Lots of upcoming games that some of you have mentioned that I didn't put on my list. World of Darkness I just haven't followed at all, and I don't know much about it, for those that added that to their list I wonder if you might expand on what its features are and why you are looking forward to it.
The same could be said about copernicus, I haven't even heard of that one.
Guild Wars 2 is a game that I'm also interested in, and I loved the original guild wars series, but I don't know much about its features yet other than its going to stick with the original guild wars payment model and from what I'm to understand your characters items get transferred over? I like the way Guild Wars skills are, but until more information is released I can't really put it on top of my list.
I was also interested in the Fallout MMO, Bethesdas unannounced MMO (if it isn't fallout) and Blizzards new MMO, though I have no information regarding those so I couldn't add them to my list.
Games like SWTOR.. .I consider single player games with a monthly fee.
I wonder when people are going to stop using this line. Do some research bud. I challenge you to listen to some Darthhater podcasts.
Seriously...you don't realize how intellectually challenged that statement is.
Devs themselves say 95% of the game is soloable.
Yah...and most MMOs out today are soloable all the way up to level cap. I'm not disappointed that I'm getting what I expected.
There are NPC parties so you don't have to group.
There is ONE companion. However, they are in the process of making ways to reward those who group.
The game focuses around a scripted, linear, cinematic story, so it all has to take place in instances.
You kinda forgot the whole choice thing, but whatever. I mean, choices that alter the story is something we see in every MMO these days, right? And how does it have to take place in an instance? They've said that around 90% of the game is open world. I think you're exaggerating a bit.
Sounds pretty single player to me, maybe grab some real life friends. Then probably a raid instance or something tacked on to make it seem "massive".
All that we've been presented with so far is story stuff, world stuff, and class stuff but not a whole lot about the game mechanics. I think you should be a little less judgemental. We don't have the nitty gritty details yet, so all you're going on is one big assumption. I'm sure you know all about those who assume and such. We haven't seen crafting, we haven't seen raiding and dungeons, we haven't seen PvP, we haven't seen the systems in place that promote community. It's too early to make a judgement call.
Like I said...listen to some DarthHater podcasts. Very informative.
Bioware has made the same kind of game for 20 years.
Very linear RPGs.
Why would SWTOR be any different? And of course its instanced, how else is it going to be crafted to the player and have cinematics if its not in an instance?
I didn't want to waste this thread debating on what type of game TOR was going to be, its in the number one spot on my list for a reason, and theres not much you can say to change that, but to answer your question, you pick up cinematic quests via Flashpoint. During your flashpoints everyone in your party will be able to see the cinematic if they choose. The flashpoints are placed around the open world, and just as you would walk up and talk to a quest giver in an open world, so would you a flashpoint. Once the cinematic is over you are released back into the open world, or wherever you agree to go in the flashpoint.
This is the same thing as you would experience if you had 15 people standing around a newby quest giver, but you won't be seeing all of them standing there. I think as far as immersion goes thats a pretty fair way to handle the system, and quests in general. It puts the focus on you when you take a quest, and not the 30 other people talking to the same NPC at the same time.
The point is, noone should have to defend what they like about a game, and just because you dislike the game, doesn't mean other people should. this isn't a thread to debate the topic of "is swtor what we're all looking for" or "what upcoming games are we not interested in" its to discuss what games, we're personally interested in. If you don't want to play TOR why don't you post the upcoming games you are interested in.
Many of these are waaaay off in the furure, so I have a lot of waiting to do.
Project Mercury - formerly known as Copernicus, because of the involvement of people like RA Salvatore, and also probably because it's all so hush-hush. I'm intrigued, may be more or less so depending on information coming out.
World of Darkness - loved Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, and trust that CCP will handle the IP well, but again, very little info out there on this one.
The Agency - it looked interesting, but they've been really quiet lately. Like the idea of a spy MMO, but am growing sceptical that it's going to happen.
Earthrise: I like post-apoc stuff, this looks pretty good, will give it a go.
Marvel Universe Online - wasn't even on my radar till Lee Hammock said he was leaving Fallen Earth to work on it. Now I'm interested.
The Secret World - Lovecraftian horror in a MMO? Ragnar Tornquist involved? Yes please. Even with the caveat of Funcom and their launches.
SW:TOR - I have played KOTOR to the point of wearing out the disk. Even if all this amounts to is a bigger badder KOTOR (CORPG rather than strictly a MMO), I'll be there.
Only have seven, possibly because I'm kind of burned out on fantasy stuff at the moment (though indications are that Project Mercury will be dark fantasy).
I have a hard time getting excited for any up and coming themeparks.
As for as sandbox games go. Earthrise, Perpetuum & Xsyon all look good so far.
Sorry I can't pick eight games.
Edit: Shit I thought you wanted a list of games coming out within the year. Well I could toss World of Darkness on the list but im sure we wont see that until 2012-2013.
With MMOs taking off and becoming mainstream, MMO fans are starting to get a plethora of choices we didn't have before. Here is a list of upcoming games that I'm personally looking forward to and why I'm keeping a close eye on them.
8: Xyson : "The Apocalypse is at hand." Post apocalyptic games are nothing new, though we haven't seen many in the MMO genre. Xyson first intrigued me by its simple teraforming videos that showed players doing simple things such as cutting down trees or creating a road on a plot of land. It expands on these sandbox features with skill based gameplay, a player run economy, an "evolution" system, and even going as far to say they will have a form of Permadeath. There have been a fair amount of games with tremendous feature lists, but this one is more than just a little appealing. What I feel holds this back from being in the top 5 is simply that the development team is somewhat unknown and they may be overambitious with their project, and this could turn away a strong sandbox player base that may not be willing to support a company through a Pay to Play Beta. Xyson is Scheduled to release May of 2010.
7: TERA: Highly graphical and stylized characters, "direct" player impact on the game world, fast paced non auto-attack combat, and -- oh yes, controller support on launch. TERA has 6 different races to choose from and 8 different classes and the models look absolutely gorgeous. As you can tell the art is Anime in style, so you'll see swords the size of people . One issue with TERA is that the developers had taken code from another upcoming game -- Lineage 3 -- and used it for TERA, resulting in a lawsuit by NCSOFT and which resulted in a loss for BlueHole Studios. What effects that will have on the game are unknown at this point, but it still remains a game to keep your eye on in the future.
6: The Agency : One thing that caught my eye about the agency is that its kind of like the spy-thriller in the MMO genre. We really haven't seen a game like this, in the sense that the games premise is that you work for competing agencies that allow you to become a trained operative in their employ. Not much has been revealed about The Agency but what we do know is that it will be slated to release on the PS3 and that you will be able to create your own agency as well. One could expect the gameplay to be very action oriented as it will be releasing with controller support, so gone will be the 10 skill bars full of skills.
5: DCUO: With my own recent disappointments in the Super Hero MMO genre I can't help but take notice at what SOEs focus with DCUO is. Taking it the route Cryptic wanted to go, but just couldn't, they plan to release this game utilizing the widely known and highly popular DC Universe, and simultaneously release this game on consoles as well. In a stark move seemingly in complete contract to Cryptic, Sony will not be requiring a monthly fee to play this game, and will only charge the Box sale price and perhaps Downloadable content or microtransational items (which have yet to be confirmed as to what extent this might, if at all, be expected). What we do know is that they are touting a wide range of character customization options akin to other super hero games, two opposing factions and purportedly a class system based around cherry picking your powers.
4: Earthrise: In the same vein as Xyson, yet set in a much more futuristic setting Earthrise is directed at the Sci-Fi lover in all of us. No Class restrictions, a futuristic post-apocalyptic setting, character progression when you're both online and offline, and FPS style targeting are just some eye catchers that make me really take notice of this game. If you haven't taken the time to look up on some of the character and terrain models, you should. From what I can see this game is shaping up to not only have a strong feature list, but the game looks great graphically as well. Heres a good in game video courtesy of MMORPG.com. This would be my second most anticipated game if it were for the stagnant nature on the information released about it. Though beta is supposedly under way there has been little on the hype level for the development team which makes me wonder how long the development cycle will last.
3: Final Fantasy XIV: I hate chocobos, and the sequel to Final Fantasy XI isn't something I originally thought would be on my personal list of games I'm looking forward to as XI didn't really keep my interest past the first month. What does interest me in this game is that for one, Square Enix is a fantastic developer, two, the game will be releasing both on the PS3 and the PC, and three the armoury system. The Armoury system isn't really new in theory, you switch a weapon and suddenly you have a different play style, but being able to work on whatever class you feel like at any instance is a big plus for me. The classing system in FFXI was something I did enjoy tremendously, eventhough the flow of the game was too slow to peak prolonged interest, the idea of being able to work on any various class via the Armoury system does excite me more than a little. I also have a high quality MMO to look forward to in FFXIV as SE's production values are always high.
2: The Secret World: Funcom is a little hush hush on this project... or so they'd like you to believe. Dark Days are Coming, they say, but I beg to differ, I feel that good days may finally come to Funcom if they can pull TSW off correctly. Fighting your way in a twitch based, zombie killing, real world combat zone just sounds fun... but adding three different "secret" factions in an MMO setting and removing the need for classes and leveling really makes me want to believe in Funcom this time. They know how to make games, and though plenty of people feel they've been burned by them before, TSW offers something the genre hasn't seen before, and thats the game setting. The game revolves around urban legends in the very real world urban settings which could turn out to be one of the first, if not the first, real horror MMORPGs if they choose to take it in that direction.
1: Star Wars The Old Republic: You may ask why this is number one, or some of you may already know, but there are many reasons why SWTOR is my number one upcoming MMO. The features sound similar to much of what we've seen before, so in some sense you could argue that BioWare isn't rocking the boat too hard when they began developing this game. What can we expect though? Fast pased RPG combat with no auto-attack. A complex, non-linear story based progression system. Supposedly hundreds of hours of story based content available for groups and solo players alike per character. Vast, open worlds spanning the breadth of the Star Wars Galaxy thousands of years before Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker was alive. The sheer content of the game and the supposed ability to share that content, and have those you share it with to effect it in unpredictable ways sounds like an RPG gamers dream to me. Sprinkle on that its fully voiced, the iconic star wars weapons and races from both the EU, movies and games will be appearing, and each character will have their own story with plenty of alignment choices to progress your characters skills and its hard for this RPG fan to ignore it as my most watched upcoming game.
Believe it or not that is my list too but i wasn't going to get in it with so much details. Great job.
1. Guild Wars 2 - I absolutely think this is going to be a huge hit for ArenaNet, even bigger than the original. My favorite game and my favorite developer.
2. FFXIV - So excited about this game. FFXI was my first mmo and now I get the chance to play the sequel. Square Enix is one of my favorite developers. The best parts about FF Online games is that they are good games and they come with a fantastic player community.
With their shift more to solo play - I'm betting the community will go downhill.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
1 Elder Scrolls MMO - the ultimate world-builders making an MMO is my all-time wet dream, I fell totally in love with Morrowind & Oblivion after it & this has already been in development some 4 years & might be a long time coming, I just pray it doesn't do a "Duke Nukem Forever"
2 Copernicus, 38 studios has an insane amount of top-drawr talent & Curt Schilling has put the bulk of his career earnings into this game, he also has a good understanding of the MMO market & everyone that has spoken about the game has hinted at some very solid & positive things.
Got any links? I haven't heard anything solid about the game at all. The only hard info I have seen is that they are having money problems. I'd really like to see this team put out a great game, but I'm getting worried.
3 World of Darkness, well I fell in love with the Vampire: The Masquerade & Bloodlines games & though I was never into the pen & paper stuff the lore & backstories & well just the whole universe was completely engrossing & I have a huge interest in this due to CPP/White Wolf & while I am not a fan of EVE there is no denying it's high pedigree.
4 Star Wars: The Old Republic, I think this will be a true MMO hybrid of "world building" mixed with theme park mixed with interactive adventure Novel, wrapped up in a filmic presentation, I have a lot of faith in BioWare delivering a top-notch game.
Faith should not mentioned WRT to MMOs The faith has been broken too many times.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
1. Star Wars : The Old Republic- I was a huge fan of Dark Forces 2, Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. I played Galaxies and Knights of the Old Replublic. I love star wars games more than the movies and there has been some real crappy Star Wars games coming out over the last few years. This game is going to be amazing. Mythic is helping Bioware on this one.
You say that like it's a good thing.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
From what we have seen so far, player cinematics have occured when interacting with NPCs. I think what happens is you sort of go into a parallel world
Like - an instance?
where the NPCs interact on your screen, but no one else sees them doing it. All they see is you standing there talking to the NPCs, like you would see someone get a quest in WoW or AoC or Warhammer or LotRO or Fallen Earth or Vanguard or EQ2...etc. *WARNING* This is just the impression I got from doing research. This, too, hasn't been fleshed out and given tons of detail.
And yes, I'm biased, just like everyone else on this website.
Not me. I hate everything. Just ask anyone.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
2 Copernicus, 38 studios has an insane amount of top-drawr talent & Curt Schilling has put the bulk of his career earnings into this game, he also has a good understanding of the MMO market & everyone that has spoken about the game has hinted at some very solid & positive things.
Got any links? I haven't heard anything solid about the game at all. The only hard info I have seen is that they are having money problems. I'd really like to see this team put out a great game, but I'm getting worried.
I havent heard anything about cash problems (but maybe missed some news)
1. Final Fantasy XIV
2. Blizzard's next MMORPG
3. Guild Wars II
1) Final Fantasy XIV
2) Guild Wars 2
That's the only two I really want to play honestly.
Playing - EVE, Wurm
Retired - Final Fantasy XI, Anarchy Online, Mabinogi
Waiting - ArcheAge, Salem
Lots of upcoming games that some of you have mentioned that I didn't put on my list. World of Darkness I just haven't followed at all, and I don't know much about it, for those that added that to their list I wonder if you might expand on what its features are and why you are looking forward to it.
The same could be said about copernicus, I haven't even heard of that one.
Guild Wars 2 is a game that I'm also interested in, and I loved the original guild wars series, but I don't know much about its features yet other than its going to stick with the original guild wars payment model and from what I'm to understand your characters items get transferred over? I like the way Guild Wars skills are, but until more information is released I can't really put it on top of my list.
I was also interested in the Fallout MMO, Bethesdas unannounced MMO (if it isn't fallout) and Blizzards new MMO, though I have no information regarding those so I couldn't add them to my list.
Earthrise and Tera Online.
I couldn't name another 6 that have impressed me enough yet to care about them.
I didn't want to waste this thread debating on what type of game TOR was going to be, its in the number one spot on my list for a reason, and theres not much you can say to change that, but to answer your question, you pick up cinematic quests via Flashpoint. During your flashpoints everyone in your party will be able to see the cinematic if they choose. The flashpoints are placed around the open world, and just as you would walk up and talk to a quest giver in an open world, so would you a flashpoint. Once the cinematic is over you are released back into the open world, or wherever you agree to go in the flashpoint.
This is the same thing as you would experience if you had 15 people standing around a newby quest giver, but you won't be seeing all of them standing there. I think as far as immersion goes thats a pretty fair way to handle the system, and quests in general. It puts the focus on you when you take a quest, and not the 30 other people talking to the same NPC at the same time.
The point is, noone should have to defend what they like about a game, and just because you dislike the game, doesn't mean other people should. this isn't a thread to debate the topic of "is swtor what we're all looking for" or "what upcoming games are we not interested in" its to discuss what games, we're personally interested in. If you don't want to play TOR why don't you post the upcoming games you are interested in.
GW2 - definitely buy
World of Darkness
I need more vespene gas.
Gah, editor keeps eating my posts...
Trying again.
Many of these are waaaay off in the furure, so I have a lot of waiting to do.
Project Mercury - formerly known as Copernicus, because of the involvement of people like RA Salvatore, and also probably because it's all so hush-hush. I'm intrigued, may be more or less so depending on information coming out.
World of Darkness - loved Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, and trust that CCP will handle the IP well, but again, very little info out there on this one.
The Agency - it looked interesting, but they've been really quiet lately. Like the idea of a spy MMO, but am growing sceptical that it's going to happen.
Earthrise: I like post-apoc stuff, this looks pretty good, will give it a go.
Marvel Universe Online - wasn't even on my radar till Lee Hammock said he was leaving Fallen Earth to work on it. Now I'm interested.
The Secret World - Lovecraftian horror in a MMO? Ragnar Tornquist involved? Yes please. Even with the caveat of Funcom and their launches.
SW:TOR - I have played KOTOR to the point of wearing out the disk. Even if all this amounts to is a bigger badder KOTOR (CORPG rather than strictly a MMO), I'll be there.
Only have seven, possibly because I'm kind of burned out on fantasy stuff at the moment (though indications are that Project Mercury will be dark fantasy).
I have a hard time getting excited for any up and coming themeparks.
As for as sandbox games go. Earthrise, Perpetuum & Xsyon all look good so far.
Sorry I can't pick eight games.
Edit: Shit I thought you wanted a list of games coming out within the year. Well I could toss World of Darkness on the list but im sure we wont see that until 2012-2013.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
I don't get excited about upcoming games anymore. Not after the last dozen or so disastrous disappointments.
The only thing on the horizon that I'm sure will be good is Cataclysm. Everything else is wait and see.
Believe it or not that is my list too but i wasn't going to get in it with so much details. Great job.
I just looked at Xyson's home site, and one thing really got my attention: "No NPCs. Entirely player-driven."
That alone is enough to get me very interested.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
Guild Wars 2
Jeff Strains Zombie console mmo
also looking forward to some unknowns
Unnamed MMO - Carbine Studios
Copernicus Project – 38 Studios
EQ2 fan sites
Money Pit?
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
With their shift more to solo play - I'm betting the community will go downhill.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
2) Blade and Soul
3) Final Fantasy 11
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
1) World of Darkness
2) Secret World
3) SW:ToR
4) Xsyon
5) Guild Wars 2
Faith should not mentioned WRT to MMOs The faith has been broken too many times.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
You say that like it's a good thing.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
Don't cast stones.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
You don't? Maybe not here, but I have seen it said MANY times. I believe the creators themselves don't call it an MMO.
And - yes, SWTOR looks very solo-oriented to me.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
Not me. I hate everything. Just ask anyone.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
I don't even think Cataclysm will be good.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
I havent heard anything about cash problems (but maybe missed some news)
most recent cash statements ive seen
last month it was announced that EA had a publishing deal
info about the IP is supposed to be revealed this year
Fans can look forward to 2010 when the company will begin discussing details on the intellectual property.
EQ2 fan sites
1. GW2
4. Earth Rise
Thats about it for me.
Currently playing: N/A
Retired from: GW, WAR, Aion, LOTRO, Rift, SW:TOR, Vinductus
2. GW2
The rest... get no respect from me.