This WoW bash is pointless no matter how hard you type WoW still is the best MMO out there... End of Story more people play more people bought it more people enjoy it... Oh and i wanted to say something alittle off topic ... Told you so Aion Fan boys told you say subs down to 230k =[ makes you kinda sad right? (My account got banned due to there huge ban) so i will never play another NCsoft game again NCrap more like it
WoW is definitely more enjoyable when playing with friends. Since I was really behind, my friends were in their 50's, when I switched servers and rolled a Gnome Death Knight. Everything was good until I started to lose interested around lvl 75. I finally quit altogether in August.
I'm taking a long break from WoW. Now I'm just waiting for Cataclysm to be released before I resub. I'll roll a Worgen. More than likely, my friends will reroll again and we'll play together to 85 if all goes well.
Now I'm just taking it easy playing Fallen Earth. I'm not rushing it. I'm doing all the starter towns, finish them all, then move on until there's nothing left for me to do in Sector 1.
Any game that has been around for 5years and still on top would have turned out the same.
WoW did start off as a great game but it's just been on top for way to long.
Personally I'd like to smack the WoW devs in the back of the head just for some of the dumb choices they made to continue milking this game. But the messed up part is WoW is still better the 95% of the MMOs out there, and the rest only have niche appeal.
The true epic fail in this conflict isn't WoW not by the slightest, it's the MMO genre as a whole...>>
Originally posted by Fortenc Despite this just being a QQ thread it's not really a troll thread, so yay, and sadly I agree with most of these statements.
WoW was so fresh when it came out. It made you feel excited to run through Durotar for the first time (Or Elwynn, or anywhere else) and see the creatures, the art style, the story and the progression.
At max level (60 vanilla) it was as if you had opened a jar of chaos and challenge. Even normal instances required semi-competent groups (Scholomance, anybody?) and raids had a thing called progression. You would try to see what worked, learn from your mistakes and move forward. I was on Shattered Hand US and it was, for a time, the most advanced raiding server out there. Still it was new and exciting to see who cleared what boss and brought back bragging rights. This still exists to a point, but the fact that the 25-man Hardmode Trial of the Grand Crusader was beaten, what, the first day it was released? By more than a few guilds? That's not really progression any more, just the beginning of a long session of farming. By the time the last boss of an instance had been beaten in Vanilla there was a new one ready and the mechanics were both punishing and interesting. Above is a raid QQ, I know. Not everyone wanted things this way and many are happy with how things are. I might be, too, if it wasn't for..
PvP. In my mind it had several incarnations and several deaths. The rough starter incarnation when people had to grind to Warlord and Grand Marshal was tough and was just an honor grind, but the actual PvP behind the scenes here was the greatest WoW has ever known. Servers fought against their own enemies and you knew who you were fighting. You had allies and you had your nemesis. There were people who everybody knew and avoided. People who everybody ganged up against. It felt like real battles and you would see them out in the world later. This died with cross-server BGs and battlegrounds were never the same to me again. The second incarnation was in BC with PvP tiers. This, however, was quickly ruined by arenas that, even until today, are so unbalanced week-by-week (and unfixably so) due to random buffs and nerfs that you must have one of every class at maximum level if you wish to stand a chance week-to-week. And unless you're really good arenas don't want to be played.. you'll just lose face if you try, so do just the minimum and then sit in Dalaran. Above is the PvP QQ, I know. Not everyone agrees with me and many are happy with arenas. I might be, too, if it wasn't for..
The molding broccoli effect. The same magic that entranced us WoWees and former WoWees has seeped into the soil and turned to mold. Nothing new is fresh save for some early expansion material, likely due to the engine and the way the game plays. It isn't bad, no, it's probably still the best MMO mechanics and engine out there for most. It's just old. It's dated. It's the same thing it was at level 1 except with new abilities that fluctuate in usefulness.
I would recommend WoW to any first-time MMO player in a heartbeat. But I cannot recommend it to myself no matter how much I want to.
Promises have been broken and the community has completely fallen apart. A game is it's community, and WoW's community is deteriorating every second I type. I must prepare its burial before it is too rotten to touch. Thank you if you read all this 'Histoires of the World of Warcraft' entry, and see you in another game.
i would nt describe wow as a faliure in terms of subs but its game play is nowhere near as much fun as it once was .
To me it lost its luster after BC came out.
All my opinions are just that..opinions. If you like my opinions..coolness.If you dont like my opinion....I really dont care. Playing: ESO, WOT, Smite, and Marvel Heroes
"I don't play this game anymore, it bores me to tears, the only reason I'm posting this is because the millions of subscribers that play this boring game are getting bored, and I don't want to see the other developers shoot for the carebear crowd and try to make a new MMORPG marketed at these types.
Gamers don't want their hands held, we want a challenge. WoW kiddies can get free epics from blizzard."
OP, this post to the forums is such an obvious attempt to ruffle WoW fan-boy feathers - I have to call you a troll...
who are you to speak for millions of players? did we elect you our rep? I don't remember doing that - I certainly wouldn't have voted for someone on the platform of "I'm bored so I will troll wow forums".
Wow players in general are casual - not elitest no lifers...
That being said - I'm a skill game person too - I enjoy a challenge and yes, the new stuff is less challenging than the stuff from the past for sure. But, it's still fun.
I took a break from WOW for about 6 months or so and I went looking for an MMO that is better than WOW. I haven't found it yet.
Is WOW dated?.... Yes
Too easy?..... Yes
Still fun? I'm having fun playing WOW so I'd say yes.
The bottom line is that for me there isn't an mmo out there yet that is better than WOW, period. I'm sure something is bound to come along that will finally make me quit WOW for good (hopefully ToR) but until then I'll keep playing.
I took a break from WOW for about 6 months or so and I went looking for an MMO that is better than WOW. I haven't found it yet. Is WOW dated?.... Yes Too easy?..... Yes Still fun? I'm having fun playing WOW so I'd say yes. The bottom line is that for me there isn't an mmo out there yet that is better than WOW, period. I'm sure something is bound to come along that will finally make me quit WOW for good (hopefully ToR) but until then I'll keep playing.
Easy in what way?
Yeah, it's easy to get welfare epics from heroics/1500 rated arena, but everyone and their grandma has them, and trust me, it's not very hard to distinguish between a gladiator's gear that will also combine PvE epics to succed and a 1600 rated arena player's gear who probably won't even bother to enchant his gear properly.
5 years and with all the money raked in....yeah epic fail. The fact that so many people still play it after 5 years says something has to have been done right!
I love it how "special people" seem to think they talk for all WOW players.
If you want perfect balance of classes go and play a fps. All classes tend to have some representation in top end arena so maybe there is more skill involved than you like to admit.
I took a break from WOW for about 6 months or so and I went looking for an MMO that is better than WOW. I haven't found it yet. Is WOW dated?.... Yes Too easy?..... Yes Still fun? I'm having fun playing WOW so I'd say yes. The bottom line is that for me there isn't an mmo out there yet that is better than WOW, period. I'm sure something is bound to come along that will finally make me quit WOW for good (hopefully ToR) but until then I'll keep playing.
Easy in what way?
Yeah, it's easy to get welfare epics from heroics/1500 rated arena, but everyone and their grandma has them, and trust me, it's not very hard to distinguish between a gladiator's gear that will also combine PvE epics to succed and a 1600 rated arena player's gear who probably won't even bother to enchant his gear properly.
Easy as in incredibly easy to obtain PVE epics. Badge gear, raids that can be cleared in one night and on top of that they add a 5 man instance that drops epic gear on REGULAR mode (Trial of the Champion). I can remember when I played Vanilla wow admiring people in town that had full sets of Tier 2 and wishing I could get some myself.
Don't get me wrong I really like that most people can experience end game content but where's the challenge? All it boils down to now is a grind. Grinding does not = challenge. Its just busy work until they release the next patch/expansion.
I recently started getting really bored of wow. Wow is like an mmo on easy mode, with features that are still stuck inthe 90's mmo market. Wow is on top because of the blizz fanboys, and the simplicity that allowed many other people to "get it" enough to keep subscribing. Also, wow is easy on computers but still allow grandpa's pc to look decent in visuals. Simple game, less features to confuse players, game engine that allows many old pcs to play, easy but ok graphics even with outdated vid card= huge subscriber base.
None of that equals it being the best mmo in the market.
I recently started getting really bored of wow. Wow is like an mmo on easy mode, with features that are still stuck inthe 90's mmo market. Wow is on top because of the blizz fanboys, and the simplicity that allowed many other people to "get it" enough to keep subscribing. Also, wow is easy on computers but still allow grandpa's pc to look decent in visuals. Simple game, less features to confuse players, game engine that allows many old pcs to play, easy but ok graphics even with outdated vid card= huge subscriber base. None of that equals it being the best mmo in the market.
Why don't you finish your argument? Tell what other game is better and why other games are "harder".
You blame things on fanboys and outdated computers, so tell the other side of the story. Where are these other great and challenging games that people are missing.
I recently started getting really bored of wow. Wow is like an mmo on easy mode, with features that are still stuck inthe 90's mmo market. Wow is on top because of the blizz fanboys, and the simplicity that allowed many other people to "get it" enough to keep subscribing. Also, wow is easy on computers but still allow grandpa's pc to look decent in visuals. Simple game, less features to confuse players, game engine that allows many old pcs to play, easy but ok graphics even with outdated vid card= huge subscriber base. None of that equals it being the best mmo in the market.
Why don't you finish your argument? Tell what other game is better and why other games are "harder".
You blame things on fanboys and outdated computers, so tell the other side of the story. Where are these other great and challenging games that people are missing.
Oh, this is where I post a game and you critize it where you either A) never played them google somethings to act like you did C) never got even to mid level range.
Uhmmm, usually a response is to respond to the post about what was written, there wasnt none here, I guess you couldnt. I dont blame you, what did wow bring to mmo's? It brought people, over 10 million, because of how accessible it is. Even reviews have yet to point out anything that wow has done to great effect besides how single player friendly it is.
This WoW bash is pointless no matter how hard you type WoW still is the best MMO out there... End of Story more people play more people bought it more people enjoy it... Oh and i wanted to say something alittle off topic ... Told you so Aion Fan boys told you say subs down to 230k =[ makes you kinda sad right? (My account got banned due to there huge ban) so i will never play another NCsoft game again NCrap more like it
Lvl 75 Black Mage/White Mage ffxi
Lvl 80 Druid WoW
Lvl 34 Ranger Aion
Games i'm playing right now...
"In short, I thought NGE was a very bad idea" - Raph Koster talking about NGE on his blog at
WoW is definitely more enjoyable when playing with friends. Since I was really behind, my friends were in their 50's, when I switched servers and rolled a Gnome Death Knight. Everything was good until I started to lose interested around lvl 75. I finally quit altogether in August.
I'm taking a long break from WoW. Now I'm just waiting for Cataclysm to be released before I resub. I'll roll a Worgen. More than likely, my friends will reroll again and we'll play together to 85 if all goes well.
Now I'm just taking it easy playing Fallen Earth. I'm not rushing it. I'm doing all the starter towns, finish them all, then move on until there's nothing left for me to do in Sector 1.
Any game that has been around for 5years and still on top would have turned out the same.
WoW did start off as a great game but it's just been on top for way to long.
Personally I'd like to smack the WoW devs in the back of the head just for some of the dumb choices they made to continue milking this game. But the messed up part is WoW is still better the 95% of the MMOs out there, and the rest only have niche appeal.
The true epic fail in this conflict isn't WoW not by the slightest, it's the MMO genre as a whole...>>
Now Playing: Guild Wars 2/ Diablo 3
i would nt describe wow as a faliure in terms of subs but its game play is nowhere near as much fun as it once was .
To me it lost its luster after BC came out.
All my opinions are just that..opinions. If you like my opinions..coolness.If you dont like my opinion....I really dont care.
Playing: ESO, WOT, Smite, and Marvel Heroes
"I don't play this game anymore, it bores me to tears, the only reason I'm posting this is because the millions of subscribers that play this boring game are getting bored, and I don't want to see the other developers shoot for the carebear crowd and try to make a new MMORPG marketed at these types.
Gamers don't want their hands held, we want a challenge. WoW kiddies can get free epics from blizzard."
OP, this post to the forums is such an obvious attempt to ruffle WoW fan-boy feathers - I have to call you a troll...
who are you to speak for millions of players? did we elect you our rep? I don't remember doing that - I certainly wouldn't have voted for someone on the platform of "I'm bored so I will troll wow forums".
Wow players in general are casual - not elitest no lifers...
That being said - I'm a skill game person too - I enjoy a challenge and yes, the new stuff is less challenging than the stuff from the past for sure. But, it's still fun.
FUN! Remember that? It's kind of the point....
I took a break from WOW for about 6 months or so and I went looking for an MMO that is better than WOW. I haven't found it yet.
Is WOW dated?.... Yes
Too easy?..... Yes
Still fun? I'm having fun playing WOW so I'd say yes.
The bottom line is that for me there isn't an mmo out there yet that is better than WOW, period. I'm sure something is bound to come along that will finally make me quit WOW for good (hopefully ToR) but until then I'll keep playing.
Easy in what way?
Yeah, it's easy to get welfare epics from heroics/1500 rated arena, but everyone and their grandma has them, and trust me, it's not very hard to distinguish between a gladiator's gear that will also combine PvE epics to succed and a 1600 rated arena player's gear who probably won't even bother to enchant his gear properly.
5 years and with all the money raked in....yeah epic fail. The fact that so many people still play it after 5 years says something has to have been done right!
I love it how "special people" seem to think they talk for all WOW players.
If you want perfect balance of classes go and play a fps. All classes tend to have some representation in top end arena so maybe there is more skill involved than you like to admit.
Easy in what way?
Yeah, it's easy to get welfare epics from heroics/1500 rated arena, but everyone and their grandma has them, and trust me, it's not very hard to distinguish between a gladiator's gear that will also combine PvE epics to succed and a 1600 rated arena player's gear who probably won't even bother to enchant his gear properly.
Easy as in incredibly easy to obtain PVE epics. Badge gear, raids that can be cleared in one night and on top of that they add a 5 man instance that drops epic gear on REGULAR mode (Trial of the Champion). I can remember when I played Vanilla wow admiring people in town that had full sets of Tier 2 and wishing I could get some myself.
Don't get me wrong I really like that most people can experience end game content but where's the challenge? All it boils down to now is a grind. Grinding does not = challenge. Its just busy work until they release the next patch/expansion.
I recently started getting really bored of wow. Wow is like an mmo on easy mode, with features that are still stuck inthe 90's mmo market. Wow is on top because of the blizz fanboys, and the simplicity that allowed many other people to "get it" enough to keep subscribing. Also, wow is easy on computers but still allow grandpa's pc to look decent in visuals. Simple game, less features to confuse players, game engine that allows many old pcs to play, easy but ok graphics even with outdated vid card= huge subscriber base.
None of that equals it being the best mmo in the market.
Why don't you finish your argument? Tell what other game is better and why other games are "harder".
You blame things on fanboys and outdated computers, so tell the other side of the story. Where are these other great and challenging games that people are missing.
Why don't you finish your argument? Tell what other game is better and why other games are "harder".
You blame things on fanboys and outdated computers, so tell the other side of the story. Where are these other great and challenging games that people are missing.
Oh, this is where I post a game and you critize it where you either A) never played them google somethings to act like you did C) never got even to mid level range.
Uhmmm, usually a response is to respond to the post about what was written, there wasnt none here, I guess you couldnt. I dont blame you, what did wow bring to mmo's? It brought people, over 10 million, because of how accessible it is. Even reviews have yet to point out anything that wow has done to great effect besides how single player friendly it is.