Does not help much to support a game that is practically unplayable in beta at times. Beta is supposed to get the minor bugs out, not major ones.
This game might be good some day down the road, but I won't be one of the fools that supports it and hopes it will. Been down that road too many times and don't like the chances.
I'm with a lot of others here, I'll mentally support the "idea" of a game, but I'm not pulling out my wallet to give any fiscal support to it until I'm darn sure it's a game worth playing (Although with MO in the state it's in, more like wanting to be sure it's a game that it is actually possible to play).
From what I can tell, SV don't seem all that motivated to turn things around - removing monsters from a game 'cause they cause lag?!?! Shouldn't someone have factored that in somewhere? And their treatment of players with the frequently-delayed-yet-ultimately-pointless game disc that can't be updated is shoddy to say the least.
I'm happy to keep giving money to Icarus, because while Fallen Earth still needs work done on it, they're at least constant in pushing through patches that make a difference. And the world is immersive and the game is fun.
I have yet to hear someone claim to be having fun in Mortal Online.
All well and good to talk of concepts like supporting an idea, but no-one's going to fork over their hard-earned for nothing but frustration. They release now, and the game will bomb irretrievably. What SV need is not support, not more of anyone's money, but someone to inject them with a goodly dose of perspective mixed with common sense. Their idealism is what created this mess, they need to meet some harsh reality if they want it to succeed.
I refuse to support a game that plans to launchmissing half of the features listed on it's Features page. I refuse to help set the bar even LOWER for future releases. This market needs to start raising the bar of what we consider minimally acceptable standards. MMORPGS may never be "finished" but there is a huge difference between adding some polish after launch or extra content via an expansion and launching with half of your "features" missing. When a developer trys to pawn of a half finished game by saying they will add "polish" later we need to emphatically tell them "NO!"
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
I honestly do not see the game surviving for the next few months. I, and many of my friends, have already gotten refunds through our credit cards because we saw months ago how bad shape this game was in. There are blind fans and then there is reality, and at this point reality is starting to set in as the open beta has been a disaster, full of lag and now they even disabled AI (even though people were still getting lag with it turned off)
I will support the idea, but not with money. I will support them with money once they release a good product. And I honestly believe that will never happen with the way Starvault is conducting their business right now.
I bought the game a while back. I don't regret it. I would do it again honestly, but I don't have the highest of hopes. I support what they are trying to do though.
I just read a post showing a Community Manager chewing and taunting a player on the forums because the player questioned the ability of the Devs to do their jobs.
I've read about so many problems with the open beta that I've forgotten some of them already. I wont even bother trying the open beta.
Open beta is for testing and polish. Closed beta is for bug fixing. If its so damn hard to get the patcher working, its nowhere near ready.
I support sandbox ideas, but currently your support will go farther with Darkfall or EVE Online than MO.
Move to another game and let this group squander their funds away and release a broken game.
I'm pretty much on the same boat as everyone else here. I wanted to try Mortal Online, but because of some of the information coming in and the bad business model I'm not going to touch it with a ten foot pole. It's the same reason I didn't bother to try Darkfall. I was moderately interested in Darkfall, but they had some nasty business models and the game was unreleased unfinished. Yes, I'm aware Darkfall has improved greatly since it's release, and maybe some day I will try it, but for now I'm just skeptical of those indie companies trying to get cash upfront. I'm not looking to invest in your game, I just want to play it. Hopefully Mortal Online will get the much needed improvements a year down the line like Darkfall and lots of people will be happy playing it.
In all honesty guys, i would LOVE to see this project turn into a contender in this rather bland theme park market.
But times are hard and i dont have the 15$ to play some 1/2 ass game, i want atleast a somewhat playable project here.
Get some AI in this game and tweak it and ill glady pay my money, but until then and how the market is now.. ill spend it elsewhere and on something else.
Face it guys, last year and this year blows MMO market wise but i wont stand to pay for something that i dont enjoy playing.
btw.. finally dug myself out in Maryland here.. i dont want to see snow for awhile!! :P
Wow the negativity on this forum has reached new depths even for
While I will agree with many of you that the game is in very bad shape at the moment, I would like to remind you that lots of games release very broken and missing content. The developers at SV at least warned everyone before hand that the game would be released this way. They didn't lie to anyone (like other companies have recently) and release a product missing most of the promised features. They told everyone right from the beginning that the game would release in a very unfinished state and improve from there. I have been in this beta since block B and I have seen the game improve SIGNIFICANTLY over time. Sure, there are lots of problems and the game has a long way to go, but SV has shown that they can address the issues given enough time...
Any true sandbox lovers should remain supportive of this game. This is a small bunch of indie developers attempting the nearly impossible task of producing a quality MMO with only a fraction of the resources enjoyed by other developers. No major game studios will take a chance on this sort of game, so all we are left with is Darkfall, EVE, and MO. If any sandbox game fails, it will lead to even less developers willing to take a chance on the concept. It is in the best interest of all sandbox fans to support these products...
So please stop bashing this game at every turn. Your negativity will only help make this game fail and it will be a big hit to sandbox-style MMOs if it does. Try instead to support the company and offer helpful constructive criticism rather than rage.
Wow the negativity on this forum has reached new depths even for While I will agree with many of you that the game is in very bad shape at the moment, I would like to remind you that lots of games release very broken and missing content. The developers at SV at least warned everyone before hand that the game would be released this way. They didn't lie to anyone (like other companies have recently) and release a product missing most of the promised features. They told everyone right from the beginning that the game would release in a very unfinished state and improve from there. I have been in this beta since block B and I have seen the game improve SIGNIFICANTLY over time. Sure, there are lots of problems and the game has a long way to go, but SV has shown that they can address the issues given enough time... Any true sandbox lovers should remain supportive of this game. This is a small bunch of indie developers attempting the nearly impossible task of producing a quality MMO with only a fraction of the resources enjoyed by other developers. No major game studios will take a chance on this sort of game, so all we are left with is Darkfall, EVE, and MO. If any sandbox game fails, it will lead to even less developers willing to take a chance on the concept. It is in the best interest of all sandbox fans to support these products... So please stop bashing this game at every turn. Your negativity will only help make this game fail and it will be a big hit to sandbox-style MMOs if it does. Try instead to support the company and offer helpful constructive criticism rather than rage. Thanks.
TOTALLY disagree. If they want to be honest then update their features page to show what they plan to have in game at launch. If they want to be honest splash their "disclaimer" about what is really in the game on the order page instead of hidden as a reply on the forum.
I'm sorry, but if we REALLY want sandbox games (or MMO games in general) to succeed we need companies to know that they need to launch complete games. Not launch with half the features missing with promises to get them in later at some point.. Everytime we lower the bar we actually hurt the industry.
it' should not be the customers concern how big/small a company is or how much moeny the company has. If they want to charge the same price as every other game out there they need to provide the same service as their competitors. Honestly, the level of service in the industry is so low that if you can't even reach that level you don't deserve to stay around. No matter how nice your game sounds on paper or in a powerpoint.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
i love sandbox games but im not gonna pay for a crappy maded game like this till its polished and from what ive read and seen its quite terrible and i remember reading something about how they disabled the AI? whats left to do then but run around in a empty world? some people make it seem as people dont play any sandbox games cause they dont like it but its because no good ones are being maded
Wow the negativity on this forum has reached new depths even for While I will agree with many of you that the game is in very bad shape at the moment, I would like to remind you that lots of games release very broken and missing content. The developers at SV at least warned everyone before hand that the game would be released this way. They didn't lie to anyone (like other companies have recently) and release a product missing most of the promised features. They told everyone right from the beginning that the game would release in a very unfinished state and improve from there. I have been in this beta since block B and I have seen the game improve SIGNIFICANTLY over time. Sure, there are lots of problems and the game has a long way to go, but SV has shown that they can address the issues given enough time... Any true sandbox lovers should remain supportive of this game. This is a small bunch of indie developers attempting the nearly impossible task of producing a quality MMO with only a fraction of the resources enjoyed by other developers. No major game studios will take a chance on this sort of game, so all we are left with is Darkfall, EVE, and MO. If any sandbox game fails, it will lead to even less developers willing to take a chance on the concept. It is in the best interest of all sandbox fans to support these products... So please stop bashing this game at every turn. Your negativity will only help make this game fail and it will be a big hit to sandbox-style MMOs if it does. Try instead to support the company and offer helpful constructive criticism rather than rage. Thanks.
1. They never were honest, they never told people that the game was close to release, they promised a metric ton of features that either are missing or just dont work, and they admitted they wont either, comes release.
Actually they refuse to refund people who blindly supported them purchasing MO before the OB. it sounds like a total scam
2. If you are a true sandbox lover maybe you should check fallen earth, craft of gods, earthrise or dawntide, like I do. at least your sympathy wouldnt be wasted there. btw those are also made by indie companies like SV, yet the difference in quality is blatant.
being indie probably means that you wont have a super IP, a last gen 3D engine nor tv adds. But a bare minimum of quality should be a given. MO has none of it, more like the contrary.
I cant understand why you are willing to support SV, I cant see them doing anything to deserve the support.
I bought the game and I have to say for the first time in my life i feel ripped off.
It cost me $57. That's near $20 more than more recent competing titles and $40 than quite a few other titles.
There's nothing worth playing the game for.
Mobs are missing, save for rabbits, from what I've seen.
Crafting tables either work or don't.
They've implemented this damned stupid thing where you choose a "background" and start with random skills attributed to that background, which, when exempting any sort of gathering skills makes you shit outta luck for making any sort of money. I want the old system back!
If you don't start with any sort of gathering skills, I've found no way to learn them.
The wave of OB players damn near broke the server and now it lays neglected and laggy as hell.
Due to the server being broken, you can be fighting without having your weapon drawn or, in certain starter zones, can actually have an invisible axe.
Anyone with intelligence under 100 can't read apparently. What if your cap for intelligence is under 100? You're screwed!
Apparently, the older you are, the higher each stat cap gets. Does it make sense that a 50 yr old has a higher Strength cap than a 20 yr old?
I am sorry OP but when you mention "limitless boundaries" you are talking PVP,as there is tons of limitations in this game,including first person view.
I need to remind the OP that the RPG genre was around long before PVP,as a matter of fact PVP was not a part of the rpg genre at all.Just because you add in the ability to play alongside others[online],does not mean it HAS to be PVP.
I thought the OP was going in a totally different direction,like supporting small developers or whatever,but this is just support of a weak PVP design,VERY weak.
When i talk about supporting ideas,i support something like Vanguard,a giant effort,a VERY good effort.We do not want to discourage developers from advancing the RPG genre.As for creativity,that is pretty much the player base fault,everyone wants the same thing and it has VERY little to do with RPG standards,most of you people are in the wrong genre.
FFXI has TONS of creativity,and no conventional hotbars,you write your own macros and you work as a team not an individual.If the player base REALLY wants creativity then they would all be playing FFXI not WOW.The truth is they want simplistic boring game play,they are more worried about egos than playing the game for fun.People telling others they know more because they have 5 max level players,or they are the greatest because their raid guild was the FIRST to kill said boss ect ect ..nothing but egos.
FFXi=leave your ego at the door,this is a TEAM not an individual game,we work together NOT against each other,that is the MAJOR flaw with rpg gaming right now,all designed to start arguments and show off,pretty much everything that turns people off,yet they are supporting it lol...sad.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I wish folks that enjoy sandboxes would support their genre....instead of trying to inflict their playstyle into games not intended for them. SW: TOR being a prime poster-child currently.
Ryzom is a fine example of a sandbox not being supported.
I tried it in OB, and was amazed at the depth to the game. If crafting/skill/sim based was my cup of tea, it would be something to look into. Pity folks have let it hang on life support.
Instead of playing games catering to the sandbox crowd, everytime a new title launches, we hear "it needs to be crafter-based, full loot PvP, skill based, make it like the PRECioUs..." etc etc. it doesnt.
Generally speaking: Those that prefer the "themepark" have no interest in world sim games based on crafting, let alone PvP being the majority of the content. Meanwhile PvE folks, like me, want to adventure for gear, and not be someone's "sport" while doing such. We want classes tuned for PvE encounters...not PvP.
And we sure as Hell dont want devs spending their time balancing skill trees, rather than cranking out new zones/content.
The two crowds playstyles just do not mix.
It gets kind of old hearing post after post carrying on that the two styles can co-exist. Trader based is the polar opposite of loot based gaming, and a game either has open PvP or it doesnt. As we have seen in UO, and other similar titles, folks wont put up with being ganked squaded for long.
The biggest sandbox MMO success to date has been EVE(or the PRECioUS....although it dropped subs fast after launch), I would have to imagine, and it's 300k-ish subs still pale in comparison to the 450k my native EQ1 had during its prime. Which was well before the influx of new gamers thanks to WOW no less.
I have no problem with sandbox games...I just dont care to play them. The majority of gamers, voting with their wallet, have said the same as well. It is a niche genre.
So games intended for your gaming style, and leave talk of your niche playstyle in the forums it belongs.
Sure would save a lot of drama on these boards.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
I have no problem with sandbox games...I just dont care to play them. The majority of gamers, voting with their wallet, have said the same as well. It is a niche genre. So games intended for your gaming style, and leave talk of your niche playstyle in the forums it belongs. Sure would save a lot of drama on these boards.
These few sentences contradict themselves. You say that you have no problem with sandboxes...and then you turn around and take a huge jab at them.
If by "The majority of gamers, voting with their wallet, have said the same as well." you mean WoW, then yes, you are correct. However, currently EvE is second only to FFXI when not counting WoW (geez, it's not even worth counting WoW anymore) and the issue is not that people don't want a sandbox, it's that none that show all the aspects they want have ever been polished enough to be "worth their time," or, in the case of EvE and Darkfall, are simply too based on PvP. Sandbox =/= PvP. Sandbox = freedom, and most of the players complaining about sandbox games truly want a sandbox...a sandbox based on player freedom and not on getting the best gear to kill each other in.
Dont realy see need of MO tryed open beta and uninstalled it.
Darkfall is way way better and looks superior also.
Darkfall is future not MO.
Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009..... In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.
I never intended to give you all the idea that I meant to support Star Vault or Mortal Online specifically. I understand and agree with those who don't want to fork out their money (or have and regretted it) to a company who fails to keep their promises. In fact, given all of the shared experiences of those who posted and actually did play the game (unlike myself), I would have to say that based on their stories, I would not choose to support the game either.
The game at hand and the ideals it's developers claimed to have shared, the idea of supporting those who wish to take mmo's in to a new area of experience, are quite separate. I agree that no one who plays any game should ever have to shell out money without testing the product first, in order to determine it's worth. That is standard and fair business in my opinion.
I also believe that PvP is actually a large portion of any solid foundation that allows players true freedom in these games. But I also believe that too much emphasis is based upon centering all of the conflict in the game around combat. Crafting is a nice bonus, and integral to any game's economy, but I understand that it is not enough to stand alone against the allure and power of it's combat system. Politics, adventuring and a magic system outside of the direct field of combat are more features that I would like to experience personally.
But less about my own wants as an individual player and more about the topic at hand. If anything, I see this as a call for more support towards the ideal of an environment dependent upon it's own subscribers for change. I see this as a need to separate the developers and their game from the ideals they posted in their FAQ, and to understand what kind of damage they can do to the reputation of those who truly put forth a great effort to create something that brings us (the 'sandboxers') closer to something we envision to be the future of this genre's potential.
However, I believe that PvP is actually a large portion of any solid foundation that allows players true freedom in these games. But I also believe that to much emphasis is based upon centering all of the conflict in the games around combat. Crafting is a nice bonus, and integral to any game's economy, but I understand that it is not enough to stand alone against the allure and power of it's combat system. Politics, adventuring and a magic system outside of the direct field of combat are more features that I would like to experience personally.
You really don't get what I mean by freedom do you?
I think it's pathetic, I do. Sociolotron, for all its debauchery, is the only game that ever nailed player freedom.
Interesting. I meant more so that indirect PvP could facilitate a great deal of freedom. For a short example, some players may prefer a PvE challenge, such as infiltrating a dungeon for it's riches. On the other end of the spectrum, others players might enjoy designing dungeons for players to infiltrate. Therefore, one simple solution would be to allow players who have rights to a certain plot of territory to put up some of their in-game wealth to create such a dungeon, advertising the amount of danger and reward for those who would want to conquer it, in exchange for perhaps either a percentage of the riches carried on or a certain toll fee to those who wished to take an attempt at it.
I have no problem with sandbox games...I just dont care to play them. The majority of gamers, voting with their wallet, have said the same as well. It is a niche genre. So games intended for your gaming style, and leave talk of your niche playstyle in the forums it belongs. Sure would save a lot of drama on these boards.
These few sentences contradict themselves. You say that you have no problem with sandboxes...and then you turn around and take a huge jab at them.
If by "The majority of gamers, voting with their wallet, have said the same as well." you mean WoW, then yes, you are correct. However, currently EvE is second only to FFXI when not counting WoW (geez, it's not even worth counting WoW anymore) and the issue is not that people don't want a sandbox, it's that none that show all the aspects they want have ever been polished enough to be "worth their time," or, in the case of EvE and Darkfall, are simply too based on PvP. Sandbox =/= PvP. Sandbox = freedom, and most of the players complaining about sandbox games truly want a sandbox...a sandbox based on player freedom and not on getting the best gear to kill each other in.
If you had bothered to read my post, you would have noted that EVE still doesnt have the subscriber base EQ1 had in its heyday.
Which is significant due to the fact that WOW brought the MMO culture mainstream to the masses.
As for "contridicting myself" will need to do better than that. The problem I have with sandboxers is when they enter a themepark game's forum to spread their agenda. If that is a "jab", then I guess the calls of "simple-minded" and "Carebear" from sandbox fans towards the PvE gamers would be akin to nuclear war.
Which is usually what happens when sandboxers push to have their gaming style included in major MMO launches.
FYI sandbox isnt just about "open world" is about make your own content/game. A virtual RL sim if you will.
My native EQ1 had an open world per se...only it had plenty of places in said world to experience dev created content. SWG was an open world as well...a barren open world waiting for users to create things to do(or place houses/harvesters/etc). The gaming worlds of thempark/sandbox are opposite in their approach.
Since my native EQ1 launched, PvE games have ruled the MMO market. Attempting to discount that fact is comical.
Bottom line...sandbox games are a niche sub-genre of the whole. Thus when they do have a game cater to them, it would be nice if the intended audience would support it...rather than trying to inflict their gamestyle upon others.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
Does not help much to support a game that is practically unplayable in beta at times. Beta is supposed to get the minor bugs out, not major ones.
This game might be good some day down the road, but I won't be one of the fools that supports it and hopes it will. Been down that road too many times and don't like the chances.
I'm with a lot of others here, I'll mentally support the "idea" of a game, but I'm not pulling out my wallet to give any fiscal support to it until I'm darn sure it's a game worth playing (Although with MO in the state it's in, more like wanting to be sure it's a game that it is actually possible to play).
From what I can tell, SV don't seem all that motivated to turn things around - removing monsters from a game 'cause they cause lag?!?! Shouldn't someone have factored that in somewhere? And their treatment of players with the frequently-delayed-yet-ultimately-pointless game disc that can't be updated is shoddy to say the least.
I'm happy to keep giving money to Icarus, because while Fallen Earth still needs work done on it, they're at least constant in pushing through patches that make a difference. And the world is immersive and the game is fun.
I have yet to hear someone claim to be having fun in Mortal Online.
All well and good to talk of concepts like supporting an idea, but no-one's going to fork over their hard-earned for nothing but frustration. They release now, and the game will bomb irretrievably. What SV need is not support, not more of anyone's money, but someone to inject them with a goodly dose of perspective mixed with common sense. Their idealism is what created this mess, they need to meet some harsh reality if they want it to succeed.
I refuse to support a game that plans to launchmissing half of the features listed on it's Features page. I refuse to help set the bar even LOWER for future releases. This market needs to start raising the bar of what we consider minimally acceptable standards. MMORPGS may never be "finished" but there is a huge difference between adding some polish after launch or extra content via an expansion and launching with half of your "features" missing. When a developer trys to pawn of a half finished game by saying they will add "polish" later we need to emphatically tell them "NO!"
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
I honestly do not see the game surviving for the next few months. I, and many of my friends, have already gotten refunds through our credit cards because we saw months ago how bad shape this game was in. There are blind fans and then there is reality, and at this point reality is starting to set in as the open beta has been a disaster, full of lag and now they even disabled AI (even though people were still getting lag with it turned off)
I will support the idea, but not with money. I will support them with money once they release a good product. And I honestly believe that will never happen with the way Starvault is conducting their business right now.
I bought the game a while back. I don't regret it. I would do it again honestly, but I don't have the highest of hopes. I support what they are trying to do though.
I just read a post showing a Community Manager chewing and taunting a player on the forums because the player questioned the ability of the Devs to do their jobs.
I've read about so many problems with the open beta that I've forgotten some of them already. I wont even bother trying the open beta.
Open beta is for testing and polish. Closed beta is for bug fixing. If its so damn hard to get the patcher working, its nowhere near ready.
I support sandbox ideas, but currently your support will go farther with Darkfall or EVE Online than MO.
Move to another game and let this group squander their funds away and release a broken game.
I'm pretty much on the same boat as everyone else here. I wanted to try Mortal Online, but because of some of the information coming in and the bad business model I'm not going to touch it with a ten foot pole. It's the same reason I didn't bother to try Darkfall. I was moderately interested in Darkfall, but they had some nasty business models and the game was unreleased unfinished. Yes, I'm aware Darkfall has improved greatly since it's release, and maybe some day I will try it, but for now I'm just skeptical of those indie companies trying to get cash upfront. I'm not looking to invest in your game, I just want to play it. Hopefully Mortal Online will get the much needed improvements a year down the line like Darkfall and lots of people will be happy playing it.
In all honesty guys, i would LOVE to see this project turn into a contender in this rather bland theme park market.
But times are hard and i dont have the 15$ to play some 1/2 ass game, i want atleast a somewhat playable project here.
Get some AI in this game and tweak it and ill glady pay my money, but until then and how the market is now.. ill spend it elsewhere and on something else.
Face it guys, last year and this year blows MMO market wise but i wont stand to pay for something that i dont enjoy playing.
btw.. finally dug myself out in Maryland here.. i dont want to see snow for awhile!! :P
Wow the negativity on this forum has reached new depths even for
While I will agree with many of you that the game is in very bad shape at the moment, I would like to remind you that lots of games release very broken and missing content. The developers at SV at least warned everyone before hand that the game would be released this way. They didn't lie to anyone (like other companies have recently) and release a product missing most of the promised features. They told everyone right from the beginning that the game would release in a very unfinished state and improve from there. I have been in this beta since block B and I have seen the game improve SIGNIFICANTLY over time. Sure, there are lots of problems and the game has a long way to go, but SV has shown that they can address the issues given enough time...
Any true sandbox lovers should remain supportive of this game. This is a small bunch of indie developers attempting the nearly impossible task of producing a quality MMO with only a fraction of the resources enjoyed by other developers. No major game studios will take a chance on this sort of game, so all we are left with is Darkfall, EVE, and MO. If any sandbox game fails, it will lead to even less developers willing to take a chance on the concept. It is in the best interest of all sandbox fans to support these products...
So please stop bashing this game at every turn. Your negativity will only help make this game fail and it will be a big hit to sandbox-style MMOs if it does. Try instead to support the company and offer helpful constructive criticism rather than rage.
TOTALLY disagree. If they want to be honest then update their features page to show what they plan to have in game at launch. If they want to be honest splash their "disclaimer" about what is really in the game on the order page instead of hidden as a reply on the forum.
I'm sorry, but if we REALLY want sandbox games (or MMO games in general) to succeed we need companies to know that they need to launch complete games. Not launch with half the features missing with promises to get them in later at some point.. Everytime we lower the bar we actually hurt the industry.
it' should not be the customers concern how big/small a company is or how much moeny the company has. If they want to charge the same price as every other game out there they need to provide the same service as their competitors. Honestly, the level of service in the industry is so low that if you can't even reach that level you don't deserve to stay around. No matter how nice your game sounds on paper or in a powerpoint.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
I'm glad it failed, I hate sandbox games.
i love sandbox games but im not gonna pay for a crappy maded game like this till its polished and from what ive read and seen its quite terrible and i remember reading something about how they disabled the AI? whats left to do then but run around in a empty world? some people make it seem as people dont play any sandbox games cause they dont like it but its because no good ones are being maded
1. They never were honest, they never told people that the game was close to release, they promised a metric ton of features that either are missing or just dont work, and they admitted they wont either, comes release.
Actually they refuse to refund people who blindly supported them purchasing MO before the OB. it sounds like a total scam
2. If you are a true sandbox lover maybe you should check fallen earth, craft of gods, earthrise or dawntide, like I do. at least your sympathy wouldnt be wasted there. btw those are also made by indie companies like SV, yet the difference in quality is blatant.
being indie probably means that you wont have a super IP, a last gen 3D engine nor tv adds. But a bare minimum of quality should be a given. MO has none of it, more like the contrary.
I cant understand why you are willing to support SV, I cant see them doing anything to deserve the support.
I bought the game and I have to say for the first time in my life i feel ripped off.
It cost me $57. That's near $20 more than more recent competing titles and $40 than quite a few other titles.
There's nothing worth playing the game for. get the point.
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I am sorry OP but when you mention "limitless boundaries" you are talking PVP,as there is tons of limitations in this game,including first person view.
I need to remind the OP that the RPG genre was around long before PVP,as a matter of fact PVP was not a part of the rpg genre at all.Just because you add in the ability to play alongside others[online],does not mean it HAS to be PVP.
I thought the OP was going in a totally different direction,like supporting small developers or whatever,but this is just support of a weak PVP design,VERY weak.
When i talk about supporting ideas,i support something like Vanguard,a giant effort,a VERY good effort.We do not want to discourage developers from advancing the RPG genre.As for creativity,that is pretty much the player base fault,everyone wants the same thing and it has VERY little to do with RPG standards,most of you people are in the wrong genre.
FFXI has TONS of creativity,and no conventional hotbars,you write your own macros and you work as a team not an individual.If the player base REALLY wants creativity then they would all be playing FFXI not WOW.The truth is they want simplistic boring game play,they are more worried about egos than playing the game for fun.People telling others they know more because they have 5 max level players,or they are the greatest because their raid guild was the FIRST to kill said boss ect ect ..nothing but egos.
FFXi=leave your ego at the door,this is a TEAM not an individual game,we work together NOT against each other,that is the MAJOR flaw with rpg gaming right now,all designed to start arguments and show off,pretty much everything that turns people off,yet they are supporting it lol...sad.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I wish folks that enjoy sandboxes would support their genre....instead of trying to inflict their playstyle into games not intended for them. SW: TOR being a prime poster-child currently.
Ryzom is a fine example of a sandbox not being supported.
I tried it in OB, and was amazed at the depth to the game. If crafting/skill/sim based was my cup of tea, it would be something to look into. Pity folks have let it hang on life support.
Instead of playing games catering to the sandbox crowd, everytime a new title launches, we hear "it needs to be crafter-based, full loot PvP, skill based, make it like the PRECioUs..." etc etc. it doesnt.
Generally speaking: Those that prefer the "themepark" have no interest in world sim games based on crafting, let alone PvP being the majority of the content. Meanwhile PvE folks, like me, want to adventure for gear, and not be someone's "sport" while doing such. We want classes tuned for PvE encounters...not PvP.
And we sure as Hell dont want devs spending their time balancing skill trees, rather than cranking out new zones/content.
The two crowds playstyles just do not mix.
It gets kind of old hearing post after post carrying on that the two styles can co-exist. Trader based is the polar opposite of loot based gaming, and a game either has open PvP or it doesnt. As we have seen in UO, and other similar titles, folks wont put up with being ganked squaded for long.
The biggest sandbox MMO success to date has been EVE(or the PRECioUS....although it dropped subs fast after launch), I would have to imagine, and it's 300k-ish subs still pale in comparison to the 450k my native EQ1 had during its prime. Which was well before the influx of new gamers thanks to WOW no less.
I have no problem with sandbox games...I just dont care to play them. The majority of gamers, voting with their wallet, have said the same as well. It is a niche genre.
So games intended for your gaming style, and leave talk of your niche playstyle in the forums it belongs.
Sure would save a lot of drama on these boards.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
These few sentences contradict themselves. You say that you have no problem with sandboxes...and then you turn around and take a huge jab at them.
If by "The majority of gamers, voting with their wallet, have said the same as well." you mean WoW, then yes, you are correct. However, currently EvE is second only to FFXI when not counting WoW (geez, it's not even worth counting WoW anymore) and the issue is not that people don't want a sandbox, it's that none that show all the aspects they want have ever been polished enough to be "worth their time," or, in the case of EvE and Darkfall, are simply too based on PvP. Sandbox =/= PvP. Sandbox = freedom, and most of the players complaining about sandbox games truly want a sandbox...a sandbox based on player freedom and not on getting the best gear to kill each other in.
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Dont realy see need of MO tryed open beta and uninstalled it.
Darkfall is way way better and looks superior also.
Darkfall is future not MO.
Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009.....
In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.
In reference to my last post, Darkfall is the future of PvP games. It's not the future of sandbox games.
With any luck, Earthrise will, in fact, be the future of sandbox games since MO has failed us so miserably.
In any case, Evasia, stop pushing Darkfall in inappropriate places. This is an MO discussion. Not a Darkfall discussion or an LFG thread.
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Very interesting feedback. Where do I start?
I never intended to give you all the idea that I meant to support Star Vault or Mortal Online specifically. I understand and agree with those who don't want to fork out their money (or have and regretted it) to a company who fails to keep their promises. In fact, given all of the shared experiences of those who posted and actually did play the game (unlike myself), I would have to say that based on their stories, I would not choose to support the game either.
The game at hand and the ideals it's developers claimed to have shared, the idea of supporting those who wish to take mmo's in to a new area of experience, are quite separate. I agree that no one who plays any game should ever have to shell out money without testing the product first, in order to determine it's worth. That is standard and fair business in my opinion.
I also believe that PvP is actually a large portion of any solid foundation that allows players true freedom in these games. But I also believe that too much emphasis is based upon centering all of the conflict in the game around combat. Crafting is a nice bonus, and integral to any game's economy, but I understand that it is not enough to stand alone against the allure and power of it's combat system. Politics, adventuring and a magic system outside of the direct field of combat are more features that I would like to experience personally.
But less about my own wants as an individual player and more about the topic at hand. If anything, I see this as a call for more support towards the ideal of an environment dependent upon it's own subscribers for change. I see this as a need to separate the developers and their game from the ideals they posted in their FAQ, and to understand what kind of damage they can do to the reputation of those who truly put forth a great effort to create something that brings us (the 'sandboxers') closer to something we envision to be the future of this genre's potential.
You really don't get what I mean by freedom do you?
I think it's pathetic, I do. Sociolotron, for all its debauchery, is the only game that ever nailed player freedom.
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Interesting. I meant more so that indirect PvP could facilitate a great deal of freedom. For a short example, some players may prefer a PvE challenge, such as infiltrating a dungeon for it's riches. On the other end of the spectrum, others players might enjoy designing dungeons for players to infiltrate. Therefore, one simple solution would be to allow players who have rights to a certain plot of territory to put up some of their in-game wealth to create such a dungeon, advertising the amount of danger and reward for those who would want to conquer it, in exchange for perhaps either a percentage of the riches carried on or a certain toll fee to those who wished to take an attempt at it.
That's not player freedom, that's player created content and games have done that already.
LinkRealms allows you to create your own realm.
Ryzom has the Ryzom Ring to create your own content/events.
Myst Online: Uru Live is going to be open source to create your own ages from the ground up.
Get the point?
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These few sentences contradict themselves. You say that you have no problem with sandboxes...and then you turn around and take a huge jab at them.
If by "The majority of gamers, voting with their wallet, have said the same as well." you mean WoW, then yes, you are correct. However, currently EvE is second only to FFXI when not counting WoW (geez, it's not even worth counting WoW anymore) and the issue is not that people don't want a sandbox, it's that none that show all the aspects they want have ever been polished enough to be "worth their time," or, in the case of EvE and Darkfall, are simply too based on PvP. Sandbox =/= PvP. Sandbox = freedom, and most of the players complaining about sandbox games truly want a sandbox...a sandbox based on player freedom and not on getting the best gear to kill each other in.
If you had bothered to read my post, you would have noted that EVE still doesnt have the subscriber base EQ1 had in its heyday.
Which is significant due to the fact that WOW brought the MMO culture mainstream to the masses.
As for "contridicting myself" will need to do better than that. The problem I have with sandboxers is when they enter a themepark game's forum to spread their agenda. If that is a "jab", then I guess the calls of "simple-minded" and "Carebear" from sandbox fans towards the PvE gamers would be akin to nuclear war.
Which is usually what happens when sandboxers push to have their gaming style included in major MMO launches.
FYI sandbox isnt just about "open world" is about make your own content/game. A virtual RL sim if you will.
My native EQ1 had an open world per se...only it had plenty of places in said world to experience dev created content. SWG was an open world as well...a barren open world waiting for users to create things to do(or place houses/harvesters/etc). The gaming worlds of thempark/sandbox are opposite in their approach.
Since my native EQ1 launched, PvE games have ruled the MMO market. Attempting to discount that fact is comical.
Bottom line...sandbox games are a niche sub-genre of the whole. Thus when they do have a game cater to them, it would be nice if the intended audience would support it...rather than trying to inflict their gamestyle upon others.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
When did I ever support the idea that it was? I even cited examples like LinkRealms and Ryzom.
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