you look is merely just the changing/modification of current in game content (cities, professions, etc). It costs a lot of money to add in new items and quests when you think of the art design, placing the objects into the world, adding the code of the item(s) and how it(they) are obtained, testing for conflicts, etc etc. It's much cheaper to be tasked with just code modifcation (which isn't a simple task, just cheaper) than adding new things.
I'm not saying that SWG is about to die or anything. However I do believe it is getting to the point of sunset and pretty much already there. Also you have to take the real world economy into consideration. If things get worse, more accounts will be canceled. Less income means less content. Of course all these things can also be attributed to the mass exodus of a couple hundred thousand lost subs....but that's a different argument....sort of.....
Since Chapter 11 we've had:
So there has been recent content, it was just in the form of "Holiday Events" which didn't seem to be entirely popular due to the fact that many players, myself included, would rather see the time and resources expended on permanent content, and possibly content with a more "Star Wars" theme as opposed to content based on real world holidays.
We are due a content push in the form of a Chapter Publish as these come along every three months or so, they are keeping this under wraps at the moment though having previously hinted that it may contain some flavour of Droid Commander.
Game Update 9 will focus on Structures Trader and Domestics Trader, and Game Update 10 looks to focus on PvP aspects, if I hear any news of content being included as part of those updates I'll be sure to pass it along here!
That's very incorrect, SWG now enjoys more frequent updates than ever. In the old days, we used to wait over three months for one update, now we get regular monthly Game Updates as well as Chapter publishes the size of small free expansions roughly every three months.
It's not rare to see four different publishes in the space of three months!
I don't even remember what the last update was. If you are referring to the spy update, they should have left that one out. Maybe you are referring to the flying cupid ewoks? Bleh, again, keep it. I would say that if this is what we can expect in updates, I would rather they not. They took away the officer salute because it was a very visible way to track the decline of population on any given server. They claim it was because of the transfer, but everyone with half a brain cell firing knows that is a lie. PvP has virtually died on Flurry. Fighting spies that can cloak at will is not fun. It actually sucks tbh. Trading card loot is driving people insane. It is so obviously a money grab, yet folks defend the practice too. SOE is an awful company. I cannot wait to have an alternative.
Akevv Ostone
No Longer SWG Free
I kept a spreadsheet of those stats, right up to the time they were discontinued due to technical reasons.
The last few weeks stats showed a massive increase in GCW Officer ranked players, an additional 1000 players were recorded as reaching Officer ranks, there hadn't been an increase like that since the first few months of the GCW system.
I kept a spreadsheet of those stats, right up to the time they were discontinued due to technical reasons.
The last few weeks stats showed a massive increase in GCW Officer ranked players, an additional 1000 players were recorded as reaching Officer ranks, there hadn't been an increase like that since the first few months of the GCW system.
I appreciate an increase in officer ranks but is 1000 really "massive"?