So your point is that the original posters words are true that he spent 2 years playing the game off and on and never got past level 55. Then somehow in the last few months he leveled 3 characters all the way to 80 and you want to call other peoples judgement into question? That is possible. Sure, the OP could drop by and clarify a few things -- and he should, just to put to rest those accusations that he's lying -- but if he says he got 6 co-workers to try it out with him, strangely enough, I'm ready to believe him on that. And if they levelled up together, undoubtedly it went much faster than anything I've done solo. As for why he hasn't levelled up higher before, I don't know. Better ask him. Sure that is possible I guess. Not likely and there have already been holes and lies pointed out, but sure if you want to toss common sense and facts out the window and replace them with speculation by all means feel free.
I think you illustrate more of these forums flaws that all the blame you heap on blizzard and everyone else. The original poster lied. No problem if he doesn't like the game, post away, but that isn't exactly what happened here is it? Ah yes, "lies". Isn't that your usual modus operandi around here? Everybody lies unless proved innocent, which, like a good old Soviet purge, they never will be? Hell, you guys did it to me and you're now doing it to him, too. You know what happens when you cry wolf too often? Nobody believes you anymore. It's reached that point with Zorndorf; I know all too well what he did to me, and I see him do it with everyone. It's not just the accusations of lying (or not knowing what you're talking about), it's the utter refusal to even try to understand what you're trying to say; it's the complete dismissal of everything you might add to clarify matters; it's the NITPICKING over which currency the game was paid in, and how much you paid for it, and how much of it you really played; it's the forcing you to repeat things you've already said, just to start looking for discrepancies with what you did the first time. When it devolves into such issues, it isn't assessing credentials anymore; it's an inquisition against anyone who dared to say those heretical words: "I don't like WoW" -- even if just partially. That's what Zorndorf does ALL THE TIME, and you back him up on that? Oh thats right, you blame blizzard and the forums posters here and believe the leveling fairy came down and sprinkled magic dust on the OP so he could accomplish something 3 times in 3 months that he could not do in two years. Maybe that play advice he was asking for about dire maul really paid off and put him into overdrive. He must have done it all solo too since all his groups fell apart in ten minutes right? I know what you and your ilk are trying to do here -- to force him to link to his Armory, right? And then, if memory serves, NITPICK across that, too, just to prove he isn't what he says he is. Wasn't that part of Zorndorf's grandiose scheme here -- force everyone to link to their armory? Oh yeah, I did that, too, to please him a few months ago. His response? "Oh, that guy is obviously an alt." And it was my main character. What is so wrong with you people? It's not like WoW is facing disappearance overnight, is it? And if I'm reading that line about POTBS in this thread correctly, you don't care if other games do disappear. That's why some people hate WoW and its community so much: The WoW community rallies around a game that really doesn't need their help, while dismissing the views of those who dare say that WoW isn't their cup of tea -- yeah, just that is already too much for some of you guys. All or nothing, for a game that is already seen as strangling the MMO field single-handedly. And then you wonder why people hate WoW. I'll tell you what: You're the problem.
Yes I had stated that I have 2 level 80's and a 60 yes that's true, I did.
Here is the real story as so many are carious :
I did play for about 2 1/2 years give or take, My first toon was a Rogue and played it to level 58 YES 58 for sure, At that time the burning Crusades had just been released. I felt a little burnout so I quit, along with giving away all my gold. a few months later Played a Warrior to level 30. A friend at my last job asked me to play with him so again I started over I played a Warlock to level 47 along with a Hunter at the same time to level 35 or so.
At my new job, I was talking about WoW and how much fun is was, and before you know it I had a following of about 6 friends to play with, I played a Rogue once again until about level 68. However since not all of us were ever on at the same time, I would find myself needing one or two extras for instancing, so I would recruit using the "Who" panel. In every case they would quit if the dungeon lasted more than a half hour ( and you know that they all last at least 2 hours min. ) By the way everyone had an 80 friend that would have come.
So I played to level 68, but at around level 50 or so, I tried like hell to come up with Ideas to find a good players ( you know someone responsible )
Few idea' I used:
1) Joined every guild. No good,everyone was recruiting in masses to get numbers, or very small guilds that never played together anyway.
2) I created my own guild, I called it the"Best of the Best" along with this I got ventrilo voice chat, i must admit I was able to get 1 extremely responsible good player and 1 12 year old kid that was not too bad. I continued recruiting a few more but they just soloed all the time, I then opened the doors to anyone,we had about 25 members, but again all soloers.
3) talked to my work friends to start over on a new server as Horde, did every dungeon to level 35, recruiting along the way for groups just to find that everyone sucked ( quit before we got to them, needing everything, running off on their own )
THIS TURNED INTO A PURE SOLO GAME.this game is for kids. thats OK let them have it, after all they are the back bone of video games, I'm good with that ! .......I'm just done.
In between playing woW in the 2 1/2 years i played most mmo's or at least the trial's.
EQ2 seemed to have good responsible players, but I just did not like the game itself.
LOTRO good game, but made for soloing.
Warhammer, got boring fast.
FF11, too old and outdated.
Dungeons&Dragons and WoW are my best, but now WoW is just for kids, so it's just D&D
In closing I know what your thinking " this guy don't like anything" right ? Well I'm sure everyone of you have a long list of mmo's you don't like !!!
So your point is that the original posters words are true that he spent 2 years playing the game off and on and never got past level 55. Then somehow in the last few months he leveled 3 characters all the way to 80 and you want to call other peoples judgement into question? That is possible. Sure, the OP could drop by and clarify a few things -- and he should, just to put to rest those accusations that he's lying -- but if he says he got 6 co-workers to try it out with him, strangely enough, I'm ready to believe him on that. And if they levelled up together, undoubtedly it went much faster than anything I've done solo. As for why he hasn't levelled up higher before, I don't know. Better ask him. Sure that is possible I guess. Not likely and there have already been holes and lies pointed out, but sure if you want to toss common sense and facts out the window and replace them with speculation by all means feel free.
I think you illustrate more of these forums flaws that all the blame you heap on blizzard and everyone else. The original poster lied. No problem if he doesn't like the game, post away, but that isn't exactly what happened here is it? Ah yes, "lies". Isn't that your usual modus operandi around here? Everybody lies unless proved innocent? Hell, you did it to me and you're now doing it to him, too. You know what happens when you cry wolf too often? Nobody believes you anymore. It's reached that point with Zorndorf; I know all too well what he did to me, and I see him do it with everyone. It's not just the accusations of lying (or not knowing what you're talking about), it's the utter refusal to even try to understand what you're trying to say; it's the complete dismissal of everything you might add to clarify matters; it's the NITPICKING over which currency the game was paid in, and how much you paid for it, and how much of it you really played; it's the forcing you to repeat things you've already said, just to start looking for discrepancies with what you did the first time. When it devolves into such issues, it isn't assessing credentials anymore; it's an inquisition against anyone who dared to say those heretical words: "I don't like WoW" -- even if just partially. That's what Zorndorf does ALL THE TIME, and you back him up on that? Oh thats right, you blame blizzard and the forums posters here and believe the leveling fairy came down and sprinkled magic dust on the OP so he could accomplish something 3 times in 3 months that he could not do in two years. Maybe that play advice he was asking for about dire maul really paid off and put him into overdrive. He must have done it all solo too since all his groups fell apart in ten minutes right? I know what you and your ilk are trying to do here -- to force him to link to his Armory, right? And then, if memory serves, NITPICK across that, too, just to prove he isn't what he says he is. Wasn't that part of Zorndorf's grandiose scheme here -- force everyone to link to their armory? Oh yeah, I did that, too, to please him a few months ago. His response? "Oh, that guy is obviously an alt." And it was my main character. What is so wrong with you people? It's not like WoW is facing disappearance overnight, is it? That's why some people hate WoW and its community so much: They rabidly rally around a game that really doesn't need their help, while dismissing the views of those who dare say that WoW isn't their cup of tea -- yeah, just that is already too much for some of you guys. All or nothing, for a game that is already seen as strangling the MMO field single-handedly. And then you wonder why people hate WoW. I'll tell you what: You're the problem.
I think many people here will take criticism of WOW and the game. HOWEVER, when that criticism is based on half-truths, lies or ignorant arguments (WOW is McDonalds), its gets old. As I have said before,I have yet to see a GOOD, logical, honest post about the problems with WOW.
But the problem with that is that soon enough, any criticism of WoW is going to be dismissed as one of those things -- half-truths, lies, or ignorant arguments. Take the McDonald's/Britney/Hitler analogy. The point of it is that not everything which was or is popular is good; nothing more, nothing less (and I wouldn't jump for the all-too-easy alternative, "what is popular is bad"). But immediately it turns into "you don't have to pay $15 a month to listen to Britney", and immediately the bar is being raised to Elvis being king of singers and WoW being king of MMO's. Never mind that Elvis made an album called "50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can't Be Wrong", and that what we're seeing of The King these days is most of the time associated with kitsch. Put as simply as possible, it's a question of the tyranny of the majority.
If you haven't seen a "good, logical, honest post about the problems with WOW", what is the chance of seeing one now, five years after the game's launch? Let me put the challenge to you. If you wanted to discuss the problems with WoW, what would you say?.
Add to that the players who play have to endure that while dealing with personal attacks. We are stupid, we don't like challenges, we play WOW because we are too idiotic to play anything else. We are the problem as to why people hate WOW. It gets really old when daily, anyone comes to these forums and this is what we have to read.
You blame WOW for too much. WOW is strangling the MMO field? Really? I say WOW is the only thing out right now (minus some old games - EVE for example) that has any respect in the MMO field. WAR is a joke of a game that has tons of issues. AOC is a game full of broken things and broken promises. Darkfall is just sad and no where near what the devs said it would be.
Agreed on WAR. Darkfall: Never played it, but who didn't see it coming? As for AoC, it did promise many things which weren't delivered, but if I had to compare the world of WoW with that of AoC, the latter wins, because it's a self-contained world without all those pop culture references which mar WoW for me (and this without being particularly familiar with Conan lore). Am I allowed such an impression, though?
The way in which WoW strangles the MMO field is indirect. When it comes to subscribers, it trounces everything else, and Blizzard is allowed to polish its game thanks to that flood of money it gets. It starts being a problem when it raises the bar for everyone, and that other games are expected to have WoW levels of polish to be well regarded at all.
Take the classic example of the EVE cockpit, since this was raised. A good MMO, said Zorndorf, would allow you to step outside your cockpit, which EVE currently does not allow. Never mind that EVE is successful as it is, and that Zorndorf types of playerspresumably wouldn't play EVE even if it had character avatars. At the same time, an MMO, according to the same person, should be about flying helicopters and the like, expensive things to design which only a game with an extravagant budget (unlikely for an upstart title with no track record, let alone an upstart company) could afford. WoW can afford it because it has the money; those other games don't. Make such features mandatory, and you've pretty much ensured any new game that doesn't have this type of eye candy will fail in comparison to WoW.
No, the strangling of the MMO market is coming from companies and developers who launch horrible products, lie to their playersbase, lie about what their prodict is or isn't, make promises and hype their game to a point where they say its perfect.
You're right, WoW can't be blamed for other companies lying. But what forces them to lie? Sure, the desire to sell. But maybe trying to eat into WoW's market share is another reason.
It isn't WOW's fault - place the blame where is should be. WOW is a polished game that does what it promises and offers what it says it offers. That is why it is king right now. It is the best game on the market (my opinion) and no game comes close to offering the fun and polish that WOW does. And why some people won't even admit to that is beyond me.
To the OP, WoW has many great qualities and many not so great. I have enjoyed wow the 3+ years I have played it. I can still remember when flight paths didn't connect....maybe it was more than 3 at this point I can't even remember. The community comes and goes and is dependent on the server. I have been in the same guild (outside of my personal breaks to try new games) for 2+ years. They are an amazing group of people, however most everyone is 80 or for the more casual people in the guild about to be 80. If I roll and alt and join you for a lower level instance...I don't want to be in there two hours. Those days are long gone, the outland and northrend instances are made to be shorter than that even on lvl so why on a lowbie alt would I want to spend 2 hours in an instance. I guess you just need to understand where people are coming from and I can assure you I'm not a kid. Even with your lvl 68 there is no reason that an outlands instance should run over an hour...I will give you an hour and half.
If you feel like the people on your server aren't good, reroll on another server or pay to transfer. I personally love my server but have toons on another server that contains mostly morons....guess which one I don't play on.
If you like D&D thats great, go play it and enjoy it. I hope you get out of it what you need. WoW is getting a little old for me too but the games I keep trying just lack something that it has right now. Best of luck to ya.
Currently Playing: FFXIV:ARR Looking Forward to: Wildstar
Hmm I liked WotLK content up to a certain point. I quit a few months ago, I got tired of waiting for new content that should' have already been released at release. I do believe WoW to be a great game but it has definately hit its peak and is gonna start losing numbers. Especially with alot of promising MMOs coming out over the next 1 to 1 1/2 years time.
If you want to play another MMO that you pay for til something new comes along and got a good gaming pc, I will definately say pick up age of conan, it didn't do well at 1st but it has upgraded big time since its release, and you can play that game very casually and enjoy yourself. I myself do not play it, I have played on my brothers account alittle bit and he has gotten into and really enjoys it, he is only playing it til SE new MMO or SWTOR comes out. Warhammer is pretty decent too if you are into the whole PvP thing and has some PVE content.
You could also give Final Fantasy 11 a try, I do warn you though it is not for the casual gamer, it takes time to do things and is party oriented. Enjoyable if you got friends to play with.
There is also plenty of other MMOs around but I just named a few that are overlooked because of peoples extreme opinions of This or That is better than one another.
AoC is a decent effort these days, but its light on replayability. First timers will have fun though.
FF11 has not aged gracefully, its UI is still archaic and meant for console use.
Runes of Magic is a free to play budget version of Warcraft. WoW is to apple juice as Runes of Magic is to apple "drink".
Darkfall will die in three months.
Aion is WoW with wings.
SW:TOR is more of the same, pre release hype, release day cluster fuck (Servers failing, game systems not working as intended by developers), post release life support.
I dont know where this optimism comes from... Looking at these future titles; I really think you guys are setting yourselves up for dissapointment yet again.
So your point is that the original posters words are true that he spent 2 years playing the game off and on and never got past level 55. Then somehow in the last few months he leveled 3 characters all the way to 80 and you want to call other peoples judgement into question? That is possible. Sure, the OP could drop by and clarify a few things -- and he should, just to put to rest those accusations that he's lying -- but if he says he got 6 co-workers to try it out with him, strangely enough, I'm ready to believe him on that. And if they levelled up together, undoubtedly it went much faster than anything I've done solo. As for why he hasn't levelled up higher before, I don't know. Better ask him.
Strange, but when the original posters own words showed that he lied, you didn't believe that. Instead you replaced fact with assumptions. Yet when he posts something you can leech onto that casts wow in a negative light you treat him as a bastion of truth? You can't have it both ways. The original posters credibility was called into question and shown to be dishonest. It doesn't matter what stories he comes up with after the fact. He told the truth weeks ago and anything said now is unbelievable.
Simply put you read just what you want to read and ignore anything else. Have fun with that.
Kids play Games, adults rarely do, I'm 24 and I feel out of place at times playing MMO's.
You're the one who is out of your element, kids are SUPOSED to be playing video games.
I agree its frustrating when they drop group and act like selfish brats, but not all children are infact childish. I've played with some MMORPGers who are as young as 13 and they were extremely polite.
Judging ANY group by a few of its members is just flawed logic, you HAVE to play with kids, get used to it or stop playing video games that are online, since Kids like Games and Online = people to play with.
I'm sorry we're just old people in a kids store, we gotta be respectful too.
while there maybe some truth in this at the moment i dont think it remain so . todays kids will become adults and keep up the habbit of playing mmos . in the east a lot more adults play games than in the west . all we are seeing is the beginings of a new frontier in entertainment .
the average age of games will get higher and higher as time goes on. essentially mmo communitys at present are large 3d chat rooms . its actually quite wrong and foolish of games companys like blizzard not to offer 18+ servers . i mean you would nt get a chat room encouraging children and adults to occupy the same space for obvious reasons . if blizzard and other companys dont recognise this they could be opening themselves up to massive lawsuits in the future .
i m amazed they hav nt offered adult servers already if only to protect themselves .
I agree with you except for SW: TOR. I have enough faith in Turbine that I will be willing to buy the game. In other words, Turbine has never done something that makes me have cause for concern. This is the same way I feel about Blizzard and use to feel about Mythic until WAR and Funcom until AOC.
Yes, despite the pedigree Mythic proved themselves to be inept beyond words. That can easily change for Bioware too.
I loved the old republic series, but an MMORPG is a different beast. Bioware is a competent company but let us not forget : they also made THIS ::
So your point is that the original posters words are true that he spent 2 years playing the game off and on and never got past level 55. Then somehow in the last few months he leveled 3 characters all the way to 80 and you want to call other peoples judgement into question? That is possible. Sure, the OP could drop by and clarify a few things -- and he should, just to put to rest those accusations that he's lying -- but if he says he got 6 co-workers to try it out with him, strangely enough, I'm ready to believe him on that. And if they levelled up together, undoubtedly it went much faster than anything I've done solo. As for why he hasn't levelled up higher before, I don't know. Better ask him.
Strange, but when the original posters own words showed that he lied, you didn't believe that. Instead you replaced fact with assumptions. Yet when he posts something you can leech onto that casts wow in a negative light you treat him as a bastion of truth? You can't have it both ways. The original posters credibility was called into question and shown to be dishonest. It doesn't matter what stories he comes up with after the fact. He told the truth weeks ago and anything said now is unbelievable.
Simply put you read just what you want to read and ignore anything else. Have fun with that.
As a matter of fact, when I read that latest post of his (which came after I posted those words), I could not make heads or tails of it. To be honest, I hardly think he is lying at all; he just has a tendency to write in a confusing manner. You're the one using the word "liar" about him, while in my case I'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt.
As for saying the truth weeks ago, what do you know about that? If you're so sure he lied today (well, yesterday), why are you taking as gospel what he wrote in January. Or could it be that in January, he did not commit the atrocious crime of writing against World of Warcraft?
And it still doesn't answer my damn question: Why bring his credibility into question over what level he's reached and when? Did the rest of his points in the OP warrant that? No, they didn't. He didn't discuss high-end content, just that the high-level players in his guild were getting massacred in a raid when he was level 40. Guess what? I was level 40ish, too. I was in a guild. And I heard about such things ALL THE TIME.
But what you're doing is, you're running an inquisition over something that really doesn't warrant it.
All that transpires from what you're doing is that you're trying to impose the sacrosanct level-based (or time-played) pecking order once again, just to dismiss his views because he didn't have enough experience of the game to comment on it. In my case, I was honest to say I only reached level 46, that I had played for six weeks only. What did that get me? The same damn inquisition, even though I was honest enough about that. Read the thread if you haven't already: . Some of the high points involved an accusation that I had never bought the game, that I lied for failing to say the amount I said I paid for it was in Canadian dollars (even though my profile clearly states I'm Canadian), and that I exaggerated the amount I paid by $4.86 even though the amount I had mentioned was purely from memory. There's more, and the entire sad story is summarized in Post #166 over there.
But back to the OP of this thread: Had he posted a lengthy entry saying he liked the game and made claims of being this or that level, would the inquisition have gotten into high gear? No, it would have been a pat on the back, welcome to the club, and aren't those WoW haters annoying.
I should know, you guys did it about me, you do it about anyone who isn't 80, hasn't been playing WoW for a few years, and who doesn't have hundreds of posts on this site.
This inquisition that meets every single person who writes about WoW in any notch just below wholesale enthusiasm is the kind of vindictive pettiness that needs to be stamped out from this forum. Once it's done, I'll gladly be on my way. In the meantime, I think I'll stick around for a little longer.
So your point is that the original posters words are true that he spent 2 years playing the game off and on and never got past level 55. Then somehow in the last few months he leveled 3 characters all the way to 80 and you want to call other peoples judgement into question? That is possible. Sure, the OP could drop by and clarify a few things -- and he should, just to put to rest those accusations that he's lying -- but if he says he got 6 co-workers to try it out with him, strangely enough, I'm ready to believe him on that. And if they levelled up together, undoubtedly it went much faster than anything I've done solo. As for why he hasn't levelled up higher before, I don't know. Better ask him.
Strange, but when the original posters own words showed that he lied, you didn't believe that. Instead you replaced fact with assumptions. Yet when he posts something you can leech onto that casts wow in a negative light you treat him as a bastion of truth? You can't have it both ways. The original posters credibility was called into question and shown to be dishonest. It doesn't matter what stories he comes up with after the fact. He told the truth weeks ago and anything said now is unbelievable.
Simply put you read just what you want to read and ignore anything else. Have fun with that.
As a matter of fact, when I read that latest post of his (which came after I posted those words), I could not make heads or tails of it. To be honest, I hardly think he is lying at all; he just has a tendency to write in a confusing manner. You're the one using the word "liar" about him, while in my case I'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt.
As for saying the truth weeks ago, what do you know about that? If you're so sure he lied today (well, yesterday), why are you taking as gospel what he wrote in January. Or could it be that in January, he did not commit the atrocious crime of writing against World of Warcraft?
And it still doesn't answer my damn question: Why bring his credibility into question over what level he's reached and when? Did the rest of his points in the OP warrant that? No, they didn't. He didn't discuss high-end content, just that the high-level players in his guild were getting massacred in a raid when he was level 40. Guess what? I was level 40ish, too. I was in a guild. And I heard about such things ALL THE TIME.
But what you're doing is, you're running an inquisition over something that really doesn't warrant it.
All that transpires from what you're doing is that you're trying to impose the sacrosanct level-based (or time-played) pecking order once again, just to dismiss his views because he didn't have enough experience of the game to comment on it. In my case, I was honest to say I only reached level 46, that I had played for six weeks only. What did that get me? The same damn inquisition, even though I was honest enough about that. Read the thread if you haven't already: . Some of the high points involved an accusation that I had never bought the game, that I lied for failing to say the amount I said I paid for it was in Canadian dollars (even though my profile clearly states I'm Canadian), and that I exaggerated the amount I paid by $4.86 even though the amount I had mentioned was purely from memory. There's more, and the entire sad story is summarized in Post #166 over there.
But back to the OP of this thread: Had he posted a lengthy entry saying he liked the game and made claims of being this or that level, would the inquisition have gotten into high gear? No, it would have been a pat on the back, welcome to the club, and aren't those WoW haters annoying.
I should know, you guys did it about me, you do it about anyone who isn't 80, hasn't been playing WoW for a few years, and who doesn't have hundreds of posts on this site.
This inquisition that meets every single person who writes about WoW in just any notch below wholesale enthusiasm is the kind of vindictive pettiness that needs to be stamped out from this forum. Once it's done, I'll gladly be on my way. In the meantime, I think I'll stick around for a little longer.
I'm not dismissing his views and I have no problem with people saying they don't like something for a number of reasons.
However this guy is showing that he is stretching the truth to lend credibility to his words. Why do I think his words were true a few weeks ago when he said he never got past level 55 in over 2 years, well they were not said in an effort to boost his status. The only reason he said he NOW has all these high level characters is to try to paint himself as being experienced, since he was called out for talking about things he had no experience with.
The post from a few weeks agao said he never got past level 55 and it is obvious why he is trying to say now that he does.
Please don't lump me in with some generalization about you guys, people of your ilk and crap like that. Either discuss with me or don't, but don't lay the actions of other people at my doorstep as if I am to blame. Don't discredit me by association just so you can feel right.
Recap, fine to have a negative opinion about a game. Not fine to make judgements about something you have never experienced.
Let me ask the OP this: You played World of Warcraft for 2 1/2 years. Do you feel you got your money's worth? Or do you feel that these changes ruined the fun you had previously?
Page, you don't have to lie about your level in order to justify quitting WoW. If you got to 68 (which it seems judging by your last post) and decided it wasn't for you, that's fine. You don't have to be level 80 to quit. My sister played for three years and got to level 72 and stopped logging in.
About WoW... I've played since release. I've tried every class, most of them more than once. I have so many 80s I don't really know the number unless I sit to think about it (4? I think... and way more 70s). I've raided, PVPed, and sat around in Org/IF. The game has changed. The people and the environment is way different now than it was when the game first came out. WoW used to be a game where it was OK if you didn't know what you were doing, where new people were helped instead of made fun of. My first character, a druid, was balance (back when it was horrible) and I'm pretty sure I spent most of my time in cat form. But you know what, no one called me on it. Now the game is filled with elitist jerks who think they are better because their purples are little better. I have those purples. I don't feel special. It's to the point where I'd rather not play at all then have to deal with the kiddies (or people with that maturity level).
To me, WoW's not the same and never will be. If you still enjoy it, awesome. I'd give my left arm if I could still. WoW's still a great game. The game isn't what kills it, it's the community.
Odd you wrote this with patch 3.1 just published. Having a huge medieval tournament to cater for the "free to play" casual player. Odd also since achievements have already long replaced "epic gear" in WotLK as do titles in ALL aspects of the game. Odd because today's Wow has FAR more choices of end game play than the old "single raiding for epics" game you once had . Odd you don't know the number of 80's you have (you 'think" 4 and "way more 70's" ...). hmm 5 months into the WotLK and having 4(!) lvl 80's and "way more 70's " ?!?!? Another Mr first poster also with ANOTHER "game killer" remark... with sooo many characters at highest levels. Wow. )) Odd.
I was never casual. I'm a stay at home... uh home caretaker? (soon to be wife). Achievements are the bane of my existance, they're like pokemon, I want to collect them all but probably never will. "Epic gear" is still an issue today, and you're kidding yourself if you don't think so. No one wants to do heroics or raid with the scrub in blues/greens (not that I blame them but yeah).
Far more choices? Arena and BGs? I wouldn't even count BGs since most of them require arena points. And you're probably one of the five people in WoW that like arenas. Arenas were a great idea, unfortunely they'll never be balanced.
Want me to count my 80s? My hunter, DK, warrior, and druid. Yep, four. I'd count my 70s but I'd have to log in to do that, with RAF it's stupidly easy to get 60 and 70 isn't that much harder. Why do I have so many 80s? I'm really good at questing, I do the quests once and remember them all. I know all the quests 1-70 on both factions, and all the alliance WOtLK ones (horde WOtLK ick, horde isn't the same since BEs imo).
I'm not trying to kill WoW. I even said if you enjoy it, kudos. I really don't care if you think I'm lying about my characters, I know what my character select screen looks like. I was voicing my opinion about the game. I'm allowed to voice it, and you're allowed to like your game anyway.
I too have been with WOW from the release. I played bonechewer. I made it from level 1-60 and raided as a tank. then 60-70 and raided as a DPS. Much like most new mmorpg games two things happened to kill WOW. The game becuase repetitive and boring. And the pvp systems got screwed in one way or another. Also in wow the people have changed. The game is based off items and not skill now. I mean it always has been but now more than ever. The acheivment systema nd title system are hardly a saviour to that becuase they just support whoever has the most time to play.
To say things short. I played from level 1-71 and started when the game was released. The game went from being pvp and skill based to being based on whoever plays the most. The people with the most free time get the acheivments, the gear, and the titles. I do not like wow anymore either.
Odd you wrote this with patch 3.1 just published. Having a huge medieval tournament to cater for the "free to play" casual player. Odd also since achievements have already long replaced "epic gear" in WotLK as do titles in ALL aspects of the game. Odd because today's Wow has FAR more choices of end game play than the old "single raiding for epics" game you once had . Odd you don't know the number of 80's you have (you 'think" 4 and "way more 70's" ...). hmm 5 months into the WotLK and having 4(!) lvl 80's and "way more 70's " ?!?!? Another Mr first poster also with ANOTHER "game killer" remark... with sooo many characters at highest levels. Wow. )) Odd.
I was never casual. I'm a stay at home... uh home caretaker? (soon to be wife). Achievements are the bane of my existance, they're like pokemon, I want to collect them all but probably never will. "Epic gear" is still an issue today, and you're kidding yourself if you don't think so. No one wants to do heroics or raid with the scrub in blues/greens (not that I blame them but yeah).
Far more choices? Arena and BGs? I wouldn't even count BGs since most of them require arena points. And you're probably one of the five people in WoW that like arenas. Arenas were a great idea, unfortunely they'll never be balanced.
Want me to count my 80s? My hunter, DK, warrior, and druid. Yep, four. I'd count my 70s but I'd have to log in to do that, with RAF it's stupidly easy to get 60 and 70 isn't that much harder. Why do I have so many 80s? I'm really good at questing, I do the quests once and remember them all. I know all the quests 1-70 on both factions, and all the alliance WOtLK ones (horde WOtLK ick, horde isn't the same since BEs imo).
I'm not trying to kill WoW. I even said if you enjoy it, kudos. I really don't care if you think I'm lying about my characters, I know what my character select screen looks like. I was voicing my opinion about the game. I'm allowed to voice it, and you're allowed to like your game anyway.
No need to react.
I just wonder why would a guy like you - with such a "playing record" - come in and make a new account to help an obvious trolling post.
But I still see the obvious same arguments. Like arena balance?
Kill Wow ? You do think that these posts have an influence ???
I suppose these kind of posts show how "unsual" is.
They amuse me more than ever. ::))))
You sort of fail... I'm FEMALE, hence not a guy. This isn't a new account, I've had it for awhile to try new MMOs when I get bored. I don't usually bother reading the forums, but I'm trying to stay awake until a reasonable hour after getting like two hours of sleep last night and yeah...
You're the one who said I was making a "game killer" post. That was never my intention, but apparently you have reading comprehension problems so I'll let that slide.
It was a rather appropriate reply to 'ANOTHER "game killer" remark'. I don't really understand why you have to edit EVERY post of yours, can't you think it through before posting? >.>
I'm sure sleep would help my arguing skills, but I think you need to step back and realize that when people attack WoW they aren't attacking you. If you enjoy it so much why are you wasting your time here defending it when you should be playing it?
if you are sick of wow, chances are you need to try a new genre, right now there are no mmorpgs that come close to is the bmw, lexus of mmorpgs....the least amount of bugs, and the easiest to get into and drive....unfortunately there is no diversity in the mmorpg market, it's too fresh, it's like cars, all cars drive, there are no hovercrafts for the consumer to try......eq is a wow clone, there are clone sof each other. Therea re more similarties between every mmorpg then there are differences, that's a fact.....try and dispute it with someone else though if you think otherwise, i'm just saying right now you can't beat wow on polish and quality, and i reuse to play a game with 10 second lag spurts like eq2 or any other mmorpg, it's like playing tetris with lag, who the fuck wants to do that?
It was a rather appropriate reply to 'ANOTHER "game killer" remark'. I don't really understand why you have to edit EVERY post of yours, can't you think it through before posting? >.> I'm sure sleep would help my arguing skills, but I think you need to step back and realize that when people attack WoW they aren't attacking you. If you enjoy it so much why are you wasting your time here defending it when you should be playing it?
I don't step back because I don't need to.
I am just analysing why people come here and lie about their experience in Wow like the OP did.
Wow needs no defense, but I wonder why people still want to make useless comments in a 250 logged in world wide web forum.
Apparently most go a long way to hate a video game.
Why should I need to take a step back when I hold a not so conveniant mirror in front of their faces?
It could even help. )))
You seem to take it personally that people don't like your game. Just because they don't like it doesn't mean it makes you stupid for liking it, fyi. If someone their comments then they are hardly useless. People seem to think that you either have to love WoW or hate it. There's a huge grey area there.
Hay everyone I'll come clean !
Yes I had stated that I have 2 level 80's and a 60 yes that's true, I did.
Here is the real story as so many are carious :
I did play for about 2 1/2 years give or take, My first toon was a Rogue and played it to level 58 YES 58 for sure, At that time the burning Crusades had just been released. I felt a little burnout so I quit, along with giving away all my gold. a few months later Played a Warrior to level 30. A friend at my last job asked me to play with him so again I started over I played a Warlock to level 47 along with a Hunter at the same time to level 35 or so.
At my new job, I was talking about WoW and how much fun is was, and before you know it I had a following of about 6 friends to play with, I played a Rogue once again until about level 68. However since not all of us were ever on at the same time, I would find myself needing one or two extras for instancing, so I would recruit using the "Who" panel. In every case they would quit if the dungeon lasted more than a half hour ( and you know that they all last at least 2 hours min. ) By the way everyone had an 80 friend that would have come.
So I played to level 68, but at around level 50 or so, I tried like hell to come up with Ideas to find a good players ( you know someone responsible )
Few idea' I used:
1) Joined every guild. No good,everyone was recruiting in masses to get numbers, or very small guilds that never played together anyway.
2) I created my own guild, I called it the"Best of the Best" along with this I got ventrilo voice chat, i must admit I was able to get 1 extremely responsible good player and 1 12 year old kid that was not too bad. I continued recruiting a few more but they just soloed all the time, I then opened the doors to anyone,we had about 25 members, but again all soloers.
3) talked to my work friends to start over on a new server as Horde, did every dungeon to level 35, recruiting along the way for groups just to find that everyone sucked ( quit before we got to them, needing everything, running off on their own )
THIS TURNED INTO A PURE SOLO GAME.this game is for kids. thats OK let them have it, after all they are the back bone of video games, I'm good with that ! .......I'm just done.
In between playing woW in the 2 1/2 years i played most mmo's or at least the trial's.
EQ2 seemed to have good responsible players, but I just did not like the game itself.
LOTRO good game, but made for soloing.
Warhammer, got boring fast.
FF11, too old and outdated.
Dungeons&Dragons and WoW are my best, but now WoW is just for kids, so it's just D&D
In closing I know what your thinking " this guy don't like anything" right ? Well I'm sure everyone of you have a long list of mmo's you don't like !!!
I think many people here will take criticism of WOW and the game. HOWEVER, when that criticism is based on half-truths, lies or ignorant arguments (WOW is McDonalds), its gets old. As I have said before,I have yet to see a GOOD, logical, honest post about the problems with WOW.
But the problem with that is that soon enough, any criticism of WoW is going to be dismissed as one of those things -- half-truths, lies, or ignorant arguments. Take the McDonald's/Britney/Hitler analogy. The point of it is that not everything which was or is popular is good; nothing more, nothing less (and I wouldn't jump for the all-too-easy alternative, "what is popular is bad"). But immediately it turns into "you don't have to pay $15 a month to listen to Britney", and immediately the bar is being raised to Elvis being king of singers and WoW being king of MMO's. Never mind that Elvis made an album called "50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can't Be Wrong", and that what we're seeing of The King these days is most of the time associated with kitsch. Put as simply as possible, it's a question of the tyranny of the majority.
If you haven't seen a "good, logical, honest post about the problems with WOW", what is the chance of seeing one now, five years after the game's launch? Let me put the challenge to you. If you wanted to discuss the problems with WoW, what would you say?.
Add to that the players who play have to endure that while dealing with personal attacks. We are stupid, we don't like challenges, we play WOW because we are too idiotic to play anything else. We are the problem as to why people hate WOW. It gets really old when daily, anyone comes to these forums and this is what we have to read.
You blame WOW for too much. WOW is strangling the MMO field? Really? I say WOW is the only thing out right now (minus some old games - EVE for example) that has any respect in the MMO field. WAR is a joke of a game that has tons of issues. AOC is a game full of broken things and broken promises. Darkfall is just sad and no where near what the devs said it would be.
Agreed on WAR. Darkfall: Never played it, but who didn't see it coming? As for AoC, it did promise many things which weren't delivered, but if I had to compare the world of WoW with that of AoC, the latter wins, because it's a self-contained world without all those pop culture references which mar WoW for me (and this without being particularly familiar with Conan lore). Am I allowed such an impression, though?
The way in which WoW strangles the MMO field is indirect. When it comes to subscribers, it trounces everything else, and Blizzard is allowed to polish its game thanks to that flood of money it gets. It starts being a problem when it raises the bar for everyone, and that other games are expected to have WoW levels of polish to be well regarded at all.
Take the classic example of the EVE cockpit, since this was raised. A good MMO, said Zorndorf, would allow you to step outside your cockpit, which EVE currently does not allow. Never mind that EVE is successful as it is, and that Zorndorf types of playerspresumably wouldn't play EVE even if it had character avatars. At the same time, an MMO, according to the same person, should be about flying helicopters and the like, expensive things to design which only a game with an extravagant budget (unlikely for an upstart title with no track record, let alone an upstart company) could afford. WoW can afford it because it has the money; those other games don't. Make such features mandatory, and you've pretty much ensured any new game that doesn't have this type of eye candy will fail in comparison to WoW.
No, the strangling of the MMO market is coming from companies and developers who launch horrible products, lie to their playersbase, lie about what their prodict is or isn't, make promises and hype their game to a point where they say its perfect.
You're right, WoW can't be blamed for other companies lying. But what forces them to lie? Sure, the desire to sell. But maybe trying to eat into WoW's market share is another reason.
It isn't WOW's fault - place the blame where is should be. WOW is a polished game that does what it promises and offers what it says it offers. That is why it is king right now. It is the best game on the market (my opinion) and no game comes close to offering the fun and polish that WOW does. And why some people won't even admit to that is beyond me.
To the OP, WoW has many great qualities and many not so great. I have enjoyed wow the 3+ years I have played it. I can still remember when flight paths didn't connect....maybe it was more than 3 at this point I can't even remember. The community comes and goes and is dependent on the server. I have been in the same guild (outside of my personal breaks to try new games) for 2+ years. They are an amazing group of people, however most everyone is 80 or for the more casual people in the guild about to be 80. If I roll and alt and join you for a lower level instance...I don't want to be in there two hours. Those days are long gone, the outland and northrend instances are made to be shorter than that even on lvl so why on a lowbie alt would I want to spend 2 hours in an instance. I guess you just need to understand where people are coming from and I can assure you I'm not a kid. Even with your lvl 68 there is no reason that an outlands instance should run over an hour...I will give you an hour and half.
If you feel like the people on your server aren't good, reroll on another server or pay to transfer. I personally love my server but have toons on another server that contains mostly morons....guess which one I don't play on.
If you like D&D thats great, go play it and enjoy it. I hope you get out of it what you need. WoW is getting a little old for me too but the games I keep trying just lack something that it has right now. Best of luck to ya.
Currently Playing: FFXIV:ARR
Looking Forward to: Wildstar
Well is there anything to love in that game ?????
I re subbed when WoTLK came out
80 up and did a few heroics and such turned it off again.
Bliz really needs to rework azeroth, BC and LK make it worthless.
played:WoW and Eve off and on 5 years
Tried:CoH/V, PoTBS, War, TR, STO, FE
TOR is likely to rock
Hmm I liked WotLK content up to a certain point. I quit a few months ago, I got tired of waiting for new content that should' have already been released at release. I do believe WoW to be a great game but it has definately hit its peak and is gonna start losing numbers. Especially with alot of promising MMOs coming out over the next 1 to 1 1/2 years time.
If you want to play another MMO that you pay for til something new comes along and got a good gaming pc, I will definately say pick up age of conan, it didn't do well at 1st but it has upgraded big time since its release, and you can play that game very casually and enjoy yourself. I myself do not play it, I have played on my brothers account alittle bit and he has gotten into and really enjoys it, he is only playing it til SE new MMO or SWTOR comes out. Warhammer is pretty decent too if you are into the whole PvP thing and has some PVE content.
You could also give Final Fantasy 11 a try, I do warn you though it is not for the casual gamer, it takes time to do things and is party oriented. Enjoyable if you got friends to play with.
There is also plenty of other MMOs around but I just named a few that are overlooked because of peoples extreme opinions of This or That is better than one another.
Warhammer is plain awful, dont get it.
AoC is a decent effort these days, but its light on replayability. First timers will have fun though.
FF11 has not aged gracefully, its UI is still archaic and meant for console use.
Runes of Magic is a free to play budget version of Warcraft. WoW is to apple juice as Runes of Magic is to apple "drink".
Darkfall will die in three months.
Aion is WoW with wings.
SW:TOR is more of the same, pre release hype, release day cluster fuck (Servers failing, game systems not working as intended by developers), post release life support.
I dont know where this optimism comes from... Looking at these future titles; I really think you guys are setting yourselves up for dissapointment yet again.
Strange, but when the original posters own words showed that he lied, you didn't believe that. Instead you replaced fact with assumptions. Yet when he posts something you can leech onto that casts wow in a negative light you treat him as a bastion of truth? You can't have it both ways. The original posters credibility was called into question and shown to be dishonest. It doesn't matter what stories he comes up with after the fact. He told the truth weeks ago and anything said now is unbelievable.
Simply put you read just what you want to read and ignore anything else. Have fun with that.
Kids play Games, adults rarely do, I'm 24 and I feel out of place at times playing MMO's.
You're the one who is out of your element, kids are SUPOSED to be playing video games.
I agree its frustrating when they drop group and act like selfish brats, but not all children are infact childish. I've played with some MMORPGers who are as young as 13 and they were extremely polite.
Judging ANY group by a few of its members is just flawed logic, you HAVE to play with kids, get used to it or stop playing video games that are online, since Kids like Games and Online = people to play with.
I'm sorry we're just old people in a kids store, we gotta be respectful too.
while there maybe some truth in this at the moment i dont think it remain so . todays kids will become adults and keep up the habbit of playing mmos . in the east a lot more adults play games than in the west . all we are seeing is the beginings of a new frontier in entertainment .
the average age of games will get higher and higher as time goes on. essentially mmo communitys at present are large 3d chat rooms . its actually quite wrong and foolish of games companys like blizzard not to offer 18+ servers . i mean you would nt get a chat room encouraging children and adults to occupy the same space for obvious reasons . if blizzard and other companys dont recognise this they could be opening themselves up to massive lawsuits in the future .
i m amazed they hav nt offered adult servers already if only to protect themselves .
Yes, despite the pedigree Mythic proved themselves to be inept beyond words. That can easily change for Bioware too.
I loved the old republic series, but an MMORPG is a different beast. Bioware is a competent company but let us not forget : they also made THIS ::
Strange, but when the original posters own words showed that he lied, you didn't believe that. Instead you replaced fact with assumptions. Yet when he posts something you can leech onto that casts wow in a negative light you treat him as a bastion of truth? You can't have it both ways. The original posters credibility was called into question and shown to be dishonest. It doesn't matter what stories he comes up with after the fact. He told the truth weeks ago and anything said now is unbelievable.
Simply put you read just what you want to read and ignore anything else. Have fun with that.
As a matter of fact, when I read that latest post of his (which came after I posted those words), I could not make heads or tails of it. To be honest, I hardly think he is lying at all; he just has a tendency to write in a confusing manner. You're the one using the word "liar" about him, while in my case I'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt.
As for saying the truth weeks ago, what do you know about that? If you're so sure he lied today (well, yesterday), why are you taking as gospel what he wrote in January. Or could it be that in January, he did not commit the atrocious crime of writing against World of Warcraft?
And it still doesn't answer my damn question: Why bring his credibility into question over what level he's reached and when? Did the rest of his points in the OP warrant that? No, they didn't. He didn't discuss high-end content, just that the high-level players in his guild were getting massacred in a raid when he was level 40. Guess what? I was level 40ish, too. I was in a guild. And I heard about such things ALL THE TIME.
But what you're doing is, you're running an inquisition over something that really doesn't warrant it.
All that transpires from what you're doing is that you're trying to impose the sacrosanct level-based (or time-played) pecking order once again, just to dismiss his views because he didn't have enough experience of the game to comment on it. In my case, I was honest to say I only reached level 46, that I had played for six weeks only. What did that get me? The same damn inquisition, even though I was honest enough about that. Read the thread if you haven't already: . Some of the high points involved an accusation that I had never bought the game, that I lied for failing to say the amount I said I paid for it was in Canadian dollars (even though my profile clearly states I'm Canadian), and that I exaggerated the amount I paid by $4.86 even though the amount I had mentioned was purely from memory. There's more, and the entire sad story is summarized in Post #166 over there.
But back to the OP of this thread: Had he posted a lengthy entry saying he liked the game and made claims of being this or that level, would the inquisition have gotten into high gear? No, it would have been a pat on the back, welcome to the club, and aren't those WoW haters annoying.
I should know, you guys did it about me, you do it about anyone who isn't 80, hasn't been playing WoW for a few years, and who doesn't have hundreds of posts on this site.
This inquisition that meets every single person who writes about WoW in any notch just below wholesale enthusiasm is the kind of vindictive pettiness that needs to be stamped out from this forum. Once it's done, I'll gladly be on my way. In the meantime, I think I'll stick around for a little longer.
Strange, but when the original posters own words showed that he lied, you didn't believe that. Instead you replaced fact with assumptions. Yet when he posts something you can leech onto that casts wow in a negative light you treat him as a bastion of truth? You can't have it both ways. The original posters credibility was called into question and shown to be dishonest. It doesn't matter what stories he comes up with after the fact. He told the truth weeks ago and anything said now is unbelievable.
Simply put you read just what you want to read and ignore anything else. Have fun with that.
As a matter of fact, when I read that latest post of his (which came after I posted those words), I could not make heads or tails of it. To be honest, I hardly think he is lying at all; he just has a tendency to write in a confusing manner. You're the one using the word "liar" about him, while in my case I'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt.
As for saying the truth weeks ago, what do you know about that? If you're so sure he lied today (well, yesterday), why are you taking as gospel what he wrote in January. Or could it be that in January, he did not commit the atrocious crime of writing against World of Warcraft?
And it still doesn't answer my damn question: Why bring his credibility into question over what level he's reached and when? Did the rest of his points in the OP warrant that? No, they didn't. He didn't discuss high-end content, just that the high-level players in his guild were getting massacred in a raid when he was level 40. Guess what? I was level 40ish, too. I was in a guild. And I heard about such things ALL THE TIME.
But what you're doing is, you're running an inquisition over something that really doesn't warrant it.
All that transpires from what you're doing is that you're trying to impose the sacrosanct level-based (or time-played) pecking order once again, just to dismiss his views because he didn't have enough experience of the game to comment on it. In my case, I was honest to say I only reached level 46, that I had played for six weeks only. What did that get me? The same damn inquisition, even though I was honest enough about that. Read the thread if you haven't already: . Some of the high points involved an accusation that I had never bought the game, that I lied for failing to say the amount I said I paid for it was in Canadian dollars (even though my profile clearly states I'm Canadian), and that I exaggerated the amount I paid by $4.86 even though the amount I had mentioned was purely from memory. There's more, and the entire sad story is summarized in Post #166 over there.
But back to the OP of this thread: Had he posted a lengthy entry saying he liked the game and made claims of being this or that level, would the inquisition have gotten into high gear? No, it would have been a pat on the back, welcome to the club, and aren't those WoW haters annoying.
I should know, you guys did it about me, you do it about anyone who isn't 80, hasn't been playing WoW for a few years, and who doesn't have hundreds of posts on this site.
This inquisition that meets every single person who writes about WoW in just any notch below wholesale enthusiasm is the kind of vindictive pettiness that needs to be stamped out from this forum. Once it's done, I'll gladly be on my way. In the meantime, I think I'll stick around for a little longer.
I'm not dismissing his views and I have no problem with people saying they don't like something for a number of reasons.
However this guy is showing that he is stretching the truth to lend credibility to his words. Why do I think his words were true a few weeks ago when he said he never got past level 55 in over 2 years, well they were not said in an effort to boost his status. The only reason he said he NOW has all these high level characters is to try to paint himself as being experienced, since he was called out for talking about things he had no experience with.
The post from a few weeks agao said he never got past level 55 and it is obvious why he is trying to say now that he does.
Please don't lump me in with some generalization about you guys, people of your ilk and crap like that. Either discuss with me or don't, but don't lay the actions of other people at my doorstep as if I am to blame. Don't discredit me by association just so you can feel right.
Recap, fine to have a negative opinion about a game. Not fine to make judgements about something you have never experienced.
You'll go back eventually.
Let me ask the OP this: You played World of Warcraft for 2 1/2 years. Do you feel you got your money's worth? Or do you feel that these changes ruined the fun you had previously?
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
Page, you don't have to lie about your level in order to justify quitting WoW. If you got to 68 (which it seems judging by your last post) and decided it wasn't for you, that's fine. You don't have to be level 80 to quit. My sister played for three years and got to level 72 and stopped logging in.
About WoW... I've played since release. I've tried every class, most of them more than once. I have so many 80s I don't really know the number unless I sit to think about it (4? I think... and way more 70s). I've raided, PVPed, and sat around in Org/IF. The game has changed. The people and the environment is way different now than it was when the game first came out. WoW used to be a game where it was OK if you didn't know what you were doing, where new people were helped instead of made fun of. My first character, a druid, was balance (back when it was horrible) and I'm pretty sure I spent most of my time in cat form. But you know what, no one called me on it. Now the game is filled with elitist jerks who think they are better because their purples are little better. I have those purples. I don't feel special. It's to the point where I'd rather not play at all then have to deal with the kiddies (or people with that maturity level).
To me, WoW's not the same and never will be. If you still enjoy it, awesome. I'd give my left arm if I could still. WoW's still a great game. The game isn't what kills it, it's the community.
I was never casual. I'm a stay at home... uh home caretaker? (soon to be wife). Achievements are the bane of my existance, they're like pokemon, I want to collect them all but probably never will. "Epic gear" is still an issue today, and you're kidding yourself if you don't think so. No one wants to do heroics or raid with the scrub in blues/greens (not that I blame them but yeah).
Far more choices? Arena and BGs? I wouldn't even count BGs since most of them require arena points. And you're probably one of the five people in WoW that like arenas. Arenas were a great idea, unfortunely they'll never be balanced.
Want me to count my 80s? My hunter, DK, warrior, and druid. Yep, four. I'd count my 70s but I'd have to log in to do that, with RAF it's stupidly easy to get 60 and 70 isn't that much harder. Why do I have so many 80s? I'm really good at questing, I do the quests once and remember them all. I know all the quests 1-70 on both factions, and all the alliance WOtLK ones (horde WOtLK ick, horde isn't the same since BEs imo).
I'm not trying to kill WoW. I even said if you enjoy it, kudos. I really don't care if you think I'm lying about my characters, I know what my character select screen looks like. I was voicing my opinion about the game. I'm allowed to voice it, and you're allowed to like your game anyway.
I too have been with WOW from the release. I played bonechewer. I made it from level 1-60 and raided as a tank. then 60-70 and raided as a DPS. Much like most new mmorpg games two things happened to kill WOW. The game becuase repetitive and boring. And the pvp systems got screwed in one way or another. Also in wow the people have changed. The game is based off items and not skill now. I mean it always has been but now more than ever. The acheivment systema nd title system are hardly a saviour to that becuase they just support whoever has the most time to play.
To say things short. I played from level 1-71 and started when the game was released. The game went from being pvp and skill based to being based on whoever plays the most. The people with the most free time get the acheivments, the gear, and the titles. I do not like wow anymore either.
I was never casual. I'm a stay at home... uh home caretaker? (soon to be wife). Achievements are the bane of my existance, they're like pokemon, I want to collect them all but probably never will. "Epic gear" is still an issue today, and you're kidding yourself if you don't think so. No one wants to do heroics or raid with the scrub in blues/greens (not that I blame them but yeah).
Far more choices? Arena and BGs? I wouldn't even count BGs since most of them require arena points. And you're probably one of the five people in WoW that like arenas. Arenas were a great idea, unfortunely they'll never be balanced.
Want me to count my 80s? My hunter, DK, warrior, and druid. Yep, four. I'd count my 70s but I'd have to log in to do that, with RAF it's stupidly easy to get 60 and 70 isn't that much harder. Why do I have so many 80s? I'm really good at questing, I do the quests once and remember them all. I know all the quests 1-70 on both factions, and all the alliance WOtLK ones (horde WOtLK ick, horde isn't the same since BEs imo).
I'm not trying to kill WoW. I even said if you enjoy it, kudos. I really don't care if you think I'm lying about my characters, I know what my character select screen looks like. I was voicing my opinion about the game. I'm allowed to voice it, and you're allowed to like your game anyway.
No need to react.
I just wonder why would a guy like you - with such a "playing record" - come in and make a new account to help an obvious trolling post.
But I still see the obvious same arguments. Like arena balance?
Kill Wow ? You do think that these posts have an influence ???
I suppose these kind of posts show how "unsual" is.
They amuse me more than ever. ::))))
You sort of fail... I'm FEMALE, hence not a guy. This isn't a new account, I've had it for awhile to try new MMOs when I get bored. I don't usually bother reading the forums, but I'm trying to stay awake until a reasonable hour after getting like two hours of sleep last night and yeah...
You're the one who said I was making a "game killer" post. That was never my intention, but apparently you have reading comprehension problems so I'll let that slide.
It was a rather appropriate reply to 'ANOTHER "game killer" remark'. I don't really understand why you have to edit EVERY post of yours, can't you think it through before posting? >.>
I'm sure sleep would help my arguing skills, but I think you need to step back and realize that when people attack WoW they aren't attacking you. If you enjoy it so much why are you wasting your time here defending it when you should be playing it?
if you are sick of wow, chances are you need to try a new genre, right now there are no mmorpgs that come close to is the bmw, lexus of mmorpgs....the least amount of bugs, and the easiest to get into and drive....unfortunately there is no diversity in the mmorpg market, it's too fresh, it's like cars, all cars drive, there are no hovercrafts for the consumer to try......eq is a wow clone, there are clone sof each other. Therea re more similarties between every mmorpg then there are differences, that's a fact.....try and dispute it with someone else though if you think otherwise, i'm just saying right now you can't beat wow on polish and quality, and i reuse to play a game with 10 second lag spurts like eq2 or any other mmorpg, it's like playing tetris with lag, who the fuck wants to do that?
I don't step back because I don't need to.
I am just analysing why people come here and lie about their experience in Wow like the OP did.
Wow needs no defense, but I wonder why people still want to make useless comments in a 250 logged in world wide web forum.
Apparently most go a long way to hate a video game.
Why should I need to take a step back when I hold a not so conveniant mirror in front of their faces?
It could even help. )))
You seem to take it personally that people don't like your game. Just because they don't like it doesn't mean it makes you stupid for liking it, fyi. If someone their comments then they are hardly useless. People seem to think that you either have to love WoW or hate it. There's a huge grey area there.