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I've been playing DF since 3 weeks after release and I've heard all the arguments from those who seem to think that making character progression faster would benifit Darkfall greatly and this will increase subs.
Although on the surface this seems more appealing to the masses and seems like it would attract some players, the consequences such a move would have much greater negative impacts and destroy the core community.
You see, when people can max out their characters in a month or so, they aren't online as much and the game somehow seems more boring. Character progression is subconciously entertaining and once that stops, people feel little reason to log on unless something big is going on, meaning less players in the world out farming.
Another consequence of faster character progression to cap is that it turns the game even more into a game where you must reach a certain level to compete. I know this sounds exactly like the reason the whiners use for their arguments for increasing stat gain because they think noobs should be able to "catch up with vets" with less effort and that is whats killing the game, so let me explain.
When you make it so you have fast progression to cap. Instead of having just a few players that have been playing for 1.5 years having maxed stats, everyone will have maxed stats except those few newer players. For the newer players this means that 99% of the players they encounter will have max hp and there will be less middle ground. Less middle ground means more of a game where you need to reach max level to compete. Some people forget that this is a group pvp game and 1v1 and even number battles are nowhere near as common as an imbalanced fight. If you are a weakling and want to pvp, there is nothing preventing you from joining up with your clans daily pvp group, safety in numbers. You don't need to go toe to toe with that guy who has been playing for 1.5 years to have fun in DF in contrast to the picture the whiners try to create.
I would think turning the game more into a game where you need to reach max level to compete would be discouraging for newer players.
To put things in perspective, a newly created character has around 200 hp and max HP chars, of which maybe one or two exist, have around 430 hp. Less of a difference between new and old player than any other game, yet still the whiners seek to destroy DF b/c they want DF to be more like some other game they liked.
If AV increased stat gains and took out long term progression, not only would it piss off the core community of DF players who have dedicated months into developing their characters, it would mean less players in the game because so many would have finished their characters and have no reason to be out farming mobs anymore or to be macroing with regs on them in cities just waiting to be killed. Long term progression is what keeps many players playing for years instead of months and taking that out would surely kill DF.
I know for certain if AV caters to the whiners who want an easy ride, and every naked with a rank 40 in the city im raiding has 400 hp, I will start looking for another game. Long term progression is a part of DF and part of the competition and those who want it taken out should just find another easier game instead of ruining the only game left for some of us.
Stats already gain quite quickly for new players, and, although it does sound appealing on the surface to the naive, for those who love Darkfall the way it is, taking out long term progression would be the worst thing to happen to DF. When AV wants to increase player subs they will put a box version on the shelves.
TLDR: Long term progression is good and part of why I enjoy DF, whiners should just find an easier game they enjoy instead of trying to ruin ours.
This seems pretty accurate. I say this because one of my clan mates has 100 in ever skill cause he has been playing since beta and he is possibly going to sell his account because he has nothing to do.
That would be different from how it is now?
You've been playing since 3 weeks after df started, so you were probably never that far behind. You've probably always been in a position were you can compete, or atleast contribute in a meaningful way, so of course it's not bad for you. Try being a new player in this game and having to skill 15 hours+ a day for months to get into a position were you can kinda fend for yourself in a fight. And ya ya i know,"get a clan! this isn't wow carebear." But really i don't wanna hear that bullcrap, if it wasn't true there wouldn't be such a huge mass of ppl afk grinding 15 hours a day, or running the client all night long just to keep up. That's just stupid.
And yes, a cap that could be reached in a month of casual play would be stupid, or even a couple months. But the obvious solution would be to do what another poster had suggested a while back. You change the leveling curve to a point were you progress faster at first, until it sort of plateuas in the middle. At this point you can still progress at the same speed but the effectivness of your gains lessen. This way the vets will always be ahead still, but the new players wouldn't be put thro such torture. You can probably understand it much better if you look around and find the graph he made. It would put it in a situation in which more of the game is played at the middle grind you mentioned. The grind new players face wouldn't be so daunting, and vets wouldn't have such a ridiculous advantage(but still a meaningful one.)
But suggesting that nothing needs to be done isn't very helpful, it doenst need to be a Damned if you do, doomed if you don't situation.
Ah dude i gave it up long ago. DF is simply too much self destructive. It punish new players far too much. And thats the main reason why it will never get big like EvE online did it. It will stay niche game and die when there new pvp sandbox will appear.
If you would make a poll for people who left DF and the reason why they did it you would see that most of them did it because of the vast time consuming grind. Just check the recent thread about leaving DF and you will see what i meant.
EvE doors
See the best doors on EvE-on!
Agreed bud. If I want a max character with 2-3 months of casual play I'll go back to WoW. Part of the fun of Darkfall is seeing your toon progress through hard work. Without this progession I likely would have been bored months ago. Although there could be some additions to the game to make it much better, stat/skill increases are fine the way they are now imo. AV needs to work on what they have now (add more end-game pvp situations for example) rather then make the game easier.
Hopefully DFO 2010 delivers. If it does, AV should see plenty of new players in Agon without a doubt.
"I play Tera for the gameplay"
I think it needs a new system because it caters way to much to the so called veterans. The game has nothing to do with player skill as far as im concerned. It is 100% about stats and skill levels that were cheated to death for a year. The people who think it is just fine are the minority. If you dont use third party programs to setup macros for keybinds and then macros to play the game for you while your a sleep or at work then forget about it. All I see are a bunch of ''veterans'' ''core players'' who like to roll their face on the keyboard to win. It doesnt take much skill to kill a guy that has to hit you 15 times when you can 3 shot him. Player skill should be in there somewhere and currently it isn't. The game is dead as hell right now and I have no doubt it will get worse.
In the end it will be a shouldve been couldve been story like most of the other mmo's. I think we all know damn well they don't have the resources to fix or change anything. Currently Im wondering if they have more than one guy running the entire operation.
DF 2003(The fake feature that was listed) Suppose to have hard or soft skill and stats cap. (Note: I didnt mentioned cap alone) That type of progression system is suppose to make hardcore grinders go higher then what average players can go on stats and skills, but if one day, they become way too high on stats/skills and they stay online not grinding anymore, they are suppose to start losing some skills/stats to go back to what all other average are. Also, with the UO decay system. Toggle - + = on each stats and skills if to raise them, put them in decay mode or pause them. That way, you could change your play style quickly simply by switching skills and stats to raise.
Thats the kind of endless progression DF is suppose to have. At the end, they decided to screw all that idea and make it so one can max everything in game without losing a single skill/stats number. DF is self destructive.
C:\Users\FF\Desktop\spin move.gif
You are misinformed. The leveling curve you describe already exists. AV doesn't divulge all of the game mechanics and lets the players figure some of them out. Sadly, this leads to a lot of false assumptions and some of them catch on. If you were to create a new character and get on a mount and begin to ride and do the same with someone with 90 quickness, you would see a huge difference in gain rate between the two. I have tested this on my alt so I know this to be true but the exact reason my alt gains quickness faster is unclear to me and anything you find on the forums is just speculation.
Sorry you missed out on the days when everyone was shooting mana missles and arrows, if it is any consolation, it took millions of gold to get 100 in an elemental magic school and the gold was much less plentifull as it is now. Used to take me 15 mins to kill something with arrows that drops 150g. New players already have a much easier timeand they have increased skill gains more than once. stat gains are somehow related to skill gains so that has meant an increase in stat gain as well. AV understands some things about how to run a game like this and it wouldn't surprise me if they anticipated that there would be exploiting and hardcore players and so they used a system that made it take a rediculously long time to develop in anything.
In my opinion, the game is still payed beta, a very polished beta, but its certainly fun and eventually when AV polishes it up enough they will relase it to the masses with boxes on the shelves.
Another pro-grinder that doesn't get it.
Get rid of the grind to make a character PvP READY.
That is done by keeping the grind to max level the same as it currently is, but to reward players with more HP early in the stat grind.
Ending Max HP: 450
Starting Max HP: 250
Instead of making 50% of the progression be 350; change it to 400.
It gives the edge to veteran players, but still penalizes them for making poor decisions.
This example probably isn't the correct numbers that DF uses, but is just to illustrate what people want.
Psssh that guy sounds like a loser.
you don't even play the game.
there already is a leveling curve where stats raise faster for newer players but its never enough to satisfy the whiners who constantly want evertying made easier so they can stop blaming the reason for dying on differences in character development.
Those people who don't like long term character progression need to find another game. Lots of people play because there is a lot of long term character progression.
There are other shooter games where you can max level in a week or two, go play them and quit trying to ruin DF. We like the grind.
My advice to all you whiners who want to be able to fight someone on equal footing with someone who has put 50x more effort into developing their chars is to find an easier game without long term progression. I hear global agenda is a shooter type game where you can max level in a week or two.
I think AV is too smart to increase stat game, it would surely ruin them as people would max their chars too quickly and stop playing. 1.5 years to finish a char is actually too short imo. people are getting borred and leaving already, if AV listens to these whiners much more people would quit the game than would come in from the increased stat gain. Fortunately AVs target audience isn't the instant gratification crowd and we like it like that.
lets hope these whiners who cry for an easymode time with increased stat gains never get what they wish for b/c, not only will it piss off DF base who have been devloping their characters for months, it will create a situation where less players feel like logging in because their characters would be finished and there is nothing to do but pvp and pvp alone will get boring after a while.
This is what the increased stat gain whiners don't understand. There will always be whiners crying that the game is too hard and think that they should be able to compete with the best without putting forth the effort.
if you think you need to grind to a certain point before you can start having fun in DF you are playing the game wrong. Sadly DF is still filled with Ed Zitrons types who simply don't "get it".
Really? I haven't progressed to veteran level, but i played a while and was under the assumption that although progression slows down at some point that the actual benefit from gaining a level remains the same(or not subject to diminshing returns to say), leading to veterans stomping new players. The graph i was refering visualized it a lot better, but if im wrong, meh either way.
And i gave up on Darkfall, it's point and blank; if they want more subs they need to make it so new players aren't playing the catch up game for months for insane amounts of hours every day. Or they can remain niche, and have a small and joyful community. But i think the problem with that is, that eventually too huge of a core of the players will be at veteran status isolating new players too much. Thats what people have been pointing out, it's digging its ditch deeper, the longer someone takes to try the game, the harder it will be to get into it.
And the "whiners" aren't trying to "ruin the game." The game has potential but that gap is what is ruining it. Being a new palyer is probably easier in some sense, but the gap wasn't there when you started, it was just progression. Now "it's grind endlessly to overcome a gap by leaving your computer on all night to afk swim."
I don't think it takes a large about of time to be able to compete with vets. It is often a case of players doing it wrong. I don't swim overnight b/c I have found ways of developing my char legit that make afk swimming seem like a waste of money on my power bill.
If you think you need to afk swim everynight, you are doing it wrong.
it would mean less players in the game because so many would have finished their characters and have no reason to be out farming mobs anymore or to be macroing with regs on them in cities just waiting to be killed.
I know it doesn't even enter into the mind of someone that really enjoys the game as it plays now, but why is everyone always out farming mobs and macroing with regs a good thing? To me, the game should be about PVP and political warfare, not these things. Do you understand that with more competative people, there would be more FUN PVP, not just constantly vets owning newbs over and over, which of course IS boring after awhile. Having max stats and almost always fighting people with less than 50 stats is like using the game genie for Nintendo- fun for some people but not for anyone who likes anything resembling a challange when they play a game.
I can understand why that guy in your clan is thinking of leaving and is bored. Just like it sucks to never win, it's almost as bad to never lose in a game.
Instead of having just a few players that have been playing for 1.5 years having maxed stats, everyone will have maxed stats except those few newer players.
Not many people are arguing for max stats in a month even, and certainly not in a week or something like you're describing. But many including myself think it's rediculous that you NEED to afk swim for 3 months on end to get decent competative HP. I'm not talking about max, I'm just talking about like 50 or 60 str and vit. If you don't afk swim, then you better be grinding with arrows or a 2hander because HP doesn't raise at all if you're working on magic. If you only work on magic and refuse to break the stated rules against afk swimming, then you will NEVER have decent HP. Not even in a year. Not in two years. Not in ten years. That's just flawed game mechanics plain and simple.
the consequences such a move would have much greater negative impacts and destroy the core community.
If by "core community" you mean people that like the grind the way it is and don't care that it singlehandeldly has driven away probably hundreds of thousands of players, many of whom freely admit to macroing and afk swimming to competative status, those 5 or 6 thousand active players the game has left- well, SCREW THEM. They're holding back the game.
The one game that could be the best PVP game ever is barely surviving and PVP barely happens in it, and when it does it's barely ever a decently matched fight- why? Just because of one thing- The Grind.
It's a real waste of a good combat system and decent political system in a full loot pvp game. Those kind of things together don't come around often in the gaming community and what is everyone doing in it? NOT PVPING. Total waste.
Even if what you say is true and all the players who currently play (5 or 6 thousand or so based on activity charts which seem totally reasonable based on what you see in game, if not possibly exaggerated) leave because suddenly they have to PVP (egads!) and test their skill instead of test their ability to macro or ability to stave off boredom while farming npc mobs for 3 months on end, I GUARANTEE you there are 10's of thousands of players eager to sign up and replace them. We're just waiting to hear that the grind has been reduced to something reasonable. However, I really do not think all 5 or 6 thousand would quit. I read many posts from people playing that also want the grind reduced to something reasonable every day.
"Taking out the long term progression or "grind" would kill DF"
I don't feel that taking out the "grind" as it is now, would hurt Darkfall any more than leaving it as is.
Aventurine should reduce the "grind" a bit more, and put either a hard-cap(preferred) or soft-cap(still works for me) for skills.
Couple that with giving you "x" amount of skill points to distribute as you see fit at character creation, and the ability to control what skills lock/raise/lower.
Hmmm, seems like I have seen this setup elsewhere...
I just don't see the "whining" going away until the "gap" between new and older players is a little less painfull.
DarkFall FAQ - Read then Question with Boldness
K first off. I do enjoy the thrill of the risk of getting pk'd any time i pve. Second off i do enjoy the pve. 3rd off i do enjoy having to work and constantly see progression in my char.
I play about 2.5 months now.
However lets not forget this game is centered around PVP. FFA PVP, meaning pvp at any time anywhere, and the political part of PVP.
Now the thing is if there was a constant stream of new players this wouldnt be a big problem. You'd still have alot of players that could beat the shit out of you without you ever standing a chance, the vets, but you'd also have alot of players who might be a bit tougher then you, are equal strength, are weaker to you. You'd at least have a chance or you could go out pvping in racial enemy territory and have some pvp fun.
As it is right now the only chance you'll have as a fairly new player, lets say 1 month old, is to go out and sneak around and kill unsuspecting pve''ing half health newby players or gathering players in the back. Then hoping no vet is around to beat the shit out of you or hoping no other fairly new player friend is around to help his mate.
As a fairly new player who joined this game to have some awesome pvp fun there's not much chance for you to really be able to pvp except getting your ass kicked, not to mention having to travel far, by someone who played alot longer then you did. Without standing any chance to win. Even if you have 4 other newby friends along with you a vet will most likely still kill all 4 of you.
So what do you do as a new player who got attracted to the game by the promise of cool pvp and siege battles etc ? You wait and be patient, be very patient. There will be several months of pve required before you can take on one of those guys that used to gank you in the past when you were still new and out gathering and killing mobs. As it is now there's just to little chance for you to even meet someone who's of equal skill to you to even have a chance of victory. That plus you can never tell if someone's a vet or a newby like you. Even if they are naked and have 300+hp they can still beat the shit out of you while you might think he's a newby.
To make a long story short. The gap between newer players and veterans is simply to big. It wouldnt be a problem if there was a constant influx of new players arriving and indirectly providing plenty players of all skill lvl for you to come across or hunt down. You win some you loose some right ? This is not the case right now. You always loose and never win unless you are very patient and grind pve for months just so you can then finally pvp for which you joined the game in the first place.
Its very simple. Not that many people are patient enough to go through this period of pve grind before they can finally pvp. Then lets not forget that even though me personally i like darkfall alot there's still the problem of the awkward gui and whatever else people arent used to when playing more themeparked games. Yes many players will have played themeparked games or older games which still seem more accesible then darkfall does. I mean i can even go play DAOC , a 6 year old game, or 7 i forgot, and have very cool pvp in a matter of days, the battelgrounds.
Then there's the fact of required time online. Sure you can get ready in a month if you spend alot of time online but so many players do not have that time. This essentially again lessens the chance of players trying the trial and staying for months to be able to pvp.
You guys who played since launch, or soon after, must not forget that you were on fairly equal ground with most other players back then. Ofcourse the grind didnt matter much then, sure it was still boring coz you always want to progress but there wasnt the huge gap before you could finally pvp. You could always pvp back in those days coz you never were that far behind. Things are different nowadays !
For healthy pvp at starter and mid lvl darkfall needs a constant influx of new players. Its that simple. As it is now it doesnt have this for reasons stated above. The only way for this to ever happen is either lessen the grind or give more pvp content in between which is only for lower skill players. If this isnt going to happen then only a very select view will stay and reach vet status eventually. Everyone else will try this game and leave again.
Also do not forget while new players grind through pve to get pvp ready there's always new games on the horizon, or old ones you once played updating or attractive again. Even though you can enjoy the slow progression in darkfall plus like the pve... there will always be times, while you grind and are patient, it does indeed feel like a never ending grind and it is those moments that might, at any time, one day make you leave darkfall for another game. This is simply how it is.
I myself do ok. My str and vit are over 60 already and well other stats in 40's still, except wisdom which is 70. i do have witches brew and 50 air 50 fire, ive not really concentrated on magic yet, and bow mastery and 2 hand sword mastery at 50+. Then also have 317 hp unbuffed. Its doable alright but with alot of patience and you will HAVE TO ENJOY the game's PVE to even get that far. However i am online alot. Maybe 6 hours a day i am not in the game. Every hour besides that im either pve'ing or gathering while i do other things, eat/movies/chat/tv etc.Only since 2 weeks i afk sprint at night. So yeah its doable, if you are patient, enjoy the game's pve side and have plenty time. Oh yeah i use autohotkey for auto changing bars etc, no afk macro scripts, equip sword and bord etc. Without it this game would be a nightmare.
Its simple. Players shouldnt have to wait so long before they can finally PVP and stand on equal ground with alot of players. As it is now this is not the case and requires endless patience. While this game is ffa pvp so on top of the patience at any time they can get ganked and looted by a player who's 10x stronger then they are. Sure they might not have what it takes to play darkfall but nonetheless, knowing how much grind they have ahead to have a chance, its very demoralizing for alot of players.
Most people screaming for grind reduction don't have running subscriptions, or just don't log in, or just log in to macro. Players who want completed characters will quit DF anyway. It doesn't matter if they'll play catch up game or not.
AV won't cater to vocal part of community, which wants grind reduction, because the solution is not to give everyone 450 HP, 75 intelligence, etc.
The solution is to offer meaningful character development system, where your stats are more about what choices you have made, not how much you grinded.
Meaningful character development system, and meaningful alignment system will happen eventually - but not before most of playerbase will be convinced that current systems are useless and shallow.
I paid for my copy of DF as well, and in fact bought what I thought was gonna be a great deal for the game and 6 months at $87. I only got 5 or so weeks out of DF, and left.
Point? Why is the game "yours"? Because you've played it more? My sub is still running, and is nearly over with absolutely minimal updates to the game, and still no change to its grind. How many other people bought the game and then essentially "shelved" it? How about the rest of the gaming population? Darkfall is extremely enticing, and up until recently there was no trial, you simply had to eat $50 just to give it a shot. Worse still is how much fun and how amazing the game is once you get into it, except for the absolutely insane grind. How it's somehow "OK" for the miniscule population of Darkfall to be protective over their "precious" while the rest of us just have to suck it up and simply not play a game we otherwise thoroughly enjoyed is beyond me. Selfish lot, all of you, IMHO.
I'd go into the rest of the flaws of your post, but they've already been covered for the most part. The only thing I'll reiterate is the fact that for those of you who were at the game's beginning, you have utterly no right, whatsoever, to be against the change. You didn't have to play the game as it is now, and the world was un-touched and brand new. At worst, being "behind" meant days or a short period of weeks. Now, being "behind" is 6 months to a year for even the hardest of the hardcore. You can't even relate if you started when the game was new.
If DF opened up a new server, I'd be there with bells on, and I'm sure many others would. However, Aventurine probably can't afford or simply won't take the risk of opening a new server, so the game is stagnating where it is, with a cesspool of ''vets" getting thicker every day, and noone's going to step in. The only option left is for those of us on the outside - who want to have fun in a game that (some of us, anyway) we fell in love with - to hope that the grind gets changed so we can actually just play the damned game. Too bad the "vets" are too narrow-minded to see anything beyond their own selfish wants and personal pride to allow such a thing to happen, and even more unfortunate is how terrified Aventurine is of doing anything about it (else I'd imagine they already would've).
Shame really. But don't expect anyone to stop lamenting over what amazing fun Darkfall could've had if only it'd been different. Why Aventurine decided to cater to you special few sadists and masochists who actually feel that how the game is now is the only way it can and should be enjoyed is beyond me, completely. Oh well.
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it."
George Bernard Shaw
What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
Oscar Wilde
The only compromise i see working here would be create more and more powerfull temporaly stat buffs. Example +30 Vit for 4 hours with requirement vit < 40 , so new players can participate in some clan or clan alliance events without the feeling of being "leftout" or "cannonfodder".
The reward for those having actually worked their stats up would be they having them permanent because others would be just temporaly.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
Thats actualy a great idea. Even though it solves only part of teh DF-problem, but at least thats a start. Now if only AV listened to some of the bright ideas on these forums... *holds breath*
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
Even if the character stats grind was massively reduced, there would be many things remaining in game that would require lots of time and effort. Its not like speeding up the time required to be PvP competitive would reduce the time required to gather resources or craft goods. Travel time would still take just as long. It would still require massive time and dedication to build up a good safety net of gear in your bank... even longer than it currently does since PvP would undoubtedly be more frequent.
There are so many timesinks in this game. The stat grind isn't necessary to keep people playing. There are plenty of other things that will keep people logged in and grinding regardless. It would simply be more fun because people would be fighting with each other on a more level playing field much more quickly.
I guarantee that many people are more than willing to endure every single timesink in this game other than the stat grind as long as it means PvP will be less imbalanced...
There are already even more powerfull buffs, however with much shorter duration (few mins). It's not uncommon that newbie will hit vitality cap (110) when buffed up by powerful mage.
It's also quite possible to reduce veteran vitality to 0 by witchcraft debuff.
Every time I read these stupid thread that try to justify the grind in DF somehow I can only shake my head.
The argument that makes me laugh (or cry) the most: The grind belongs into the game because every RPG has character progression.
There are no RPG elements in Darkfall.
The important think about character progression, or, character customization (i use both synonymous because there really is no difference), is that your character progresses towards some arbitrary point made up partly by the game and partly by the player. That's why it's called a ROLE PLAYING game. You want to play your role as, say, fire mage and progress during the course of the game becoming the worlds most famous fire mage or whatever. Character customization/progression is offered in EVERY RPG as what is nown under the term "choices & consequences". Every choice you make, every action you take will have consequences on your character, forming him, shaping him during the course of the game. That's why it's called a ROLE PLAYING game.
In DF there are absolutely zero choices & consequences. Your character doesn't progress. You just stare at your monitor while slaughtering goblin no. 9347292 and mining the 929228 mine and when you finish your daily grind you ask your character "what are you?" Nothing. Nothing ever changes. You just get meaningless skill- and statpoints. Even World of Warcraft offers more choices & consequences, or, to word it differently, a point in playing the game. FWIW WoW and Darkfall play exactly the same (excluding FPS combat) except one minor difference: Talents. While being very shallow compared to the C&C offered in real RPGs and a testimony to the joke that WoW and most MMORPGs are RPG wise, they're at least some miniscule form of C&C. It's true, in the end WoW becomes utterly boring aswell, because talents are the only way characters really differ and are by far not enough to varrant the label RPG, but that's another story. In Darkfall however, there is absolutely nothing to play for. You stay disconnected from your character during the whole damn game. You never archive anything, the character is not you. You're forced to just grind out everything so you're able to compete and that's pretty much it. As far as I'm concerned AV could just give everyone 100 in everything and make Agon the worlds biggest online quake deathmatch arena. Darkfall is far closer to shooters than RPGs. And that's why people cry about the grind. It's utterly pointless to grind (read: play the game) because they might aswell just give everyone 100 in every skill and it wouldn't even make a damn difference. Darkfall just is no RPG and yet tries to justify the grind by claiming it is. That's the dilemma of Darkfall and I hope AV recognizes that before it's too late.
Ive been playing Darkfall for 16 day's short of 3 month's and sadly I think that is where it is going to end. I spent so many hours grinding and there is no end in sight . When I read it had no levels I thought ''HELL YEAH'', and then found out it has a bigger grind than any game I have ever played. It is filled with people who call themselves veterans or core player's who constantly tell people to go back to wow or go play counter strike. There are helpful players in Darkfall but they are a minority. For every 10 new players wanting them to bring some kind of balance to the game there are 3 ''veterans'' crying out in terror that they might have to get player skill and stop relying on their extremely overpowered character's.
If you don't want to swim afk every single night and use third party programs to bot for you then gtfo and go back to wow or go play counterstrike because you are not hardcore. Also have to use third party programs to setup macro's because there isn't any form of in game macro system.
Will reply to these nonsense. If you using fire magic spells you raise the spells and also the school fire magic, making you more efficient in using those spells and spells from that school.
Do you want a grown up or a artificial gememechanic to tell you "now my son you are efficient in usintg firemagic school and spells".
If you want more RP you can report you progress here and i will pet your had on any progress if you wish so lol
If you never felt a difference in killing goblin number 1 and goblin nr 929228 then you doing something wrong.
Do you think the appropiate instance to give you the answer to your question "who i am" is some artificial inteligence or some cap ? Give your char yourself a meaning.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
congratulations for so entirely missing the point and failing to understand what other people write.