"Apparently some people think that not being told where to go and what to do is fun. Creating your own adventure." That's what sandbox game are for, aren't they? EDIT: the inverse idea of your post, "Apparently some people think that being told where to go and what to do is fun. Experiencing someone else's adventure."
Themeparks are all over the place, MO is not one. Its like going to a baseball game wondering why there wasn't any basketball hoops and being mad because they don't use them. Its just different kinds of games.
The last time I actually played Mortal was a while ago. You didn't need books at this time.
So I hop in vent and find one of my Officers playing. I ask him to meet me and he does. He was kind enough to give me a horse so I could learn to ride it and work on my dexterity. After some time I was able to ride the horse faster and by that time many more guildies have shown up. We all decide to find a guild and pvp them. As we rid we come across a guild town behind a wall of spiked tree trunks. We enter the city to find 5 horses outside. With no mercy I yell in vent "Kill the horses!" Once the horses are dead we see 4-6 people come from within a house. I could only watch as I was still low skilled and had no armor and only a starter axe. The battle was long and we actually won. I was able to loot one of the bodies and received a full set of armor and a nice sword as well.
After checking the town for any unlocked boxes we decide to run off and tame new horses. While I'm trying to tame a horse a lone rider shows up. His name is "Mr. Winter" and at the time he was a forum admin. I decided to be nice to him and greet him in a RP way. "Hello kind sir" I said. He turns out not to be so kind and decided to attack! I yell in Vent, "back to the hose spawn,I'm getting attacked!" As I do some simple movements so I don't become the looted, my guild members arrive. It's now a 6v1 and sad to say the admin had to die. While Merkaba <--- A guild member" is looting his body he noticed a house deed to be able to build a house. As he already had one he was kind enough to give it to me.
Well, while finding a spot to put my house, my guildies are searching other players and houses for materials for me to construct mine. I'm then told of a house over the hill that has no locked door or locked chest. To our amazement it had most everything we needed to complete my house. While building away with my newly procured materials a "Newb" shows up. He starts asking questions and we have no need to kill him so we respond. After a few questions he ask's what we are doing. I told him that we are building my house. I then get an idea!!!!!!! Why not trap him and force him to help me build this house. We end up trapping him in between the steps and front door of my house and informing him that he is unable to leave until I say so. He must also work on my house or die! I was soon amazed that he pulled out his axe and started helping. Soon after I noticed him typing the /stuck command and could only laugh as he became even more stuck and was unable to get out. After my laughter became to much for him he then started hitting my house. I will not have a disrespectful slave attempt to destroy my house so he had to die.
Point of the story? I logged in, got a horse, full armor, weapons, house, slave, materials and a great story all within 1 hour.
I once watched a full length feature film (est. 1hr 38min) in about 10 minutes.
Is this relevant?
I don't know, just seems like a lot of "10 minutes this, 10 minutes that" being shouted about, and I don't fully understand it.
"Oh Em Gee, I spent TEN whole MINUTES! Can you believe it! 10 minutes... Gone! O' Where art thou Humanity!"
Themeparks are all over the place, MO is not one. Its like going to a baseball game wondering why there wasn't any basketball hoops and being mad because they don't use them. Its just different kinds of games.
The last time I actually played Mortal was a while ago. You didn't need books at this time.
So I hop in vent and find one of my Officers playing. I ask him to meet me and he does. He was kind enough to give me a horse so I could learn to ride it and work on my dexterity. After some time I was able to ride the horse faster and by that time many more guildies have shown up. We all decide to find a guild and pvp them. As we rid we come across a guild town behind a wall of spiked tree trunks. We enter the city to find 5 horses outside. With no mercy I yell in vent "Kill the horses!" Once the horses are dead we see 4-6 people come from within a house. I could only watch as I was still low skilled and had no armor and only a starter axe. The battle was long and we actually won. I was able to loot one of the bodies and received a full set of armor and a nice sword as well.
After checking the town for any unlocked boxes we decide to run off and tame new horses. While I'm trying to tame a horse a lone rider shows up. His name is "Mr. Winter" and at the time he was a forum admin. I decided to be nice to him and greet him in a RP way. "Hello kind sir" I said. He turns out not to be so kind and decided to attack! I yell in Vent, "back to the hose spawn,I'm getting attacked!" As I do some simple movements so I don't become the looted, my guild members arrive. It's now a 6v1 and sad to say the admin had to die. While Merkaba <--- A guild member" is looting his body he noticed a house deed to be able to build a house. As he already had one he was kind enough to give it to me.
Well, while finding a spot to put my house, my guildies are searching other players and houses for materials for me to construct mine. I'm then told of a house over the hill that has no locked door or locked chest. To our amazement it had most everything we needed to complete my house. While building away with my newly procured materials a "Newb" shows up. He starts asking questions and we have no need to kill him so we respond. After a few questions he ask's what we are doing. I told him that we are building my house. I then get an idea!!!!!!! Why not trap him and force him to help me build this house. We end up trapping him in between the steps and front door of my house and informing him that he is unable to leave until I say so. He must also work on my house or die! I was soon amazed that he pulled out his axe and started helping. Soon after I noticed him typing the /stuck command and could only laugh as he became even more stuck and was unable to get out. After my laughter became to much for him he then started hitting my house. I will not have a disrespectful slave attempt to destroy my house so he had to die.
Point of the story? I logged in, got a horse, full armor, weapons, house, slave, materials and a great story all within 1 hour.
Sorry for my bad grammar.