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While running to do a key quest in the Commonlands, I ran across a named dragon, Ladon.
While he was only level 20, he was a Groupx2 mob, which meant he was designed to be defeated by two groups obviously. Looked pretty cool, but the best part was the con box I got for him.
When you mouseover your target box, it brings up a little window which tells you some info about the con of the mob, whether it's an undercon/overcon, if it's an easy fight, even, certain death, etc. The one for the dragon said "WHOA... This creature is GODLIKE compared to you! In your wildest dreams you could not defeat such an awesome opponent." I dunno why but that made me giggle feverishly.
Got some nice screenshots of him and his two buddies, and it chaps my ass I can't post them here. Don't think I could submit them to Caster's Realm or anything either. So no Dragony goodness for j00!
Yea I've seen pictures of him in the beta forums. Drops some sweet stuff, too. O.o
Check the "Ladon brought down!" post.
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
Saw that one. Pretty nice drops. Much better loot to people ratio as well.
If the server ever comes back up, I can get back to work mapping out the Freeport to Qeynos betrayal quest. Till then, you people are stuck with me.
Does the loot get spread between the groups automaticly or we looking at one item that only one person can loot? Or is it everyoen gets a copy of the loot or a copy of the loot they can use?
3 items total for the whole raid group.
Loot could be split FFA, Lotto, or Group Leader only. For most raids I imagine GL only will be the way it's done, and then the loot handed out to whomever. So far there is no /rand command, so pick up raids are in a world of hurt til they add it since the lotto system is borked. Often the same person will get all teh loot many mobs in a row, so on lotto, you could concievably have one person get all the loot on a raid, though it's unlikely. More likely two people would get it all
Awesome, nice info.
...Role Player for a long, long time.
...has a very hard time keeping the same avatar.
Is the "Groupx2" something that is displayed with his level? If not, how do you know if a mob is a multi-group mob?
Thanks coldmeat thats some sweet info.
EQ2 Qeynos guild -
When you target a mob, there are a couple factors to take into consideration before you attack. First and simplest is con color. Same as it ever was here. grey -> green -> blue -> white -> yellow -> orange -> red. The name will be displayed in the con color. Under the name in the target box is the second classification. Solo, Group, Groupx2, etc. It can also have 1 or 2 arrows up or down, if it's an overcon, or undercon, respectively.
Was wondering that myself, either way.... Damn you for posting this.... its just too crual!!!!!!!!
Well, I haven't really said anything that you couldn't have found at had you looked, but if you want to imply that I've broken the NDA, feel free.
I didn't mean to be implying that at all Coldmeat, just seemed that this type of information was not coming out before and that it is now, so I was honestly asking if the NDA was lifted. As Im not in the beta I don't have a copy of the NDA and don;t know what is limited and is not. Sorrie if you feel like I was accusing you.
Actually I did imply that. Ppl were admonished for posting things like "Iksar priest is viable" and other things that can be found in Moorgard's index.
If I'm correct NDA says that you can post ONLY in beta forum period.
Well, as I said, with the possible exception of the con pop up info, all that I mentioned about how con works is publicly available on Might not be as exact, but it's there.
As for info being released, I've heard that they relaxed the NDA for level 10 and under. I.E. Isle of Refuge, and starter areas around the two cities, and so on. Which is why you're seeing more info now. Just starting to stoke up the PR machine for the final stretch to release. I'd have to double check to see if that's just for the 'news' sites, or if it's everyone, or what.
But if the mods feel what I posted crosses the line, I'm sure I'll get a pm telling me to edit it, or they'll delete it and let me edit it later.
Way to quote me out of context.
That part you quoted was in responce to InfinityVoids question obout seeing more info on the game recently. Since he didn't specify, I can only assume he means the sites like GamerGod, and so one. The previews that Effect has been posting links to lately. Which I checked, and yes, they lifted the NDA for levels 1-9 for certain news sites. The information on con is available at The URL is stickied on the EQ2 beta boards, so SOE is more than aware of what information can be found there, and while they have asked them not to post more that what they have there now, they didn't make them take anything down. If the con info is on a public website with SOE's knowledge, it can hardly be considered breaking the NDA. Nice try though.
If I really wanted to break NDA, I'd have posted the screenshots I took. Or any number of other things I could talk about that would get deleted, but would be up long enough for someone to get it.
But, but but....
Read NDA. You shouldn't discuss game in open forums period.
In coldmeat's defense ALL this info has been on the web atleast a week. And when i say on the web i mean SOE acceptable links.
If you read as many sites as i do then you would have seen all he's said already. And the con system has been layed out already by Moorgard(sp) already read the latest ask soe article.<-- i think it was there.
haha, I was going to say that too.
Man, I wish i could talk about this game, but i can't give away any info that hasn't been said.
I can say that I made a kerra in Freeport, and got a TOTALLY different feel to the game. Did you Coldmeat?
"I have seen the future, and it has two wheels."
OMFG!! a beta player graces us with some small but cool info, and you can say is NDA this NDA that? you the unofficial NDA police? Sheesh, just enjoy the info, relish it, and not grief
How cool is it, that there is actually a lvl 20 dragon!!! that brings the raids to the lowers, that rocks!