A lot of people blame SOE for the alleged failure of SWG, but can we really fault them for that particular game?
HOW is SWG a failure? Please post in numerical order all proof that SWG is a failure?
I do not like N'Sync. But they still sell 50 million CDs. Are they a failure just because I dislike them? Hey... to me they are not music, to me they are a failure!
SWG has between 200,000 to 300,000 accounts. It very easily has a solid 100,000 accounts. Aka the current industry standard for a successful MMORPG is having 100,000 accounts. SWG has T-W-I-C-E the number of accounts needed to meet the industry standard for defining a successful MMORPG.
My experience has been that LucasArts games have a record for being very hit and miss on their own, with or without Sony. There are some exceptions, like the Jedi Knight series and KOTOR, but that seems to be it out of the dozens of games they've released on all the platforms.
This is moot. SWG is not a LucasArts game. It was developed, created, and made by BOTH Sony and LuasArts.
Furthermore, it's been shown that many games based on existing intellectual property end up worse off than they would have been without that basis. It turns out being just another item that the developers have to balance in their juggling act to make the game fun. I say most games are better off without that limitation.
The thing is..... SWG is a financial success. In fact, it is a financial windfall.
Maybe the worst we can fault SOE on is not being insistent enough to say, "That wouldn't be fun, George, so we aren't putting it in." Then again, maybe SOE was in total agreement with LucasArts on SWG and so they are partly to blame. Or perhaps a compromise between the two is what failed in the game... Design by committee.
Help me out here...
I didn't put this in the SWG forum because it really isn't so much about SWG, but more about Sony and LucasArts.
It is 100% about LucasArts. The problem is there are two chiefs leading 1 tribe. SWG has two parent companies - SOE and LucasArts. Proof of how bad this is .... was before SWG released. LucasArts released screenshots without telling Sony. Sony thought it was a leak.
More proof is the current SWG ads all over the internet using FLASH. LucasArts made it on their own, without telling Sony. It is boarderline false advertising. The ad shows nothing but Jedi for 50% to 80% of the entire ad. It makes new MMORPG players think SWG is mostly a Jedi game. The SWG game DEVs posted a major thread on the official SWG forums asking players to comment on the ad. They also posted that they had nothing to do with the ad, can't stop further running of the ad.
The ad isn't even hosted at the official Sony SWG site. LucasArts hosts it at their site. (Even the link at the SONY site station.com goes to the LucasArts site.)
Originally posted by aLeX666 But still aeric... you're talking as if you knew there was a 3rd party influence, but you don't. What game did SOE make that was good? Infantry Online? Tanarus? Cosmic Rift? Lmao, give me a break. They haven't done one successful game. EQ was originally made by Verant, SOE took it over, made expansions for what? Holding the EverCrack addicts money every single month for bogus new content every now and then. Don't blame Lucas Art because of SOE failure. SOE is inexperienced! Take out your head from that hole you digged in dirt and accept it.
"I am trying to see things from your perspective but I just can't get my head that far up my @$$."
You need to do some serious research on the history of EQ.
1. Smeadly got the ball rolling by getting money for EQ. McQuaid was the major game designer. Smeadly originally was a regular worker at Sony. He approached the CEO more than once pitching the idea of EQ. (Which he already made and played on Pen & Paper. Norrath was the name of a Pen and Paper world.)
2. Sony gets a NEW CEO. Smeadly gives his sales pitch again. This new CEO decides to listen. (The fact that UO, made by Lord British and Raph Koster aka Designer Dragon was doing well, also helped the CEO of Sony make his decision.) They fund EQ. EQ costs 5 million to make. Right before EQ is completed, Sony pulls the rug.
3. Smeadly and friends form Variant, and finnish working on EQ. EQ becomes a hit. It does better than Smeadly and McQuaid ever imagined.
4. Smeadly approaches Sony and offers to sell Variant aka EQ b-a-c-k to Sony. For the nice pocket change of 30 million. Because all Americans now are no longer patriotic and enjoy giving successful American products to foreigners. While the rest of the American public ignores this as long as they get a coffee and doughnut every morning.... (TVs, VCRs, Walkmen, CDs, Discman, MP3, Consoles, PC Computers, Laptops, Mini-Vans, Harley-Davidson, the American Flag, and.... now the biggest hit MMORPG!)
5. EQ at its 4 year mark, under Sony's ownership, grossed between 200 million (conservative) to 400 million (liberal). Expenses take up roughly 60% of gross profits. EQ has made enough profits for SOE to fund 3 brand new major MMORPGs. As well as countless EQ expansions.
Feel free to pick up the summer 2002 issue of Buisness 2.0 magazine for the full story. WITH interviews with the man himself - Smeadly. Or go browse the Buisness 2.0 magazine site. (It's free to browse recent issues, you might have to pay to browse back issues.)
What would have happened if Sony had never been in the picture? Smeadly would never have had a job in the first place. There never would have been a foreign company for this American product to be sold to .... like all other American products end up.
Originally posted by CIM_LW Blame yourselves. You are/were the ones stupid enough to pay for a half-finished game.
Nope. There are 200,000+ players who ARE having fun playing SWG. Is there anyone to blame? No. Because SWG is not a failure. If there are any players who dislike SWG - then do NOT play SWG! Too simple! People who try eggplant and dislike it, do not keep trying to eat it. They eat something else.
This thread is headed towards being another "lets bash SWG even though it is a successful MMORPG. Even though we dislike it and can pick 5+ OTHER mmorpg games to play instead."
I agree Theely, the primary blame should be placed on the design team. And Raph Koster in particular.
He came up with a vision that the casual player should be catered to, that leveling and character development should be made fast and meaningless, that crafters should rule the economy with their booring junk, and that players would create their own content if the designers mearly provided a "sandbox" for them to do so in. And then he sold the idea to a greedy Sony with the promise that all these "revolutionary" new features would bring in fresh players to the genre by the droves.
But what he completely failed to realize, is, that even casual players who constantly whine about inhabiting the lower pecking orders of rank and priviledge in MMORPG's will be unhappy in a static and lifeless world. And that the secret to EQ's success lay in the grind being made bearable by always hoping for that next piece of phat lewt. And that the sandbox idea had already been done long before. They are called chatrooms, and it should have been readily apparent that they are going to draw gamers into the fold about as successfully as The Sims Online has.
I've seen some information that EQII was being designed with exactly the same philosophy as SWG was, and that its release delays were attributable to a re-thinking/re-design ordered by management after the SWG debacle. So here's to hoping that these rumors were true, and that we'll get something better from Sony this time around.
I think it all started from a group of programmers/developers thinking Hey it would be awesome to make a Star Wars MMORPG. Then they go to Sony and say, "Hey! We got this awesome SWG idea! Can you sponsor us and provide us $$$ to make this game. In return you get some $$$ when it sells." Sony says Hmm looks like a wise investment.... OK! The only fault I see with SOE is agreeing to invest in SWG. Much like EQ, Sony didn't make it. Verant did. But verant not being a big name or having alot of money like Sony does, sold it to them.
The game a smashing success for the first 5 or 6 months it was out. It was only after that when they started to listen to all the whiners and people crying nerf that the game started to go downhill. I don't gauge a games success by its number of subscribers because numbers can be deceiving.
The game has become completely unbalanced and has no more social aspect. The availability and ease of use for uber armor, Buffs and food have made the need for grouping completely null. It has become a haven for solo players and jedi grinders. The game has failed to retain any semblance of the star wars universe on which it is based.
So yes the game IS a failure and there are many people to blame. This game is headed downhill and they know it. Now they will do their very best to milk it for every penny they can get before it goes completely under.
Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.
if you guys want change then perhaps u should leave SOE alone, id focus your attention on lucasarts, everyone knows george lucas is completely insane when it comes to controlling his baby, he has the power to make sony change thier tune, imo send your feedback on SWG to LA, theres a much better chance that some change will happen
it reminds me the situation betweeen Microsoft and AC2. Turbine was wrong when they sold their game to Microsoft. I think the same situation is here and it will happen in the future over and over again.
Answer to the original question. Hell yes. We can hold them responsible, and should.
I played SWG @ day 1 of release... well maybe not played, their launch was a (insert creative words here). For the first couple of months of gameplay SOE kept drastically altering the classes... changing the rules. And basicly the game played as if you were paying to play the beta phase of a game instead of a retail version.
Being a space game junky and somewhat of a SW fan I just hope that their expansion goes off better.
The game a smashing success for the first 5 or 6 months it was out. It was only after that when they started to listen to all the whiners and people crying nerf that the game started to go downhill. I don't gauge a games success by its number of subscribers because numbers can be deceiving.
You might not guage a games success by how much $$$ it is making, but the rest of the buisness world, Mr. Reality, and the industry does. That decides if a MMORPG stays up or dies. Thousands of EnB fans still playing it thought it was a success... but Mr. Reality did not. EnB got shut down.
What does Mr. Reality think about SWG? It IS a hit success. If you do not like it, do not play it. The 200,000 - 300,000 other players will keep on playing SWG no matter if you like it or not. SWG will still be around no matter if you like it or not. SWG cost roughly 25 million to make. The intended shelf life of a MMORPG is 5 years. SWG is now 1 year and 3 months old. As soon as it reaches the 5 year mark, it will have 100.100% fulfilled their expectations. 3 years and 9 months more is left.
I asked for any info backing up anyone's claims that SWG is a failure. And the only info you can put forward is.... Your opinion that it is a failure? Your opinion that you on purpose reject the facts that it is pulling in a profit? Your opinion that you on purpose reject the fact that hundreds of thousands of other players ARE playing SWG?
In that case, your 1 god-like opinion gets overruled by the 200,000+ god-like opinions of the players who see SWG as a success.
Bring on the facts showing SWG is a complete, utter, failure.
The game has become completely unbalanced and has no more social aspect. The availability and ease of use for uber armor, Buffs and food have made the need for grouping completely null. It has become a haven for solo players and jedi grinders. The game has failed to retain any semblance of the star wars universe on which it is based.
I fully agree SWG is not a perfect MMORPG. I will even agree It was a better game when it was 4 months after release. But my reasons are different. I feel the Jedi Hologrind did irreplaceable damage to the quality player community. But hey, the game is still alive. It is still a hit game. It is still making a profit. It will still be around.
So yes the game IS a failure and there are many people to blame. This game is headed downhill and they know it. Now they will do their very best to milk it for every penny they can get before it goes completely under.
The game is a failure because.... you personally do not like it. OK. It is a failure for your playstyle. BUT you have no concrete facts showing SWG is a failure in reality terms. It is making a profit. It is on track to staying around another 4 more years. It has made back all money invested into it. All you can say is you do not like to play SWG. How come you refuse to play another different MMORPG?
KotoR is a Bioware game, Lucas Arts didn't make it. Not sure about X-wing VS Tie Fighter, but I'm pretty sure it was developed by someone other than Lucas Arts.
Couple people keep waving this 200k sub number for SWG around. Link some proof to substantiate that, por favor.
And then go find out how many of SWG's subs are unique.
Fact is, there are so many people that have been waiting for a truley good game to come out, that these newbs have no clue on what they are missing out on and end up settling with subpar performance, customer service and end product... very sad.
Well for me the issue I had with SWG is that the combat system seems one-sided. Not really on the issue of balance but as that there was limited interaction or truly a skill-based improvement system. In a sense, they masked their ideas about getting rid of the level and xp treadmill in a new package. I personally think the package is neat but not what I bought the game for. I was literally hoping for a combat system where my actual skills improved with no tiering/leveling of skills. In some ways, I don't know it's even possible to eliminate the concept of levels from a combat system as they're currently perceived. I thought besides the combat, that the player community was way more flatter than the game itself. In some ways, the fact that players had a run of things with little or no interaction from the CSRs, in game, really left the game wanting.
What has SWG closed its doors and they forgot to tell someone?Last time i checked it was still active.Oh i see since SWG did not live up to everyones expectations due to overhyping it and everyone beleivng it will be "best game ever" it failed?
Thats what really happened SOE just did what it was supposed to do and sell a product to make cash.
Want to ENJOY an mmo?
Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.
Hey look. I've been reading all these forums for a while. I have yet to see a game NOT get bashed. Everybody's entitled to their opinion, but if you nit-pick everything, you might as well play a card game. If you like it, play. If not, dont. It's that simple. I've been playing SWG for about 6 months and beta tested it for a year. For me, it's fun. If I nit-picked it, it wouldn't be fun. I don't care about what's wrong with the combat system. I don't care about broken promises. I don't even think about becoming a Jedi. I just wanna have fun. When that stops, I'll move on and not complain for the next two years. That's my 2 cents.
I asked for any info backing up anyone's claims that SWG is a failure. And the only info you can put forward is.... Your opinion that it is a failure? Your opinion that you on purpose reject the facts that it is pulling in a profit? Your opinion that you on purpose reject the fact that hundreds of thousands of other players ARE playing SWG? In that case, your 1 god-like opinion gets overruled by the 200,000+ god-like opinions of the players who see SWG as a success. Bring on the facts showing SWG is a complete, utter, failure.
First of all, I believe the phrase alleged failure was used. So, by ramming your "prove this, prove that" comments down that guys throat do nothing but make you look..well...I'll leave that alone.
Second, how about facts proving SWG is, in fact, a success? Are they a success because SOE claims they have 200k+ subscribers? SOE is well know for using extreme exageration in just about every word they publish. Are they a success because you read some article in a magazine or a website? Do you believe everything you read? If so, I just inherited the title to the land the Eifel Tower is on. Here take a look. I'll sell it to ya. Real cheap!!
I'll tell you this fact, though. I played 2 accounts on SWG for 9 months. Starting from release day. I quit for my own reasons but I decided to stop by there a month or so ago to take a look. I just wanted to see what kind of changes had taken place. I logged in on a Saturday night during peak hours. I travelled from place to place looking around for a little under 3 hours. I went to all the high traffic cities. Corellia, Theed, Bestine and just about every other city that I had remembered to have alot of people. Not only did I not find even 1 of the hundreds of people I knew (I was a successful weaponsmith so yes, I knew alot of people), but I saw only 12 other players during this entire time. This was on the Tempest server which is/was a very active server.
I'm not saying SWG is a failure, but this fact sure leans towards it. Personally, I loved the game for the most part. I even miss it sometimes. So, to stay on topic, I believe SOE would be the one to blame (if any) due to poor customer service.
I remember when I first heard it was in development I said to myself "Star Wars??!? Holy crap, even if it sucks ass it will be the biggest selling MMO of all times. Hell, I'll buy it!" But then it was released and I didn't get around to buying it. Then the reviews were kinda lackluster and I heard from those playing it very mixed reviews so I still didn't buy it. And here we are, and I have no plans on buying it. My failure to contribute dollars to this game contributed to its suckitude!
since swg was pretty buggy at the start of retail, and custommer support is provided by SOE and it was bad, yes u can obviously blame SOE ^_^
i must admit that swg has good ideas bout craftin and so, but the pvp is totally unbalanced, the patches never come when they say they will, the game is still buggy 1 year after release.... so seriously how could this game not be a failure? cuz it has 200k star wars fanbois subs? heh if this is really true, bout em havin 200k subs, then economically its not a failure, but the fact that the game has so many issues, makes it a failure..... and yes ive played swg, and yes lots of the ppl currently playin it always complain bout bugs, bad customer support, etc.
SOE is to blame for swg bein not an A+ mmorpg like it should have been
EQ2 devs probably rnt the same as for SWG, but the customer support will b provided by SOE, so good luck reportin bugs and gettin em fixed ^_^
Richijefe... level 61 Silver Ranger on Bartz... quit 4 months ago ^_^
It is 100% about LucasArts. The problem is there are two chiefs leading 1 tribe. SWG has two parent companies - SOE and LucasArts. Proof of how bad this is .... was before SWG released. LucasArts released screenshots without telling Sony. Sony thought it was a leak.
More proof is the current SWG ads all over the internet using FLASH. LucasArts made it on their own, without telling Sony. It is boarderline false advertising. The ad shows nothing but Jedi for 50% to 80% of the entire ad. It makes new MMORPG players think SWG is mostly a Jedi game. The SWG game DEVs posted a major thread on the official SWG forums asking players to comment on the ad. They also posted that they had nothing to do with the ad, can't stop further running of the ad.
The ad isn't even hosted at the official Sony SWG site. LucasArts hosts it at their site. (Even the link at the SONY site station.com goes to the LucasArts site.)
-Personal Website (A Work in progress):
-AC, AC2, AO, EQ, SWG:
-More SWG:
-EverQuest II:
-EQ, Dungeon Siege, Diablo II, *UXO*:
-EVE Online !!!
You need to do some serious research on the history of EQ.
1. Smeadly got the ball rolling by getting money for EQ. McQuaid was the major game designer.
Smeadly originally was a regular worker at Sony. He approached the CEO more than once pitching the idea of EQ. (Which he already made and played on Pen & Paper. Norrath was the name of a Pen and Paper world.)
2. Sony gets a NEW CEO. Smeadly gives his sales pitch again. This new CEO decides to listen. (The fact that UO, made by Lord British and Raph Koster aka Designer Dragon was doing well, also helped the CEO of Sony make his decision.) They fund EQ. EQ costs 5 million to make. Right before EQ is completed, Sony pulls the rug.
3. Smeadly and friends form Variant, and finnish working on EQ. EQ becomes a hit. It does better than Smeadly and McQuaid ever imagined.
4. Smeadly approaches Sony and offers to sell Variant aka EQ b-a-c-k to Sony. For the nice pocket change of 30 million. Because all Americans now are no longer patriotic and enjoy giving successful American products to foreigners. While the rest of the American public ignores this as long as they get a coffee and doughnut every morning.... (TVs, VCRs, Walkmen, CDs, Discman, MP3, Consoles, PC Computers, Laptops, Mini-Vans, Harley-Davidson, the American Flag, and.... now the biggest hit MMORPG!)
5. EQ at its 4 year mark, under Sony's ownership, grossed between 200 million (conservative) to 400 million (liberal). Expenses take up roughly 60% of gross profits. EQ has made enough profits for SOE to fund 3 brand new major MMORPGs. As well as countless EQ expansions.
Feel free to pick up the summer 2002 issue of Buisness 2.0 magazine for the full story. WITH interviews with the man himself - Smeadly. Or go browse the Buisness 2.0 magazine site. (It's free to browse recent issues, you might have to pay to browse back issues.)
What would have happened if Sony had never been in the picture? Smeadly would never have had a job in the first place. There never would have been a foreign company for this American product to be sold to .... like all other American products end up.
-Personal Website (A Work in progress):
-AC, AC2, AO, EQ, SWG:
-More SWG:
-EverQuest II:
-EQ, Dungeon Siege, Diablo II, *UXO*:
-EVE Online !!!
Nope. There are 200,000+ players who ARE having fun playing SWG. Is there anyone to blame? No. Because SWG is not a failure. If there are any players who dislike SWG - then do NOT play SWG! Too simple! People who try eggplant and dislike it, do not keep trying to eat it. They eat something else.
This thread is headed towards being another "lets bash SWG even though it is a successful MMORPG. Even though we dislike it and can pick 5+ OTHER mmorpg games to play instead."
-Personal Website (A Work in progress):
-AC, AC2, AO, EQ, SWG:
-More SWG:
-EverQuest II:
-EQ, Dungeon Siege, Diablo II, *UXO*:
-EVE Online !!!
I agree Theely, the primary blame should be placed on the design team. And Raph Koster in particular.
He came up with a vision that the casual player should be catered to, that leveling and character development should be made fast and meaningless, that crafters should rule the economy with their booring junk, and that players would create their own content if the designers mearly provided a "sandbox" for them to do so in. And then he sold the idea to a greedy Sony with the promise that all these "revolutionary" new features would bring in fresh players to the genre by the droves.
But what he completely failed to realize, is, that even casual players who constantly whine about inhabiting the lower pecking orders of rank and priviledge in MMORPG's will be unhappy in a static and lifeless world. And that the secret to EQ's success lay in the grind being made bearable by always hoping for that next piece of phat lewt. And that the sandbox idea had already been done long before. They are called chatrooms, and it should have been readily apparent that they are going to draw gamers into the fold about as successfully as The Sims Online has.
I've seen some information that EQII was being designed with exactly the same philosophy as SWG was, and that its release delays were attributable to a re-thinking/re-design ordered by management after the SWG debacle. So here's to hoping that these rumors were true, and that we'll get something better from Sony this time around.
I think it all started from a group of programmers/developers thinking Hey it would be awesome to make a Star Wars MMORPG. Then they go to Sony and say, "Hey! We got this awesome SWG idea! Can you sponsor us and provide us $$$ to make this game. In return you get some $$$ when it sells." Sony says Hmm looks like a wise investment.... OK! The only fault I see with SOE is agreeing to invest in SWG. Much like EQ, Sony didn't make it. Verant did. But verant not being a big name or having alot of money like Sony does, sold it to them.
Actually SWG was a great idea in the beginning...
The game a smashing success for the first 5 or 6 months it was out. It was only after that when they started to listen to all the whiners and people crying nerf that the game started to go downhill. I don't gauge a games success by its number of subscribers because numbers can be deceiving.
The game has become completely unbalanced and has no more social aspect. The availability and ease of use for uber armor, Buffs and food have made the need for grouping completely null. It has become a haven for solo players and jedi grinders. The game has failed to retain any semblance of the star wars universe on which it is based.
So yes the game IS a failure and there are many people to blame. This game is headed downhill and they know it. Now they will do their very best to milk it for every penny they can get before it goes completely under.
Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.
it reminds me the situation betweeen Microsoft and AC2. Turbine was wrong when they sold their game to Microsoft. I think the same situation is here and it will happen in the future over and over again.
∙name: EViLD0G
∙clan: [EXE]
∙playing: WoW, EQ, SIMS, AC, AC2, DAoC, FFXI, AW, RS
∙planning: WoW, EQ2, GW, DnL
Answer to the original question. Hell yes. We can hold them responsible, and should.
I played SWG @ day 1 of release... well maybe not played, their launch was a (insert creative words here). For the first couple of months of gameplay SOE kept drastically altering the classes... changing the rules. And basicly the game played as if you were paying to play the beta phase of a game instead of a retail version.
Being a space game junky and somewhat of a SW fan I just hope that their expansion goes off better.
Edit for typo
-Personal Website (A Work in progress):
-AC, AC2, AO, EQ, SWG:
-More SWG:
-EverQuest II:
-EQ, Dungeon Siege, Diablo II, *UXO*:
-EVE Online !!!
KotoR is a Bioware game, Lucas Arts didn't make it.
Not sure about X-wing VS Tie Fighter, but I'm pretty sure it was developed by someone other than Lucas Arts.
Couple people keep waving this 200k sub number for SWG around. Link some proof to substantiate that, por favor.
And then go find out how many of SWG's subs are unique.
This is the most clear and concise way of explaining SOE I've seen yet. I think I'll add it to my sig. Rock on.
Waiting for WoW, will play until something with new gameplay arrives
"I've been born again"
"I'm coming to get you bastards"
-Derrik, Bad Taste
Looking forward (cautiously) to: Age of Conan, Dark Solstice, Armada Online.
Will soon try: Guild Wars
Overall: Amazed and bewhildered at the current sad state of the artform of gaming.
Well anything with Star Wars in it is going to blow ass.
sigh... another fanboi.
Fact is, there are so many people that have been waiting for a truley good game to come out, that these newbs have no clue on what they are missing out on and end up settling with subpar performance, customer service and end product... very sad.
Well for me the issue I had with SWG is that the combat system seems one-sided. Not really on the issue of balance but as that there was limited interaction or truly a skill-based improvement system. In a sense, they masked their ideas about getting rid of the level and xp treadmill in a new package. I personally think the package is neat but not what I bought the game for. I was literally hoping for a combat system where my actual skills improved with no tiering/leveling of skills. In some ways, I don't know it's even possible to eliminate the concept of levels from a combat system as they're currently perceived. I thought besides the combat, that the player community was way more flatter than the game itself. In some ways, the fact that players had a run of things with little or no interaction from the CSRs, in game, really left the game wanting.
-- Bridget
What has SWG closed its doors and they forgot to tell someone?Last time i checked it was still active.Oh i see since SWG did not live up to everyones expectations due to overhyping it and everyone beleivng it will be "best game ever" it failed?
Thats what really happened SOE just did what it was supposed to do and sell a product to make cash.
Want to ENJOY an mmo?
Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.
Just play the damn game:)
theres no answer because there was never and will never be a failure of SWG.....
1) WoW
2) DAoC
3) EQ (I did have a lot of fun with this one but I couldn't go back.)
4) Eve
Welcome Back My Friends
Welcome Back My Friends
First of all, I believe the phrase alleged failure was used. So, by ramming your "prove this, prove that" comments down that guys throat do nothing but make you look..well...I'll leave that alone.
Second, how about facts proving SWG is, in fact, a success? Are they a success because SOE claims they have 200k+ subscribers? SOE is well know for using extreme exageration in just about every word they publish. Are they a success because you read some article in a magazine or a website? Do you believe everything you read? If so, I just inherited the title to the land the Eifel Tower is on. Here take a look. I'll sell it to ya. Real cheap!!
I'll tell you this fact, though. I played 2 accounts on SWG for 9 months. Starting from release day. I quit for my own reasons but I decided to stop by there a month or so ago to take a look. I just wanted to see what kind of changes had taken place. I logged in on a Saturday night during peak hours. I travelled from place to place looking around for a little under 3 hours. I went to all the high traffic cities. Corellia, Theed, Bestine and just about every other city that I had remembered to have alot of people. Not only did I not find even 1 of the hundreds of people I knew (I was a successful weaponsmith so yes, I knew alot of people), but I saw only 12 other players during this entire time. This was on the Tempest server which is/was a very active server.
I'm not saying SWG is a failure, but this fact sure leans towards it. Personally, I loved the game for the most part. I even miss it sometimes. So, to stay on topic, I believe SOE would be the one to blame (if any) due to poor customer service.
I blame myself!
I remember when I first heard it was in development I said to myself "Star Wars??!? Holy crap, even if it sucks ass it will be the biggest selling MMO of all times. Hell, I'll buy it!" But then it was released and I didn't get around to buying it. Then the reviews were kinda lackluster and I heard from those playing it very mixed reviews so I still didn't buy it. And here we are, and I have no plans on buying it. My failure to contribute dollars to this game contributed to its suckitude!
Sorry, My bad!
I blame it on Gorbechev. I can't state why, because it's a government secret.
But I'll tell you right now... IT WAS GORBECHEV!
Waiting for WoW, will play until something with new gameplay arrives
"The philosophy of a corporate entity umbrellas all activities. Obviously, SOE has a flawed way of doing business."
-Crabby, MMORPG Boards
Looking forward (cautiously) to: Age of Conan, Dark Solstice, Armada Online.
Will soon try: Guild Wars
Overall: Amazed and bewhildered at the current sad state of the artform of gaming.
This is my opinion. ^_^
since swg was pretty buggy at the start of retail, and custommer support is provided by SOE and it was bad, yes u can obviously blame SOE ^_^
i must admit that swg has good ideas bout craftin and so, but the pvp is totally unbalanced, the patches never come when they say they will, the game is still buggy 1 year after release.... so seriously how could this game not be a failure? cuz it has 200k star wars fanbois subs? heh if this is really true, bout em havin 200k subs, then economically its not a failure, but the fact that the game has so many issues, makes it a failure..... and yes ive played swg, and yes lots of the ppl currently playin it always complain bout bugs, bad customer support, etc.
SOE is to blame for swg bein not an A+ mmorpg like it should have been
EQ2 devs probably rnt the same as for SWG, but the customer support will b provided by SOE, so good luck reportin bugs and gettin em fixed ^_^
Richijefe... level 61 Silver Ranger on Bartz... quit 4 months ago ^_^