Hi everyone Im an old EQer from way back and have been discussing with all of my old player friends on what races would dominate EQ2 and im led to believe Evil will be out in full force. My question is to anyone willing who do you think will dominate Norrath this time round. Call me curious for thats who i am
Hmmm as far as my question goes in reguards to what and who will dominate Norrath in EQ2 is just that, a question. On the otherhand if there was a PVP server then my question would definetly be relavent
Partially true. of the 12 sublclasses, each splits at level 20 into two sub subclasses, depending on whether you are of evil, or good alignment. For example Mage -> Sorcerer -> Wizard/Warlock if I remember correctly. Now Wizards and Warlocks are both the kings of magical damage, it's just Wizzys do DD's, while Warlocks do DoTs as I understand it. Or the insanely popular Fighter -> Crusader -> Paladin/Shadowknight.
So depending on whether you are good or evil, you'll have at least a slightly different experience after level 20.
Initially the cap is set at 50, thought the mechanics are in place for them to take it to 200.
As it stands now, it'd take a good while to make it to 50, let alone 100. I believe the highest people in beta are in their early 30's, so I'm guessing with all the skills, content, and whatnot in place, I'd say 3 months to 50. Depending on playtime and having access to a group. They may turn up the xp a notch, though, so that's not carved in stone. Just a guestimate.
...Role Player since before D&D had their first hardcover books. (Simple and Advanced Editions rules!)
...Role Player since before D&D had their first hardcover books. (Simple and Advanced Editions rules!)
...Role Player since before D&D had their first hardcover books. (Simple and Advanced Editions rules!)
...Role Player since before D&D had their first hardcover books. (Simple and Advanced Editions rules!)
"No race in all the Realms better understands the word vengeance than the drow."
-Drizzt Do'Urden-
Hey bro yea D&D was cool I played that in the late 80s during high school man what a game, I think we must have played nearly every lunch our heh. I remember meeting my first girlfriend playing Temple of elemental evil boy what a long campaign that was. Yea well anyway enough of my past I'd did also enjoy rolemaster towards the completion of my high school years, as a matter of fact I prefered it more than the D&D system for one main reason unlike D&D where you can sustain huge amounts of damage and still survive which is cool and all cause it is only a game I liked the fact that in rolemaster you could die one hit one kill due to the critical hit tables and so on. I used to love felling orcs and ogres with one mighty blow of my battle axe, man Im getting all fired up again heheh cant wait for EQ2 its gonna be a hell of a ride, later Yeti keep wild mate.
Xdancer 52nd lvl bard EQ1
...Role Player since before D&D had their first hardcover books. (Simple and Advanced Editions rules!)
Just because you post your age as 24 or 56 doesnt mean its true people, remember online you can be anyone anyage and that my friends is scarey. So in saying that as the old saying goes and just like in EQ "NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER"
...Role Player since before D&D had their first hardcover books. (Simple and Advanced Editions rules!)
You are lying!
Everyone knows yeti's have a life expectancy of at most 20 years!
Everything born must die. All that is, will come to ruin. This is the essence of Doom. So sayeth the Doomsayer.
Everything born must die. All that is, will come to ruin. This is the essence of Doom. So sayeth the Doomsayer.
...Role Player since before D&D had their first hardcover books. (Simple and Advanced Editions rules!)
Oooh, diss
I feel less geeky now. I didn't get into D&D until I was 15, which would have been 87. Though I was aware of the game. A remeber a kid by the name of John Kluge playing the basic edition back when I was in first grade, which would have been 78, or 79.
I suppose you could say I've been roleplaying all my life thoug, as most of the games I played as a kid, even if by myself, involved nothing more than me, and my imagination, pretending I was whatever suited my fancy. And before I played D&D, when I was 13 or 14ish, I and a friend put together a fantasy LARP sort of thing, though I had no clue what a LARP was at the time. Basically just a bunch of us neighborhood kids beating on each other with sticks or whatever was handy, though we tried to take it a step further, and get some sort of stats worked into it. Now at 32, I roleplay a cyborg roleplaying a human being in real life.
...Role Player since before D&D had their first hardcover books. (Simple and Advanced Editions rules!)
D20 is the WotC version of D&D after they bought out TSR isn't it?
...Role Player since before D&D had their first hardcover books. (Simple and Advanced Editions rules!)