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On March 27th, businesses and homes across the world will go dark for an hour to raise awareness for energy conservation. Today, the folks at True Games have announced that they will be going dark as well.
True Games Interactive, an international multi-player online game developer and publisher, along with award-winning developer, Petroglyph, today announced that its highly-anticipated online, multiplayer action/RPG with strategic game play, Mytheon, which is now in closed beta at, will go dark for one hour this Saturday in honor of the global initiative to fight climate change. At 8:30 PM PST, the game's closed beta will go dark for one hour in support of the WWF's "Earth Hour 2010" The game will be back online at 9:30PM PST.
"As a company based in Austin, a city that has active policy that protects the environment, we feel a duty to proactively participate in saving the planet," said Jeff Lujan, CEO of True Games Interactive. "All of our titles, including Mytheon, are based on a strong belief in digital distribution of games-which means we do not have excess waste like retail packaging, transportation, etc., but we are willing to go one step further on Saturday and we call on others to do the same. Working together we can make a difference."
WWF's Earth Hour began in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when over 2 million individuals and 2,000 businesses turned off their lights for one hour to take their stand against climate change. By March 2009, hundreds of millions of people in over 4,000 cities in 88 countries officially switched off for Earth Hour. Earth Hour 2010 will continue to be a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to take responsibility, to get involved and lead the way to a low-carbon future.
"It may seem like one hour can't make a difference, but with millions of people all over the world participating it really can," said Randy King, Senior Producer of Mytheon. "Together with True Games, we want Mytheon and the Mytheon community to be part of something that calls attention to how we can make a better future for all of us."
More on Mytheon, here.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
You know what I am going to do? Im gonna switch on every light and every thing that needs electricity and I will also power up my generator for that hour (leftover from the big flood in germany).
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Gotta love a game developers standing up for a political view. They are in the wrong business to do so, and whether or not i support the political move, I support the company making it a little less. And yes, I called climate change (formerly known as global warming and completely disproven) a political view.
[mod edit]
I wasn't aware you had to be of a certain political view to respect the environment and realize that what resources we've got here aren't going to last forever. In fact, I thought that was just something common sense could tell a person.
In the end, turning of your light and so fort, if so many do it even for an hour you won't have made any difference at all.
They should really watch the documentary Not Evil Just Wrong The True Cost Of Global Hysteria.. The arguments for Global warming are exagurated and in parts completely made up. Things like Climate change is causing the ice caps to melt.. .wrong! they are actiually growing in size each year, polar bears numbers are declining also wrong there is no evidence to sugest that their numbers are declining, They quote that sea levels will rise by a few feet in a few years but the report actually stated that will happen over the next thousands of years, could go on to list more but I wont.
I am all for more recyling and investing in developng renewable fuels but twisting the facts that in the end affects millions of people negatively is just wrong.
I am super happy for you that everything is fine and dandy over there in the good ole UK. Where I live things are not so comfy. Many of my friends who live in the extreme North of Canada are no longer able to continue their way of life as the climate has been changing. Many have simply moved more South to avoid the drastic changes to the environment (don't even bring up the Polar Bears you don't know what you're talking about). Where I am specifically the Lakes have been freezing much later and thawing even sooner. In case you are unaware this fucks up the ecosystem tremendously. This is a just a tiny sample of what we have been experiencing. The list is gigantic.
I have been an outdoorsman my entire life. I notice even the littlest of things. Let's just say that the changes in the last decade are not just the little things. The climate on Earth has changed many times throughout it's existence, however our contribution this time around is more than just a little damaging. Believe it or not certain Arctic Shipping lanes are now being run for almost a month later in the spring because of the changes.
This Planet is all we have, can you not find it in yourself to give a shit. It's not much to ask.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
Ok the lakes have been freezing later have you 1 shred of evidence that has been caused by Mankind? Ok another thing Professor Ichi Syun Akasofu - Founding Director of the international Arctic Research Center who has been studying it for the last 50 years among with others have found that the changing in the ice started around 1850 when fossil fuels wernt widely used so how can it be us that is causing it? Ok I may be wrong about the polar bears but It was quoting what a founding member of greenpeace said "Polar bears numbers are actually increasing in many areass but the real main danger is from people hunting them".
There was more in my post than lakes freezing later bud.
The evidence is everywhere if you care to look for it. Good on you for recycling and supporting reneweable power, but turning your head to everything else isn't acceptable. Why do you think that people have some sort of an Environmental conspiracy/bandwagon plan to freak everybody out? And more importantly how do fathom that human beings, with the way we have been behaving for the last few hunderd years, have not had an impact on our climate?
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
Oh, good. I've been waiting for the perfect time to burn that stack of old tires & asbestos insulation that's been sitting in my backyard.
Please be sure in to inhale heavily. Oh ya and bring some marshmellows and hotdogs for your kids.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
Yes.. Evidence can be found to prove or disprove anything if you search hard enough for it...
I can't wait until there is a study that says wind power slightly lessens the force of the wind and is causing birds to not migrate or that solar power is actually absorbing all the heat that would keep the earth warm and we'll soon be headed to a new iceage...
P.S. "Climate Change Issues" is very political. If you don't think so look at the "solutions" that are proposed and how they relate to giving a world government the power to regulate nations, redistribute wealth and make social policies.
You dont. You do have to be of a particular politcal persuasion to actually believe the crap being spewed at you by environmental extremists that believe humanity is a virus that needs a cure.
I think I too will go above and beyond the call of duty in attempting to burn as much electricity and fossils fuels on that day too.
Hmm going to have to call you on this bud i live in northern canada and work in the extreme north it is no where near as bad as you say it is.
But on the polar bears you are right on that.
it's so sad to see people that are flaming the devs of Mytheon for doing something to help the earth. Even if they don't have good intentions it helps in the end. If Mytheon is shut down for earth hour than maybe the players of Mytheon will shut down their computers because they have nothing to do, and in turn helping the earth.
Yeah setting off nukes in the desert, dumping obscene amounts of toxic waste into the earths ecosystem, chopping down everything with a branch attached to it, and the 80's hairspray boom, yeah humans had nothing to do with anything releated to screwing up this planet... Seriously?
I think I'll celebrate the day by turning on all of my lights in my house and burning styrofoam in the backyard.
Good for True Games. I hope they will do the same next year when the game is live or it will be super bad rep for them.
Does it really hurt people to make a simple gesture for an hour a year, even if it were a blind one?
All you guys talking about putting all lights on or burning rubber in your trailer park are not really as cool as you are trying to sound.
As a former Forestry Manager i have seen what impact we have had on the environment in a bad way and if i turn my power off for an hour to try and make a difference then so be it. If it doesn't accomplish anything then i will do others things to try.
As for politics..i couldn't even tell you if Obama is democrat or republican :P(well i could if googled it but i don't care enough to).
Anyway for all those arguing about polar bear population increases or the Earth's temperature maybe you should learn to ****ing spell first because you won't get very far in your budding UN Environmental Science careers if you cannot get such simple things right. (not bitching about spelling in general just when people try counter-arguing with stuff they probably just searched for on the net they could at least pretend to be literate also)
I disagree, I don't think this has to do with any intentions of the Mytheon Developers. No one is flaming anyone for trying to help the earth either. The resulting debate on the topic has erupted because the topic is a political one and as such will always be surrounded by debate and opinions ranging from complete opposites to everything in between.
This thread only reinforces my oringal sentiment that an MMO developer has no business announcing their political views or expecting other people to par take in them. As far as the debate going on here, argueing over an internet forum will not change anyones mind. So its probably best to just agree to disagree and resume focus on the topic. Rather then bash eachother, bash the company .
Your right, it isn't going to change anyone's mind, so why are you still rambling on about ridiculous things.
I am still trying to figure out what the hell is political about trying to help the enviroment. Any person who can sit here and honestly type out that they do not believe that human beings have negatively impacted this earth have rocks in their head.
Nothing political about any of it. If a company chooses to climb on board with millions of others, for just 1 hour out of 8765 hours, 48 minutes and 36 seconds, why the hell should you care.
Tin foil hats aside, I don't really give a crap about any of this either. I put my cans in the trash instead of the roadside, and keep the lights out in rooms I am not using. That is about the extent of my enviromental heroism, but I will not degrade others who are at least TRYING to make some small dent of a difference.
Sigh, this is why I have no faith left in humanity what so ever. People like this.
EDIT - Politics are one thing, however we aren't talking about votes here, and we aren't talking about religious views, we aren't talking about sides in a war, and we aren't talking about international relations pertaining to anything negative. What was brought up was that hundreds of millions of people spanning the entire world, got together to try and conserve power consumption by switching off their power for 1 hour out of the entire year. It is ment as a good gesture, it is ment as something to bond humanity together without politics, religion, hatred, or status being involved. Something that everyone on this planet could rally behind not as nations but a planet of people trying to work together for just once in the history of man. Yet people STILL have some issue with it. WTF people seriously?
Climate change is true. Legitimate sources saying that *mankind* has significantly impacted climate change is false. If people could just understand those two statements then climate change wouldn't be that confusing.
Turn off your lights to save natural resources, energy and money, but don't believe that your efforts are necessarily impacting climate change. Or be optimistic and do it anyway.
<End Thread>