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I've tried the past week fews in beta to like this game, but it's just not happening. Here's why:
-the graphics are too "cutesy." Everything has a soft glow to it, from the login screen to the actual environments. Even the Asmodean (sp?) lands feel too Hello Kitty-ish.
-the mobs are also "cutesy." Wheres the menace? Killing cute little bunny-bear hybrids isn't very viscerally exciting.
-the combat animations are apocalyptic. My dagger hits a mob and things EXPLODE! Wow, what happen when I'm level 20 and I hit a mob with my dagger? The nearby village detonates?
-the sounds effects are "cutsey." When you click on damn near anything, you hear a little "twinkle" effect. From NPC givers to loot, I constantly hear Mario gathering stars. (Oh, not to mention the choral music in the beginning which is simply dreadful and music I think I heard 10 years ago in a Final Fantasy game).
-the battle/combat sounds are hilariously bad. Every time my female scout take damage, I hear a 5 yr old child scrape her knee. Again, where's the grit, the menace, where's the fact that I'M FIGHTING, not picking flowers?
Sorry, but these are all deal-breakers. You can add a good story onto this (which btw, I didn't see), you can add flying onto this (nothing new here, AO let you do this, what, almost 10 years ago?), you can add PvP on top of this (what, to hear LOTS of 5 yr old girls scraping their knees)...but the game will still look and sound the same.
There is almost NOTHING I liked about UO, EQ, DAOC, AO, AC, WoW,, you name it, there is almost NOTHING aesthetically in common in Aion with those great games of the past
No thanks, Aion, I outgrew Link and Mario and Princess Peach's cuteness 20 years ago.
There's hundreds of MMOs out there, so you'll eventually find one you like.
Have you tried Requim:Bloodymare? Maybe DAoC?
- RPG Quiz - can you get all 25 right?
- FPS Quiz - how well do you know your shooters?
Hope you realize that what you stated doesnt make the game bad, it makes the game bad for you, since all this you're talking about is your taste.
Honestly, I could care less about how level 1 mobs look or how my character grunts while Im using ventrilo.
Hope you realize that what you stated doesnt make the game bad, it makes the game bad for you, since all this you're talking about is your taste.
Honestly, I could care less about how level 1 mobs look or how my character grunts while Im using ventrilo.
you ve only seen 1 lvl mobs that are cute as you said and generalized the game as most 1-10 beta tester did
So it's too cutesy for your manliness? That's all I got out of it.
Just letting you know that the sound effects for the american game are not yet implimented for our beta. We won't have the cutesy high pitched noises when the voice overs for our version is complete. What you are playing is 1.0, the very basic bare bones of the game levels 1-10. You won't get a good idea of the game until you play the full, localized version, which will give you a different perspective on some of your issues with the game.
There's no criticism in "this game is bad because mobs look cuteish", that's called cherrypicking and its getting quite annoying in this forum.
I can already picture it, NCsoft devs decide to change the grunts because of complains, and people here come to say chars grunt like wow and this game is a wow clone because of that, thing is never being happy and focusing on small details of the gameplay in order to justify a prejudice.
For myself if the graphics are similar to GW i will be happey and as far as cute charaters my EQ2 Fae is very offended. Not to mention my WOW gnomes although i havnt seen them in sometime im sure they take offense as well.
Which raises the question, will this preorder beta test system weaken initial sales of the game? Lifting the NDA and allowing full access to an experience that *should* change before the product is paid for might very well backfire. While I can only speak for myself, I can merely cancel my preorder. Isn't this a risky business proposition? If not for the preorder Beta, I can guarantee I would have bought the game when it was released, earning my $45. Now, that's an uncertainty.
I don't think you know what cherrypicking means.
In any event, the OP's criticisms are indeed a matter of taste. Still, most issues in any MMO are about taste, unless they are talking about systems that simply don't work. Even "working as intended" arguments end up being about taste.
Thicker skin. Look into it if you plan to reside here. Not everyone is going to adore and worship this game like you do.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Reviews like these show it perfectly, OP is cherrypicking certain game's features, then giving opinionated statements as facts in order to "prove" this game is bad.
If you enjoyed the review and found it fair or objective, I'd understand your argument with me in here, if you didn't, then I don't know why we're even discussing this.
While I love the graphics and gosh the music is AMAZING, I dunno about the game itself. It seems just like another MMO. The PvP while trying to level might be quite fun, I dunno. Just seems so meh.
I half expected to open up this thread and see "It's a WOW clone" man, was I let down.
To cutesy? Ok walk out side and tell me some thing you see. Dogs...squirrells...cats...people...creatures. Go somewhere else you might see some deers, goats, a BEAR. No different than real wrold, the more you level and adventure your going to find some dark places and some very ugly and creepy things. I found banchess in this game to be as creepy (well a little) as witches in Left for Dead. Check my screenshots. Don't troll this place.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
For me a game is the sum of all the parts. Some play with headphones and chat all the time, to me the music is important, to the chatter guys its not. Graphics are second only to game play for me ,others find graphics more or less important to them for enjoyment of said game. Point is, everything is considered, some things can be overlooked by certain people while other things cant. At the end of the day its the sum of all the parts that makes a game acceptable or not. The OP has a problem with "cutesy" so be it. Im just glad he gave his opinion, some will agree some will not. I like to see several different opinions on things then go ahead and make my decision.
You appear to read it as a vicious attack on something you cherish, and kneejerk to the defensive.
Sure, the OP might have not been openminded in trying the game. Or, maybe he was.
One thing's pretty certain, you're not very openminded regarding other people's opinions if they don't march in lockstep with your own.
So, as I suggested, either open your own mind, or get thicker skin.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
God, seriousely, i cant do anything besides laughing my ass off, the dude claims "Aion is a bad game" because he personally doesnt like the animations and the sounds, yeah thats a really really good reason to vvhy the game is bad, because YOU dont fancy the graphics or the sounds Bravo!
- The "cutesy" characters you are complaining about are few and low level. The higher level you get, the more vicious and mean-looking monsters you will fight. In the abyss you will be fighting dragonlike creatures and other mean things that definitely don't look "cutesy".
- The world is very colorful and bright. That's the look of the game. The abyss will be darker and more harsh, but will still be pretty colorful. The artdesign is not supposed to look like the games you mentioned because this is actually a different game (shocking, eh?)
- The animations are flashy. They don't increase much in flashyness as you progress. They are simply flashy from day one. Again, colorful and flashy animations is part of the game design. Up to the player to decide if you like it or not.
- Effects sounds can be turned off.
- You pick a character voice in character creation. Both male and female characters have their variations of voices ranging from "ultra cuteness that makes you cringe" to "harsh and roughly mature". Maybe next time you should choose a decent voice that suits you. Sort of makes me wonder why you choose to play a female character if you are so against cuteness...
The "grit" is swept clean in this game. The menace and hostility will be found in the abyss. Only you can decide whether you want to fight or pick flowers, as the game provides opportunities for both.
Aion is a different game aesthetically, and that's why you can't see similarities and it's up to personal taste whether you like it or not.
God, seriousely, i cant do anything besides laughing my ass off, the dude claims "Aion is a bad game" because he personally doesnt like the animations and the sounds, yeah thats a really really good reason to vvhy the game is bad, because YOU dont fancy the graphics or the sounds Bravo!
It's probably as valid a reason as any for people to like or not like the game (people like movies and music based on similar criteria).
Also, he probably won't be alone in this opinion.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
The OP has valid points, and this is as good reason as any other reason to NOT like Aion for "some" players...
I would also NOT like this game if it was to high on the "manga cute" style, I like to be immersed in the game world, a thing that would be to hard if the game always gave me the wrong signals.
I'm more of a dark fantasy kind of guy !!!
Ok from part of why "you" don't like Aion is basically your taste as someone already stated not that the game is bad because it lacks something. And part of your statement makes me think that you have only played this week's beta and not the first week as you where able to get your character to lvl 20.
First if you have played any korean game there look and feel is very similar to Aion maybe you just need to go play some regular console games that are more to your liking because a-lot of upcoming MMO's are going to somehow implement things from every game that you have describe that you do not like,
Truthfully you have not even ventured out of the starter area to even speak on the mobs, no game from lvl 1-10 are going to have ooo scary looking mobs. If you watch any videos or even look at screenshots you can tell right off the back what the animations where going to look like that should have stopped you right there it is your own fault for playing the beta and no need to rant your dislikes. Glad it will be one less person on release day to whine about something.
didn't read the whole thread but...
OP says everything is too cute, and yet rolled a female scout? you wouldn't have a problem with your female scout sounding like a 5 year old if you didn't roll a female scout?
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
All I have to say.
every single thing you mentioned was to do with Graphics or the Audio and nothing to do with gameplay. I'm sorry but you can't call the game bad because of poor presentation...
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
It's only risky when your product is crap. Aion is a very solid, very polished game... and the previews will attract for more than they put off. These free previews have raised NA/Euro awareness of the game and have acted as a catalyst for "word of mouth" advertising. I guarentee you it was a good marketing choice.