A few months ago they said they would have a NA server at launch, did they lie about it? People ask on their forums and the mod just says "Duplicate, closed"
Mirc keeps logs of all channels I visit. I don't actually do that myself.
I just loaded the txt file into excel, applied a filter, and found the "choice" quotes. It took about 5 minutes and is entertaining on how fast people jump on me to spend so much time on this. I'm a systems engineer. I know how to do "computer stuff" fast.
And it doesn't say much considering nobody can refute the content of what I posted.
I don't think anyone really feels the need to refute what you posted. I know for sure I don't, though judging it based on what I see you post daily, I also take it with a grain of salt. That just comes with your habits though. Believe me there are posters who support SV I feel the same way about.
You make good points a lot, and you do point out where they show faulty logic or shady practices. The problem is you do it so much, it makes it seem as though you're doing it for a reason other than spreading the truth.
Honestly anyone familiar with game development and the normal practices, can see right through SV's PR. There is really no need for spamming it daily, we all see it, we're all aware.
What I am talking about above, is the bombardment I see of every thread in this section. No one can have a positive opinion of MO, without being mocked or slammed for stating it. Which shows a lack of respect for the other side IMO. It is almost always the same usual suspects who partake in this mockery. They all use the same dancing banana emote and always it's the same sarcastic response.
What type of discussion does this promote?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
"find information about how "awesome" the programmers are, we found things out that actually dissuaded us from reinforcing the idea that this would be an amazing game. Henrik used to spam emails to poker sites. Sebastian never programmed a thing in his life. Mats never designed a thing in his life. None of them has any business experience and their major investor is Henrik's dad, which is why he sits on the board of the company"
If not then I assume you are under this violation.
Game Attacks
* Unsubstantiated comments about specific or general games will be penalized in nearly the same way attacks against people will. The exception is that you can say mean things about games provided you back it up with reasons.
Example: "Game X sucks." is not a legitimate comment. "Game X sucks, because..." is acceptable.
Also I would assume you are under this violation as well. Considering you are posting your opinion in every thread concerning this game. I see a few other posters which I do not wish to name due to the violations of the rules that do this exact thing, and have been doing it for quite a while I may add.
* Posting excessive negative comments or baiting others to respond in a negative manner is considered trolling on the MMORPG.com forums.
For example: If there is one game that you did not enjoy, voicing your opinion is encouraged. Posting this opinion in every thread concerning that game to the point that it disrupts all other conversation is not tolerated.
Care to comment?
1) Sebstian meet Henrik in a bar and they hit it off. They started talking about how Sebastian was an unreal modder and Henrik brought up the idea to make Mortal Online. That was in the interview with Sebastian in the mo-radio.
2) Head investor IS Henrik's father, just look at their stock statements.
3) They do not have professional business experience, most are just out of college.
Might want to look up the facts before you start attacking people.
1) Goat A decided to buy Goat B's car and Goat C said the car was in bad shape
i guess that means that this is fact now because I typed it out?
I would like to see links to all you said, for solid proof. No offense, but anyone can claim anything is the truth. Just trying to sort things out. Thanks
These have been discussed ad nauseum at this point. If you haven't been around I don't think anybody's going to take the time to reveal all this information for you, since the vast majority is readily available through searches.
A few months ago they said they would have a NA server at launch, did they lie about it? People ask on their forums and the mod just says "Duplicate, closed"
This is different than the standard forum practice everywhere how? I'm not saying they weren't lying. I'm asking on what forum does discussion of a duplicate topic not get moved to the original topic created for it? If the answer lies in another post, there's no need for a second one.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Mirc keeps logs of all channels I visit. I don't actually do that myself.
I just loaded the txt file into excel, applied a filter, and found the "choice" quotes. It took about 5 minutes and is entertaining on how fast people jump on me to spend so much time on this. I'm a systems engineer. I know how to do "computer stuff" fast.
And it doesn't say much considering nobody can refute the content of what I posted.
I don't think anyone really feels the need to refute what you posted. I know for sure I don't, though judging it based on what I see you post daily, I also take it with a grain of salt. That just comes with your habits though. Believe me there are posters who support SV I feel the same way about.
You make good points a lot, and you do point out where they show faulty logic or shady practices. The problem is you do it so much, it makes it seem as though you're doing it for a reason other than spreading the truth.
Honestly anyone familiar with game development and the normal practices, can see right through SV's PR. There is really no need for spamming it daily, we all see it, we're all aware.
What I am talking about above, is the bombardment I see of every thread in this section. No one can have a positive opinion of MO, without being mocked or slammed for stating it. Which shows a lack of respect for the other side IMO. It is almost always the same usual suspects who partake in this mockery. They all use the same dancing banana emote and always it's the same sarcastic response.
What type of discussion does this promote?
I agree with you there my friend. If someone has to keep up on negative posts towards a specific game in order to get a point across I feel that maybe there is a hidden agenda. Making a few posts here and there about how the game wasn't for you is understandable but when someone makes it a crusade to ruin any positive posts or thoughts about a game, it becomes an harmful obsession.
You guys should really look at my timestamps and when I actually post. But thanks for calling it a "harmful obsession", because that puts you right into the other end of the forum rules you're so keen on applying to me.
A few months ago they said they would have a NA server at launch, did they lie about it? People ask on their forums and the mod just says "Duplicate, closed"
This is different than the standard forum practice everywhere how? I'm not saying they weren't lying. I'm asking on what forum does discussion of a duplicate topic not get moved to the original topic created for it? If the answer lies in another post, there's no need for a second one.
I might be mistaken but I believe the difference is that there was no post it was merged with as there were no posts left open on the topic. Dupe threads should certainly be locked/moved... but closing them all with no answer just seems counter-productive.. as another will spring up tomorrow.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
A few months ago they said they would have a NA server at launch, did they lie about it? People ask on their forums and the mod just says "Duplicate, closed"
This is different than the standard forum practice everywhere how? I'm not saying they weren't lying. I'm asking on what forum does discussion of a duplicate topic not get moved to the original topic created for it? If the answer lies in another post, there's no need for a second one.
Close it and make a LINK to the other post... The NA server was discussed in IRC, I have never seen an answer from the devs on the forums.
Please stay on topic and refrain from personal attacks.
Fortune favours the bold.
A few months ago they said they would have a NA server at launch, did they lie about it? People ask on their forums and the mod just says "Duplicate, closed"
i figured out how to keep the game from crashing. never go anywhere near Fabernum.
and my guttersnipe is rich as hell now because I steal every thing a player has in his inventory while he isnt looking.
I don't think anyone really feels the need to refute what you posted. I know for sure I don't, though judging it based on what I see you post daily, I also take it with a grain of salt. That just comes with your habits though. Believe me there are posters who support SV I feel the same way about.
You make good points a lot, and you do point out where they show faulty logic or shady practices. The problem is you do it so much, it makes it seem as though you're doing it for a reason other than spreading the truth.
Honestly anyone familiar with game development and the normal practices, can see right through SV's PR. There is really no need for spamming it daily, we all see it, we're all aware.
What I am talking about above, is the bombardment I see of every thread in this section. No one can have a positive opinion of MO, without being mocked or slammed for stating it. Which shows a lack of respect for the other side IMO. It is almost always the same usual suspects who partake in this mockery. They all use the same dancing banana emote and always it's the same sarcastic response.
What type of discussion does this promote?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Sure ok can you give me substantiated info about?
"find information about how "awesome" the programmers are, we found things out that actually dissuaded us from reinforcing the idea that this would be an amazing game. Henrik used to spam emails to poker sites. Sebastian never programmed a thing in his life. Mats never designed a thing in his life. None of them has any business experience and their major investor is Henrik's dad, which is why he sits on the board of the company"
If not then I assume you are under this violation.
Game Attacks
* Unsubstantiated comments about specific or general games will be penalized in nearly the same way attacks against people will. The exception is that you can say mean things about games provided you back it up with reasons.
Example: "Game X sucks." is not a legitimate comment. "Game X sucks, because..." is acceptable.
Also I would assume you are under this violation as well. Considering you are posting your opinion in every thread concerning this game. I see a few other posters which I do not wish to name due to the violations of the rules that do this exact thing, and have been doing it for quite a while I may add.
* Posting excessive negative comments or baiting others to respond in a negative manner is considered trolling on the MMORPG.com forums.
For example: If there is one game that you did not enjoy, voicing your opinion is encouraged. Posting this opinion in every thread concerning that game to the point that it disrupts all other conversation is not tolerated.
Care to comment?
1) Sebstian meet Henrik in a bar and they hit it off. They started talking about how Sebastian was an unreal modder and Henrik brought up the idea to make Mortal Online. That was in the interview with Sebastian in the mo-radio.
2) Head investor IS Henrik's father, just look at their stock statements.
3) They do not have professional business experience, most are just out of college.
Might want to look up the facts before you start attacking people.
1) Goat A decided to buy Goat B's car and Goat C said the car was in bad shape
i guess that means that this is fact now because I typed it out?
I would like to see links to all you said, for solid proof. No offense, but anyone can claim anything is the truth. Just trying to sort things out. Thanks
These have been discussed ad nauseum at this point. If you haven't been around I don't think anybody's going to take the time to reveal all this information for you, since the vast majority is readily available through searches.
This is different than the standard forum practice everywhere how? I'm not saying they weren't lying. I'm asking on what forum does discussion of a duplicate topic not get moved to the original topic created for it? If the answer lies in another post, there's no need for a second one.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I don't think anyone really feels the need to refute what you posted. I know for sure I don't, though judging it based on what I see you post daily, I also take it with a grain of salt. That just comes with your habits though. Believe me there are posters who support SV I feel the same way about.
You make good points a lot, and you do point out where they show faulty logic or shady practices. The problem is you do it so much, it makes it seem as though you're doing it for a reason other than spreading the truth.
Honestly anyone familiar with game development and the normal practices, can see right through SV's PR. There is really no need for spamming it daily, we all see it, we're all aware.
What I am talking about above, is the bombardment I see of every thread in this section. No one can have a positive opinion of MO, without being mocked or slammed for stating it. Which shows a lack of respect for the other side IMO. It is almost always the same usual suspects who partake in this mockery. They all use the same dancing banana emote and always it's the same sarcastic response.
What type of discussion does this promote?
I agree with you there my friend. If someone has to keep up on negative posts towards a specific game in order to get a point across I feel that maybe there is a hidden agenda. Making a few posts here and there about how the game wasn't for you is understandable but when someone makes it a crusade to ruin any positive posts or thoughts about a game, it becomes an harmful obsession.
You guys should really look at my timestamps and when I actually post. But thanks for calling it a "harmful obsession", because that puts you right into the other end of the forum rules you're so keen on applying to me.
This is different than the standard forum practice everywhere how? I'm not saying they weren't lying. I'm asking on what forum does discussion of a duplicate topic not get moved to the original topic created for it? If the answer lies in another post, there's no need for a second one.
I might be mistaken but I believe the difference is that there was no post it was merged with as there were no posts left open on the topic. Dupe threads should certainly be locked/moved... but closing them all with no answer just seems counter-productive.. as another will spring up tomorrow.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
This is different than the standard forum practice everywhere how? I'm not saying they weren't lying. I'm asking on what forum does discussion of a duplicate topic not get moved to the original topic created for it? If the answer lies in another post, there's no need for a second one.
Close it and make a LINK to the other post... The NA server was discussed in IRC, I have never seen an answer from the devs on the forums.
Locked due to continuous off topic bickering.
Fortune favours the bold.