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After 5 years, the end is near for me.. There is basically nothing left to do, other then "work" to get a raid going, which I loathe.. The lack of end game content and purpose, other then ICC, is gone.. If I do one more daily of "threat/cit" I'm going to puke.. Other then the chore in finding an ICC raid run (ID system limits your options), the only other options of character advancement is doing the random daily to upgrade pieces of armor with frost emblems.. At the current rate of earning frost emblems to upgrade select pieces will take over a month PER items.. HELL, by the time I get close to being geared up for the Lich King, the expansion will be released (6 months down the road)..
So why should I pay $15 a month to do random frost daily dungeon? The ONLY way I see myself staying is IF Blizz increases the frost emblem earning rate.. Example: ICC 5man on regular drop triumph emblems, so why not increase the drop of heroic ICC 5mans to FROST.. This would serve 2 problems.. 1) help people get geared up before the expansion comes out.. 2) gives an incentive for people to want to do dungeons like heroic HoR.. At this point in time the new ICC 5 man serve very little purpose.. How long did it take before the content became old news? Add a reason for people to KEEP doing them..
Dude be grateful that you enjoyed the game for 5 years, you should loathe it as this point.
The only problem is there is nothing on the market atm to replace it, catch up on single player games if you haven't played those in awhile is my only advice.
It seems 5 years is about the going rate for an MMO. By then the development has changed hands and the game has been changed drastically from what you might enjoy. Same happened with Everquest when they put out Planes of Power, which was tolerable...but then the expansions after that just turned my stomach.
Isnt WoW easy enough already?
Where themepark games try to hide that they are copying WOW, games like Mortal Online and Darkfall make no attempt to hide their inspiration
Dont become a burned out WoW hater like the majority of peeps on this site. Remember the good times and walk away... ready yourself for the next Blizzard MMO.
Haha. Ready ourselves for a MMO we dont know what is or if we will like it. Good one. WoW is old and repetative and keeps making the same mistakes over and over, that is deserves to be hated upon, which is why so many people dislike WoW.
Didnt you ever hear the saying If you got haters, you're doing something right? Or even Kat Williams, if you got some haters, get some more damn haters. Learn the rules of the game, or dont bother pointing out nonsense.
WoW is already an easymode game. Just move on.
Playing Darkfall EU1 Server
coffee speaks the truth here, just move on, try different games or don't play any games and get a different hobby. I would think 5 years is a good amount of time to enjoy the game, I'd say that you got your money's worth.
I don't think we'll see another massive mmo from blizzard until everyone gets sick of playing WoW like the OP has, they'll just keep pumping out expansions for as long as they can.
In my opinion wow kind of ruined blizzard, they have played it safe since this game became so popular. Even there new upcoming games are just sequels to previously successful games, they don't seem willing to take any risks on something new anymore.
I don't think we'll see another massive mmo from blizzard until everyone gets sick of playing WoW like the OP has, they'll just keep pumping out expansions for as long as they can.
In my opinion wow kind of ruined blizzard, they have played it safe since this game became so popular. Even there new upcoming games are just sequels to previously successful games, they don't seem willing to take any risks on something new anymore.
But their new mmo will be base on a new ip, and we dont know yet what format will it be. So its kinda early to say that.
Problem with currently mmo, not just WoW, is that the end-game doesn't offer any other thing either than raid-or-die or pvp -till-death.
Somehow currently devs just lack the creativity to produce new things...
RIP Orc Choppa
I don't think we'll see another massive mmo from blizzard until everyone gets sick of playing WoW like the OP has, they'll just keep pumping out expansions for as long as they can.
In my opinion wow kind of ruined blizzard, they have played it safe since this game became so popular. Even there new upcoming games are just sequels to previously successful games, they don't seem willing to take any risks on something new anymore.
now, Im not gonna blizzard bash...because I like em. But, when have they EVER taken a real chance before? Lets review shall we:
Warcraft Series : completely based around a game they were making for Warhammer. Down to the last detail, really.
Starcraft Series : Lets see...WARHAMMER AGAIN! 40K this time, and using structures in a RTS that they refined across WC 1-2.
Diablo Series : FINALLY an innovation. Their random dungeon/loot generator was very nice for its time and the story (eventually) rounded itself into something inherent to that series. Even then, isometric view slashers weren't NEW per se.
Lost Vikings : The only truly original and innovative thing they have ever done. Every inch of this game was pretty creative and the humor gave it a style all its own (and even began setting the standard they would one day use again for their Warcraft series.)
WoW hasn't "ruined" people are just borderline retarded when it comes to remembering what Blizzard REALLY is. EVerything they have ever done, shy of Lost Vikings, has been little more than a engine and design advancement to an already successful concept. They never really HAVE taken heavy risks...its always betting on the win. If anything, the new MMO they are working on is the LARGEST risk they have ever the MMO field is expensive and fickle, and this new game will have NO powerful IP to attach to it to bolster sales.
just quit and cut your losses i played for about 2 years then quit just shortly after WOTLK came out...i think during TBC the game was at it's very best and that the game will never reach that point again after 5 long years you have seen all there is to WOW the good and the bad...and once you quit you will never look back or regret it...i would never play the game again even if it were 100% free...
Hmm, Im almost done with Frost badges.
Sounds like burn out combined with gear envy. Classic text book case.
Lack of end game content and purpose? Are you starting to realize that video games have no purpose? how is blizzard supposed to create purpose for you? they could give you all the games in the world, within the world of warcraft, and it still would not be able to make you feel like you were playing for a reason. it's a game, basically
once you beat the game (single player games) you just stop playing them. you go, "hey I had a good time with that game", and then move on. the only reason people demand a constant flow of things from MMOs is because there is a monthly fee, and people expect enough content per month to be delivered, enough content to be at least 1/3rd of a single player game (considering 15$ is a fraction of the price for the average new RPG coming out)
unfortunately MMO companies rarely make content at this rate.. so just stop playing for a few months and come back.. there will be stuff to do.
am I ranting?
I played WoW for just one year. Maxed my toon out and then I ended it. I might re-sub when CAT comes out...maybe...For now, since back in college, I play EvE as it caters to my style. I can study while mining.
5 years and you act like WoW was the worst thing ever. Regardless of what most people say, I think WoW made the MMO industry what it is. Bringing in the amount of people it did was truely remarkable and they things they accomplished with the game is awe inspiring. It's not Blizzards fault people try to replicate WoW and come up short time and time again. Put blame where blame is due.
For the record, I have not played since Vanilla. I loved the game then but gave it up due to personal reasons. I haven't played it recently so that's why I refrain from replying with specifics. I just loathe the constant amount of bashers.
It was old three years ago, where have you been?
You made it through 5 years in an MMO. You got your moneys worth.
Most MMOs start to become old when you play them for a long time no matter how much new content they add.
Be happy you got those 5 years
There are 3 types of people in the world.
1.) Those who make things happen
2.) Those who watch things happen
3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
I completely understand the frustration here. I too am tired of grinding for emblems to improve gear. Although, I understand it is an effective system to keep players engaged, I loathe the fact that I have not seen the end of ToC or Ulduar. One might say, "Well, you my friend are a fail <insert class here>." I have been to ICC and I really enjoy most of the fights. They entire instance is well thought out. Maybe I am just turned off by the constant bombardment of jerks spouting, "LFM ICC. BE GEARED and KNOW FIGHTS!" Heck, the whole reason I didn't do ToC or Ulduar is because I thought I was undergeared for the instances, when in fact, I was right on par with other players.
I suppose my point is this...WoW is still a fun game. There is plenty of content to mess around with and if you are bored, you should take a few months off and check it out later to see if anything has changed. The main reason I still fart around in it is because I have made some really great friends in my guild. When the content has become old or stagnant, I can always count on the "R-tards" in my vent to entertain me.
As for Blizzard and WoW...maybe Cataclysm will reignite old passions of exploration and leveling.
Everyone being a bit too matter-of-factual. Pure ignorance is seeping from some of you. World of Warcraft literally shaped MMO structure for the past 3 years and if you don't see MAJOR elements of it in games like Aion, Warhammer, Conan, D&D Online, LOTR online, Guild Wars and even Vanguard (Allods Online? rofl) then you are in serious denial. From the blatant emphasis on questing and keybindings to fluid WASD movement, WoW took those things and perfected them. WoW almost literally invented instanced raids and made dungeons enjoyable. There is not a SINGLE MMO until WoW showed up that even touches WoW on a dungeon/raid regard and I know everybody who has raided successfully, especially in The Burning Crusade, will vouch for this. The game is so widespread that there are awful players everywhere and Blizzard still knows how to appeal to both poor players that make poor decisions and good players that make smart decisions. Granted, the game is fairly lackluster nowadays and every encounter is predictablly broken down after one pull, but to say that it didn't literally leave fossilized footprint that other companies will be taking notes from for years to come is being silly.
Also, don't expect for the game to die anytime soon. You won't have another widely-respected, enriced with content, customer supportive and (well, debatbly) decent PvP in another game like that for a LONG time. WoW has spoiled me as an MMO player and quite frankly I haven't enjoyed an MMO as much as I enjoyed WoW since UO. All of it's competition in the past four years have nearly withered and died one by one as they came to come. Barely any of these games had an increase in interest or appeal and they ALL declined in the first two months. WoW has died down aswell, but they still hold strong compared to every other game. I tried very hard to like Aion, for what it was and for it's WoW elements, but the grind proved too heinous in an age where MMOs are moving further and further away from things like grinding aimlessly for experience and you should surely expect a dramatic decrease in how much developers will focus on leveling in coming MMOs -- just watch.
I wouldn't be surprised if Square Enix took tips from their (well, not entirely, but still present with a plethora of issues) failure of an MMO, FFXI and take a more realistically analyzed approach to Final Fantasy XIV. I would not be surprised in the least if the Star Wars: The Old Republic had VERY recognizable elements from WoW and I am not surprised at all that Aion had many of those elements, as many of you are aware of. Those are the top 2 anticipated MMOs in 2010 and they are all going to emulate WoW in some shape or form. Grow up and stop acting like children who didn't like a sport that your friends played so you say it's stupid.
World of Warcraft is nothing more than a redundant grind for gear. The minute you realize that its all pointless (cause you'll do it all over again in 4mos), is the minute your eyes are opened and you make a post like the OP, hehe. How long it takes for each person to realize this depends on how easily amused the are. Some people will follow the carrot forever.
But yeah, I agree with what someone else said in relation to the music industry. That once you get tired of all the "mainstream" crap, you start looking for "indie music"...cause that's where all the good stuff is.
All Blizzard did was take all the ideas previous devlopers did and dumb it down so that anyone could play it. I don't see how that can be a good thing for the genre. Though some have to understand that people today do the popular thing instead of doing the better thing.
Your life hasn't even begun to suck. Wait til you have to find a game to replace WoW, and you realize that almost everything out now is basically WoW.
Many of us have been trying to find a game we can enjoy for a few months, and that seems near impossible with the crap that has been released in recent years.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
Well they did make the game "easier" but what you want is them to give you all your T10 gear like they did with T9. You really don't want to put any effort in the game sounds like. Maybe it is time for you to move on. But if you are getting bored with the game and hate waiting around for frost badges make an alt to kill the time or play something different. Good luck on your journey
OH MY GOD, you couldn't be finished with WoW there is no way you could be. Have you done all the achievements? leveled every class to 80? geared each class with the top tiet or pvp armor or even both? maxed out all professions? played both sides and max out those classes? I feel you havent played WoW or even came close to be bored with it yet. I feel you are just one of those people that have maxed a main then complain because you are bored now. I think you better look a little deeper into WoW, also when next expansion comes out you will get to do all the stuff i said over again. To complete an MMO is to truly be with it until it is no longer available to be played. When th e company finally pulls the plug. True sign of a dedicated MMO'er.
Smarter than the average bear? That is assuming bears are smart.