Take WoW's end game mechanics and apply it to level 1.. How many do you honestly think would stay to play the same zone OVER and OVER until the next content patch?
Have a great day
Apparently well over 11.000.000.
Don't look at me, you asked the question...
And now we''ll have a nice overview of how stupid and moronic all these people are...
Sigh, the WOW boards a place to relax and enjoy how some think life is important.
They need to be honest and just make WoW the game that it should be:
Remove the 80 levels of tutorial.
Let you queue for dungeons/battlegrounds/arena from xfire/gamespy or the like game lobbies.
Tada, there you have it... cause all but literally, that is what you have - 80 levels of tutorial and then sitting around chatting in a game lobby by whatever city name you are sitting in while waiting on Arena/Battlegrounds/Heroics/Raids...
You forgot raids, seasonal content, Wintergrasp and AH and having access to an I-pod for the Office hours for the real addicts to play the economy.
Oh w8, to play on the AH you need an economy. How about that, those mats are surely gathered by bots and Blizzard employees.
I did mention raids, but you could easily put the seasonal content in as mini games while waiting on a game room opening up so you could get to the meat of the game. Do away with crafting, add the craftable items as loot drops. You could keep the AH...just another tab from the game lobby. Yep, WoW 2.0 is just a click away...
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
You forgot raids, seasonal content, Wintergrasp and AH and having access to an I-pod for the Office hours for the real addicts to play the economy.
Oh w8, to play on the AH you need an economy. How about that, those mats are surely gathered by bots and Blizzard employees.
I did mention raids, but you could easily put the seasonal content in as mini games while waiting on a game room opening up so you could get to the meat of the game. Do away with crafting, add the craftable items as loot drops. You could keep the AH...just another tab from the game lobby. Yep, WoW 2.0 is just a click away...
Nah, I really think that those gathering mats come from Blizzard employees and Chinese gold farmers. Impossible really to have all those ingredients come out of the stomach of an instanced boss drop.
Its embarrassing when an NPC compliments you in an MMo, the only relevant, cool and epic things come from players whispering you Grtz, mate, we did it. copyright Pilnkplonk
1. The death of 40 mans. Not just no more new ones, but all the old 40 mans were obsolete. Hmmm, actually pretty much all the old content was killed. for a bit, especially after WotLK.
2. Spoonfed levels. 1-60 actually felt like a journey in vanilla wow. Sure after the first 60 it was a little easiar next time around. But 60+ should of been another 1-60 or so imo. Increased cap should of a been an epic quest.... you know super hard solo quests or even epic raid quests like a non-souldbound item that drops off final boss in Naxx (forgot which one) or something!But no, you buy expansion its instant journey to outlands or wherever, killing all old content with ease.
3. Dailys are just intolerable. Same quest over and over and over for badges, rep, rewards.... booooring.
4. Battlegrounds. Sure at first they were cool. OMG my first AV when it was first released was epic! LOL but blizzard nerfed that place too. But the BGs lead to arena which lead to....
5. Death of open world pvp. Ok ok,... it was not completely dead but those hillsbrad battles were awesome!
You know, i could go on for a bit more but i think i will just end it here. Too many things that could of been just never came to be. I could totally see myself still playing this game if it was slightly different. Some of the changes were cool but some just steered the game to a direction i did not want to go.
I dont like the fact that WOW has essentially turned into a lobby based game. 90% of wow players these days sit in dalaran hitting the LFG button grinding instances over and over.
There's basically no reason to go outside of the main cities. Explain to me again why I have an epic flying drake? I cant summon it in DAL to show it off, which is where everyone is at.
The community has also taken a complete dive into the shitter as a result of the cross server instancing. People are free to talk as much shit as they want in groups because they know they'll never see these people again which makes grouping very un-fun.
"We have barred the gates, but can not hold them for long... They have taken the Bridge and the Second Hall... We can not get out. The end comes. Drums, drums in the deep. They are coming..."
1. Open 5 new servers. Do NOT under any circumstances allow transfers to these servers.
2. Apply cataclysm to these servers. Do NOT allow transfers.
3. Re-apply pvp rank names. Do NOT allow transfers.
4. Assign GM's to this server group alone. Do NOT allow transfers.
5. Once these servers begin to fill up with all the people who have wanted this, make another server. Do NOT allow transfers to this or any of the other "classic" servers.
6. Creation of DeathKnight not possible on classic until you have lvl 55 toon on classic server. Do NOT allow transfers.
7. Track content on servers. Anyone involved in gold selling or buying account is banned on first offense permanently. All other account using same credit card are banned as well. Permanently. They may reroll on normal servers if needs be. Do NOT allow transfers.
8. Actually enforce the Terms of Service on classic. Don't put it up as window dressing like all other servers. Do NOT allow transfers.
9. Dungeon Finder removed from classic play. Do NOT allow transfers.
This would bring me back and keep me. I'd roll on the classic servers as long as they did NOT allow transfers.
Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Do not lie, cheat or steal. These things are for lesser men. Protect the weak against the evil strong. And never allow thoughts of gain to lead you into the pursuit of evil. Never back away from an enemy. Either fight or surrender. It is not enough to say I will not be evil. Evil must be fought wherever it is found.The Iron Code"
I dont like the fact that WOW has essentially turned into a lobby based game. 90% of wow players these days sit in dalaran hitting the LFG button grinding instances over and over.
There's basically no reason to go outside of the main cities. Explain to me again why I have an epic flying drake? I cant summon it in DAL to show it off, which is where everyone is at.
The community has also taken a complete dive into the shitter as a result of the cross server instancing. People are free to talk as much shit as they want in groups because they know they'll never see these people again which makes grouping very un-fun.
I will have to agree with the cross server instancing. I can't count how many times you join a group, down a boss, the group starts moving forward to the next target and somone disappears from the group because the drop they wanted did occur. I'm not saying this didn't occur before, but it happens a hell of a lot more because most likely they will never have to deal with you or that group again. Heavens forbid you do Reflection, tanks are notorious for bailing after Marwyn. But like I have said before it's the mentality of the modern MMO player, the me first mentality can be overpowering. It effects the groups, the encounters, and the experience. It is too bad honestly, it just creates more tension when your having on line play. Either way, WoW is just a pit stop for myself. Just waiting for a game that doesn't ooze and reward mediocrity.
Actually, the Dungeon Finder system and emblems are some of the best things to happen in years. DF keeps people from having to waste their limited time standing around in Dal LFG. The emblem system allows those who do not raid, to gear up their characters. Way too many people assume that raiding is everyones objective. The emblem gear and the 5 man drops aren't nearly as good as the majority of raid gear(nor should they be). But people who sneer at T9 as being "welfare epics" have either not thought things through, or have issues outside of the game.
For the most part, I don't have a problem with the dungeon finder, I admit though it's brought some things that I don't like.
Don't even try denying that badge gear is anything more than welfare epics. Running the same pathetically-easy heroic dungeons over and over again and getting gear equal to what's dropping from the most recent raids is a shining star example of the term. I don't how you can possibly deny that. Also, if raiding isn't everyone's objective, then besides arena/PVP or professions, what is it? And what is it that they could possibly need epic PvE gear for? In fact, wasn't badge gear designed in the first place so that people could skip through all previous raid content and go straight to ICC? So it sounds to me like what you're trying to say is contradictory.
1. Open 5 new servers. Do NOT under any circumstances allow transfers to these servers.
2. Apply cataclysm to these servers. Do NOT allow transfers.
3. Re-apply pvp rank names. Do NOT allow transfers.
4. Assign GM's to this server group alone. Do NOT allow transfers.
5. Once these servers begin to fill up with all the people who have wanted this, make another server. Do NOT allow transfers to this or any of the other "classic" servers.
6. Creation of DeathKnight not possible on classic until you have lvl 55 toon on classic server. Do NOT allow transfers.
7. Track content on servers. Anyone involved in gold selling or buying account is banned on first offense permanently. All other account using same credit card are banned as well. Permanently. They may reroll on normal servers if needs be. Do NOT allow transfers.
8. Actually enforce the Terms of Service on classic. Don't put it up as window dressing like all other servers. Do NOT allow transfers.
9. Dungeon Finder removed from classic play. Do NOT allow transfers.
This would bring me back and keep me. I'd roll on the classic servers as long as they did NOT allow transfers.
I can see them doing something like this down the road, although the problem you run into is if the server isn't very populated (or a gross imbalance of alliance/horde), removing dungeon finder will make it pretty difficult to run anything. Playing on a low pop server (or one where horde was 70% and you were ally) and trying to get instance groups was hard before DF came around. The DK rule is nice, but it's so easy to get to 55 I'm not sure it will limit the number of DK's on the server.
I would resub if they brought to level 80 allprevious dungens and raids, I mean I pad for three games but at any one moment I am forced and stuck to play the newest release. Also implenent a rare badge that drops maybe 10 per day per server and make some really qicked loot fot these exclsuive badges. Most importantly being able to run all of the old instance would be most awesome
Well I have just stopped playing WoW due to the hacking issues. Been hacked twice in four months and feel like I am forced into getting an authenticator. My security is good the last hack was partly my fault because I was tired and clicked a link in a fairly good looking email ( at least to my tired brain). I do have some comments to make though so here goes. To all the "no world PvPer, are you on a PvP server? If not its your own fault. I think people that complain about the game way to much but still seem to be laying down there money every month to keep on playing are really strange, what are you thinking, quit already and get out of the bandwidth.
I will apologize now because I am venting because I feel like something that should not matter so much to me has been taken away because I just can not keep playing a game I truly enjoyed playing and had hopes for the expansion really adding some cool stuff to the game and now I will not be playing so it makes me upset. I have played other MMO's and will probably go back to one of them or look for an new one in the coming weeks. Blizzard could really fix some of these problems if they really wanted to but they have such a huge client base that unless they lose a double digit percentage they will not do anything about it, I have tried to call them three times in the last week and can not even get put on hold. So now that I have said to much off topic stuff, to get me back they would have to beef up there security and change the way PvP is handled in PvP and PvE servers. I was forever frustrated at lower levels and even sometimes at upper levels with NPC's being killed and then waiting around for them to respawn, so on PvE servers they need to make some of the NPC's not flagged for killing, if you want to PvP go to a PvP server, its bad enough that some of the non-PvP achievements have some PvP aspects to them (world events that would take me all week just to get the PvP ones done if I could get them done at all). I think that raids should be revamped with 10 man raids being the super hard ones with the best loot and I mean hard. Then the 20+ man raids should be more user friendly because the dev's spent a lot of time on them and could spend more time on them and then more people could enjoy them, this would also mean to not have every raid instance be both 10 or 25 man just one or the other so that would help out on the grind because I personally do not mind grinding for mats or levels but after the 50th time of doing a run through (insert name of raid here) I get really tired and do not look forward to somebody saying well lets run that one again its reset. My last item is for there to be some way to lock your account down so if you need to take a break from the game for some reason like financial or just need a break, it would be great if you could do something to protect it so that when/if you come back it safe. I still think the game is very good and playable and may one day come back if my account is still there but for now I will look for something else to play.
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
I hated the fact that I had a level 80 mage that still had to sleep on a park bench outside the mage tower on an RP server. He should have had a tower or at least some kind of housing, even a guild hall. I hated that. LOTRO was some improvement on that with their housing and community options and towns still were occupied and people sought out others, the streets weren't empty so that invalidated one of Blizzards arguments as to why they don't do housing. The social status of own land / housing / community which makes credibility for high level toons having gold but no little kingdom of their own to reign left things a bit stretched to the imagination and after years on the hamster wheel of pvp and pve I decided it wasn't enough to keep my interest,
Don't really know where it is currently, i've quit several times since launch at 04 and my last session ended bit before the Ulduar Patch.
PVP went to shit after battlegrounds, tarrenmill <> southshore / stranglethorn vale / WPL / EPL world pvp was the bomb!, times when people raided enemy cities and encampments, battlegrounds ruines pvp forever for me.
Dungeon achievements ie. e-peen CV (i didn't mind, i had a raiding guild for Naxx 10/25 etc.) for entering a dungeon..
Stupid token system and vendor epics
Too much focus on Raiding and not the solo/group endgame
Lame faction grinds
No housing, thus no sense of accomplishement other than epic gear which everyone had anyways... (i've been a vocal housing supporter since '03 closed beta, but its nearing 2011 and nothing has been said.) So i've lost all hope for them to ever get in.
Community outside of my guild, it just has too much kids, either they're too young to understand stuff or just plain acting out as a cool internet kid with a foul mouth.
The number one reason I left was because of the community. It really is terrible. It felt like im in a kindergarten.. Never seen so manny jerks in one game. That was a game breaker.
Second reason was the end game. In endgame you have to options, grinding for gear in raids, and grinding for gear in pvp. The battlegrounds are fun, but they should do something with world pvp, I miss that since vanilla. There have to be more focus on small 10man UBRS type raids, those were fun. Also the achievements are a pain in the ass. It is a interesting system, but is SO wrong in its design. You need those to join raids.. but if you cannot join raids because you don't have them, how the hell would you ever get them? Also doing the same heroics for months is boring. I like the idea of heroics. But they should make heroic versions of older dungeons, It seems that will change in cataclysm, so I see that as a good evolution.
But I had enough of wow, I played it for so long. I'm now waiting for cataclysm. And when it comes out I might try it out again.
------------------------------------------------------------------- waiting for ... nothing..
1 - dungeons in level brackets all have the same loot table, so players can run the dungeons they like - rather than the one which has the drops they want.
2 - meaningful world PvP. Make those towers and such give a worthwhile bonus so players actually fight for them. Give xp for open PvP kills.
3 - small group content for 2-4 players. It shouldn't be a choice between soloing or waiting for a full group.
4 - moderators for open chat. I played the demo for Fallen Earth, and the best thing about it was the polite and civil chat due to having a mod on all of the time.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
The direction would be upgrading the got damn gfx. I mean who the hell would leave WoW if it looked like AoC or even the new TerA online, I think it would be a serious smart move. People that dont have a game rig can still be able to play the old game gfx settings, it would be optional.
The direction would be upgrading the got damn gfx. I mean who the hell would leave WoW if it looked like AoC or even the new TerA online, I think it would be a serious smart move. People that dont have a game rig can still be able to play the old game gfx settings, it would be optional.
I think that is something that would help Wow get a lot of new players but I don't think it is the reason people quit.
Dated graphics makes it harder to make new people testing the game but I rarely hear of people quiting any game they played for a while because of the graphics. I have however heard it a lot from people who do trials.
Any game will get boring to most people after a few years. Wow would need to offer new experiences for those people if it want them to stay.
I don't think any change in content could make me come back. I don't like the setting at all, and the lore is a bloated mess - two things it's too late to change now.
The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.
Don't really know where it is currently, i've quit several times since launch at 04 and my last session ended bit before the Ulduar Patch.
PVP went to shit after battlegrounds, tarrenmill <> southshore / stranglethorn vale / WPL / EPL world pvp was the bomb!, times when people raided enemy cities and encampments, battlegrounds ruines pvp forever for me.
Dungeon achievements ie. e-peen CV (i didn't mind, i had a raiding guild for Naxx 10/25 etc.) for entering a dungeon..
Stupid token system and vendor epics
Too much focus on Raiding and not the solo/group endgame
Lame faction grinds
No housing, thus no sense of accomplishement other than epic gear which everyone had anyways... (i've been a vocal housing supporter since '03 closed beta, but its nearing 2011 and nothing has been said.) So i've lost all hope for them to ever get in.
Community outside of my guild, it just has too much kids, either they're too young to understand stuff or just plain acting out as a cool internet kid with a foul mouth.
I wouldn't say world PvP went to shit after battlegrounds, it just died out when something better came along. Battlegrounds brought in an element of control in terms of setting up teams, objectives and tangible rewards in a way which wouldn't require revamping large portions of the game mechanics and world. City raids do still occur as there are now achievements for killing city bosses, and an actual reward for doing so in the shape of a bear mount. The more cynical part of me however believes that attacking towns, while fun for a while, only really occurred because there was nothing else to do except stratholme/scholomance/molten core.
I agree the achievements are horrible. They were a nice way of encouraging people to replay dungeons other than getting gear, but as a result it just made pugging all the harder. Gear score is another pet hate of mine, especially given that requirements seemed to have raised over the last year. I used to be able (and still can) tank heroics with around 22k hp no problem, but some people demand 35k+! What the hell?
The token system I think is a godsend. It makes it easier for people to make the step up to raiding. Hardcore raiders will still have all the best gear, so I don't know why they're complaining. To get a set of the absolute best gear you'd need something like 500+ frost tokens. For a casual just doing the daily dungeons that could take as much as a year if they're not able to play every day.
Housing will never be implemented unless they use some form of instancing for it. Each zone in WoW is little more than a questing hub, so you can't just start plonking houses all over it.
The immature kids will be present in any successful MMO. The mature, decent people are there, but like any popular public venue there will be a crying baby somewhere in the background.
Now to why I left. Simple. Got bored. First I found myself just idling in Dalaran waiting for a raid or my millionth heroic run, then when I had decent enough gear I just logged in twice a week to do a raid. Then once a week. Then I realised I was paying a monthly fee to do maybe 4 raids each month.
The problem with WoW is everything is instanced and put in its own little compartment. Nothing you do has any impact on the rest of the world. It's like a set of mini-games that you play over and over so that you can progress to the more difficult mini-games, which you then play over and over. They never change, you could almost macro your entire way through each dungeon, so as a result it becomes a chore.
For me, the vital element of any MMO is the world itself. It's where all character interaction takes place. During the end game, I found myself having no interest or interaction with the world itself other than running around dalaran getting gear repaired. It was more like a lobby.
I played WoW (as a late joiner) for about 5 months.
Massive and well polished game. Good for what it is but never really drew me in. Compared to other games the PvE felt rather repetitive. There was little openworld PvP (I guess most players were hanging out in Orgrimmar/Dalaran) and the arena/BG PvP felt extremely simplyfied, gearcentric and dull, coming from Guild Wars.
WoW is a fine game with a massive fanbase - I trust they will choose the direction that is best for them and their fanbase. I doubt I will ever go back as I can see at least 5 other games, that appeal more to me.
(Gearscore, microtransactions etc. sealed the deal permanently )
We dont need casuals in our games!!! Errm... Well we DO need casuals to fund and populate our games - But the games should be all about "hardcore" because: We dont need casuals in our games!!! (repeat ad infinitum)
Wow is just too cartoony and dated in it's graphics. The game play is too similar to all of the other mmo's out there and the crafting interface is beyond boring. So in short it just cannot hold my attention for any length of time.
It's still the best MMO out there for content, easy of uese, and character. But it's been the best for so long, I just want something better and different to come along. I know what to expect from WoW, they're good at what they do but it's time for a MMO change.
Sad part is there is nothing out there currently that captures my attention the way WoW did. Maybe WoW ruined all MMO's for me and I'll never discover what I did with WoW in any other MMO.
I guess "thems the breaks".
So to answer your question what direction would I have them take in WoW, I'd say none, its the best as what it offers, changing it would only damage the game. So the best direction is for blizzard to create a completly different MMO.
I did mention raids, but you could easily put the seasonal content in as mini games while waiting on a game room opening up so you could get to the meat of the game. Do away with crafting, add the craftable items as loot drops. You could keep the AH...just another tab from the game lobby. Yep, WoW 2.0 is just a click away...
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
Nah, I really think that those gathering mats come from Blizzard employees and Chinese gold farmers. Impossible really to have all those ingredients come out of the stomach of an instanced boss drop.
Its embarrassing when an NPC compliments you in an MMo, the only relevant, cool and epic things come from players whispering you Grtz, mate, we did it. copyright Pilnkplonk
TBC killed it for me for many reasons.
1. The death of 40 mans. Not just no more new ones, but all the old 40 mans were obsolete. Hmmm, actually pretty much all the old content was killed. for a bit, especially after WotLK.
2. Spoonfed levels. 1-60 actually felt like a journey in vanilla wow. Sure after the first 60 it was a little easiar next time around. But 60+ should of been another 1-60 or so imo. Increased cap should of a been an epic quest.... you know super hard solo quests or even epic raid quests like a non-souldbound item that drops off final boss in Naxx (forgot which one) or something!But no, you buy expansion its instant journey to outlands or wherever, killing all old content with ease.
3. Dailys are just intolerable. Same quest over and over and over for badges, rep, rewards.... booooring.
4. Battlegrounds. Sure at first they were cool. OMG my first AV when it was first released was epic! LOL but blizzard nerfed that place too. But the BGs lead to arena which lead to....
5. Death of open world pvp. Ok ok,... it was not completely dead but those hillsbrad battles were awesome!
You know, i could go on for a bit more but i think i will just end it here. Too many things that could of been just never came to be. I could totally see myself still playing this game if it was slightly different. Some of the changes were cool but some just steered the game to a direction i did not want to go.
I dont like the fact that WOW has essentially turned into a lobby based game. 90% of wow players these days sit in dalaran hitting the LFG button grinding instances over and over.
There's basically no reason to go outside of the main cities. Explain to me again why I have an epic flying drake? I cant summon it in DAL to show it off, which is where everyone is at.
The community has also taken a complete dive into the shitter as a result of the cross server instancing. People are free to talk as much shit as they want in groups because they know they'll never see these people again which makes grouping very un-fun.
"We have barred the gates, but can not hold them for long...
They have taken the Bridge and the Second Hall...
We can not get out. The end comes.
Drums, drums in the deep. They are coming..."
1. Open 5 new servers. Do NOT under any circumstances allow transfers to these servers.
2. Apply cataclysm to these servers. Do NOT allow transfers.
3. Re-apply pvp rank names. Do NOT allow transfers.
4. Assign GM's to this server group alone. Do NOT allow transfers.
5. Once these servers begin to fill up with all the people who have wanted this, make another server. Do NOT allow transfers to this or any of the other "classic" servers.
6. Creation of DeathKnight not possible on classic until you have lvl 55 toon on classic server. Do NOT allow transfers.
7. Track content on servers. Anyone involved in gold selling or buying account is banned on first offense permanently. All other account using same credit card are banned as well. Permanently. They may reroll on normal servers if needs be. Do NOT allow transfers.
8. Actually enforce the Terms of Service on classic. Don't put it up as window dressing like all other servers. Do NOT allow transfers.
9. Dungeon Finder removed from classic play. Do NOT allow transfers.
This would bring me back and keep me. I'd roll on the classic servers as long as they did NOT allow transfers.
Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Do not lie, cheat or steal. These things are for lesser men. Protect the weak against the evil strong. And never allow thoughts of gain to lead you into the pursuit of evil. Never back away from an enemy. Either fight or surrender. It is not enough to say I will not be evil. Evil must be fought wherever it is found.The Iron Code"
I will have to agree with the cross server instancing. I can't count how many times you join a group, down a boss, the group starts moving forward to the next target and somone disappears from the group because the drop they wanted did occur. I'm not saying this didn't occur before, but it happens a hell of a lot more because most likely they will never have to deal with you or that group again. Heavens forbid you do Reflection, tanks are notorious for bailing after Marwyn. But like I have said before it's the mentality of the modern MMO player, the me first mentality can be overpowering. It effects the groups, the encounters, and the experience. It is too bad honestly, it just creates more tension when your having on line play. Either way, WoW is just a pit stop for myself. Just waiting for a game that doesn't ooze and reward mediocrity.
For the most part, I don't have a problem with the dungeon finder, I admit though it's brought some things that I don't like.
Don't even try denying that badge gear is anything more than welfare epics. Running the same pathetically-easy heroic dungeons over and over again and getting gear equal to what's dropping from the most recent raids is a shining star example of the term. I don't how you can possibly deny that. Also, if raiding isn't everyone's objective, then besides arena/PVP or professions, what is it? And what is it that they could possibly need epic PvE gear for? In fact, wasn't badge gear designed in the first place so that people could skip through all previous raid content and go straight to ICC? So it sounds to me like what you're trying to say is contradictory.
Yeah, well, the grind bothers me.
The graphics are very cartoonish... Hopefully they make it better with Cataclysm.
Even if they did removed these two factors, I probably won't play. I'm tired of WoW.
"Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet." -Bob Marley
I'm probably one of those people who just get wet.
I can see them doing something like this down the road, although the problem you run into is if the server isn't very populated (or a gross imbalance of alliance/horde), removing dungeon finder will make it pretty difficult to run anything. Playing on a low pop server (or one where horde was 70% and you were ally) and trying to get instance groups was hard before DF came around. The DK rule is nice, but it's so easy to get to 55 I'm not sure it will limit the number of DK's on the server.
I would resub if they brought to level 80 allprevious dungens and raids, I mean I pad for three games but at any one moment I am forced and stuck to play the newest release. Also implenent a rare badge that drops maybe 10 per day per server and make some really qicked loot fot these exclsuive badges. Most importantly being able to run all of the old instance would be most awesome
Well I have just stopped playing WoW due to the hacking issues. Been hacked twice in four months and feel like I am forced into getting an authenticator. My security is good the last hack was partly my fault because I was tired and clicked a link in a fairly good looking email ( at least to my tired brain). I do have some comments to make though so here goes. To all the "no world PvPer, are you on a PvP server? If not its your own fault. I think people that complain about the game way to much but still seem to be laying down there money every month to keep on playing are really strange, what are you thinking, quit already and get out of the bandwidth.
I will apologize now because I am venting because I feel like something that should not matter so much to me has been taken away because I just can not keep playing a game I truly enjoyed playing and had hopes for the expansion really adding some cool stuff to the game and now I will not be playing so it makes me upset. I have played other MMO's and will probably go back to one of them or look for an new one in the coming weeks. Blizzard could really fix some of these problems if they really wanted to but they have such a huge client base that unless they lose a double digit percentage they will not do anything about it, I have tried to call them three times in the last week and can not even get put on hold. So now that I have said to much off topic stuff, to get me back they would have to beef up there security and change the way PvP is handled in PvP and PvE servers. I was forever frustrated at lower levels and even sometimes at upper levels with NPC's being killed and then waiting around for them to respawn, so on PvE servers they need to make some of the NPC's not flagged for killing, if you want to PvP go to a PvP server, its bad enough that some of the non-PvP achievements have some PvP aspects to them (world events that would take me all week just to get the PvP ones done if I could get them done at all). I think that raids should be revamped with 10 man raids being the super hard ones with the best loot and I mean hard. Then the 20+ man raids should be more user friendly because the dev's spent a lot of time on them and could spend more time on them and then more people could enjoy them, this would also mean to not have every raid instance be both 10 or 25 man just one or the other so that would help out on the grind because I personally do not mind grinding for mats or levels but after the 50th time of doing a run through (insert name of raid here) I get really tired and do not look forward to somebody saying well lets run that one again its reset. My last item is for there to be some way to lock your account down so if you need to take a break from the game for some reason like financial or just need a break, it would be great if you could do something to protect it so that when/if you come back it safe. I still think the game is very good and playable and may one day come back if my account is still there but for now I will look for something else to play.
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
Groucho Marx
I hated the fact that I had a level 80 mage that still had to sleep on a park bench outside the mage tower on an RP server. He should have had a tower or at least some kind of housing, even a guild hall. I hated that. LOTRO was some improvement on that with their housing and community options and towns still were occupied and people sought out others, the streets weren't empty so that invalidated one of Blizzards arguments as to why they don't do housing. The social status of own land / housing / community which makes credibility for high level toons having gold but no little kingdom of their own to reign left things a bit stretched to the imagination and after years on the hamster wheel of pvp and pve I decided it wasn't enough to keep my interest,
nothing..... played my time but i am done. to those who still play enjoy.
Don't really know where it is currently, i've quit several times since launch at 04 and my last session ended bit before the Ulduar Patch.
PVP went to shit after battlegrounds, tarrenmill <> southshore / stranglethorn vale / WPL / EPL world pvp was the bomb!, times when people raided enemy cities and encampments, battlegrounds ruines pvp forever for me.
Dungeon achievements ie. e-peen CV (i didn't mind, i had a raiding guild for Naxx 10/25 etc.) for entering a dungeon..
Stupid token system and vendor epics
Too much focus on Raiding and not the solo/group endgame
Lame faction grinds
No housing, thus no sense of accomplishement other than epic gear which everyone had anyways... (i've been a vocal housing supporter since '03 closed beta, but its nearing 2011 and nothing has been said.) So i've lost all hope for them to ever get in.
Community outside of my guild, it just has too much kids, either they're too young to understand stuff or just plain acting out as a cool internet kid with a foul mouth.
The number one reason I left was because of the community. It really is terrible. It felt like im in a kindergarten.. Never seen so manny jerks in one game. That was a game breaker.
Second reason was the end game. In endgame you have to options, grinding for gear in raids, and grinding for gear in pvp. The battlegrounds are fun, but they should do something with world pvp, I miss that since vanilla. There have to be more focus on small 10man UBRS type raids, those were fun. Also the achievements are a pain in the ass. It is a interesting system, but is SO wrong in its design. You need those to join raids.. but if you cannot join raids because you don't have them, how the hell would you ever get them? Also doing the same heroics for months is boring. I like the idea of heroics. But they should make heroic versions of older dungeons, It seems that will change in cataclysm, so I see that as a good evolution.
But I had enough of wow, I played it for so long. I'm now waiting for cataclysm. And when it comes out I might try it out again.
waiting for ... nothing..
i go back if people get banned for using gearscore
1 - dungeons in level brackets all have the same loot table, so players can run the dungeons they like - rather than the one which has the drops they want.
2 - meaningful world PvP. Make those towers and such give a worthwhile bonus so players actually fight for them. Give xp for open PvP kills.
3 - small group content for 2-4 players. It shouldn't be a choice between soloing or waiting for a full group.
4 - moderators for open chat. I played the demo for Fallen Earth, and the best thing about it was the polite and civil chat due to having a mod on all of the time.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
The direction would be upgrading the got damn gfx. I mean who the hell would leave WoW if it looked like AoC or even the new TerA online, I think it would be a serious smart move. People that dont have a game rig can still be able to play the old game gfx settings, it would be optional.
I think that is something that would help Wow get a lot of new players but I don't think it is the reason people quit.
Dated graphics makes it harder to make new people testing the game but I rarely hear of people quiting any game they played for a while because of the graphics. I have however heard it a lot from people who do trials.
Any game will get boring to most people after a few years. Wow would need to offer new experiences for those people if it want them to stay.
Some more types of endgame would be a good idea.
I don't think any change in content could make me come back. I don't like the setting at all, and the lore is a bloated mess - two things it's too late to change now.
The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.
I wouldn't say world PvP went to shit after battlegrounds, it just died out when something better came along. Battlegrounds brought in an element of control in terms of setting up teams, objectives and tangible rewards in a way which wouldn't require revamping large portions of the game mechanics and world. City raids do still occur as there are now achievements for killing city bosses, and an actual reward for doing so in the shape of a bear mount. The more cynical part of me however believes that attacking towns, while fun for a while, only really occurred because there was nothing else to do except stratholme/scholomance/molten core.
I agree the achievements are horrible. They were a nice way of encouraging people to replay dungeons other than getting gear, but as a result it just made pugging all the harder. Gear score is another pet hate of mine, especially given that requirements seemed to have raised over the last year. I used to be able (and still can) tank heroics with around 22k hp no problem, but some people demand 35k+! What the hell?
The token system I think is a godsend. It makes it easier for people to make the step up to raiding. Hardcore raiders will still have all the best gear, so I don't know why they're complaining. To get a set of the absolute best gear you'd need something like 500+ frost tokens. For a casual just doing the daily dungeons that could take as much as a year if they're not able to play every day.
Housing will never be implemented unless they use some form of instancing for it. Each zone in WoW is little more than a questing hub, so you can't just start plonking houses all over it.
The immature kids will be present in any successful MMO. The mature, decent people are there, but like any popular public venue there will be a crying baby somewhere in the background.
Now to why I left. Simple. Got bored. First I found myself just idling in Dalaran waiting for a raid or my millionth heroic run, then when I had decent enough gear I just logged in twice a week to do a raid. Then once a week. Then I realised I was paying a monthly fee to do maybe 4 raids each month.
The problem with WoW is everything is instanced and put in its own little compartment. Nothing you do has any impact on the rest of the world. It's like a set of mini-games that you play over and over so that you can progress to the more difficult mini-games, which you then play over and over. They never change, you could almost macro your entire way through each dungeon, so as a result it becomes a chore.
For me, the vital element of any MMO is the world itself. It's where all character interaction takes place. During the end game, I found myself having no interest or interaction with the world itself other than running around dalaran getting gear repaired. It was more like a lobby.
I played WoW (as a late joiner) for about 5 months.
Massive and well polished game. Good for what it is but never really drew me in. Compared to other games the PvE felt rather repetitive. There was little openworld PvP (I guess most players were hanging out in Orgrimmar/Dalaran) and the arena/BG PvP felt extremely simplyfied, gearcentric and dull, coming from Guild Wars.
WoW is a fine game with a massive fanbase - I trust they will choose the direction that is best for them and their fanbase. I doubt I will ever go back as I can see at least 5 other games, that appeal more to me.
(Gearscore, microtransactions etc. sealed the deal permanently )
We dont need casuals in our games!!! Errm... Well we DO need casuals to fund and populate our games - But the games should be all about "hardcore" because: We dont need casuals in our games!!!
(repeat ad infinitum)
Wow is just too cartoony and dated in it's graphics. The game play is too similar to all of the other mmo's out there and the crafting interface is beyond boring. So in short it just cannot hold my attention for any length of time.
It's still the best MMO out there for content, easy of uese, and character. But it's been the best for so long, I just want something better and different to come along. I know what to expect from WoW, they're good at what they do but it's time for a MMO change.
Sad part is there is nothing out there currently that captures my attention the way WoW did. Maybe WoW ruined all MMO's for me and I'll never discover what I did with WoW in any other MMO.
I guess "thems the breaks".
So to answer your question what direction would I have them take in WoW, I'd say none, its the best as what it offers, changing it would only damage the game. So the best direction is for blizzard to create a completly different MMO.