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Anyone notice in Activision-Blizzard's Q1 2010 Report that it doesn't state anything about WoW subscriptions, when their last Q4 2009 report said World of Warcraft remains at 11.5 million subscribers globally?
If the numbers have not significantly raised or lowered from the last report, it is the company’s prerogative not to list. From listening to Morhiems last comment on subs, WoW has reached a plateau, meaning it's still around 11.5 mil which is disappointing to Acti/Blizz because projections before Wotlk were 14 mil subs before the plateau. But the game is still handily kicking every other MMO’s and most PC games ass since it’s still a top ten seller…guess folks are going to have to keep whishing for that star to fall huh?
Er... WoW hasn't been that high in a long time.
With the issues in China they dropped to about 4 million subscribers for a while. They also haven't grown in subscribers since 2008.
So you're saying the last quarterly report from 2009 to their shareholders was a lie?
Do you honestly think Blizz (or any other MMO company for that matter) is gonna be all "AWESOME NEWS! WE LOST 1MIL SUBS IN THE LAST QUARTER!!!"
Game companies will ALWAYS post gain, never losses.
Why the hell can't the whiners comprehend this?
So you're saying you missed all the news reports about how the China servers got shut down?
And you also are forgetting that the vast majority of WoW subs comes from China it seems.
IMO, the number must exceed 11.5m.
It surely will after Cata. WOW is going to set recrods in sales again.
Last I heard Chinese servers were back up.
Cataclysm will raise the population to about 20 mil subs because of the game imo i think wow is too addictive. Its like can never stop. I think people need to quit the game and realize theres better mmo's that dont suck you in for 8 hours straight. I spent my 2 years in wow and will never go back. I have a life unlike certain people. I am a Coastguard and i have gotten married 2 weeks ago. They need to quit wow and experience life, which is 10x better.
$$ ----------Stevo--------- $$
They are partially back up, not fully operational yet, there's still a ton of issues to work through.
Point is, WoW doesn't release numbers even when they take a HUGE dive in subscriptions, their numbers have always been suspect. They DID say they haven't had any growth since 2008 though.
Too many people have done all their is to do in WoW, there will be a spike around cata, and then it'll go away, just like all the other expansions.
i dont know their number but player play wow a lot less take for exemple xfire ,last year they were at 500k + very easy
today they are hard pressed to be hable to reach 300 k days in days out.
from the look of wowcore(4)alpha(empty shell)it looks like they are steering the game further away from vanilla style then even before ,if im right !cataclysm wont rise the number of player at best they ll keep what they have now.
they didnt include one element that made vanilla wow so addictive.(massive)
cataclysm looked only to be a morpg it it certainly isnt worth 15$ a month (im not even knowing how much the price will be either for that game.
nope player hours on xfire are lowering because player are loosing interest and they are tired of waiting for blizzard .
All I saw was a 3% decline from March 2009 to March 2010. $314 million in march 2009, $306 million in march 2010. Those are just quarterly report numbers though, we would need to see more statements to see or predict any sort of trend.
More revenue doesn't necessarily mean more subs. That additional $100M could have come from services (race/faction change which were new for that year) and the opening of the cash shop (pets, ditto).
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dude you must be drinking the blizzard kool-aid if you think they will reach 20 million subs.11.5 in itself is a number I doubt any mmog will ever repeat again but they won't get even close to 15 even if cataclsym is awesome.Wow is showing it's age happens to all mmogs plus they are beginning to milk there community too much with cash shop items and arrogant cs support specially on forums another company did that once when they ruled the mmog market and I think most of us remember what happened to SOE due in large part to the same things blizzard are doing now.Bioware is gonna bite a huge chunk out of Blizzards market share.Sure it's said whenever a new mmog is coming but keep in mind Bioware isn't NCsoft,or Mythic.Bioware has just as good if not better of a rep than Blizzard does for making games.
I don't think the loss of all the Chinese players actually affect Blizzard that much anyways.
The whole problem started because Blizz themselves thought they just got peanuts money and wanted to change their partner to get some real money.
So it really is more of a status problem than a economical problem even if millions of Chinese paying a few cents an hour adds up to a sum ( i heard 13 cents but that is not 100% confirmed and even if it is Blizzard wont be getting more than max half of that).
And we can all asks ourself if it is even fair to count someone who plays a single hour for the full month and pay a few cents as a western sub, the statistic here is kinda muddy.
But I really don't see how this matters, true Blizzard lost some subs and no one of us know how many but they are doing well anyways. They are focusing a lot of effort on their next game anyways and if it becomes a hit they will be incredibly rich (even compared to now).
As for you who thinks it will raise to 20 million subs after the expansion: That wont happen. If Wow could have had that many subs it would already have them. It is doubtful that the entire P2P market at this time even is close to 20 million players who would pay a monthly fee. The only possible way would be if Blizz themselves attracted most of those players from non MMO fans and I doubt they could get that many for a 6 year old game, maybe for the next MMO.
Of course if they changed Wow to F2P it would have those subs and more but that does not sounds like Blizzard and the question is if they would get more money than now in that case.
A 10-20% increase at least temporarily is a possibly projection for the expansion, if it can keep the interest of the returning players or not is a different question that no one can answer until 6 months after the release.
I think it's funny that everyone gets excited if WoW loses about a million subs or stays at 11 million, where the next closest MMO is only about a fraction of that number.
The game is #1. It is now and will be after Cataclsym. Accept it and move on.
The china servers never really went down for more than a few weeks its just for months blizzard were not allowed to sign up new players but the current player base could continue to play.
I think I'm moving more in that direction myself. The past 3 or 4 months I've been wrapped up in wow more than I ever was. Couple weeks ago a real life event changed that. It felt just like I had been hypnotized and someone snapped their fingers and woke me up. Plus this happened right after they introduced their cash shop pony, which I wasn't exactly happy about. Suddenly I had zero interest in playing wow. I'm trying some trials for other games now and I think i'd actually prefer a game with LESS content than wow. That way I can have a mmo experience but still have time and interest for real life as well. Not saying I will never go back at this point but right now it's really hard to imagine doing that, especially since they seem set on expanding the RMT even more.
Most people have come to accept that WoW's numbers are inflated, and there are a large number of other games that have more subscribers/concurrent users than WoW. They're mostly overseas games, or FTP games that wave around their number of signed accounts.
Also, the game is number 1, because those players aren't going anywhere. The vast majority of them don't know the MMORPG genre even exists. They're WoW players, not MMO players. They won't be lured away by games that are exactly like WoW, and companies need to realize this.
Also, 8 million of them are from China, and yes, for several months, NONE of those 8 million were paying or playing, but Blizzard didn't say anything.
but the hours have dropped by 200k to 250 k hours in 12 month on xfire
or is it just random number they put on xfire?
Everyone has mains alts, alts of alts geared to the they play less or stop playing untill the expansion comes or another mmo with quality and polish comes.
Never understood why the exact numbers of a games subscribers would matter to a gamer, unless you are someone justifying your playing the game with the numbers, or you are one of the people that thinks, wow in this case, did something awfull to ruin your life and should burn and die
the only point i made was that played hour on xfire went from 500000 hour last year or so to 250000 hour or so this year
i merlly mentionned this to show that even tho player stay subbed mostly they are loosing interest!
People care because WOW appears to have plateaued back in 2008. This means that we could see a major shift in the industry after Cataclysm (and the dust of unknown size that comes with it) settles.
Anyone interested in this genre and posting on a forum like this is obviously going to care when the big kid on the block begins to let slip his control of the neighbourhood. Also all of us have played the game at one time or another, so I find it hard to understand how you don't get why this game's sub numbers aren't EXTREMELY relevant to people on this site or anyone interested in MMORPGs.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb