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I wonder what the limit on the jobs will be like. It was fun being a Master Creature Handler + Master Weaponsmith in SWG, but it could have been a lot sweeter if crafting and combat skill trees were different. Regardless, most characters in SWG were unique in what skill trees they chose, except for the cookie cutter, fotm pvpers.
Hyper specialized people will take over the game in the end, anyway, so you'll have to let everyone max out on everything or they'll just make alts... or?
Discuss Disciplines (Disciples of the Hand, Disciples of the Land, Disciples of Magic, Disciples of War) - - Final Fantasy XIV Fansite. on Facebook, Twitter, Square Enix Members, YouTube & RSS
That is one aspect of the game I am wary of and hoping turns out well as it is integral to gameplay fun. I hope it is at least as good as FF11's setup no matter what form it takes... but if it is less enjoyable , I will be wishing they had just reused FF11s.
(Great FF14 source)
Yeah but you should know that SE rarely reuses things from different game Save CID, Airships, Chocobos, and magic.
Loads of ppl wanted the Gunblade from FFVIII back, It never saw the light of day again in FF series
Sure the new game sistem might be weird but being able to change jobs by changing weapons is amazing its like crap we lost the WHM does anyone else have skill not crap we gota hold up the party for 2 hours while a new WHM gets there
I dont know how many times I teleported my WHM ass to some place ran for an hour fought 3 mobs and group disbanded because they couldnt find a healer for 2 hours.
In WOW if something gets bogged down for like 15-30min they call it a night no dedication at all
My hair turns blond when i got out in the sun
Yeah I'm really not sure how FFXIV is going to work yet since there technically isn't solid named jobs like Black Mage, White Mage, etc. I am just hoping that the system doesn't turn out that everyone is an 'uber' hybrid type of character.
I'm sure SE has thought about this so i'm not worrid to much but then again there is always the thought that lingers on how things will be when everyone is capped on a system that sounds kind of sandboxish..
Meh I'm tired I probably didn't make any sense in that post i'm sorry XD
I like how SE tries to not reuse things too much. But at times it's a good thing. Chocobos are awesome. And yeah, no solid names just yet, but we'll see. I'll most likely going to play whatever a healer will be called. However, since they're allowing us to be more flexible this time around.. I start to wonder how things will turn out for sure.
Yep, SE usually has these things thought of, so let's wait and see how it turns out. - Final Fantasy XIV Fansite. on Facebook, Twitter, Square Enix Members, YouTube & RSS
I dont see there being any limits besides if they allow mixed classes like WHM/BLM
but othewise I think its really up to the player to decide the rest
Yep, lets see how it turns out. I don't want there to be too many limits put in place. Same goes for the gaming world.
Check out this thread for a great discussion: - Final Fantasy XIV Fansite. on Facebook, Twitter, Square Enix Members, YouTube & RSS
Well the way i see it you change your job/subjob based on weapons and armor right. So i would bet that only certain armor chest/sheild would be like the subjob and the weapon will reprosent your main job
This is just a guess of course
My hair turns blond when i got out in the sun
Sounds about right, healing weapon, fighter weapon etc. - Final Fantasy XIV Fansite. on Facebook, Twitter, Square Enix Members, YouTube & RSS
I am really curious how they are going to do this, they keep taking about how you wont have to get exp for your job anymore? It sounds weird but I guess when all the information gets released everyone will be like OH THAT MAKES SENSE.... or it will be a complete failure. I hope not, I guess time will tell.
Haha, oh yeah. I hope we'll say "Oh that makes sense" and not the other way around. I think some way of "leveling" will exist, but this time around it's leveling your weapons instead. - Final Fantasy XIV Fansite. on Facebook, Twitter, Square Enix Members, YouTube & RSS
yeah i just cant seem to figure out what it is. Browsing through forums though a lot of people have some really great ideas so they will most likey do this well, either way I'm still looking forward to this game haha.
Yeah it will Im not sure where i saw it but they said that you lvl your sword skill thats what lvls your char. The way i see it its like the standard weapon skillpoint sistem FFXI had only thing is your not gona be asking wheres the lvl 20 mobs it gona be wheres the 75-90 weapon skill area or something like that
Plus for getting the higher WS your probably gona have to do some old school FFXI grinding in a party. Or at least thats what i heard
My hair turns blond when i got out in the sun
Yeah it will Im not sure where i saw it but they said that you lvl your sword skill thats what lvls your char. The way i see it its like the standard weapon skillpoint sistem FFXI had only thing is your not gona be asking wheres the lvl 20 mobs it gona be wheres the 75-90 weapon skill area or something like that
Plus for getting the higher WS your probably gona have to do some old school FFXI grinding in a party. Or at least thats what i heard
Well, there's a lot of speculation right now. Since they're targeting a much wider audience this time around, the part where you mention grinding in a group might play a role, but not close to as much it was "forced" in FFXI. - Final Fantasy XIV Fansite. on Facebook, Twitter, Square Enix Members, YouTube & RSS
Yeah it will Im not sure where i saw it but they said that you lvl your sword skill thats what lvls your char. The way i see it its like the standard weapon skillpoint sistem FFXI had only thing is your not gona be asking wheres the lvl 20 mobs it gona be wheres the 75-90 weapon skill area or something like that
Plus for getting the higher WS your probably gona have to do some old school FFXI grinding in a party. Or at least thats what i heard
Well, there's a lot of speculation right now. Since they're targeting a much wider audience this time around, the part where you mention grinding in a group might play a role, but not close to as much it was "forced" in FFXI.
true but i doubt they will get rid of Party and be like WOW where you can solo everything. I honestly dont know how there gona balance the solo to party and keep the comunity that made FFXI so awesome.
the more i think about it the less posisble it seems to me since the mobs have to just hard enough that a normal player can do it but a twink may still have a hard time plus whats the encentive to party when you can solo will it st be fast exp.
I cant wait to play the beta and find out while trying not to get my hopes to high.
My hair turns blond when i got out in the sun
The thing is, not everything is soloable in WoW, it's just not completely alienating everyone without a group like Lineage 2 and FFXI. I agree though, something in between would be nice. What's making FFXI so "community-like" is the same that made EverQuest have such an awesome community; lack of instances and a longer way to level up, so there's more partying and doing things together, not to mention the timesinks that exists everywhere, everything from farming to the quest chains to access areas to the encounters themselves..
... Now with FFXIV I think SE wants to go a different path and do a mix between WoW and Aion, now this is only speculation, but I think I'm fairly right here. FFXI players have their own game and community and that game won't go anywhere. _) So the style of gameplay that FFXI, Lineage 2 and EverQuest offer players will not be present in FFXIV, instead it will cater to more people and hopefully many from FFXI too, just do not expect it to be so 'hardcore' (I enjoy hardcore by the way, but a change of pace is nice too). - Final Fantasy XIV Fansite. on Facebook, Twitter, Square Enix Members, YouTube & RSS
I was hoping that the classes didn't have a limit since in FFXI they were practically limitless.
Having no limits is pretty nice, I agree. I mean, then you got a lot more leeway and there's less restrictions. - Final Fantasy XIV Fansite. on Facebook, Twitter, Square Enix Members, YouTube & RSS
I am really just hoping they find a happy medium, lots of solo stuff to do and a lot more stuff to party up with. There isn't all that much in wow thats requires parties except for dungeons and raids and a few scattered quests. I want a lot more stuff to party up with and a game that can find a very good balance between hardcore unforgiving monsters with a force to party for everything and a I'ma do everything by myself until I get bored or lonely.
Ya know, I just hope the jobs will be more than updated, from what I see in the beta, the jobs are very sophisticated, wonderful!
I have an idea on the leveling system.
It seems to me that it will be rather similar to FFXI system minus the level and xp.
Think about it: what did the level do for you aside from allowing you to wear gear of a higher lvl (give u a few more HP/MP) and raise the cap of your skills. So take away the leveling and you get all the skills you have with no lvl capsexcept the max cap. Once you get your sword lvl to lvl 5 you get a new Weapon Skill, once u get the shield to 10 u get Shieldwall or something similar. They could easely link HP/MP to the skill of your weapon aswell and as for the gear lvl well it can be based on stats. Say you need 40 STR and 40 VIT to wear this Armor.
And from the interview... it seems there IS some sort of XP or they would not talk about loosing XP during deaths.. maybe u use your XP to add stats to your toon (much like the endgame FFXI)
"Shieldwall", "toon"- this lingo is unapplicable to FF, please leave it at the door before entering the FF forums.
(Great FF14 source)
Damn I didnt realize they had bouncers in this forum
should have called to have my name put on the list...
Troll much Bellarion?
Whats the difference between Shield Block and Shield Wall?
teehee it was light teasing, I forgot to type " :P " , my bad
(Great FF14 source)
Either way, Final Fantasy XIV will probably have limitless possiblities like FFXI there were merits and such.
4Gamer interview with Tanaka and Sundi translated in FFXIVCore quality - - Final Fantasy XIV Fansite. on Facebook, Twitter, Square Enix Members, YouTube & RSS