You know, it's rather funny. If NCsoft, Cryptic, Mythic, Adventurine, Turbine, and especially SOE, or any of these other little companies did this, people wouldn't bat an eyelash, because quite frankly, it's expected, eventually. But because it's Blizzard, people are going *berserk*. Way to subconsciously say that you expect more from Blizzard, all these kids and disgruntled 'hard-core' MMO gamers that spew bile at WoW -constantly-... ...and what's even more laughable, there is no way to counter it, because the only reason all these non-WoW players would even give two shits about this, is because subconsciously they *know* that Blizzard rules this genre, and now that Blizzard did it, all these other little crappy companies with their garbage games will trot right along behind, copying and doing the same damn thing, because Blizzard just made it acceptable. So keep bitching's hilarious.
You may want to do your homework on that one. Before CO launched, Cryptic announced it would have an RMT. The shitteth hitteth the fan. You can look at older threads on the subject. Heck, I think there is a new one about the retcon being added, but hey, why research. Just post anything that proves your point. A lot of people believe that if they pay 15 bucks a month, everything should be included in that price. Seems logical.
I really don't have a problem with p2p+RMT. I just refuse to buy anything from the store. I can see the viewpoint of the people on the other side of the fence though.
sounds the just like the eq2 store were you can only buy strictly cosmetic items / pets / crap for your house ect (all junk!)... I for one don't know why anyone would bother buying this crap, but I guess some players do because all games seem to sell it now. I just hope they NEVER start selling stuff that will actually effect real game play.
The real money is in the experience potions. It won't be long now. I just wish blizzard had the balls to just raise the subscription price to 20 bucks if they need more money. These lame workarounds suck. No use arguing about this. If you like cash shop keep playing. If you don't cancel. I for one will cancel.
I would gladly spare some money for the make a wich foundation, but its a American thing , so i dont realy care about that, if it were for Swedish kids i would do it, but who cares about Us the world raper
It might be wise to remember the difference between a country and its people, and the government that *rules* them.
It also might be wise to remember that there is no where in the world Europe has not pillaged and raped of its resources, more then a little of that within living memory.
I will not play any game that sells digital items. I play games to have all items obtained from in game. If you are going to start selling items in game, no matter how trivial it is no longer a game but a online digital store. No, thanks. I was all ready to buy and play the new expansion but now World of Warcraft just went on my "will not play list". I will go elsewhere and if every online game tries this crap, I will quit all together.
Thats your choice...<shrug> But the expression "throwing the baby out with the bath water" comes to mind. Given all of the hysteria from people, one might think that they plan on selling T12 gear in the shop, rather than vanity pets. I'm certain the hysterics will claim that such is "coming soon!"...<rolls eyes>
Sometimes the overwhelming sheer stupidity exhibited by the lurkers of this site overwhelm me...
Why are you introducing this service? The Pet Store provides a new way for players to obtain unique companion pets outside of the game, which is something that has been requested by many players who enjoy World of Warcraft's non-combat companions.
Does this mean you'll be introducing more services like this in the future? Will you be introducing the ability to buy epic weapons/etc. in the future, for example? As with the pets, mounts, and other items players can obtain through Loot cards from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game, Pet Store pets are purely cosmetic and just for fun. Like other paid services we offer, such as Paid Name Changes, Race Changes, and Character Re-Customizations, the Pet Store service is entirely optional and intended to provide players another means to enjoy World of Warcraft in a way that isn't detrimental to the game and that doesn't detract from the gameplay experience for players who choose not to use the service. Plus... How much of every Pandaren Monk pet sale will go to charity? For each Pandaren Monk sale, we'll donate 50% of the $10 purchase price to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. For more information on this charity, visit
Yes, Blizzard is an evil greedy corporation hell bent on world domination through the sale of digital sex changes and non-combat pets. /rolls eyes If you're going to be a troll/game-hater, at least do your homework and not come off as a retarded douchebag.
Whats to stop them from going further? after all, everything they saw theyll never do they do anyway so why should this be any different.
There is nothing to stop blizzard from going further. There is no real competition in the marketplace except for the the government of china shutting down mmos.
Blizzard could raise subs, make the entire game cash shop based with little fear, because the rest of the market sucks and most people would just go back.
That is the sad reality.
"Bad translation mode:ON"
In A.D 2009 War was beginning...
Hysteric1: What happen?!?
Hysteric2: Someone set us up the Cash Shop!!
Hysteric:2 We get signal!
Hysteric1: What?!?
Hysteric2: Main Screen Turn On!
Hysteric1: Its YOU!!
Blizzard: How are you gentlemen? All Your Subs Are Belong To Us!
Blizzard: You are on the way to Cancellation.
Hysteric1: What you say?!?
Blizzard: You have no chance of success make your time.
And yet you are here, and with your post count, it seems you fit in rather nicely...wouldn't you agree?!
Someone has to make clear for what stands for.
If you think this site is doing GOOD things about mmorpg's, just look through the forums and editorials.
It is as if these guys live on another PLANET.
So can one explain me WHAT is the difference between a BOUGHT BlizzCon pet of ... 125 dollars and a BOUGHT pet from the CCG at 300 dollars and the new in game pet for ... 10 dollars ????
So this exists already 4 years (meanigless pets you can buy IN and OUT of the game).
Only MMORPG.COM is making an issue out of a non issue that ... exists already for ... 5 years ?
BUT some REAL new techniques like the cross dungeons servers - which is a BUZZ all over the internet - is completly IGNORED by ...
That's why is living on another planet and it has ZERO representation concerning mmo's these days.
Their choice of course: BUT I am the one pointing that out.
Again, you miss my point entirely and worse, you make an even bigger moron of yourself.
You try to scoff and degrade and its members for its freedom of expression on an obvious touchy subject by some , all the while proclaiming your facts as truth?!
By your own logic, preaching to idiots only ever makes you the leading idiot.
I could care less for the vanity pets or the RMT in WoW. I still enjoy it and play from time to time. The only ones arguing are those with some distorted sense ethical wrongness on Blizz's part. But as long as people will buy these things, the more we will see them. Period.
Your constant regurgitations of your obviously biased, and illogical opinions is the only thing I wish to reply to, even though it's in vain as I already know it will no effect on a mind as narrow and obtuse as yours but my boredom got the better of me this evening. a company whose main goal is selling another product....for cash! Oh god the humanity, why on earth would a corporation EVER want to make money....This is an outrage, I am going to quit WoW over this despite the fact that it will not affect my gameplay at all. Can you believe they have the nerve to say they are giving 50% of the money from one pet to charity! What kind of nonsense is that, it isn't as if a million or so people are going to buy it making it a $5,000,000 donation or anything like that, they obviously should disregard their status as a corporation and just give WoW away for free since they have made so much money off of us. This is is a very sad day indeed, WoW is now obviously a microtransaction game since not having these pets will cause my enjoyment of this game to be lessened directly as a result!
~Not really disgruntled wow player
P.S. I believe we should rename this site to as that would be a more appropriate name
Sadly, your sarcasm will be lost on most of the disgruntled ex-WoW players in this thread. Pity too. You're damn funny!
Truth....some people just don't know what to do with it. I think most of us who have no problem with the pets....have already stated we KNOW they're doing it to make money. None of us have feigned SHOCK that a business would....zomg noooes...MAKE MONEY!!! O.O It's the rest of the posters that find it wrong to make money continually....but I bet a LOT of them are planning on getting Windows 7....
It's only okay for SOME corporations to make money. Others, well....mostly just Blizzard....shouldn't want to DO that naughty thing.
Funny too, being if any ONE single person in this thread that is WHINING actually OWNED Blizzard....they wouldn't think making more money would be such a bad thing at all. Of course....they will all SAY they wouldn't care about such things as money....because none of them will likely ever be in the position TO care about their billions of dollars, now will they? LMAO If any of them were billionaires and you told them, "You don't need any more money! Give your work away for free from now on!" They would laugh uncontrollably. But since it's not THEIR money....well now....that's a different story.
By the way....your new name for is spot on.
His sarcasm and your sarcasm put together is nowhere as funny as a my pretty accurate depiction of what you would look like in real life.
My point is, trying to make him sound funny make you sound dumb.
I'll start laughing when you reply to this post. I'll see what kind of lame shit you try to make out to be funny. You're obviously trying to defend Blizzard with illogical desperate reasoning.
Do you think a company with million subscribers each of whom giving them 15 dollars a month needs more money than they are already making?
Who is illogical and desperate here:
The person that is foolish enough to think that a BUSINESS ever quits caring about making money, or the person that recognizes a BUSINESS as just that....a business?
Frankly, I don't think I'm the one "looking dumb" here.....
If YOU owned Blizzard....I'm sure you would just stop making more money once you hit the what....50 billion dollar mark? about a trillion? Just when is the "cut off point" for when businesses should no longer be allowed to make any more money? Let's go for a socialist state and set some sort of LIMIT on how much money YOU....yes you....can make at your job. I think that's a brilliant idea. Or do limits on the amount of money you can make only apply to corporations? Do you need to be reminded about a little company called Microsoft? Now....don't you go and buy Windows 7 because, know, Microsoft ALREADY HAS ENOUGH MONEY.
Seriously. Saying a company "doesn't need any more money," is just ignorant. If your bills are paid and you have food and shelter....I don't think YOU need any more money either. But maybe you'd still like to make money for your efforts. Well...I don't know if you should be able to do that. Someone should be allowed to determine when YOU have "made enough money." I nominate ME.
Yup, you've made enough money. Now, from now can just forward me your paychecks from your work and effort,'ve made enough money. I ridiculous that entire argument
See, I was so right.
<<<< genius
The fact that you're younger than my youngest child helps to explain why you know nothing at all about business. It also goes a long way in explaining why you think you're a genius. The grandiosity of teenagers knows no bounds.
Perhaps, if / when you go to college, you'll take a business and economics course and it will all make more sense to you some day, young padawan. Businesses make money. It's what they do. If you don't like the don't buy it. That's so utterly basic, a 4 year old could understand it. I fail to see why, at the ripe old age of 19, you can't seem to wrap your mind around something so simple.
"Oooo waaaah, but Blizzard doesn't NEEEEEEED any more money!!!" lol
"Oooo waaaah, but Blizzard doesn't NEEEEEEED any more money!!!" lol
Ironic way of showing your own maturity, there.
I was quoting HIM, my dear. Check back in his earlier posts..... Quotation marks, usually mean you're quoting someone.
If you mean the "lol" part,'s pretty hard not to laugh at someone who decries that someone, anyone, or any company, "doesn't NEED more money." That's just a complete lack of understanding LIFE.
One result of this - we get to see who on the forums are the Blizzard tools willing to bend over while spouting Marketing PR spin and who still retain enough independent thought to consider what this actually means for the game.
One result of this - we get to see who on the forums are the Blizzard tools willing to bend over while spouting Marketing PR spin and who still retain enough independent thought to consider what this actually means for the game.
It has nothing to do with the fact that it's "Blizzard," at least not for me. Maybe I'm a marketing "tool," rather than a "Blizzard tool," as you so maturely put it. If the definition of "tool" is someone that believes in a capitalistic society, and companies having a right to make as much money as they're able, legally....yup, then I'm a "tool." If you hate the system of capitalism, sure...the argument makes sense. Socialism works beautifully on paper. Perhaps we can convert the gaming industry to a socialist system and put a hard cap limit on the amount of money each developer can make before being legally forced to stop attempting to profit.
Some of us believe that people (and corporations OF people) have a right to legally make money....LOADS of it, if they're of consumers that WANT to buy a product they offer. Where there is no demand....eventually....there is no supply. So I am ALL FOR people speaking with their pocketbooks. Buy what you like...don't buy what you don't. How simple is that?
See, the hilarious thing about this entire thread the fact that if it was ANY OTHER GAMING wouldn't be such an enormous hot topic. But's B L I Z Z A R D! *faints* So many many other game developers choose to sell in game items that do INDEED change the game balance, and yet....the intellectual readers of go absolutely ape shit when Blizzard decides to sell two measly little vanity pets. Amazing. Even when SoE went this direction with EQ2....the fuss was relatively small in comparison. And a good many of the people that are whining about it....don't even play WoW. Hilarious.
Furthermore, unless you have psychic gifting and a crystal ball that never fails to predict the future one can feign to KNOW what is going to happen next. And honestly....I don't see why it even really MATTERS what they do next. Why DOES it matter? It's pixels on a monitor. It's just PIXELS. People are acting like it's determining life or death for the population of the planet. Good gawd....priorities, people. Do you really place THIS MUCH VALUE on a GAME?????
I don't understand why people don't just look at this and go, "'s a game. Big freakin' deal." People are getting their panties in a twist over something so TOTALLY insignificant in life, that's it's absolutely altogether ludicrous....and desperately SAD that anyone finds changes in a GAME....a silly be worth being so offended and indignant. What terrifically screwed up priorities in life this hobby seems to nurture in people.
As far as "independent thought" goes....sure it's really NOT being a lemming to jump on the "crucify Blizzard" boat. I's real independent thinking, because well....that's so very radical and NO ONE else is on that bandwagon. That would be a really lonely lonely position of "independence" to take THAT ride...... /rolls eyes If it wasn't Blizzard....would anyone really care this much? I doubt it.
I'd like to think that "independent thought" requires critical thinking, and not psychic predictions and sheep-like herd behavior, but then....that's just my own way of thinking. I like to step back and try to look at the whole big picture from an OBJECTIVE standpoint. I don't even play WoW right now, so I have no "vested interest" in what happens with it. It's just a game among a virtual sea of games before it and many that will come after. It's a hobby,'s NOT a way of life, a religion, a family, etc. But the way people FREAK OUT over every little thing these developers do....simply tells me....that we obviously don't have enough to worry about in our own REAL lives to make such a fuss over pixels. And having now said that....I will gracefully bow out of this ridiculously twisted topic of such GREAT priority, and go back to the REAL world.
I certainly hope you all can solve this great and torturous dilemma before the internet collapses from the weight of it all.
You can purchase these in-game companions by visiting this link or heading to the online Blizzard Store, where you'll find the Pet Store pets under the Collectibles tab.
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
The title of this thread is in error. Where can I go to purchase these pets? You can purchase these in-game companions by visiting this link or heading to the online Blizzard Store, where you'll find the Pet Store pets under the Collectibles tab.
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
There are not people running around shouting "the end is nigh", general chat is the usual "LF1M tank Naxx 10", no mention at all of this "cash shop".
I asked the 14 guild mates online, 1 said he was worried where it might go, the other 13 said they dont care.
So I asked Actual players and shortly watched general chat and WoW is just the same.
Blizzard are not a stupid company they know that subscription MMO's are becoming less attractive, the paid4 characters transfers, faction transfers etc seem to be doing well so blizzard are now trialing paid4 vanity items. Its good business, blizzard dont stay on top by sitting on their hands.
It is good business, and one thing Blizzard is, is good at business. That is afterall how WoW got to the place it is now, good business by Blizzard. Think of it this way, bad economic times, Christmas around the corner, offer up two relatively cheap and universally cute items to give for Christmas to the 11+ million people world wide that wont' break the bank. AND give Blizzard some good PR for donating half the proceeds on sales until December 31st to Make a Wish Foundation. This isn't about a huge conspiracy to take WoW into RMT, its about making money and good marketing at the right time.
And hey, if it makes you feel more secure, just think of it this way. It's not a cash shop, in-game item, Blizzard is just selling you a single Trading Card Game card for $10 that has the in-game code on it. There, that make it better now?
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
I read through all the replies, and while I'm not shocked by the apocalyptic freakouts occuring in the thread, I am kind of disappointed by the cynical and entitled attitudes from said freakouts.
Vanity pets != full-on RMT business model. There has been no mention that suddenly next month items you actually DO need to progress in the game will have to be purchased on top of the base subscription. As for the two pets counting towards the pet count achievement, has anyone ever considered you can still get the achievement without ever having to buy the pandaran monk or Lil K.T.?
I purchased both, and the trade-off was skipping on buying some junk food and a movie ticket. No big deal. I'm by no means rich, hell I'm hovering around the poverty line for yearly income, but I made a decision. I could either waste it on a movie I don't need to see/junk food I may like but don't need OR I could buy 2 virtual pets I don't need but merely want. And what's done is done.
Do I think Blizzard is evil? No. I think they are a business like any other, and when times change in the industry, you realize it for what it is. If people don't want the pets, don't buy them. It's not like you'll be the only person without one. You won't find other players somehow being better at downing Yogg-Saron or Anub'arak simply because they purchased those vanity pets. They sure as hell won't go from being crap at PVP to pwning you by having a pandaran monk at their side.
Complain all you want, you have the option of doing so. Just don't be surprised if there are people who don't think it's the end all of end alls.
I read through all the replies, and while I'm not shocked by the apocalyptic freakouts occuring in the thread, I am kind of disappointed by the cynical and entitled attitudes from said freakouts. Vanity pets != full-on RMT business model. There has been no mention that suddenly next month items you actually DO need to progress in the game will have to be purchased on top of the base subscription. As for the two pets counting towards the pet count achievement, has anyone ever considered you can still get the achievement without ever having to buy the pandaran monk or Lil K.T.? I purchased both, and the trade-off was skipping on buying some junk food and a movie ticket. No big deal. I'm by no means rich, hell I'm hovering around the poverty line for yearly income, but I made a decision. I could either waste it on a movie I don't need to see/junk food I may like but don't need OR I could buy 2 virtual pets I don't need but merely want. And what's done is done. Do I think Blizzard is evil? No. I think they are a business like any other, and when times change in the industry, you realize it for what it is. If people don't want the pets, don't buy them. It's not like you'll be the only person without one. You won't find other players somehow being better at downing Yogg-Saron or Anub'arak simply because they purchased those vanity pets. They sure as hell won't go from being crap at PVP to pwning you by having a pandaran monk at their side. Complain all you want, you have the option of doing so. Just don't be surprised if there are people who don't think it's the end all of end alls.
Good post .... balanced, honest, and realistic.
The more I think about it the more the only time cash-shops can become bad is when items that are required in game (REQUIRED, not WANTED) are only available through the shop. Otherwise, it really doesn't matter. One way or another it cost to get that sword or clothing, in time or money ....
Wow, you guys are really evil. I don't see how it's insulting to add charity to it. Good for them. It's not their fault they're successful. It's us people that made 'em successful, ever thought about that, hmm? I guess not. You guys are naive to realize the mere fact that it is just another game that people play, that you used to play... so get over it.
Actually, I disagree. Blizzard made themselves successful by building and supporting a better product than anyone else at the time. We bought into the model of paying a subscription for their game and content. Now, the subscription/expansion model does not seem to be enough for them and I'm being asked to pay for content separately. That irks me.
For those who want to bring up the collectible card game, I don't think you can compare the two because, with that offering, you get a complete product that happens to give me a bonus for buying it. These two pets are pure game content and designed to appeal to collectors who want to have all the creatures. Blizzard should take a lesson from the comic book industry of the '90s and the alternate cover fiasco. As soon as you make in impossible for collectors to have a complete collection, they stop buying everything, not just the extras.
To your comment about the charity, personally, I find it insulting that they have chosen to only make it 50% for one of the two pets and only until the end of the year. With the money they're making on subscriptions, they could have used these two pets to their advantage by donating 100% of the proceeds of both pets to the charity. It would have made more money for the charity without unduly stressing their cash flow and it would have generated a huge amount of goodwill with the WoW community for their gesture to give something back. Doing it this way, I can almost guarantee this thread wouldn't exist.
Making the initial offering completely charitable would have also served to introduce the new concept (from Blizzard) to the WoW community in much more palatable way and opened up the door for its acceptance. Once it was established, no one would have blinked when Blizzard made the next offering through the store a cash grab because the idea would have already established. As it is now, Blizzard has to weather the negative feedback they're getting in threads like this one.
Had Blizzard introduced the store as I suggested, I'd likely have bought both pets to support the charity and given Blizzard kudos for doing something cool for the kids. They way they've done it now, I'm actually considering cancelling my subscription.
Ok. seriously. All of you really need o stop complaining. Blizz is a business...they want money. Big whoop. If they were really as bad as you guys think they are they would boost the monthly subscription price. BEcause they know we'd more than likely pay it. I know i would pay $30 a month for it. Why? because my wife and I both play it and $60 bucks a month would still be cheaper than a date. So if you dont approve of the paid services that they make available for the people who want to utilize them then dont utiiize them. Easy as that.
I read through all the replies, and while I'm not shocked by the apocalyptic freakouts occuring in the thread, I am kind of disappointed by the cynical and entitled attitudes from said freakouts. Vanity pets != full-on RMT business model. There has been no mention that suddenly next month items you actually DO need to progress in the game will have to be purchased on top of the base subscription. As for the two pets counting towards the pet count achievement, has anyone ever considered you can still get the achievement without ever having to buy the pandaran monk or Lil K.T.? I purchased both, and the trade-off was skipping on buying some junk food and a movie ticket. No big deal. I'm by no means rich, hell I'm hovering around the poverty line for yearly income, but I made a decision. I could either waste it on a movie I don't need to see/junk food I may like but don't need OR I could buy 2 virtual pets I don't need but merely want. And what's done is done. Do I think Blizzard is evil? No. I think they are a business like any other, and when times change in the industry, you realize it for what it is. If people don't want the pets, don't buy them. It's not like you'll be the only person without one. You won't find other players somehow being better at downing Yogg-Saron or Anub'arak simply because they purchased those vanity pets. They sure as hell won't go from being crap at PVP to pwning you by having a pandaran monk at their side. Complain all you want, you have the option of doing so. Just don't be surprised if there are people who don't think it's the end all of end alls.
Good post .... balanced, honest, and realistic.
The more I think about it the more the only time cash-shops can become bad is when items that are required in game (REQUIRED, not WANTED) are only available through the shop. Otherwise, it really doesn't matter. One way or another it cost to get that sword or clothing, in time or money ....
OMG....two more people on with common sense? I don't believe it.
Ok. seriously. All of you really need o stop complaining. Blizz is a business...they want money. Big whoop. If they were really as bad as you guys think they are they would boost the monthly subscription price. BEcause they know we'd more than likely pay it. I know i would pay $30 a month for it. Why? because my wife and I both play it and $60 bucks a month would still be cheaper than a date. So if you dont approve of the paid services that they make available for the people who want to utilize them then dont utiiize them. Easy as that.
But see that is the thing, I am against virtual items for sell for real life cash in MMOs. I would be with you paying 30/month still subscribed to WoW if that was an option if it meant no virtual items for sell in the game for real life cash. If they need money then up my subscription.
Instead adding an item shop made them lose my subscription and any more box purchases because I voted with my wallet. I voted no to item shops.
OMG....two more people on with common sense? I don't believe it.
Common sense, funny you should bring that up. A person with common sense can look at this from a perspective other than their devotion to a game or company. No one expects a business to run a charity, which is a moot point that has been made numerous times.
If I look at this with an angle based on common sense, I can not help but realize when companies start down this path they rarely turn back. Once pets stop selling, what's next? Do not give me the same cop out answer I've seen time and time again in these threads. "Oh my, they haven't gone that route yet". Well what other route is there? Once they realize people will pay, they will add, that is the bottom line.
This isn't just about Blizzard, this is an issue facing the entire industry right now. When is enough, enough? Where are they going to draw the line on what is acceptable honest business and what is pure greed?
They are taking advantage of addictions IMO, which is hardly something I would call acceptable. They know full well how attached certain gamers get to their games, as well as how easily it is to sway them to give a little more to have everything.
It's become rampant in the PC and console sectors, DLC dlc dlc.... That's all you hear about anymore, when did it become standard practice to charge 50-60 bucks for half the product? That is in essense what these companies are doing today. It's as if they intentionally hold back developed content just to sell it to you later for a little extra. A person with common sense looks at things as a whole, not just the perspective they get from their own little world.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
You may want to do your homework on that one. Before CO launched, Cryptic announced it would have an RMT. The shitteth hitteth the fan. You can look at older threads on the subject. Heck, I think there is a new one about the retcon being added, but hey, why research. Just post anything that proves your point. A lot of people believe that if they pay 15 bucks a month, everything should be included in that price. Seems logical.
I really don't have a problem with p2p+RMT. I just refuse to buy anything from the store. I can see the viewpoint of the people on the other side of the fence though.
noooooooo Blizzard will try and sell it in thier store lol
i am the walrus goo goo ga
sounds the just like the eq2 store were you can only buy strictly cosmetic items / pets / crap for your house ect (all junk!)... I for one don't know why anyone would bother buying this crap, but I guess some players do because all games seem to sell it now. I just hope they NEVER start selling stuff that will actually effect real game play.
I need a new MMOG
The real money is in the experience potions. It won't be long now. I just wish blizzard had the balls to just raise the subscription price to 20 bucks if they need more money. These lame workarounds suck. No use arguing about this. If you like cash shop keep playing. If you don't cancel. I for one will cancel.
It might be wise to remember the difference between a country and its people, and the government that *rules* them.
It also might be wise to remember that there is no where in the world Europe has not pillaged and raped of its resources, more then a little of that within living memory.
Thats your choice...<shrug> But the expression "throwing the baby out with the bath water" comes to mind. Given all of the hysteria from people, one might think that they plan on selling T12 gear in the shop, rather than vanity pets. I'm certain the hysterics will claim that such is "coming soon!"...<rolls eyes>
Whats to stop them from going further? after all, everything they saw theyll never do they do anyway so why should this be any different.
There is nothing to stop blizzard from going further. There is no real competition in the marketplace except for the the government of china shutting down mmos.
Blizzard could raise subs, make the entire game cash shop based with little fear, because the rest of the market sucks and most people would just go back.
That is the sad reality.
"Bad translation mode:ON"
In A.D 2009 War was beginning...
Hysteric1: What happen?!?
Hysteric2: Someone set us up the Cash Shop!!
Hysteric:2 We get signal!
Hysteric1: What?!?
Hysteric2: Main Screen Turn On!
Hysteric1: Its YOU!!
Blizzard: How are you gentlemen? All Your Subs Are Belong To Us!
Blizzard: You are on the way to Cancellation.
Hysteric1: What you say?!?
Blizzard: You have no chance of success make your time.
Blizzard: Ha Ha Ha Ha...
Hysteric1: Take off every Troll !
Hysteric2: You know what you doing?!?
Hysteric1: Move Trolls!
Hysteric1: For GREAT JUSTICE!!
Someone has to make clear for what stands for.
If you think this site is doing GOOD things about mmorpg's, just look through the forums and editorials.
It is as if these guys live on another PLANET.
So can one explain me WHAT is the difference between a BOUGHT BlizzCon pet of ... 125 dollars and a BOUGHT pet from the CCG at 300 dollars and the new in game pet for ... 10 dollars ????
So this exists already 4 years (meanigless pets you can buy IN and OUT of the game).
Only MMORPG.COM is making an issue out of a non issue that ... exists already for ... 5 years ?
BUT some REAL new techniques like the cross dungeons servers - which is a BUZZ all over the internet - is completly IGNORED by ...
That's why is living on another planet and it has ZERO representation concerning mmo's these days.
Their choice of course: BUT I am the one pointing that out.
Again, you miss my point entirely and worse, you make an even bigger moron of yourself.
You try to scoff and degrade and its members for its freedom of expression on an obvious touchy subject by some , all the while proclaiming your facts as truth?!
By your own logic, preaching to idiots only ever makes you the leading idiot.
I could care less for the vanity pets or the RMT in WoW. I still enjoy it and play from time to time. The only ones arguing are those with some distorted sense ethical wrongness on Blizz's part. But as long as people will buy these things, the more we will see them. Period.
Your constant regurgitations of your obviously biased, and illogical opinions is the only thing I wish to reply to, even though it's in vain as I already know it will no effect on a mind as narrow and obtuse as yours but my boredom got the better of me this evening.
Sadly, your sarcasm will be lost on most of the disgruntled ex-WoW players in this thread. Pity too. You're damn funny!
Truth....some people just don't know what to do with it. I think most of us who have no problem with the pets....have already stated we KNOW they're doing it to make money. None of us have feigned SHOCK that a business would....zomg noooes...MAKE MONEY!!! O.O It's the rest of the posters that find it wrong to make money continually....but I bet a LOT of them are planning on getting Windows 7....
It's only okay for SOME corporations to make money. Others, well....mostly just Blizzard....shouldn't want to DO that naughty thing.
Funny too, being if any ONE single person in this thread that is WHINING actually OWNED Blizzard....they wouldn't think making more money would be such a bad thing at all. Of course....they will all SAY they wouldn't care about such things as money....because none of them will likely ever be in the position TO care about their billions of dollars, now will they? LMAO If any of them were billionaires and you told them, "You don't need any more money! Give your work away for free from now on!" They would laugh uncontrollably. But since it's not THEIR money....well now....that's a different story.
By the way....your new name for is spot on.
His sarcasm and your sarcasm put together is nowhere as funny as a my pretty accurate depiction of what you would look like in real life.
My point is, trying to make him sound funny make you sound dumb.
I'll start laughing when you reply to this post. I'll see what kind of lame shit you try to make out to be funny. You're obviously trying to defend Blizzard with illogical desperate reasoning.
Do you think a company with million subscribers each of whom giving them 15 dollars a month needs more money than they are already making?
Who is illogical and desperate here:
The person that is foolish enough to think that a BUSINESS ever quits caring about making money, or the person that recognizes a BUSINESS as just that....a business?
Frankly, I don't think I'm the one "looking dumb" here.....
If YOU owned Blizzard....I'm sure you would just stop making more money once you hit the what....50 billion dollar mark? about a trillion? Just when is the "cut off point" for when businesses should no longer be allowed to make any more money? Let's go for a socialist state and set some sort of LIMIT on how much money YOU....yes you....can make at your job. I think that's a brilliant idea. Or do limits on the amount of money you can make only apply to corporations? Do you need to be reminded about a little company called Microsoft? Now....don't you go and buy Windows 7 because, know, Microsoft ALREADY HAS ENOUGH MONEY.
Seriously. Saying a company "doesn't need any more money," is just ignorant. If your bills are paid and you have food and shelter....I don't think YOU need any more money either. But maybe you'd still like to make money for your efforts. Well...I don't know if you should be able to do that. Someone should be allowed to determine when YOU have "made enough money." I nominate ME.
Yup, you've made enough money. Now, from now can just forward me your paychecks from your work and effort,'ve made enough money. I ridiculous that entire argument
See, I was so right.
<<<< genius
The fact that you're younger than my youngest child helps to explain why you know nothing at all about business. It also goes a long way in explaining why you think you're a genius. The grandiosity of teenagers knows no bounds.
Perhaps, if / when you go to college, you'll take a business and economics course and it will all make more sense to you some day, young padawan. Businesses make money. It's what they do. If you don't like the don't buy it. That's so utterly basic, a 4 year old could understand it. I fail to see why, at the ripe old age of 19, you can't seem to wrap your mind around something so simple.
"Oooo waaaah, but Blizzard doesn't NEEEEEEED any more money!!!" lol
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
poor blizzard must makes more money, sell your soul to by a pet!! lol, how sad.
Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end
Ironic way of showing your own maturity, there.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2
Ironic way of showing your own maturity, there.
I was quoting HIM, my dear. Check back in his earlier posts..... Quotation marks, usually mean you're quoting someone.
If you mean the "lol" part,'s pretty hard not to laugh at someone who decries that someone, anyone, or any company, "doesn't NEED more money." That's just a complete lack of understanding LIFE.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
One result of this - we get to see who on the forums are the Blizzard tools willing to bend over while spouting Marketing PR spin and who still retain enough independent thought to consider what this actually means for the game.
It has nothing to do with the fact that it's "Blizzard," at least not for me. Maybe I'm a marketing "tool," rather than a "Blizzard tool," as you so maturely put it. If the definition of "tool" is someone that believes in a capitalistic society, and companies having a right to make as much money as they're able, legally....yup, then I'm a "tool." If you hate the system of capitalism, sure...the argument makes sense. Socialism works beautifully on paper. Perhaps we can convert the gaming industry to a socialist system and put a hard cap limit on the amount of money each developer can make before being legally forced to stop attempting to profit.
Some of us believe that people (and corporations OF people) have a right to legally make money....LOADS of it, if they're of consumers that WANT to buy a product they offer. Where there is no demand....eventually....there is no supply. So I am ALL FOR people speaking with their pocketbooks. Buy what you like...don't buy what you don't. How simple is that?
See, the hilarious thing about this entire thread the fact that if it was ANY OTHER GAMING wouldn't be such an enormous hot topic. But's B L I Z Z A R D! *faints* So many many other game developers choose to sell in game items that do INDEED change the game balance, and yet....the intellectual readers of go absolutely ape shit when Blizzard decides to sell two measly little vanity pets. Amazing. Even when SoE went this direction with EQ2....the fuss was relatively small in comparison. And a good many of the people that are whining about it....don't even play WoW. Hilarious.
Furthermore, unless you have psychic gifting and a crystal ball that never fails to predict the future one can feign to KNOW what is going to happen next. And honestly....I don't see why it even really MATTERS what they do next. Why DOES it matter? It's pixels on a monitor. It's just PIXELS. People are acting like it's determining life or death for the population of the planet. Good gawd....priorities, people. Do you really place THIS MUCH VALUE on a GAME?????
I don't understand why people don't just look at this and go, "'s a game. Big freakin' deal." People are getting their panties in a twist over something so TOTALLY insignificant in life, that's it's absolutely altogether ludicrous....and desperately SAD that anyone finds changes in a GAME....a silly be worth being so offended and indignant. What terrifically screwed up priorities in life this hobby seems to nurture in people.
As far as "independent thought" goes....sure it's really NOT being a lemming to jump on the "crucify Blizzard" boat. I's real independent thinking, because well....that's so very radical and NO ONE else is on that bandwagon. That would be a really lonely lonely position of "independence" to take THAT ride...... /rolls eyes If it wasn't Blizzard....would anyone really care this much? I doubt it.
I'd like to think that "independent thought" requires critical thinking, and not psychic predictions and sheep-like herd behavior, but then....that's just my own way of thinking. I like to step back and try to look at the whole big picture from an OBJECTIVE standpoint. I don't even play WoW right now, so I have no "vested interest" in what happens with it. It's just a game among a virtual sea of games before it and many that will come after. It's a hobby,'s NOT a way of life, a religion, a family, etc. But the way people FREAK OUT over every little thing these developers do....simply tells me....that we obviously don't have enough to worry about in our own REAL lives to make such a fuss over pixels. And having now said that....I will gracefully bow out of this ridiculously twisted topic of such GREAT priority, and go back to the REAL world.
I certainly hope you all can solve this great and torturous dilemma before the internet collapses from the weight of it all.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
The title of this thread is in error.
Where can I go to purchase these pets?
You can purchase these in-game companions by visiting this link or heading to the online Blizzard Store, where you'll find the Pet Store pets under the Collectibles tab.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
I wonder when we can buy Super Speed potions, to make traveling easier.
And Teleport Scrolls, that will instantly teleport you to any major city in the world.
And AI Henchmen so you can two man and solo the Raids :-)
good times! ^_^
I just logged into WoW.
There are not people running around shouting "the end is nigh", general chat is the usual "LF1M tank Naxx 10", no mention at all of this "cash shop".
I asked the 14 guild mates online, 1 said he was worried where it might go, the other 13 said they dont care.
So I asked Actual players and shortly watched general chat and WoW is just the same.
Blizzard are not a stupid company they know that subscription MMO's are becoming less attractive, the paid4 characters transfers, faction transfers etc seem to be doing well so blizzard are now trialing paid4 vanity items. Its good business, blizzard dont stay on top by sitting on their hands.
It is good business, and one thing Blizzard is, is good at business. That is afterall how WoW got to the place it is now, good business by Blizzard. Think of it this way, bad economic times, Christmas around the corner, offer up two relatively cheap and universally cute items to give for Christmas to the 11+ million people world wide that wont' break the bank. AND give Blizzard some good PR for donating half the proceeds on sales until December 31st to Make a Wish Foundation. This isn't about a huge conspiracy to take WoW into RMT, its about making money and good marketing at the right time.
And hey, if it makes you feel more secure, just think of it this way. It's not a cash shop, in-game item, Blizzard is just selling you a single Trading Card Game card for $10 that has the in-game code on it. There, that make it better now?
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
I read through all the replies, and while I'm not shocked by the apocalyptic freakouts occuring in the thread, I am kind of disappointed by the cynical and entitled attitudes from said freakouts.
Vanity pets != full-on RMT business model. There has been no mention that suddenly next month items you actually DO need to progress in the game will have to be purchased on top of the base subscription. As for the two pets counting towards the pet count achievement, has anyone ever considered you can still get the achievement without ever having to buy the pandaran monk or Lil K.T.?
I purchased both, and the trade-off was skipping on buying some junk food and a movie ticket. No big deal. I'm by no means rich, hell I'm hovering around the poverty line for yearly income, but I made a decision. I could either waste it on a movie I don't need to see/junk food I may like but don't need OR I could buy 2 virtual pets I don't need but merely want. And what's done is done.
Do I think Blizzard is evil? No. I think they are a business like any other, and when times change in the industry, you realize it for what it is. If people don't want the pets, don't buy them. It's not like you'll be the only person without one. You won't find other players somehow being better at downing Yogg-Saron or Anub'arak simply because they purchased those vanity pets. They sure as hell won't go from being crap at PVP to pwning you by having a pandaran monk at their side.
Complain all you want, you have the option of doing so. Just don't be surprised if there are people who don't think it's the end all of end alls.
Good post .... balanced, honest, and realistic.
The more I think about it the more the only time cash-shops can become bad is when items that are required in game (REQUIRED, not WANTED) are only available through the shop. Otherwise, it really doesn't matter. One way or another it cost to get that sword or clothing, in time or money ....
Actually, I disagree. Blizzard made themselves successful by building and supporting a better product than anyone else at the time. We bought into the model of paying a subscription for their game and content. Now, the subscription/expansion model does not seem to be enough for them and I'm being asked to pay for content separately. That irks me.
For those who want to bring up the collectible card game, I don't think you can compare the two because, with that offering, you get a complete product that happens to give me a bonus for buying it. These two pets are pure game content and designed to appeal to collectors who want to have all the creatures. Blizzard should take a lesson from the comic book industry of the '90s and the alternate cover fiasco. As soon as you make in impossible for collectors to have a complete collection, they stop buying everything, not just the extras.
To your comment about the charity, personally, I find it insulting that they have chosen to only make it 50% for one of the two pets and only until the end of the year. With the money they're making on subscriptions, they could have used these two pets to their advantage by donating 100% of the proceeds of both pets to the charity. It would have made more money for the charity without unduly stressing their cash flow and it would have generated a huge amount of goodwill with the WoW community for their gesture to give something back. Doing it this way, I can almost guarantee this thread wouldn't exist.
Making the initial offering completely charitable would have also served to introduce the new concept (from Blizzard) to the WoW community in much more palatable way and opened up the door for its acceptance. Once it was established, no one would have blinked when Blizzard made the next offering through the store a cash grab because the idea would have already established. As it is now, Blizzard has to weather the negative feedback they're getting in threads like this one.
Had Blizzard introduced the store as I suggested, I'd likely have bought both pets to support the charity and given Blizzard kudos for doing something cool for the kids. They way they've done it now, I'm actually considering cancelling my subscription.
-=[ Gaidin ]=-
-=[ Gaidin ]=-
Ok. seriously. All of you really need o stop complaining. Blizz is a business...they want money. Big whoop. If they were really as bad as you guys think they are they would boost the monthly subscription price. BEcause they know we'd more than likely pay it. I know i would pay $30 a month for it. Why? because my wife and I both play it and $60 bucks a month would still be cheaper than a date. So if you dont approve of the paid services that they make available for the people who want to utilize them then dont utiiize them. Easy as that.
Good post .... balanced, honest, and realistic.
The more I think about it the more the only time cash-shops can become bad is when items that are required in game (REQUIRED, not WANTED) are only available through the shop. Otherwise, it really doesn't matter. One way or another it cost to get that sword or clothing, in time or money ....
OMG....two more people on with common sense? I don't believe it.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
But see that is the thing, I am against virtual items for sell for real life cash in MMOs. I would be with you paying 30/month still subscribed to WoW if that was an option if it meant no virtual items for sell in the game for real life cash. If they need money then up my subscription.
Instead adding an item shop made them lose my subscription and any more box purchases because I voted with my wallet. I voted no to item shops.
Common sense, funny you should bring that up. A person with common sense can look at this from a perspective other than their devotion to a game or company. No one expects a business to run a charity, which is a moot point that has been made numerous times.
If I look at this with an angle based on common sense, I can not help but realize when companies start down this path they rarely turn back. Once pets stop selling, what's next? Do not give me the same cop out answer I've seen time and time again in these threads. "Oh my, they haven't gone that route yet". Well what other route is there? Once they realize people will pay, they will add, that is the bottom line.
This isn't just about Blizzard, this is an issue facing the entire industry right now. When is enough, enough? Where are they going to draw the line on what is acceptable honest business and what is pure greed?
They are taking advantage of addictions IMO, which is hardly something I would call acceptable. They know full well how attached certain gamers get to their games, as well as how easily it is to sway them to give a little more to have everything.
It's become rampant in the PC and console sectors, DLC dlc dlc.... That's all you hear about anymore, when did it become standard practice to charge 50-60 bucks for half the product? That is in essense what these companies are doing today. It's as if they intentionally hold back developed content just to sell it to you later for a little extra. A person with common sense looks at things as a whole, not just the perspective they get from their own little world.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson