Anarchy Online pre-SL Boss: General Vivian (the female dustbrigade commander) (name might be a bit wrong) 100+ people fighting her for 6 hours, and we could not beat her...
I vaguely remember General Vivyan. Played on RK2, but do not remember it being that hard. Perhaps, we killed after nerf?
"The person who experiences greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in."
Not sure what someone was going on about but Absolute Virtue has not been beaten in a legit way in the 5 years since it's introduction into FFXI. It was originally killed using a glitch which made it just stand there and do nothing. 3 years later SE released a video supposedly showing us how to beat it. Again, a gimmick glitch was used to down it and was patched soon after. The problem with that mob is that it insta-casts Meteor and a certain percentage and hits everyone for 2k damage. Now, in FFXI, the average players HP is around 1500 at most, with most mages under 1k. We've had entire servers team up and try to down it with no luck. Without figuring out a way to prevent Meteor from going off, it's impossible. It's been a running joke now going on 5 years. We've been theorycrafting how to kill it for so long that most people don't bother anymore.
Sorry for the offtopic, but what's the name of the game in your sig pic(if it is a game)?
for me it was the BOSS deep into Darkness Falls. great memories of it taking a long time just to reach the BOSS and i dont think we were successful in taking it down. but it was fun being in the raid group and doing our best. someone prviously said it was LEGION.
also any dragon raid was always fun and challenging in daoc.
also there was a BOSS mob in AC, avalon city that was very challenging.
sorry i cant remember the names but ive not played daoc in a while.
live long and prosper strength and honor
if urgent do it yourself if you have time-delegate it if you have forever-form a committee
Bael'Zharon the Hopeslayer from Asheron's Call, hands down.
Walked the game world controlled by a Dev. No AI to out-smart there.
He'd come walkin into town, rape everyone in sight, and poof out to the next place. He was very hard to track down. Had entire Monarchies (guilds) waiting on stand-by with spotters placed all over the game world.
Finally took him down with about 45 people (About 2 Monarchies coordinated). All world-event, too.
It was massive. It was epic. It was farkin HARD.
True mages don't die. They strategically miscalculate.
Valakas from Lineage 2 Chronicle 4 180 people, 3.5 hours
You would never of heard of Kerafyrm -aka "The Sleeper" this is the most epic raid encounter of all time in any mmorpg.
Read ..
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
I Saw God and I Killed It
There are two very distinct crowds that play games, the 'casual gamer' and the 'hard core gamer' - or at least that's what the gaming industry says. There is probably a third category of 'I want to be a hard core gamer but I'm an adult and have a life'. We'll talk about that some other time. In any event, the casual and the hard core. I consider myself to be fairly hard core, only because I (a) love playing games, and (b) play them a lot. But I saw the true die hards last week, and I saw just how little the gaming industry understands some of them.
Ghenwivar writes 'On monday November 17th, in the most amazing and exciting battle ever, Ascending Dawn, Wudan and Magus Imperialis Magicus defeated Kerafyrm, also known as The Sleeper, for the first time ever on an EverQuest server. The fight lasted approximatively 4 hours and about 200 players from Rallos Zek's top 3 guilds were involved. Hats off to everyone who made this possible and put aside their differences in order to accomplish the impossible. Congratulations RZ!!!
Rallos Zek was a GuildvGuild sever,you know PVP.
My hat goes off to you. They killed what Sony Online Entertainment intended to be unkillable. But rather than actually make it untargetable, Sony just gave it a ten billion hitpoints. For those non EQers out there a reference scale: a snake has about 10 hitpoints. A dragon has about 100,000. A god has 1-2million. This sleeper thing really does have about ten billion or more. It took 200 players almost 4 hours to beat the thing down into the ground.
Why, you might ask, would anyone waste four hours of their life doing this? Because a game said it couldn't be done. This is like the Quake freaks that fire their rocket launchers at their own feet to propel themselvs up so they can jump straight to the exit and skip 90% of the level and finish in 2 seconds. Someone probably told them they couldn't finish in less than a minute.
Games are about challenges, about hurdles or puzzles or fights overcome. To some players, the biggest hurdle or challenge is how to do what you (the designer) said couldn't happen. If you are making a game, accept this. Now. Why do I say this?
Lets back up to November 16th when the same 3 guilds on Rallos Zek made their first attempt on the Sleeper. They beat it down to 27% and then it mysteriously disappeared. Without dying. It seems that one of the Game Masters at SoE reset the zone because 'they thought the encounter might be bugged' (or, more accurately 'we realized these guilds were going to win, and the Sleeper isn't supposed to be able to die'). Wrong move. Seriously wrong move. First off, realize that a group of players like that, once they have set their minds to something, will keep at it until either the game is modified not to allow it, or until they kill it. Second, this reminded me of a similar incident when I was ten and playing Dungeons & Dragons with the kids next door: my character found a way to get the treasure without killing the big nasty thing that the GM had designed, so he made a stone block fall on my head and killed me. Seemed rather unfair at the time, and this smacks of the same disregard for the players ingenuity.
Sony eventually relented, gave the characters involved back some of their experience, and got them safely out from under the dragons feet. (They did know that they would try again, and had probably already made up their minds to allow it). The damage was done, a level of trust destroyed. Poofing the sleeper said 'we do not really understand why you are doing this, so stop it'. A supposedly PvP server bands together 200 people. The chat channels across the server were ablaze as no less than 5,000 of us listened in with 'OMG They attempting the Sleeper! Good luck d00dz!' Everyone clustered near their screens, sharing the thrill of the fight, the nobility of the attempt and the courage of those brave 200. Play slowed to a crawl on every server as whispers turned to shouts, as naysayers predicted 'it cant be done' or 'it will drop a rusty level 1 sword' and most of us just held our breath, silently urging them forward. Rumours abounded: 'If they win, the whole EQ world stops and you get the text from the end of Wizardry 1' or 'If they win, the president of Sony will log on and congratulate them'. With thousands watching and waiting, the Sleepers health inched ever downward.
Off-topic for a sec.. this above paragraph is what's missing from today's mmorpg, community.
The whole server was involved in some way or another..
Almost three hours into the fight, when victory looked possible, he disappeared, violating every rule in the world of Norrath on how a monster is supposed to behave. We thought you understood us better. The fact you let it happen the next night means very little - the point is on that first magical evening when warriors rode off to battle the supreme, you meddled. They thought of something you didn't, something legal by the rules of the game you set forward, and you meddled. In the parlance of the world you created: "shame & ridicule".
Oh, and God drops no loot.
The devs lowered it's hit points and made it preety standard after it was taken down a few times so this is not how the original sleeper performed but it shows you the raid encounter.
Here is a Vid of Kerafyrm but it's not how he was originally.
Agreed the Sleeper by far was the toughest and longest fight i have ever seen in my entire MMO career going back to UO through WoW. What most people dont realize is that for the main PVP server (so anyone could attack anyone and could loot your dead body) to attempt this let alone succeed speaks volumes. It took well over 3 hours and when your fighting something with an instant death touch, its kind of nerve racking. Ahh the good ole days of MMO'ing how i miss those.
In planetside I can name a number of players that no AI or mechanics has come remotely close to giving me the same epic fights they have, not even a close competition.
----- The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
I loved the Rallos Zek Event in Plane of War/Tactics.
not a raid but great events were the Plane of Justice trails. They were so much fun and a good challenge the first few times you tried them.
My favorite of all time is the Emperor fight in SSRA. He was the big boss of the Snake people things and you had to have special weapons to damage him and if your melee players forgot their bane weapons the fight was nearly impossible. I say nearly because we spend 2 hours one night killing him without bane weapons. Me being a caster it was a fun fun fight.
I loved raiding in EQ1, never really enjoyed raiding in any other MMOs.
L2 raids, back in the day .... just thinking of it makes me want to rewind time and play it again back to chronicle 1-4. Never realize how good a game was until its gone or changed for the worse.
Playing: EVE Online Favorite MMOs: WoW, SWG Pre-cu, Lineage 2, UO, EQ, EVE online Looking forward to: Archeage, Kingdom Under Fire 2 KUF2's Official Website - -
We should make distinctive here between Hard and tediously long please, some MMO's coded their boss fights totally absurd and no i am not talking about difficulty i am talking about Time. I am sorry but because a fight takes longer then 5 hours doesn't make it "hard" it's just hardcore for your health.
I say BWL (WoW) was rather hard in Vanilla, especially the second Dragon (i think Vaelestra or something)
I don't know if it's been said, but anyone who raided in TBC (to clarify, I cleared all Vanilla raids, all TBC raids and am currently doing ICC25 hards as well as having Death's Demise title. I also raided extensively in EQ and Lineage.) deep into Sunwell remembers M'uru. This was a boss that had no factors of luck that would cause a wipe. This boss required utter perfection. And by utter perfect, I mean if anyone missed half a beat the raid had an incredibly high (read: gauranteed) chance of wiping.
It was a fight easily split into two phases. Phase 1 was the M'uru phase. M'uru himself only did two things. The first of which was "Darkness" which was a standard void zone centred around the boss itself (stationary boss) and when Darkness appeared 8 "Dark Fiends" appeared. All of which moved fast and if they reached a single raid member it exploded killing the raid. You had to have a priest drop a mass dispell, dispelling a buff that when removed killed the Fiend. If he was half a second too slow the fiends ran off and blew up. You then had to split your raid up. Group 1 usually consisted of 1 tank +4 at the entrance of the room. There they'd fight 2 melee mobs and 1 caster mob. The caster mob would occasionally buff herself. This buff had to be purged or spellstolen or the tank would probably die... Repeat this at the entrance with both tanks taking massive amounts of damage. Then, every 45 seconds a mob would spawn from a random wall. A simple misdirect to the tank freed any deaths. No one other than the tank could be near it or they died. It would often shadowbolt the tank hitting for massive damage. When it died it split into many mobs that had to be AoE'd down. Again, 45s otherwise the tank would die. Couple all that going on with consistant raid AoE damage and the fact that your raid actually had to bring less healers than the average fight to make up for the DPS requirements and you've turned simple mechanics into a nightmare.
Phase 2 was very, very simple. A void zone would spawn under someones feet and also spawn a single Dark Fiend. Purge / Dispell killed it instantly. A gravity ball floated around that you simply avoided. And the raid took ever-increasing raid damage. Phase 2 was essentially the hardest, most intense burn of your life (77 seconds for ~3m HP at level 70, the exact number eludes me).
This fight was so tightly tuned for healing, DPS and tanking numerically that very, very, very few guilds were capable of killing him (read: next to none). Coupled with the overal theme of "darkness" and "insanity" you have the makeup for the ultimate fight. Phase 1: a corrupted god of light. Phase 2: A Void God.
Easily EQ1's Kerafyrm aka the Sleeper. I remember that night and I wasn't even on the server that brought him down, but updates were being broadcast across all servers I believe. Epic moment to say the least.
Currently Playing: Toying around with AoC and bored with Darkfall
Thinking of Playing: Fallen Earth or Darkfall after this months update.
Have Played: EQ1, EQ2, WoW, WAR, Vanguard, EvE, Requiem, PW, Lotro, Lineage2, AoC, SWG...
Sleeper on Rallos Zek server, Everquest. I took part in the first and second fights involving Kerafyrm.
When the Mob was vanished at the 27% health mark, you had to be there to see the screen of shouts and cursing to believe it. We. Were. Pissed. So pissed in fact, that we were taking the matter public on top of making plans to crash PvE servers (namely Quellious and Mith Marr come to mind) in protest. Keep in mind - other guilds on the PvE server had a spoken agreement with each other to NOT EVER trigger Kerafyrm as it would screw over the loot tables from the dragons leading up to him. You Did. Not. Do. It. Ever.
But we said "screw it, let's try what no one would ever think of trying..." and we zerged that thing with every necro and mage pet that comprised over 4/5ths of the server's arsenal of endgame necros and mages, along with a division of rezzers and ranged DPS. Complete and utter mayhem. But it was WORKING, and the server GM said " Holy F*@#!! Um... um.... push the button, Frank! "
So yeah. Nothing topped being a part of those fights back then.
But if you're talking about MMORPG endgame bosses that are NOT bugged, ARE supposed to be beatable, and DO require the most skill and coordination to take out... C'thun from World of Warcraft, 40 man BWL. Definately.
I've never been a bleeding edge hardcore raider in the MMO's I've played, but a couple of the more memorable fights that were really tough for the crowd I was hanging out with at the time were Rallos Zek in EQ1 and Ragnaros in World of Warcraft.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
The Sleeper? EQ? I wouldn't even consider basic tank and spank "encounters", encounters.
Says the apparent WoW player that is cool with X's in his name. As if anything in WoW isn't tanks and spank...or any other MMO on the market for that matter. /smack
Many others as well. Like pre-nerf Gruul (could only be killed when it bugged) and Muru. Also Ragnaros pre-nerf.
Algalon on the other hand was killed pretty quickly on 25-man.
"The person who experiences greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in."
I vaguely remember General Vivyan. Played on RK2, but do not remember it being that hard. Perhaps, we killed after nerf?
"The person who experiences greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in."
Sorry for the offtopic, but what's the name of the game in your sig pic(if it is a game)?
for me it was the BOSS deep into Darkness Falls. great memories of it taking a long time just to reach the BOSS and i dont think we were successful in taking it down. but it was fun being in the raid group and doing our best. someone prviously said it was LEGION.
also any dragon raid was always fun and challenging in daoc.
also there was a BOSS mob in AC, avalon city that was very challenging.
sorry i cant remember the names but ive not played daoc in a while.
live long and prosper
strength and honor
if urgent do it yourself
if you have time-delegate it
if you have forever-form a committee
The login server boss is by far the worst. It plagues multiple MMOs, and there's nothing you can do as a player to defeat it, sadly.
Bael'Zharon the Hopeslayer from Asheron's Call, hands down.
Walked the game world controlled by a Dev. No AI to out-smart there.
He'd come walkin into town, rape everyone in sight, and poof out to the next place. He was very hard to track down. Had entire Monarchies (guilds) waiting on stand-by with spotters placed all over the game world.
Finally took him down with about 45 people (About 2 Monarchies coordinated). All world-event, too.
It was massive. It was epic. It was farkin HARD.
True mages don't die. They strategically miscalculate.
You would never of heard of Kerafyrm -aka "The Sleeper" this is the most epic raid encounter of all time in any mmorpg.
Read ..
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
I Saw God and I Killed It
There are two very distinct crowds that play games, the 'casual gamer' and the 'hard core gamer' - or at least that's what the gaming industry says. There is probably a third category of 'I want to be a hard core gamer but I'm an adult and have a life'. We'll talk about that some other time. In any event, the casual and the hard core. I consider myself to be fairly hard core, only because I (a) love playing games, and (b) play them a lot. But I saw the true die hards last week, and I saw just how little the gaming industry understands some of them.
Ghenwivar writes 'On monday November 17th, in the most amazing and exciting battle ever, Ascending Dawn, Wudan and Magus Imperialis Magicus defeated Kerafyrm, also known as The Sleeper, for the first time ever on an EverQuest server. The fight lasted approximatively 4 hours and about 200 players from Rallos Zek's top 3 guilds were involved. Hats off to everyone who made this possible and put aside their differences in order to accomplish the impossible. Congratulations RZ!!!
Rallos Zek was a GuildvGuild sever,you know PVP.
My hat goes off to you. They killed what Sony Online Entertainment intended to be unkillable. But rather than actually make it untargetable, Sony just gave it a ten billion hitpoints. For those non EQers out there a reference scale: a snake has about 10 hitpoints. A dragon has about 100,000. A god has 1-2million. This sleeper thing really does have about ten billion or more. It took 200 players almost 4 hours to beat the thing down into the ground.
Why, you might ask, would anyone waste four hours of their life doing this? Because a game said it couldn't be done. This is like the Quake freaks that fire their rocket launchers at their own feet to propel themselvs up so they can jump straight to the exit and skip 90% of the level and finish in 2 seconds. Someone probably told them they couldn't finish in less than a minute.
Games are about challenges, about hurdles or puzzles or fights overcome. To some players, the biggest hurdle or challenge is how to do what you (the designer) said couldn't happen. If you are making a game, accept this. Now. Why do I say this?
Lets back up to November 16th when the same 3 guilds on Rallos Zek made their first attempt on the Sleeper. They beat it down to 27% and then it mysteriously disappeared. Without dying. It seems that one of the Game Masters at SoE reset the zone because 'they thought the encounter might be bugged' (or, more accurately 'we realized these guilds were going to win, and the Sleeper isn't supposed to be able to die'). Wrong move. Seriously wrong move. First off, realize that a group of players like that, once they have set their minds to something, will keep at it until either the game is modified not to allow it, or until they kill it. Second, this reminded me of a similar incident when I was ten and playing Dungeons & Dragons with the kids next door: my character found a way to get the treasure without killing the big nasty thing that the GM had designed, so he made a stone block fall on my head and killed me. Seemed rather unfair at the time, and this smacks of the same disregard for the players ingenuity.
Sony eventually relented, gave the characters involved back some of their experience, and got them safely out from under the dragons feet. (They did know that they would try again, and had probably already made up their minds to allow it). The damage was done, a level of trust destroyed. Poofing the sleeper said 'we do not really understand why you are doing this, so stop it'. A supposedly PvP server bands together 200 people. The chat channels across the server were ablaze as no less than 5,000 of us listened in with 'OMG They attempting the Sleeper! Good luck d00dz!' Everyone clustered near their screens, sharing the thrill of the fight, the nobility of the attempt and the courage of those brave 200. Play slowed to a crawl on every server as whispers turned to shouts, as naysayers predicted 'it cant be done' or 'it will drop a rusty level 1 sword' and most of us just held our breath, silently urging them forward. Rumours abounded: 'If they win, the whole EQ world stops and you get the text from the end of Wizardry 1' or 'If they win, the president of Sony will log on and congratulate them'. With thousands watching and waiting, the Sleepers health inched ever downward.
Off-topic for a sec.. this above paragraph is what's missing from today's mmorpg, community.
The whole server was involved in some way or another..
Almost three hours into the fight, when victory looked possible, he disappeared, violating every rule in the world of Norrath on how a monster is supposed to behave. We thought you understood us better. The fact you let it happen the next night means very little - the point is on that first magical evening when warriors rode off to battle the supreme, you meddled. They thought of something you didn't, something legal by the rules of the game you set forward, and you meddled. In the parlance of the world you created: "shame & ridicule".
Oh, and God drops no loot.
The devs lowered it's hit points and made it preety standard after it was taken down a few times so this is not how the original sleeper performed but it shows you the raid encounter.
Here is a Vid of Kerafyrm but it's not how he was originally.
The Sleepers Tomb. how it looks today.
Furious Fighters
Agreed the Sleeper by far was the toughest and longest fight i have ever seen in my entire MMO career going back to UO through WoW. What most people dont realize is that for the main PVP server (so anyone could attack anyone and could loot your dead body) to attempt this let alone succeed speaks volumes. It took well over 3 hours and when your fighting something with an instant death touch, its kind of nerve racking. Ahh the good ole days of MMO'ing how i miss those.
The old Oynixia boss fight as depicted in this youtube video.
Well shave my back and call me an elf! -- Oghren
In planetside I can name a number of players that no AI or mechanics has come remotely close to giving me the same epic fights they have, not even a close competition.
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
I loved the Rallos Zek Event in Plane of War/Tactics.
not a raid but great events were the Plane of Justice trails. They were so much fun and a good challenge the first few times you tried them.
My favorite of all time is the Emperor fight in SSRA. He was the big boss of the Snake people things and you had to have special weapons to damage him and if your melee players forgot their bane weapons the fight was nearly impossible. I say nearly because we spend 2 hours one night killing him without bane weapons. Me being a caster it was a fun fun fight.
I loved raiding in EQ1, never really enjoyed raiding in any other MMOs.
Sooner or Later
L2 raids, back in the day .... just thinking of it makes me want to rewind time and play it again back to chronicle 1-4. Never realize how good a game was until its gone or changed for the worse.
Playing: EVE Online
Favorite MMOs: WoW, SWG Pre-cu, Lineage 2, UO, EQ, EVE online
Looking forward to: Archeage, Kingdom Under Fire 2
KUF2's Official Website - -
We should make distinctive here between Hard and tediously long please, some MMO's coded their boss fights totally absurd and no i am not talking about difficulty i am talking about Time. I am sorry but because a fight takes longer then 5 hours doesn't make it "hard" it's just hardcore for your health.
I say BWL (WoW) was rather hard in Vanilla, especially the second Dragon (i think Vaelestra or something)
EQ Rathe Counsil and Rallos Zek in Potime
I don't know if it's been said, but anyone who raided in TBC (to clarify, I cleared all Vanilla raids, all TBC raids and am currently doing ICC25 hards as well as having Death's Demise title. I also raided extensively in EQ and Lineage.) deep into Sunwell remembers M'uru. This was a boss that had no factors of luck that would cause a wipe. This boss required utter perfection. And by utter perfect, I mean if anyone missed half a beat the raid had an incredibly high (read: gauranteed) chance of wiping.
It was a fight easily split into two phases. Phase 1 was the M'uru phase. M'uru himself only did two things. The first of which was "Darkness" which was a standard void zone centred around the boss itself (stationary boss) and when Darkness appeared 8 "Dark Fiends" appeared. All of which moved fast and if they reached a single raid member it exploded killing the raid. You had to have a priest drop a mass dispell, dispelling a buff that when removed killed the Fiend. If he was half a second too slow the fiends ran off and blew up. You then had to split your raid up. Group 1 usually consisted of 1 tank +4 at the entrance of the room. There they'd fight 2 melee mobs and 1 caster mob. The caster mob would occasionally buff herself. This buff had to be purged or spellstolen or the tank would probably die... Repeat this at the entrance with both tanks taking massive amounts of damage. Then, every 45 seconds a mob would spawn from a random wall. A simple misdirect to the tank freed any deaths. No one other than the tank could be near it or they died. It would often shadowbolt the tank hitting for massive damage. When it died it split into many mobs that had to be AoE'd down. Again, 45s otherwise the tank would die. Couple all that going on with consistant raid AoE damage and the fact that your raid actually had to bring less healers than the average fight to make up for the DPS requirements and you've turned simple mechanics into a nightmare.
Phase 2 was very, very simple. A void zone would spawn under someones feet and also spawn a single Dark Fiend. Purge / Dispell killed it instantly. A gravity ball floated around that you simply avoided. And the raid took ever-increasing raid damage. Phase 2 was essentially the hardest, most intense burn of your life (77 seconds for ~3m HP at level 70, the exact number eludes me).
This fight was so tightly tuned for healing, DPS and tanking numerically that very, very, very few guilds were capable of killing him (read: next to none). Coupled with the overal theme of "darkness" and "insanity" you have the makeup for the ultimate fight. Phase 1: a corrupted god of light. Phase 2: A Void God.
Best Raid of all time would have to be 40 man Level 1 Hogger fights....u WOW players will know what i'm talkin
World Of Warcraft
Character: Ileftarthas
Faction: Alliance
Server: Arygos
this dude was the hardest i had to float back threw 4 years of mmo screens to find this
Easily EQ1's Kerafyrm aka the Sleeper. I remember that night and I wasn't even on the server that brought him down, but updates were being broadcast across all servers I believe. Epic moment to say the least.
Currently Playing: Toying around with AoC and bored with Darkfall
Thinking of Playing: Fallen Earth or Darkfall after this months update.
Have Played: EQ1, EQ2, WoW, WAR, Vanguard, EvE, Requiem, PW, Lotro, Lineage2, AoC, SWG...
Sleeper on Rallos Zek server, Everquest. I took part in the first and second fights involving Kerafyrm.
When the Mob was vanished at the 27% health mark, you had to be there to see the screen of shouts and cursing to believe it. We. Were. Pissed. So pissed in fact, that we were taking the matter public on top of making plans to crash PvE servers (namely Quellious and Mith Marr come to mind) in protest. Keep in mind - other guilds on the PvE server had a spoken agreement with each other to NOT EVER trigger Kerafyrm as it would screw over the loot tables from the dragons leading up to him. You Did. Not. Do. It. Ever.
But we said "screw it, let's try what no one would ever think of trying..." and we zerged that thing with every necro and mage pet that comprised over 4/5ths of the server's arsenal of endgame necros and mages, along with a division of rezzers and ranged DPS. Complete and utter mayhem. But it was WORKING, and the server GM said " Holy F*@#!! Um... um.... push the button, Frank! "
So yeah. Nothing topped being a part of those fights back then.
But if you're talking about MMORPG endgame bosses that are NOT bugged, ARE supposed to be beatable, and DO require the most skill and coordination to take out... C'thun from World of Warcraft, 40 man BWL. Definately.
I've never been a bleeding edge hardcore raider in the MMO's I've played, but a couple of the more memorable fights that were really tough for the crowd I was hanging out with at the time were Rallos Zek in EQ1 and Ragnaros in World of Warcraft.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
Damn that was hard as ever. Trying to get the old achievement to die by Hogger as a lvl 70+. Glad that was removed. Damn that was hard.
Defenetly Lineage2 Epic Boss Antharas back in c1-c3
Says the apparent WoW player that is cool with X's in his name. As if anything in WoW isn't tanks and spank...or any other MMO on the market for that matter. /smack