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EverQuest: Sony Developing EverQuest "Next"



  • Markn12Markn12 Member Posts: 222

    We dont need a wow killer because the true wow killer is blizzard and there ignoring the fanbase devs who are pissing off alot of there players lately.

    Another EQ would work but to me it would have to be a sandbox PVE game with WOW type PVP.   Level based games are getting old and the casual player is sick of them.  

    Another thought is if they make another EQ game will it just siphon players from EQ and EQ2 like EQ2 did to EQ ?  I dont think the playerbase can support all 3 unless the next one is unique and generates new players and doesnt take many away from EQ and EQ2.    Oh and for fuck sakes learn your lesson SOE DO NOT RELEASE a bugged unfinished game (alla eq2) it will kill your playerbase.  EQ2 is probably the best PVE game out right now and no one plays it because of the HORRIBLE launch.

  • MegeraMegera Member UncommonPosts: 45

    I'm just tired of anorexic twig elves, stocky, stubby humans and breasts like cantelopes on anything mammalian and female.  I'm surprised they haven't just started sticking random mammoth breasts on iksar and sarnaks.

    And i'm also very much tired of having to be a 'level' to do things.  Maybe if they could give us things like in city of heros - pick your baseline, pick your set, then pick your subset, and then 'additional powersets' that would work out better.  I'm just really annoyed with having to put up with *other* people's idea of what a ranger or druid should be, or a paladin or wizard or whatever. 

    User created content has been bantied about for ages - and yeah, i would really rather someone put it through a process so we don't end up with the penis banner for every guy who thinks he's funny.

  • SortranSortran Member Posts: 148

    I myself would like to see an eq title again, though with a lot of different things. Now before I continue, I have played EQ1 for about 4 years and never touched eq2. (was busy trying many other games)

    Sorry for those of you out there that tl:dr this, its no biggie for me.

    There was a lot of things in EQ that I liked. lets not forget that before asian grinders EQ pre PoP was a sizable grind so asian grinders arnt the orginal grinder games,they just make tons of them for mostly their market. Couple of things I would like to see in a newer Everquest title that would give me pause and make me think about playing it:

    1. I didnt mind the grind, and honestly I think that getting to max level in short time periods ruins content in games (why have content that gets burned through at blinding speeds? yes I know there are those who like that and WoW probably produced a few lol)

    2. Customizable interface. I have steadily watched 3rd party legit programs grow for customization in interfaces. While its not entirely necessary for a company to make a highly customizable interface, I prefer to not have to do 3rd party software from legit companies or websites to get an interface I like.

    3. AI mentality:  give this a good shot in the arm. I know that scripting advanced AI is probably a tough challenge, but instead of using skills on say a timer, have the AI be a bit more random, have wider skill sets, and have a better threat choice. Before, tanks could build agro and unless someone dumped tons of damage, they maintained it. the more intelligent monsters (the classic ones like dragons) should act a bit differently like attacking other things besides a tank. An intelligent mob would hit healers probably first, thats why you bring more of em with the parties. This would apply mainly for larger raid type encounters etc. Give them options like fight or flight and choosing it differently then say "my health is at xx percent i need to run". Again scripting this stuff is probably tough, but would be nice to see in a game for PVE.

    4. PVP: this is a stickler since EQ wasnt based around it. I wont advocate other pvp systems already out there, however some sort of territorial control and at least 3 or more separate factions/realms/whatever would help. Nothing like DAOC or WAR, but with all the options in games these days for building houses/castles etc there are plenty of options for territorial controls. PVP isnt a must have for me in Everquest, as I loved the content and lore of EQ1.

    5. Instances: Keep these relativity low in number and dont make them to the point that everyone does them. Instances dont kill the social aspect of a game, but they dont overly help it either from my experiences. For example: Maybe have some high end mobs in an instance for fun if a groups favorite target isnt up like a dragon or giant etc. Dont make the instance pour out tons of epic loot. keep it as an option for players to do when they feel like doing it but not grinding same one over and over.

    6. Seemless world: many players like seemless worlds instead of load times, cant really disagree with that at all.

    7: Character Developement: This one is a big one for me. While in some games I like class systems, in others I favor the pick what you want to do style. Dont go overboard and allow every player to get every skill from every progression. example, warrior mages, perhaps someone likes to fight up close and personal but wants to get off a few shots at a mob prior to slugging it out. cap the skill points earned from leveling so that people cant have everything. Make palyers chose what they want. now this can be a double edged sword with the flavor of the month build where everyone is using it.  This would be another area that would be difficult to balance for in pvp as many of us have seen.  Class specializations or so called Elite professions: maybe have a sizable quest line to boost the powers of some skill sets to power up players. Limit it to picking a specific skill line so no one could multi class specs. IE melee skill only, not caster or ranged etc.

    8:Casual vs Hardcore: not going to go into great detail as this has been beaten to death over and over. Two things this classic argument causes: Casual players dont always have the time to dedicate to a game as some others might. casuals may not play game for as long before quiting. Hardcore gamers want something to stroke their ego's and they "brag" if you will to players who dont have it, often with vileness which creates bad communities. Finding a middle ground will probably be the toughest thing for any game on this subject.

    Sorry for the wall of text, just putting out some thoughts on what Ive encountered over the years and would like to see in the next installment.

    Also, I dont pay attention to who is at the helm at sony or who dev's a game as lead developer.

    Playing: Not much actively.
    Games played: to many to list, been playing MMO's since 2001

  • ohreallyohreally Member Posts: 106

    OH OH let me make a list of things that MUST be in teh new EQ...


    1)  Along with a $35 a month subscrition, please....

             Only allow 1 character...period...

              Redesign the entire world so no one recognizes anything, even though just a few hundred years have passed

              no in game support

              poor customer service

              LOTS of plat sellers

              farming and spawn camping

             and above all else, make sure that players have access to a virtual "mall" where they can purchase in game items to make their character more powerful than it would be if they just played teh game and EARNED their items...


    PLEASE INCLUDE ALL OF it wouldn't be EQ or EQ2 without them...



  • Nightbringe1Nightbringe1 Member UncommonPosts: 1,335

    If games like Free Realms give any indication of the direction SoE is moving their games I will not be interested.


    What I would like to see:

    1. Large immersive world with multiple starting cities and factions
    2. The sense of wonder and explorations maintained and expanded upon.
    3. No zone lines in the open world.
    4. Most dungeons non-instanced
    5. The current races and classes maintained
    6. The original feel of gameplay from EQ revived, with some updated mechanics
    7. Graphics in the same style as EQ / EQII / Vanguard. These are all essentially progressive iterations of the same style advancing with technology.
    8. A meaningful crafting system
    9. Housing
    10. Collection quests, achievement system, and a lore tome (aka WAR's)

    Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do.
    Benjamin Franklin

  • nate1980nate1980 Member UncommonPosts: 2,074

    I like to take lessons learned from history when confronting a problem. I'd say they need to create an evolved Everquest. For instance, how has combat evolved from 300 years ago, to now? How about 30 years ago, to now? The answer is A LOT! So why then is magic the same, and the archetypes the same in EQ2 as they were in the original EQ?

    So first things first, make whatever classes are in the new EQ evolved versions of the past classes. Surely new magical or technological breakthroughs have occured in the last two games timelines to warrant evolution in magical, melee, and ranged combat.

    Next is gameplay elements that has nothing to do with the IP, such as the tried and true turn-based/auto-attack combat mechanic. I like the direction some more recent games have taken this genre, such as DDO, AOC, Darkfall, and TCoS. A mixture of FPS/turn-based combat is interesting, as is a full fps system. We need eyes on the combat, not on a hotbar. Evading, dodging, and blocking while casting spells, swinging a sword, or shooting a bow is what's exciting. Not pressing 1, 2, 3, pause, 1, 2, 3 etc

  • p0psp0ps Member Posts: 19
    Originally posted by OoMpAlOmPaZ

    Originally posted by Archtype

    Best thing to do is not make it like all the other MMo's out there today where any crack riddled 12 yr old can make top level in 3 weeks.
    Make it like OLD EQ prior to Planes of Power where you had to achieve things with effort. Where you had to group. Where gaining a level felt like an achievement. Where traveling took longer than 10 seconds.
    Want instant gratification and an MMO on easy mode. Play WOW with the rest of the kiddies and brain dead people. Want a real MMO like they used to make that drew you into it and grabbed you... than go old school.
    EQ's Velious expansion to me was top notch. I loved everything about the epicness of it. The way guilds raced to epic mobs. No ignorant kiddie instancing. COMPETITION WAS THE FLAVOR. The drama it caused. The grinding.. oh yes.... I have killed MILLIONS of dwarfs and furbies out in the wastes.. and loved every bit of it.
    I haven't found a good MMO since I left EQ and DAOC ( pre ToA ) and have longed for another like those. Vanguard had potential but alas.................. I've been lookin for roughly 6 years now. Played EVE for over 4 years but it never filled that void.
    As much as some will disagree with this... hire Brad Mquaid to make the next EQ :) I'd buy a lifetime subscription at $300 a pop right now all day long. To me... he makes great MMo's. Although Vanguard got abit screwed up and had endless money issues.. the right concept for it was in place.
    Not all of us want want easy mode kiddie MMO's like WOW and Aion. Some of us want real depth .



    Brad Mcquaid with the proper resources would make the next wow killer


    /Agreed !

  • nate1980nate1980 Member UncommonPosts: 2,074
    Originally posted by csthao

    Get rid of the hard core raiding and the next EQ would be so much better. I agree that materialistic things in the game is what everyone wants lately, but putting in the hard core grind is pushing away a lot of casual players. They really need to "look back" instead of looking forward. Because if they want numbers EQ back in its earlier years had the most subs compared to how its like now. It was a great game, it was all about the community being able to do simple things without a care about all the loot. They gotta stop it with all the uber loot and its tedious grind to acquire them.
    EDIT: EQ 1 died when you were able to kill all the original gods. Every expansion after with its lore didn't make much difference anymore. The original lore was at its best.


    I agree with you non-raiding sentiment, at least the raid or die problem. A RPG without special enchanted loot, isn't a very exciting RPG. Think of good fantasy novels. There usually is a special weapon that is required to defeat this ultra bad evil guy. The Sword of Shannara and the Sword of Truth as an example. It only stands to reason that doing something hard should reward something and the harder that something is, the better the reward should be. Then it's just a matter of choosing how hard you want your adventure to be.

    The problem isn't with the loot so much; instead, it's lies with the envious and greedy players. A person who doesn't play the game the way they like to play it (ie. solo, small group, raids), but instead plays the game solely to gain the best gear, isn't right in the head to begin with.

    I don't want to focus on a solution to this right now, but even if I did, it'd be a waste of time. The developers will figure this stuff out, as I'm sure they know that not everyone likes to raid.

  • EmeraqEmeraq Member UncommonPosts: 1,063

    If they are able to improve upon EQ and EQ2 I just might try "Nexter"Quest.

  • ohreallyohreally Member Posts: 106

    How many people do you think would want to play an MMO if there were NO raiding...I don't mean teh uber raids that only a small fraction of players ever get to do...But most guilds have some sort of "raids" even if it's just to clear a zone and kill the named boss. In EQ2 that would be the epic mob boss...In eq the boss of the zone...There has to be some sort of goal oriented play...The only other option would really be a completely role played game, and as good as that might sound to some, it's not very realistic...I loved Eq and EQ2 when I played, I was a casual player and I was a hard core raider...(differnt times in my life) and both forms are required if the game is to be a success...

  • mhoward48mhoward48 Member UncommonPosts: 99

    I will be there that is for sure!  I periodically check Sony's site, to see if they are making a EQ 3 or what ever. This is good news for myself and many others. I have not found a game I loved playing  more then EQ. I loved the comradship and friends I met in the tunnels. If anything, I hope you allow for the originality of the players that they showed, in developing that area to meet up and sell, and  help one another out.

  • mhoward48mhoward48 Member UncommonPosts: 99
    Originally posted by Archtype

    I haven't found a good MMO since I left EQ and DAOC ( pre ToA ) and have longed for another like those. Vanguard had potential but alas.................. I've been lookin for roughly 6 years now. Played EVE for over 4 years but it never filled that void.
    As much as some will disagree with this... hire Brad Mquaid to make the next EQ :) I'd buy a lifetime subscription at $300 a pop right now all day long. To me... he makes great MMo's. Although Vanguard got abit screwed up and had endless money issues.. the right concept for it was in place.
    Not all of us want want easy mode kiddie MMO's like WOW and Aion. Some of us want real depth .
    I agree! I too would pay $300 for this.


  • p0psp0ps Member Posts: 19
    Originally posted by mhoward48

    Originally posted by Archtype

    I haven't found a good MMO since I left EQ and DAOC ( pre ToA ) and have longed for another like those. Vanguard had potential but alas.................. I've been lookin for roughly 6 years now. Played EVE for over 4 years but it never filled that void.
    As much as some will disagree with this... hire Brad Mquaid to make the next EQ :) I'd buy a lifetime subscription at $300 a pop right now all day long. To me... he makes great MMo's. Although Vanguard got abit screwed up and had endless money issues.. the right concept for it was in place.
    Not all of us want want easy mode kiddie MMO's like WOW and Aion. Some of us want real depth .
    I agree! I too would pay $300 for this.



  • ArchtypeArchtype Member Posts: 16

    I agree with the last poster.


    I read somehwere today about how some A$$hat stated one of the reasons Spellborn failed was because of a lack of  Auctioneer at release..... ummm almost everyone who played EQ in the early days LOVED the tunnel. Not everyone did but I would say the majority did. I loved it. I remember my first time leaving Qeynos and going across the continent to see this Friday night bazaar. I was floored. After that  the bazaar went from a weekly event to everyday event. You met new people. You made deals and trades. Sometimes you scored items at super cheap prices cause someone wanted to clear their inventory. This is the same for grouping. It had a community and it pulled you in. It was something special. Than came the Ah and the tunnel ended up being hollow and some of the magic died out .

    I miss it all lol

  • mhoward48mhoward48 Member UncommonPosts: 99
    Originally posted by Archtype

    I agree with the last poster.
    I read somehwere today about how some A$$hat stated one of the reasons Spellborn failed was because of a lack of  Auctioneer at release..... ummm almost everyone who played EQ in the early days LOVED the tunnel. Not everyone did but I would say the majority did. I loved it. I remember my first time leaving Qeynos and going across the continent to see this Friday night bazaar. I was floored. After that  the bazaar went from a weekly event to everyday event. You met new people. You made deals and trades. Sometimes you scored items at super cheap prices cause someone wanted to clear their inventory. This is the same for grouping. It had a community and it pulled you in. It was something special. Than came the Ah and the tunnel ended up being hollow and some of the magic died out .
    I miss it all lol
    Me too! Remember dropping items on low level mobs for the newbies. I loved being able to do that. That tunnel contributed a lot to us talking to one another, and really getting to know each other, and helping. .  We would make a bag, or a chest piece and it would be worth something. People could not wait to buy a ruby veil ! I want that back


  • WeiooWeioo Member Posts: 12





    Put Creatures here, there, dungeons here and there... Make it skill based, not level based... Have however many skills in the game you want, but you can only have 1000 total 'experience points,' and have the mastery of a skill take a total of 100 points, for a total ability of 10 mastered skills (thinking UO -like here, obviously).

    Make the game PvP-based with something similar to open-PvP but not to the point where its gankfest 2009... Also include non-PvP servers, but build the game around PvP and PvE...not just PvE or just PvP. Include arena-like PvP for fun, but do NOT make it the primary source of PvP, like in WoW.

    Have player-owned housing areas, or even better, right in and around the entire world, VERY much like UO. Allow PvP in these areas. (some of the best PvP I ever experienced was in and around player housing in UO - awgh, the nastalgia)

    Make the game fun for both grouping and soloing people, and give all classes the ability to solo, as well as play NEEDED rolls in most groups.


    Most of all... DO NOT release the game until it is 120% FINISHED and COMPLETE!!!


    ...My 2 cents and what I'd like to see in a next-gen MMO. ^_^

  • burdock2burdock2 Member UncommonPosts: 420

    You want Everquest done right?


    Get the masters of RPG's (and soon to be MMO's) to buy the rights to the name and bring out "Everquest Online".







    Nuff said.

  • MegeraMegera Member UncommonPosts: 45

    Everquest needs to be PvE - PvP servers simply are not as popular and there's a reason for that. 

    I've played PvP.  I don't mind most of it - but in a game where a lvl 25 character cant' even HIT a lvl 80, its bogus.  80 lvl 1 characters should be able to swarm a lvl 80 and at least muss his 'do.

    Everquest 1 and 2 are both PvE with special servers and rulesets for PvP.  So - if they made PvP part of the game, and integral to it, it would no longer be Everquest and irrelevant to this thread.

  • p0psp0ps Member Posts: 19
    Originally posted by megera

    Everquest 1 and 2 are both PvE with special servers and rulesets for PvP.  So - if they made PvP part of the game, and integral to it, it would no longer be Everquest and irrelevant to this thread.


    So its time to move in a different direction, PvP based version of EQ in the future. As for saying no one want to play PvP, you couldn't be father from the truth if it hit you on the nose lol. 

  • eric_w66eric_w66 Member UncommonPosts: 1,006
    Originally posted by p0ps

    Originally posted by megera

    Everquest 1 and 2 are both PvE with special servers and rulesets for PvP.  So - if they made PvP part of the game, and integral to it, it would no longer be Everquest and irrelevant to this thread.


    So its time to move in a different direction, PvP based version of EQ in the future. As for saying no one want to play PvP, you couldn't be father from the truth if it hit you on the nose lol. 


    Failed fantasy based RPG PVP games litter the landscape. No reason to add one more to the list. Aside from WoW's fluff PvP (no real penalties for dying, no real reason to fight), every other fantasy mmorpg with PvP at its core (DAOC, WAR, AOC, Darkfall, Shadowbane, etc etc) has failed miserably to do both good pvp, and keeping subs.

  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945
    Originally posted by eric_w66

    Originally posted by p0ps

    Originally posted by megera

    Everquest 1 and 2 are both PvE with special servers and rulesets for PvP.  So - if they made PvP part of the game, and integral to it, it would no longer be Everquest and irrelevant to this thread.


    So its time to move in a different direction, PvP based version of EQ in the future. As for saying no one want to play PvP, you couldn't be father from the truth if it hit you on the nose lol. 


    Failed fantasy based RPG PVP games litter the landscape. No reason to add one more to the list. Aside from WoW's fluff PvP (no real penalties for dying, no real reason to fight), every other fantasy mmorpg with PvP at its core (DAOC, WAR, AOC, Darkfall, Shadowbane, etc etc) has failed miserably to do both good pvp, and keeping subs.


    The same can be said about just as many pve games.   The problem isn't PvP vs PvE, the problem is the sad condition most games get released in.  Hell, EQ2's first years read much like what we are seeing today in pvp games. 


  • ArchtypeArchtype Member Posts: 16
    Originally posted by burdock2

    You want Everquest done right?
    Get the masters of RPG's (and soon to be MMO's) to buy the rights to the name and bring out "Everquest Online".
    Nuff said.
    UM NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything I have read has turned me off of KOTOR MMO. I loved the games on PC ( yes KOTOR 2 was made by odsidian.. ) I loved all their D+D games but as far as an MMO goes.... I'd like to wait to see what KOTOR is like as I get the impression it's single player based. If it's anything like Mass Effect... NO THANK YOU. Keep it on the consoles.


  • ArchtypeArchtype Member Posts: 16
    Originally posted by eric_w66

    Originally posted by p0ps

    Originally posted by megera

    Everquest 1 and 2 are both PvE with special servers and rulesets for PvP.  So - if they made PvP part of the game, and integral to it, it would no longer be Everquest and irrelevant to this thread.


    So its time to move in a different direction, PvP based version of EQ in the future. As for saying no one want to play PvP, you couldn't be father from the truth if it hit you on the nose lol. 


    Failed fantasy based RPG PVP games litter the landscape. No reason to add one more to the list. Aside from WoW's fluff PvP (no real penalties for dying, no real reason to fight), every other fantasy mmorpg with PvP at its core (DAOC, WAR, AOC, Darkfall, Shadowbane, etc etc) has failed miserably to do both good pvp, and keeping subs.



    Actually DAOC rocked as far as pvp and RVR went I don't know what game you were playing. My first 2 years on Andred/Mordred ( THE hardcore 24 hbours a day servers ) are the best in gaming for me as for others. So no I disagree 100000000% as others will. If thats how you feel.. fine.. but to say fail? Your Delusional.

    As far as Shadowbane goes.. never played it but have heard quite a few people say the pvp game rocked.


    Daoc started losing it's player base once TOA was released. Trying to make a game like that a hardcore grind like EQ didn't work nor is it what the player base wanted. Again.. to say fail? Your high on crack.




  • ITPalgITPalg Member UncommonPosts: 314
    Originally posted by Grym

    Top Ten Things I'd like to see in a MMORPG;
    .  No more character "bound" items. Level basing is fine, but don't give me something I can't sell, pass to a friend, etc. It isn't realistic and it is just plain dumb.
    10. Tie the crafting skills to an actual world economy. Vanguard actually did this with housing, boats, guild halls. Just don't make it such a grind like Vanguard did. Totally sucked.
    My two cents.... Ok, 10 cents.



    Without a virtual world where things break and get destroyed, binding is a necessity or you start paying (Like EQ 1) for mundane items in hundreds or thousands of platinum.

    YouTube: ITPalGame

  • RedwoodSapRedwoodSap Member Posts: 1,235

    Whatever it is, it will have Stationcash and gambling witth real money via loot cards, and therefore suck.


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