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With the impending release of MO, I thought it would be interesting to go back through time and look at how MO has evolved as a game, and SV as a company. Let's take a walk through IRC... (because I'm bored and it's Monday at work again).
Why did people buy the game? What led up to our belief that the game would have all these neat features? Surely, the "list" that SV gave us was enough? Or was it? For many of us who believed SV's words, we participated intently with the development of the game over time, before Block A. The little game that Mats created with the 'teaser' on the main site, that members of Aegis Imperium spent countless hours trying to solve and I think, ultimately did was a great draw for us to see some small amount of creativity. It's with that little bit that I nibbled, and so did many others -- and we started on this road.
Seige engines? Epic creatures? WOW!
(13:54:24) Trixxer: Henrik, what can we expect at next patch?
(13:54:38) HenrikNystrom: trixxer, some good stuff
(13:54:58) [TBC]_Laotsu: I'm not completely against one shots coming off full speed mounts
(13:54:51) Trixxer: Ahh ok. Any example?
(13:55:13) HenrikNystrom: there is a few one shots, epic creatures, siege machines hitting a player etc..
Areas to be claimed? FFA Structures? Neato!
(16:10:42) HenrikNystrom: jazz, we have areas to be claimed for players, simple as that, the one who controlls it controlls it...
(16:12:09) HenrikNystrom: ffa structures are diff things like ruins for players to rebuild use for diff things etc, or bridges that will play a huge important role later on for players to transport things etc
Herbalism? Really?
(10:10:46) [Hybrid]AirmanD: HenrikNystrom - i never hear anyone ask about about herbalism and herb gathering will that be in game or be in game before realease?
(10:11:23) HenrikNystrom: airmand, we will have the basic of herb gathering, we just tested some "gathering" in our earlier patch, not many places to find em in thou
Don't worry, it's coming!
(10:12:52) [PF]Branwulf: What about the other like 50% of the world? ><
(10:12:59) HenrikNystrom: the rest of the continent should be in before "release" yes
Heck of a job, Brownie!
(10:14:48) HenrikNystrom: angarato, tindrem is one hell of a city, capital of the world. we have spend lots of time tweaking and rebuilding that city to fit everything.. it's also tied into the lore, so we dont just want to throw it out there..
NA Server? It's right here...
(10:18:21) HenrikNystrom: nephzir, we will start out with 1 server, for all continents, depending on player volumes we have a NA standing by
On Business Model...
(11:23:19) HenrikNystrom: Like I said in the thread, all noobs leaves after they died and quits the game...
Irony knows no bounds...
(14:51:17) HenrikNystrom: zerathul, darkfall made some good videos promising the world the next big sandbox thing, even I was hyped, amazingly hyped. till I tried the game, now here is where we try to focus real hard, and do what we think is best and right for star vault, getting my point here?
After all the above, and mind you -- this is only what I was actually present to witness (and a lot is missing since I upgraded to Win7 and formatted), what has been promised or hinted at. Many users that followed the game looked at Henrik's feedback on IRC and said "wow, well if that's what's coming I can't wait!" Lots of hype was generated this way, and it's a good reason why a whole lot of us have been annoyed with the company, the people in it, and the game itself. As we all dug to find information on features, find information about how "awesome" the programmers are, we found things out that actually dissuaded us from reinforcing the idea that this would be an amazing game. Henrik used to spam emails to poker sites. Sebastian never programmed a thing in his life. Mats never designed a thing in his life. None of them has any business experience and their major investor is Henrik's dad, which is why he sits on the board of the company. Read the above promises, and just imagine that there were LOTS more hinted at or mentioned that I didn't catch or didn't see because I wasn't there.
The folks who tell you "the devs have been up front and honest with us!" are looking through rose colored glasses folks -- because I can prove to you categorically that there has been hype and lies spread throughout this process of release, and it's the ONLY way SV has managed to get as many pre-orders as they did -- through hyping the game from "unofficial" channels, drawing people in and then giving them a fraction of the game they actually promised.
But but but...
There have been many promises made that have been broken.. but remember:
When a developer says something like that, all I can say is, good luck finding a new job in a few months.
If you stand VERY still, and close your eyes, after a minute you can actually FEEL the universe revolving around PvP.
This post takes me back to the beginning of the MO hype around here. The first announcement I remember hearing about this game, was that they planned to release an unfinished game. I also remember how mixed the reaction to this announcement was.
Gamers have got to wise up and stop using the excuse the company made me do it. If you're new to MMO's I can understand partially, still after incidents like Mourning and D&L. People should realize these companies will tell you anything to gain your interest. They will also not think twice about taking your money, while offering up a product that is below any standard of quality people are likely to accept.
I understand that mmo releases over the last few years have been poor, I understand the genre has moved away from the formula of old and people miss what that formula used to be. Still just because a company is seemingly offering up a product similar to those old games we loved, does not mean that you should blindly support them with your hard earned cash.
Anyone who is aware of the failure rate with MMO's should really think twice about pre-ordering any game no matter the developer or publisher. Indie or otherwise they all have the same chance at failure. Which is a lot more likely than them being successful.
If you know this, which it seems most people who frequent this site do, why buy into the hype? What is it that people just can't resist getting all hyped up about? An Idea? A promise? These are only words that carry little substance, yet so many seem to be so easily suckered by this regardless of common sense.
Personally, I'm at a point I just can not feel any sympathy for those who let themselves be suckered like this. Sometimes when you make your bed you've got to lay in it.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
When a developer says something like that, all I can say is, good luck finding a new job in a few months.
I am going to use that as my new signature!
Guys you'r making it sound like someone promised your the cure for the cancer, but didn't deliver. come on, let's grow up, it's just a game. one of many ,many games out there. either you choose to play the game they give you or go play something else. enough pointing fingers, the game is what it is. lets relax and laugh at all of it for a wile, trust me it will make you feel better.
But they lied about so many things and now they are releasing an alpha game... How can you laugh at something like that? It is sad and pathetic..
Rlmcc, just to notify that everything what was promised to be there at launch is here. And you told us that you aren't trying to convince people
You can burn me, but i wont die.
Keep telling yourself that
you laugh because of how sad AND pathetic it all is
but mostly you laugh cause lauging in it's self makes you feel good
Keep telling yourself that
I don't need to, as I usually learn things from the first try.
You can burn me, but i wont die.
I think the problem is that they talk about things like they are in game or they have them coded . just not on paper ie. "we have...." instead of "we plan . . ."
It is the rate of things being "added" or tested that matters.
But to set the record straight on one thing. . I did harvest some type of plant once in the game. It didn't require a skill but I was ab le to take it from the ground.
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
Developers "lie" all the time. This is nothing new.
Sometimes they lie because the marketing department tells them to.
Sometimes they lie because they are telling the truth at the time - and the game changes on them at the next design meeting. Or six months later.
Sometimes they lie because they foolishly want to tell the community something that the community wants to hear.
I have seen colleagues of mine do each of these things, at different times. And of course I hate it when marketing tries to pull that crap on us. It's better to work with a fairly enlightened marketing team that doesn't try to twist things to generate hype.
I hate it when design kicks over the chessboard and we start over. It's infuriating.
And the third guy - he just needed to be slapped silly. Most of us know better than that.
Don't construe this as a defense of Star Vault, though. You try to minimize the amount of misinformation that gets out there - or you update your community often with the Real Dirt As Things Stand Now. At least, you do if you're small, not too corporate, and have a little respect for your players.
Aethairyn, there are pickable items from the ground, they have been adding em more all the time, such as the magic reagents, mushrooms, beeswax and things like that. They are there, but there should be more of em.
You can burn me, but i wont die.
It never ceases to amaze me how far peoplee will go on the internet to prove something is bad.
Seriously, if the game is not good and you do not like it or want to purchase it. Do not.
Post about what you did not like and how it does not appeal to you. <-- your choice and people may respect your opinion or not.
But to actually log months of IRC chat to hold the developers feet to the fire come launch? Seriously need a life there.
Newsflash: Most indie developers think they can do things above and beyond your AAA design studios. In some cases they can and most they have great ideas on paper that just do not work all that well in production.
Your opinion on BLINDLY SUPPORTING these developers has merit. Howver, some feel they want to support the indie world and have the disposable income to do so. Does not mean they are any less intelligent than others. Just overly optimistic possibly, or so wanting something like they promotedd that they want to encourage the indie developers.
When I see the "I got IRC posts and done the research back to 5 years on the internet when Developer A was a punk playin UO and PK'd the whole server" kinda message it makes me feel there is more to your opinion of the game than just missing features / lack of playable game.
NOTE: I have not pre-ordered nor even downloaded this game for OB. I also have no love or hate for SV and thier employees.,
Say hello, To the things you've left behind. They are more a part of your life now that you can't touch them.
You might want to do that before the open beta ends
You might want to do that before the open beta ends
Of course, every trailer so far has said "Join the open beta now!" But he still also said *It never ceases to amaze me how far peoplee will go on the internet to prove something is bad.*
And I think it was aimed to audience like you. I only said this because I think that I sense some irony in your post... Don't know tough
You can burn me, but i wont die.
You might want to do that before the open beta ends
Of course, every trailer so far has said "Join the open beta now!" But he still also said *It never ceases to amaze me how far peoplee will go on the internet to prove something is bad.*
And I think it was aimed to audience like you. I only said this because I think that I sense some irony in your post... Don't know tough
Mortal Online does speak for itself.
I win!!! LOL@U
What's funnier is giving the line "i don't want the game to fail" While spending months on a forum dedicating your every post to the negatives of said game or it's development team. They really must think people are stupid, as it's obvious what motivates their posting habits and opinions given.
I don't think anyone has a problem with people stating they aren't happy with a product, or those offering it. That is not an issue for most posters I know of. The issue comes when that poster does so for months on end, and in response to every single post made. This is unnecessary it only leads to flaming and derailment. Turning the entire forum into a battleground. To what end?
Nothing comes from it, besides more flaming and more misinformation.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
What's funnier is giving the line "i don't want the game to fail" While spending months on a forum dedicating your every post to the negatives of said game or it's development team. They really must think people are stupid, as it's obvious what motivates their posting habits and opinions given.
I don't think anyone has a problem with people stating they aren't happy with a product, or those offering it. That is not an issue for most posters I know of. The issue comes when that poster does so for months on end, and in response to every single post made. This is unnecessary it only leads to flaming and derailment. Turning the entire forum into a battleground. To what end?
Nothing comes from it, besides more flaming and more misinformation.
Mirc keeps logs of all channels I visit. I don't actually do that myself.
I just loaded the txt file into excel, applied a filter, and found the "choice" quotes. It took about 5 minutes and is entertaining on how fast people jump on me to spend so much time on this. I'm a systems engineer. I know how to do "computer stuff" fast.
And it doesn't say much considering nobody can refute the content of what I posted.
What I don't understand, is that this calling out of developers is allowed here on the MO forums? But from what I have seen calling out or naming devs personally in other forums results in a warning and the post removed, yet this is left alone. Why?
Hell even naming posters are pretty much against the rules and will be deleted.
I'm simply stating facts that are easily discoverable and I would say, important to people who want to know the background of who is making this game and trying to sell it using a bunch of hype.
And it's much less than you, who creates a new account solely to comment on the MO forums? LOL
What's funnier is giving the line "i don't want the game to fail" While spending months on a forum dedicating your every post to the negatives of said game or it's development team. They really must think people are stupid, as it's obvious what motivates their posting habits and opinions given.
I don't think anyone has a problem with people stating they aren't happy with a product, or those offering it. That is not an issue for most posters I know of. The issue comes when that poster does so for months on end, and in response to every single post made. This is unnecessary it only leads to flaming and derailment. Turning the entire forum into a battleground. To what end?
Nothing comes from it, besides more flaming and more misinformation.
Blind support is no more constructive than blind criticism, if anything I'd say it's less constructive because it encourages SV to continue their slapdash and poorly-organised development of the game. If someone wants a game to succeed, but can see that the dev team are making poor decisions that are spoiling any potential the game had, then surely they should voice their concerns in the hope that the dev team understand and do something about it instead of just saying "Yeah! Great! Keep it up!"? Why would anyone who wants the game to succeed support a destructive path?
I've been very negative about SV's development of this game, but that's because I can see it's blatantly going to turn what could have been an excellent, unique game into what amounts to a half-finished UT3 mod. I would voice my concerns on the MO forum but it would just be buried under the spew of the fanboys who are actually blocking any constructive criticism purely out of principle or ignorance in favour of allowing SV to continue driving MO into the dirt. So instead, I just moan about it here when I'm bored.
When a dev team wants to release a game that is so clearly buggy and broken even by fanboy standards then the last thing anyone who wants MO to succeed should be doing is supporting that decision. They should make it quite clear that SV are setting themselves up for a fall.
What I don't understand, is that this calling out of developers is allowed here on the MO forums? But from what I have seen calling out or naming devs personally in other forums results in a warning and the post removed, yet this is left alone. Why?
Hell even naming posters are pretty much against the rules and will be deleted.
I'm simply stating facts that are easily discoverable and I would say, important to people who want to know the background of who is making this game and trying to sell it using a bunch of hype.
And it's much less than you, who creates a new account solely to comment on the MO forums? LOL
The "Facts" you state are fine anywhere else I am just asking why the rules on the MO forums are not like the rest here on I have been lurking around for awhile, reading peoples posts about MO and finally just wanted to know why some peoples posts get deleted when individuals are mentioned and some do not.
It seems fairly strange that you and a few others around here can break the rules freely yet when someone who decides to defend the game and points out flaws in other peoples posts or even "Facts" of individuals, accounts are banned and posts are removed.
Seems as though there is a dislike here towards the game in general? Biased websites? Nah never right?
I'm still within the rules of conduct.
Keep telling yourself that
look at the homepage it is
Sure ok can you give me substantiated info about?
"find information about how "awesome" the programmers are, we found things out that actually dissuaded us from reinforcing the idea that this would be an amazing game. Henrik used to spam emails to poker sites. Sebastian never programmed a thing in his life. Mats never designed a thing in his life. None of them has any business experience and their major investor is Henrik's dad, which is why he sits on the board of the company"
If not then I assume you are under this violation.
Game Attacks
* Unsubstantiated comments about specific or general games will be penalized in nearly the same way attacks against people will. The exception is that you can say mean things about games provided you back it up with reasons.
Example: "Game X sucks." is not a legitimate comment. "Game X sucks, because..." is acceptable.
Also I would assume you are under this violation as well. Considering you are posting your opinion in every thread concerning this game. I see a few other posters which I do not wish to name due to the violations of the rules that do this exact thing, and have been doing it for quite a while I may add.
* Posting excessive negative comments or baiting others to respond in a negative manner is considered trolling on the forums.
For example: If there is one game that you did not enjoy, voicing your opinion is encouraged. Posting this opinion in every thread concerning that game to the point that it disrupts all other conversation is not tolerated.
Care to comment?
1) Sebstian meet Henrik in a bar and they hit it off. They started talking about how Sebastian was an unreal modder and Henrik brought up the idea to make Mortal Online. That was in the interview with Sebastian in the mo-radio.
2) Head investor IS Henrik's father, just look at their stock statements.
3) They do not have professional business experience, most are just out of college.
Might want to look up the facts before you start attacking people.
Hi! Welcome to the site. It's always great to get some new folks around and participating. Having different perspectives on things is always good. I suggest you read the Code of Conduct for the forum whenever you have a spare minute or two as it will help you get your bearings. Enjoy!
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
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