Mythic has posted a batch of new screenshots on
the Catacombs website. Several of these shots from the upcoming Dark Age of Camelot expansion showcase the new character models. Click on the samples below for larger images:
Click here for more screenshots from the official Catacombs website.
Something I've liked about DAoC, demure is far more attatice than bimbo.
"We're a game that's focused on grouping and on solo play, you know, more group oriented, more solo play..."
John Blakely Senior lead for EQ2. Link
Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% The Test. Learn what it means here.
Achievers realise that killers as a concept are necessary in order to make achievement meaningful and worthwhile (there being no way to "lose" the game if any fool can "win" just by plodding slowly unchallenged). -bartle
Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% The Test. Learn what it means here.
Only game I wait for right now: Imperator.
Go Mythic!
"This is not a game to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown with great force"
"Wow.. this upgrade is amazing graphicly."
no it isn't.. it looks the same as daoc always did.. what they need is a completely NEW ENGINE and not these little graphic upgrades constantly..
Ummm, no. it really doesn't look completely the same there. i'm noticing some distinct changes.
i'm also wondering if the currenty players will be able to go to a temple and change thier look useing the new system. that's what it looked like in the first screen.
the lurikeen.jpg screen looks the same as DAOC ever did..
and dont get me started on Mythics "brilliant" move on making some stupid sci fi game instead of a sequal to Daoc..
magnific !
daoc is the best mmorpg, and now he as good graphic engine
Seriously. You're high, right?
Never see a reason to answer that kind of people.. He thinks "Bashing things" = "Knowledge". So since he do not know ANYTHING, he bashes everything he see, in the most illogical way. Its like an 8 year old with a typewriter... Since he has nothing to say, at least one word out of five will be poop or a curseword.
Waaaiiiiiiit a miinute...
Only game I wait for right now: Imperator.
Go Mythic!
"This is not a game to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown with great force"
Greatest. DAoC / CTC Own at this time , I like it
Troll Male shammy , new start . Main Char: Hafez
US Version / Merlin / Myth /