I say worst company: Turbine. They're the worst in my opinion. I could at least still play EQ1 and EQ2. I think Turbine just got lucky with AC1 (there was hardly any alternatives), and DDO and Lotro live off of the IP fans alone.
Worst person: Brad McQuaid. Hands down. Vanguard had so much potential and could have been the best MMO out there. Instead, Brad spent so much time getting high and raiding people's desks for pills, he screwed the game up into the half-finished monstrosity it still is today. For shame.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
The Management and staff of all gaming studios is always in flux, moreso now than ever before likewise, developing teams are often completely independent of the distributor - its really ludicrous to dismiss studios globally - each project needs to be considered on its own merits, its really not a good thing to condone or encourage sweeping generalisation of anything.
I used to think the same way and all it has done is cost me money and headaches. I played EQ for years and trusted SOE based off that game alone. Then one game after another they let me down or bent me over. If someone makes a good game that just doesnt suit my playstyle (WoW), then I dont have anything bad to say about their company. If another company pumps out multiple good/bad/great games but lies or deceives me, then I will dismiss them and any product they produce in the future.
Two people get my vote. Richard Allen and David Bowman for the whole Istaria fiasco. It could have been such a great game. I am actually surprised that folks still play it. If either of these two are working for a company then I will stay far far away from whatever they make.
I have symapthy for those that attach their name to an mmo . Its a riskey buisness but for my money its Richard Garriott for the Tabula Rasa mess . My perception is he let personal ambition overtake his roll in the success or faliure of Tabuala Rasa . or maybe Gaute Godager who compared Age of Conan as steak to Warcrafts burger yet unless than two years later he has left blaming others for the way the game has gone while he was the man in charge .
Gaute Godager deserves honorable mention for AOC (and the launch of AC for that matter if he was in charge then too) but come on guys it has to be John Smedley while he may have hit his point on EQ1 and didn't screw up a no brainer in EQ2 there is no bigger bust than SWG and Vanguard was a jewel so much so in fact I constantly hear how good of a game it is now but low and behold it's designed in a way as it is not easily accessible on cheaper systems and of course that matters because they borked the launch so horribly that being inaccessible is an even bigger blow than if they hadn't aliented the original player base.
Keep in mind Smedley runs SOE the company that has clearly won this thing
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
So that's these days the lame excuse to vomit over the best PC game developper of the last 2 decades? A personal opinion. Yep, like I said you are a represenative of the worst taste ever in 50.000 years of human culture. And that's indeed my opinion. ))
Open your eyes buddy I said WoW I did not say Warcraft and Starcraft and I'm sure other people are also talking about WoW. Just because your a die hard fan of a company does not give you the right to call people morons over their opinion I will say what is on my mind and could care less if you fanboys get mad over it in fact it puts a smile on my face when fanboys get all butthurt.
I can't blame you for having the worst taste possible.
But I can blame you for posting pure and utterly crap )
Why? Becaue Wow was and is the MOST succesful video game EVER launched in 30 years of video gaming history.
Succeful as in 1.2 BILLION dollars yearly revenu.
Yep, and you are saying Blizzard " should not be given another chance" in the thread about WHO should not be given another chance.
See the error in your blind hate already now?
Laughable pathetic. Make that 100.000 years in humanoid culture ))
Yes if you go by pure subscriber numbers WoW is the best ever. If you go by how they changed the genre for the worst. Blizzard does take the cake. They are responsible for turning out tons of useless MMO gamers who only know how to shout where is blah blah when it it is sitting right in front of them.
Stupid people love easy games. I will say one thing blizzard did get right. WoW can be run on any computer in the world. That was another reason for their success but if you think it had to do with their game being differnt and genre changing then you clearly have never played any other MMO's. I love hearing statements about new games "OMG this is a WoW ripoff". That shit cracks me up cause WoW is a ripoff of EQ a game made by SOE for all you haters.
Vanguard was not an SOE created project, they saved Sigil Games from being even able to survive the flurry that would have destroyed them and consumed their company and led to Vanguard not even being a game today. Microsoft said they would support them 100% and so Sigil Games began creatinga huge world, one that they knew they could have no way of financing by themselves. When Microsoft pulled the plug, they were pretty much left to the wild.
Look, SOE did buy them and manage the launch, this is true, but how can you expect ANY company to just throw money mindlessly at a project they didn't decide to start on? It wasn't what they wanted to do, whether you think they should have or not is not really a point. It is wrong to think SOE should have backed this 100%, because they have other projects. They are a blessing to Vanguard, because SOE is it's life support and has been since Microsoft pulled the plug.
Every mmo I ever played was changed into something I would have never paid for. The only real difference between MMO's is some suck at release... others get patched until they finally suck.
Otherwise I would still be playing Ultima Online.. or possibly SWG.
So that's these days the lame excuse to vomit over the best PC game developper of the last 2 decades? A personal opinion. Yep, like I said you are a represenative of the worst taste ever in 50.000 years of human culture. And that's indeed my opinion. ))
Open your eyes buddy I said WoW I did not say Warcraft and Starcraft and I'm sure other people are also talking about WoW. Just because your a die hard fan of a company does not give you the right to call people morons over their opinion I will say what is on my mind and could care less if you fanboys get mad over it in fact it puts a smile on my face when fanboys get all butthurt.
I can't blame you for having the worst taste possible.
But I can blame you for posting pure and utterly crap )
Why? Becaue Wow was and is the MOST succesful video game EVER launched in 30 years of video gaming history.
Succeful as in 1.2 BILLION dollars yearly revenu.
Yep, and you are saying Blizzard " should not be given another chance" in the thread about WHO should not be given another chance.
See the error in your blind hate already now?
Laughable pathetic. Make that 100.000 years in humanoid culture ))
Yes if you go by pure subscriber numbers WoW is the best ever. If you go by how they changed the genre for the worst. Blizzard does take the cake. They are responsible for turning out tons of useless MMO gamers who only know how to shout where is blah blah when it it is sitting right in front of them.
Stupid people love easy games. I will say one thing blizzard did get right. WoW can be run on any computer in the world. That was another reason for their success but if you think it had to do with their game being differnt and genre changing then you clearly have never played any other MMO's. I love hearing statements about new games "OMG this is a WoW ripoff". That shit cracks me up cause WoW is a ripoff of EQ a game made by SOE for all you haters.
Blizzard has its contribution you see as changing the genre for the worst, that is you, one person.
Blizzard is providing a service millions are willing to pay, and I presume enough of them enjoying it. That is millions.
And this one person you has no other way to argue than calling the other millions "stupid people love easy games". That about tells us who is really stupid.
Enjoy your big talks. Its nice to feel good pumping out big words. Now feel that you have accomplished your lifetime achievement. You are now at the peak of your career. Congratulations.
i don't get all the SOE hate SOE has put out some great mmo's over the years.I think its probly the same crybabies who have been whinin about them changing SWG for last 2+ years get over it.
If you wanna talk about worse companies to handle mmo's pretty hard to name one.Funcom,NC soft,EA.Funcom for the way they have always released broken bug filled piece of crap games then expect there customers to keep on paying them while they slowly work on what they should have had before they asked people to pay.Alien Invasion being a good example of it shipping claiming player shops then 9 months after they sold it to us finally get them in,Shadowlands which they had intentionally broken because they didn't even have the end zones ready when they shipped the game.They are a bunch of cash hungry lying crooks who treat there customers like crap.Ncsoft has shut down how many mmos now? 3-4? Auto Assault,Tabala Rasa,Dungeon Runners,seems like I am missing one,.Horrible customer service also.Aion will go this route as well.
So that's these days the lame excuse to vomit over the best PC game developper of the last 2 decades? A personal opinion. Yep, like I said you are a represenative of the worst taste ever in 50.000 years of human culture. And that's indeed my opinion. ))
Open your eyes buddy I said WoW I did not say Warcraft and Starcraft and I'm sure other people are also talking about WoW. Just because your a die hard fan of a company does not give you the right to call people morons over their opinion I will say what is on my mind and could care less if you fanboys get mad over it in fact it puts a smile on my face when fanboys get all butthurt.
I can't blame you for having the worst taste possible.
But I can blame you for posting pure and utterly crap )
Why? Becaue Wow was and is the MOST succesful video game EVER launched in 30 years of video gaming history.
Succeful as in 1.2 BILLION dollars yearly revenu.
Yep, and you are saying Blizzard " should not be given another chance" in the thread about WHO should not be given another chance.
See the error in your blind hate already now?
Laughable pathetic. Make that 100.000 years in humanoid culture ))
Yes if you go by pure subscriber numbers WoW is the best ever. If you go by how they changed the genre for the worst. Blizzard does take the cake. They are responsible for turning out tons of useless MMO gamers who only know how to shout where is blah blah when it it is sitting right in front of them.
Stupid people love easy games. I will say one thing blizzard did get right. WoW can be run on any computer in the world. That was another reason for their success but if you think it had to do with their game being differnt and genre changing then you clearly have never played any other MMO's. I love hearing statements about new games "OMG this is a WoW ripoff". That shit cracks me up cause WoW is a ripoff of EQ a game made by SOE for all you haters.
Blizzard has its contribution you see as changing the genre for the worst, that is you, one person.
Blizzard is providing a service millions are willing to pay, and I presume enough of them enjoying it. That is millions.
And this one person you has no other way to argue than calling the other millions "stupid people love easy games". That about tells us who is really stupid.
Enjoy your big talks. Its nice to feel good pumping out big words. Now feel that you have accomplished your lifetime achievement. You are now at the peak of your career. Congratulations.
preach it brother show this ignorant fool whats what
"You are obviously confusing a mature rating with actual maturity." -Asherman
Maybe MMO is not your genre, go play Modern Warfare...or something you can be all twitchy...and rank up all night. This is seriously getting tired. -Ranyr
Blizzard in general and WoW specifically will always have its haters simply because of its success. They will be blamed for the failures of every other game on the market because of their success and will be held totally responsible for the perception that MMO's have been dumbed down in recent years.
SOE on the other hand, is hated for taking the single most beloved franchise in geek history, turning it into an MMO and having that MMO fail by the gross incompetence of the person in charge. A lot of the rampant hatred was due to the epic bait-and-switch involved when they released the Trials of Obi-wan expansion and announced the NGE the day after everyone dropped their cash on the release.
In my eyes, its a no-brainer as to the worst out of those two. Hating on Blizzard because they continue to do what is necessary to succeed is just a case of envy. Die-hard MMO gamers just don't have the numbers to allow an overly complex MMO with a steep learning curve to survive. As much as I regret missing "vanilla WoW" and as many times as I hear stories of how great it used to be, its the people and not the game that keep me playing.
To be honest about SOE's failure with SWG, its downfall started long before Smedley and the NGE. It started when the game was launched 6 months too soon, with too many bugs, no balance, without vehicles and starships Star Wars was known for and all because Lucas Arts wanted it out NOW. It continued by introducing an Alpha class in the poorest manner possible and then caving when LA wanted a Jedi in the game NOW.
But it truly failed on the design board, when more attention was focused on emotes than X-wings and with the dumbest things possible actually hard-coded into the game in such a manner as to make it impossible to make changes 5 years later that would improve the game. These ensured that something like the NGE would happen and we should be thankful that SOE did us all a favor and "jumped on the grenade" for the other designers so that another NGE never happens.
I respect your right to voice your opinion and reserve the right to blow it right out of the water
All the WOW hating is starting to get boring. Find some thing new to hate. I know a lot of you haters are hating on WOW because it is trendy to hate on WOW.
Popularity is a garaunty that some people will hate. I will not dispute that WOW has made changes to their good and not so original game, that allows for less skilled players to enter and participate in the MMO community.
If you hate them for that fine. Why don't you state it as such. I'm tired of all the Blizzard sucks crap. Explain yourself don't just be a nuisance.
I put my vote in for SOE due to the bait and switch they pulled with the NGE. I don't hate SOE I just dont trust them.
laters haters
Asheron's Call, Champions Online, Dark Age of Camelot, EVE Online, EverQuest, Lineage 2, Star Wars Galaxies and World of Warcraft.Waiting for SWTOR
All the WOW hating is starting to get boring. Find some thing new to hate. I know a lot of you haters are hating on WOW because it is trendy to hate on WOW. Popularity is a garaunty that some people will hate. I will not dispute that WOW has made changes to their good and not so original game, that allows for less skilled players to enter and participate in the MMO community. If you hate them for that fine. Why don't you state it as such. I'm tired of all the Blizzard sucks crap. Explain yourself don't just be a nuisance. I put my vote in for SOE due to the bait and switch they pulled with the NGE. I don't hate SOE I just dont trust them. laters haters
A-men! I know that many of you will dismiss me as a fanboy because of my 1100 hours of wow over the past 5 years (off and on), but Blizzard has done something for the MMO community that everybody needs to appreciate it. They took a genre that was populated by basement dwelling D&D goons and made it not only socially acceptable to play MMO's, but profitable as well. Without profit as a motivatior there's little or no reason for these other companies to try new and innovative things.
Please, for the love of god, stop buying their trash. They are now the worst companies in gaming around, they care only about money, have terrible consumer care and their games are all hackfests for botters and Chinese farmers.
All the WOW hating is starting to get boring. Find some thing new to hate. I know a lot of you haters are hating on WOW because it is trendy to hate on WOW.
Agree, Blizzard takes care of their games, they might not have your favorite game, but they DO take care of their community. They have a good forum, good support for other languagues, good consumer support, they stand up to hackers and farmers and try to keep their game clean.
Maybe you don't like their game, that's fine, not everyone likes WoW, some hate it, some love it, some love Diablo instead, some just don't like any Blizzard game. That's fine.
I don't think he is getting a second chance, didn't he get fired by EA?
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand."
- Lewis Thomas
I say worst company: Turbine. They're the worst in my opinion. I could at least still play EQ1 and EQ2. I think Turbine just got lucky with AC1 (there was hardly any alternatives), and DDO and Lotro live off of the IP fans alone.
Worst person: Brad McQuaid. Hands down. Vanguard had so much potential and could have been the best MMO out there. Instead, Brad spent so much time getting high and raiding people's desks for pills, he screwed the game up into the half-finished monstrosity it still is today. For shame.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
Anyone can learn from past mistakes.
I used to think the same way and all it has done is cost me money and headaches. I played EQ for years and trusted SOE based off that game alone. Then one game after another they let me down or bent me over. If someone makes a good game that just doesnt suit my playstyle (WoW), then I dont have anything bad to say about their company. If another company pumps out multiple good/bad/great games but lies or deceives me, then I will dismiss them and any product they produce in the future.
Funcom. Seriously, all this beef with SOE, atleast their games are playable and have content...
Two people get my vote. Richard Allen and David Bowman for the whole Istaria fiasco. It could have been such a great game. I am actually surprised that folks still play it. If either of these two are working for a company then I will stay far far away from whatever they make.
Leading the pack by a million miles as the worst name in MMO is Tasos from Aventurine and their game Darkfall. That is final.
Gaute Godager deserves honorable mention for AOC (and the launch of AC for that matter if he was in charge then too) but come on guys it has to be John Smedley while he may have hit his point on EQ1 and didn't screw up a no brainer in EQ2 there is no bigger bust than SWG and Vanguard was a jewel so much so in fact I constantly hear how good of a game it is now but low and behold it's designed in a way as it is not easily accessible on cheaper systems and of course that matters because they borked the launch so horribly that being inaccessible is an even bigger blow than if they hadn't aliented the original player base.
Keep in mind Smedley runs SOE the company that has clearly won this thing
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
SOE gets my vote. From every thing I've seen, they hold gamers in contempt and hold a low opinion of them in general.
Open your eyes buddy I said WoW I did not say Warcraft and Starcraft and I'm sure other people are also talking about WoW. Just because your a die hard fan of a company does not give you the right to call people morons over their opinion I will say what is on my mind and could care less if you fanboys get mad over it in fact it puts a smile on my face when fanboys get all butthurt.
I can't blame you for having the worst taste possible.
But I can blame you for posting pure and utterly crap )
Why? Becaue Wow was and is the MOST succesful video game EVER launched in 30 years of video gaming history.
Succeful as in 1.2 BILLION dollars yearly revenu.
Yep, and you are saying Blizzard " should not be given another chance" in the thread about WHO should not be given another chance.
See the error in your blind hate already now?
Laughable pathetic. Make that 100.000 years in humanoid culture ))
Yes if you go by pure subscriber numbers WoW is the best ever. If you go by how they changed the genre for the worst. Blizzard does take the cake. They are responsible for turning out tons of useless MMO gamers who only know how to shout where is blah blah when it it is sitting right in front of them.
Stupid people love easy games. I will say one thing blizzard did get right. WoW can be run on any computer in the world. That was another reason for their success but if you think it had to do with their game being differnt and genre changing then you clearly have never played any other MMO's. I love hearing statements about new games "OMG this is a WoW ripoff". That shit cracks me up cause WoW is a ripoff of EQ a game made by SOE for all you haters.
Vanguard was not an SOE created project, they saved Sigil Games from being even able to survive the flurry that would have destroyed them and consumed their company and led to Vanguard not even being a game today. Microsoft said they would support them 100% and so Sigil Games began creatinga huge world, one that they knew they could have no way of financing by themselves. When Microsoft pulled the plug, they were pretty much left to the wild.
Look, SOE did buy them and manage the launch, this is true, but how can you expect ANY company to just throw money mindlessly at a project they didn't decide to start on? It wasn't what they wanted to do, whether you think they should have or not is not really a point. It is wrong to think SOE should have backed this 100%, because they have other projects. They are a blessing to Vanguard, because SOE is it's life support and has been since Microsoft pulled the plug.
I don't think I could really list a worst name.
Every mmo I ever played was changed into something I would have never paid for. The only real difference between MMO's is some suck at release... others get patched until they finally suck.
Otherwise I would still be playing Ultima Online.. or possibly SWG.
Open your eyes buddy I said WoW I did not say Warcraft and Starcraft and I'm sure other people are also talking about WoW. Just because your a die hard fan of a company does not give you the right to call people morons over their opinion I will say what is on my mind and could care less if you fanboys get mad over it in fact it puts a smile on my face when fanboys get all butthurt.
I can't blame you for having the worst taste possible.
But I can blame you for posting pure and utterly crap )
Why? Becaue Wow was and is the MOST succesful video game EVER launched in 30 years of video gaming history.
Succeful as in 1.2 BILLION dollars yearly revenu.
Yep, and you are saying Blizzard " should not be given another chance" in the thread about WHO should not be given another chance.
See the error in your blind hate already now?
Laughable pathetic. Make that 100.000 years in humanoid culture ))
Yes if you go by pure subscriber numbers WoW is the best ever. If you go by how they changed the genre for the worst. Blizzard does take the cake. They are responsible for turning out tons of useless MMO gamers who only know how to shout where is blah blah when it it is sitting right in front of them.
Stupid people love easy games. I will say one thing blizzard did get right. WoW can be run on any computer in the world. That was another reason for their success but if you think it had to do with their game being differnt and genre changing then you clearly have never played any other MMO's. I love hearing statements about new games "OMG this is a WoW ripoff". That shit cracks me up cause WoW is a ripoff of EQ a game made by SOE for all you haters.
Blizzard has its contribution you see as changing the genre for the worst, that is you, one person.
Blizzard is providing a service millions are willing to pay, and I presume enough of them enjoying it. That is millions.
And this one person you has no other way to argue than calling the other millions "stupid people love easy games". That about tells us who is really stupid.
Enjoy your big talks. Its nice to feel good pumping out big words. Now feel that you have accomplished your lifetime achievement. You are now at the peak of your career. Congratulations.
i don't get all the SOE hate SOE has put out some great mmo's over the years.I think its probly the same crybabies who have been whinin about them changing SWG for last 2+ years get over it.
If you wanna talk about worse companies to handle mmo's pretty hard to name one.Funcom,NC soft,EA.Funcom for the way they have always released broken bug filled piece of crap games then expect there customers to keep on paying them while they slowly work on what they should have had before they asked people to pay.Alien Invasion being a good example of it shipping claiming player shops then 9 months after they sold it to us finally get them in,Shadowlands which they had intentionally broken because they didn't even have the end zones ready when they shipped the game.They are a bunch of cash hungry lying crooks who treat there customers like crap.Ncsoft has shut down how many mmos now? 3-4? Auto Assault,Tabala Rasa,Dungeon Runners,seems like I am missing one,.Horrible customer service also.Aion will go this route as well.
Wolfenpride: <--Giant fucking sword syndrome.
Probably cause im trying to compensate for miniscule manhood.
Open your eyes buddy I said WoW I did not say Warcraft and Starcraft and I'm sure other people are also talking about WoW. Just because your a die hard fan of a company does not give you the right to call people morons over their opinion I will say what is on my mind and could care less if you fanboys get mad over it in fact it puts a smile on my face when fanboys get all butthurt.
I can't blame you for having the worst taste possible.
But I can blame you for posting pure and utterly crap )
Why? Becaue Wow was and is the MOST succesful video game EVER launched in 30 years of video gaming history.
Succeful as in 1.2 BILLION dollars yearly revenu.
Yep, and you are saying Blizzard " should not be given another chance" in the thread about WHO should not be given another chance.
See the error in your blind hate already now?
Laughable pathetic. Make that 100.000 years in humanoid culture ))
Yes if you go by pure subscriber numbers WoW is the best ever. If you go by how they changed the genre for the worst. Blizzard does take the cake. They are responsible for turning out tons of useless MMO gamers who only know how to shout where is blah blah when it it is sitting right in front of them.
Stupid people love easy games. I will say one thing blizzard did get right. WoW can be run on any computer in the world. That was another reason for their success but if you think it had to do with their game being differnt and genre changing then you clearly have never played any other MMO's. I love hearing statements about new games "OMG this is a WoW ripoff". That shit cracks me up cause WoW is a ripoff of EQ a game made by SOE for all you haters.
Blizzard has its contribution you see as changing the genre for the worst, that is you, one person.
Blizzard is providing a service millions are willing to pay, and I presume enough of them enjoying it. That is millions.
And this one person you has no other way to argue than calling the other millions "stupid people love easy games". That about tells us who is really stupid.
Enjoy your big talks. Its nice to feel good pumping out big words. Now feel that you have accomplished your lifetime achievement. You are now at the peak of your career. Congratulations.
preach it brother show this ignorant fool whats what
Sony (SOE).
NCSoft is a close second.
Firebrand Art
"You are obviously confusing a mature rating with actual maturity." -Asherman
Maybe MMO is not your genre, go play Modern Warfare...or something you can be all twitchy...and rank up all night. This is seriously getting tired. -Ranyr
Blizzard in general and WoW specifically will always have its haters simply because of its success. They will be blamed for the failures of every other game on the market because of their success and will be held totally responsible for the perception that MMO's have been dumbed down in recent years.
SOE on the other hand, is hated for taking the single most beloved franchise in geek history, turning it into an MMO and having that MMO fail by the gross incompetence of the person in charge. A lot of the rampant hatred was due to the epic bait-and-switch involved when they released the Trials of Obi-wan expansion and announced the NGE the day after everyone dropped their cash on the release.
In my eyes, its a no-brainer as to the worst out of those two. Hating on Blizzard because they continue to do what is necessary to succeed is just a case of envy. Die-hard MMO gamers just don't have the numbers to allow an overly complex MMO with a steep learning curve to survive. As much as I regret missing "vanilla WoW" and as many times as I hear stories of how great it used to be, its the people and not the game that keep me playing.
To be honest about SOE's failure with SWG, its downfall started long before Smedley and the NGE. It started when the game was launched 6 months too soon, with too many bugs, no balance, without vehicles and starships Star Wars was known for and all because Lucas Arts wanted it out NOW. It continued by introducing an Alpha class in the poorest manner possible and then caving when LA wanted a Jedi in the game NOW.
But it truly failed on the design board, when more attention was focused on emotes than X-wings and with the dumbest things possible actually hard-coded into the game in such a manner as to make it impossible to make changes 5 years later that would improve the game. These ensured that something like the NGE would happen and we should be thankful that SOE did us all a favor and "jumped on the grenade" for the other designers so that another NGE never happens.
I respect your right to voice your opinion and reserve the right to blow it right out of the water
All the WOW hating is starting to get boring. Find some thing new to hate. I know a lot of you haters are hating on WOW because it is trendy to hate on WOW.
Popularity is a garaunty that some people will hate. I will not dispute that WOW has made changes to their good and not so original game, that allows for less skilled players to enter and participate in the MMO community.
If you hate them for that fine. Why don't you state it as such. I'm tired of all the Blizzard sucks crap. Explain yourself don't just be a nuisance.
I put my vote in for SOE due to the bait and switch they pulled with the NGE. I don't hate SOE I just dont trust them.
laters haters
Asheron's Call, Champions Online, Dark Age of Camelot, EVE Online, EverQuest, Lineage 2, Star Wars Galaxies and World of Warcraft.Waiting for SWTOR
A-men! I know that many of you will dismiss me as a fanboy because of my 1100 hours of wow over the past 5 years (off and on), but Blizzard has done something for the MMO community that everybody needs to appreciate it. They took a genre that was populated by basement dwelling D&D goons and made it not only socially acceptable to play MMO's, but profitable as well. Without profit as a motivatior there's little or no reason for these other companies to try new and innovative things.
A witty saying proves nothing.
SoE and NCsoft.
Please, for the love of god, stop buying their trash. They are now the worst companies in gaming around, they care only about money, have terrible consumer care and their games are all hackfests for botters and Chinese farmers.
They should just die and be disbanded.
Agree, Blizzard takes care of their games, they might not have your favorite game, but they DO take care of their community. They have a good forum, good support for other languagues, good consumer support, they stand up to hackers and farmers and try to keep their game clean.
Maybe you don't like their game, that's fine, not everyone likes WoW, some hate it, some love it, some love Diablo instead, some just don't like any Blizzard game. That's fine.
But it's no reason to hate the company.
Soe and in a very very VERY CLOSE 2nd Failcom.