Have a look at THIS VIDEO, the combat doesn't look that bad to me, looks a lot better than some titles out there.
There is so much fail in that video...LOL!
Because the very thing they are ragging on is being done in SW:ToR. PC's standing face to face with a MOB and exchanging blows. LOL! You telling me you do not see it? Or how about the range running up and stopping, exposing themselves to fire from otehr ranged and then sitting there firing back and forth at one another. Take off you rose colored glasses and open your eyes and you'd see it..because it really is there.
Have a look at THIS VIDEO, the combat doesn't look that bad to me, looks a lot better than some titles out there.
There is so much fail in that video...LOL!
Because the very thing they are ragging on is being done in SW:ToR. PC's standing face to face with a MOB and exchanging blows. LOL! You telling me you do not see it? Or how about the range running up and stopping, exposing themselves to fire from otehr ranged and then sitting there firing back and forth at one another. Take off you rose colored glasses and open your eyes and you'd see it..because it really is there.
erm....that video was praising SWTOR, this thread is about SWTOR, and the OP is against SWTORs graphical look. So if that video is showing was is being done in SWTOR, then how is it a failure?
The video was praising the contact element in the combat, not whether or not you would in REALITY be stood there shoot at one another in plain sight. Or did I miss something?
I understand you don't like SWTOR. But I don't mind how the combat looks in that video. And neither do I mind about the graphics eithers.
Have a look at THIS VIDEO, the combat doesn't look that bad to me, looks a lot better than some titles out there.
There is so much fail in that video...LOL!
Because the very thing they are ragging on is being done in SW:ToR. PC's standing face to face with a MOB and exchanging blows. LOL! You telling me you do not see it? Or how about the range running up and stopping, exposing themselves to fire from otehr ranged and then sitting there firing back and forth at one another. Take off you rose colored glasses and open your eyes and you'd see it..because it really is there.
So then how would you like the combat to be?
I would be interested to see a well thought out answer by those few opposed to this game, not another, "it just sucks," thread about how its not revolutionary. Personally revolutionary and video games seem to be almost polar opposites now, I just want fun.
Have a look at THIS VIDEO, the combat doesn't look that bad to me, looks a lot better than some titles out there.
There is so much fail in that video...LOL!
Because the very thing they are ragging on is being done in SW:ToR. PC's standing face to face with a MOB and exchanging blows. LOL! You telling me you do not see it? Or how about the range running up and stopping, exposing themselves to fire from otehr ranged and then sitting there firing back and forth at one another. Take off you rose colored glasses and open your eyes and you'd see it..because it really is there.
So then how would you like the combat to be?
If you are going to have ranged - it shouild be FPS. Like we see in BF2 or Mount and Blade. Not this static standing face to face and whacking or shooting at one another.
Have a look at THIS VIDEO, the combat doesn't look that bad to me, looks a lot better than some titles out there.
There is so much fail in that video...LOL!
Because the very thing they are ragging on is being done in SW:ToR. PC's standing face to face with a MOB and exchanging blows. LOL! You telling me you do not see it? Or how about the range running up and stopping, exposing themselves to fire from otehr ranged and then sitting there firing back and forth at one another. Take off you rose colored glasses and open your eyes and you'd see it..because it really is there.
So then how would you like the combat to be?
If you are going to have ranged - it shouild be FPS. Like we see in BF2 or Mount and Blade. Not this static standing face to face and whacking or shooting at one another.
So you want Bioware to change from RPG to FPS, just so it make more sense?
Have a look at THIS VIDEO, the combat doesn't look that bad to me, looks a lot better than some titles out there.
There is so much fail in that video...LOL!
Because the very thing they are ragging on is being done in SW:ToR. PC's standing face to face with a MOB and exchanging blows. LOL! You telling me you do not see it? Or how about the range running up and stopping, exposing themselves to fire from otehr ranged and then sitting there firing back and forth at one another. Take off you rose colored glasses and open your eyes and you'd see it..because it really is there.
So then how would you like the combat to be?
If you are going to have ranged - it shouild be FPS. Like we see in BF2 or Mount and Blade. Not this static standing face to face and whacking or shooting at one another.
And what difference would it being FPS in terms of combat?
Or are you talking about the need to have the ability to hide behind objects? If so, that IS being shown in that video.
ME2 is a good enough example. I wouldn't mind the ranged combat to be as in ME2.
Also - although some here will disagree - I kinda liked the ranged combat in Tabula Rasa, also acceptable. But I'd rather have it be as in ME2. Or maybe Planetside.
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Have a look at THIS VIDEO, the combat doesn't look that bad to me, looks a lot better than some titles out there.
There is so much fail in that video...LOL!
Because the very thing they are ragging on is being done in SW:ToR. PC's standing face to face with a MOB and exchanging blows. LOL! You telling me you do not see it? Or how about the range running up and stopping, exposing themselves to fire from otehr ranged and then sitting there firing back and forth at one another. Take off you rose colored glasses and open your eyes and you'd see it..because it really is there.
erm....that video was praising SWTOR, this thread is about SWTOR, and the OP is against SWTORs graphical look. So if that video is showing was is being done in SWTOR, then how is it a failure?
The video was praising the contact element in the combat, not whether or not you would in REALITY be stood there shoot at one another in plain sight. Or did I miss something?
I understand you don't like SWTOR. But I don't mind how the combat looks in that video. And neither do I mind about the graphics eithers.
That video was praising all aspects of SW:ToR's combat. OMG if you couldn't see that...then you really are wearing some thick rose tinted glasses.
I find it aggitating that people speak as if Bioware are the defacto best in storytelling in gaming. So not true. They're great with character designs, but there ARE better story designers than Bioware.
Examples please. I know a number that are on par regarding storytelling, but if there are ones who are distinctly better in all their games, I'd love to hear it.
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Have a look at THIS VIDEO, the combat doesn't look that bad to me, looks a lot better than some titles out there.
There is so much fail in that video...LOL!
Because the very thing they are ragging on is being done in SW:ToR. PC's standing face to face with a MOB and exchanging blows. LOL! You telling me you do not see it? Or how about the range running up and stopping, exposing themselves to fire from otehr ranged and then sitting there firing back and forth at one another. Take off you rose colored glasses and open your eyes and you'd see it..because it really is there.
So then how would you like the combat to be?
If you are going to have ranged - it shouild be FPS. Like we see in BF2 or Mount and Blade. Not this static standing face to face and whacking or shooting at one another.
So you want Bioware to change from RPG to FPS, just so it make more sense?
Mount and Blade is and FPS works fine in their combat system. It would work fine in any RPG skill based system. Not my fault BioWare is staying with the lame class and level based system we see in games like WoW. Point/click/lock combat. ::yawn::
erm....that video was praising SWTOR, this thread is about SWTOR, and the OP is against SWTORs graphical look. So if that video is showing was is being done in SWTOR, then how is it a failure?
The video was praising the contact element in the combat, not whether or not you would in REALITY be stood there shoot at one another in plain sight. Or did I miss something?
I understand you don't like SWTOR. But I don't mind how the combat looks in that video. And neither do I mind about the graphics eithers.
That video was praising all aspects of SW:ToR's combat. OMG if you couldn't see that...then you really are wearing some thick rose tinted glasses.
So, let me get this straight, because someone happened to like the combat in SWTOR, YOU call it fail? Is that it? Well he's hardly going to say that its crap if he likes it, is he? He likes the combat and made a video. So what? Is that some kind of crime?
And further more, you still haven't answered the question WHY you think the video fail?
Btw, weren't YOU one of those posters who slammed people for having a go at certain so-called journalists for having a biased opinion about the game? If so, then I find your responses both amusing and ironic.
Seriously Teala, if you don't like the game, walk away. You'll do ANYTHING to have a go at people who think that this game isn't too bad, won't you?
The combat animation may eventually become more fluid, but you can't blame people not being overly impressed after watching a video of two characters standing 10 feet apart in the wide open shooting blasters at each other. I watch combat videos of other MMO's like Guild Wars 2 and TERA, which are both in alpha stages as well, but the action presented seems much more lively than what I've seen from SWTOR so far. It's BioWare's job to put out better game footage to get people interested and not up to the viewers to speculate whether or not it's going to be better later on. I can only base my opinion on what I see at this point, and so far it's not that exciting.
I find it aggitating that people speak as if Bioware are the defacto best in storytelling in gaming. So not true. They're great with character designs, but there ARE better story designers than Bioware.
Examples please. I know a number that are on par regarding storytelling, but if there are ones who are distinctly better in all their games, I'd love to hear it.
Square enix doesnt count either they havent told a good story since FF10
Have a look at THIS VIDEO, the combat doesn't look that bad to me, looks a lot better than some titles out there.
There is so much fail in that video...LOL!
Because the very thing they are ragging on is being done in SW:ToR. PC's standing face to face with a MOB and exchanging blows. LOL! You telling me you do not see it? Or how about the range running up and stopping, exposing themselves to fire from otehr ranged and then sitting there firing back and forth at one another. Take off you rose colored glasses and open your eyes and you'd see it..because it really is there.
So then how would you like the combat to be?
If you are going to have ranged - it shouild be FPS. Like we see in BF2 or Mount and Blade. Not this static standing face to face and whacking or shooting at one another.
And what difference would it being FPS in terms of combat?
Or are you talking about the need to have the ability to hide behind objects? If so, that IS being shown in that video.
So again, I don't see your point.
So then you think SW:ToR's combat is like an FPS simply because they have a cover system in the game? It is a psuedo cover system and still rolls dice to see if you are hit...all it does is mitigate damage. In an FPS cover can protect you from getting hit completely...if you don't stick your head up and get it shot off.
Have a look at THIS VIDEO, the combat doesn't look that bad to me, looks a lot better than some titles out there.
There is so much fail in that video...LOL!
Because the very thing they are ragging on is being done in SW:ToR. PC's standing face to face with a MOB and exchanging blows. LOL! You telling me you do not see it? Or how about the range running up and stopping, exposing themselves to fire from otehr ranged and then sitting there firing back and forth at one another. Take off you rose colored glasses and open your eyes and you'd see it..because it really is there.
So then how would you like the combat to be?
If you are going to have ranged - it shouild be FPS. Like we see in BF2 or Mount and Blade. Not this static standing face to face and whacking or shooting at one another.
So you want Bioware to change from RPG to FPS, just so it make more sense?
Mount and Blade is and FPS works fine in their combat system. It would work fine in any RPG skill based system. Not my fault BioWare is staying with the lame class and level based system we see in games like WoW. Point/click/lock combat. ::yawn::
You're logic is faulty. Just because few games are changing style's doesn't mean they all have to. Lot's of ppl love sticky targeting, it's not going anywhere.
The combat animation may eventually become more fluid, but you can't blame people not being overly impressed after watching a video of two characters standing 10 feet apart in the wide open shooting blasters at each other. I watch combat videos of other MMO's like Guild Wars 2 and TERA, which are both in alpha stages as well, but the action presented seems much more lively than what I've seen from SWTOR so far. It's BioWare's job to put out better game footage to get people interested and not up to the viewers to speculate whether or not it's going to be better later on. I can only base my opinion on what I see at this point, and so far it's not that exciting.
Guild Wars 2 and TERA have not impressed me personally, but nor have i made it a point to press the fact. I prefer to wait and see what they have to offer as a total package; thus far, I am not interested. I do contiune to keep up with those two game in hopes I might see a complete game experience I will enjoy.
The combat animation may eventually become more fluid, but you can't blame people not being overly impressed after watching a video of two characters standing 10 feet apart in the wide open shooting blasters at each other. I watch combat videos of other MMO's like Guild Wars 2 and TERA, which are both in alpha stages as well, but the action presented seems much more lively than what I've seen from SWTOR so far. It's BioWare's job to put out better game footage to get people interested and not up to the viewers to speculate whether or not it's going to be better later on. I can only base my opinion on what I see at this point, and so far it's not that exciting.
I completely agree. However, its one thing to have an opinion about the combat animations (which is fair enough, the game still has 10 months or so to go yet). But its another thing to critisise people for making a video about their own personal opinion or to critisise how SWTOR is in some respects echo'ing some of the combat mechanics used in other games AND THEN adding their own complexities on top.
To point fingers at one game because it follows the rest in terms of a mechanic is just plain silly.
Mount and Blade is and FPS works fine in their combat system. It would work fine in any RPG skill based system. Not my fault BioWare is staying with the lame class and level based system we see in games like WoW. Point/click/lock combat. ::yawn::
Bit of a farfetched argument: Red Dead Redemption has an open world and lots of freedom in it. It would work fine in any MMO system. Not my fault all the MMO companies are staying with the same lame gameplay mechanics we've seen since EQ. *yawn*
Same offtrack argumentation, what I did there. A bit silly to expect mechanics that work well in other-genre games to all make their appearance in MMO's.
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
erm....that video was praising SWTOR, this thread is about SWTOR, and the OP is against SWTORs graphical look. So if that video is showing was is being done in SWTOR, then how is it a failure?
The video was praising the contact element in the combat, not whether or not you would in REALITY be stood there shoot at one another in plain sight. Or did I miss something?
I understand you don't like SWTOR. But I don't mind how the combat looks in that video. And neither do I mind about the graphics eithers.
That video was praising all aspects of SW:ToR's combat. OMG if you couldn't see that...then you really are wearing some thick rose tinted glasses.
So, let me get this straight, because someone happened to like the combat in SWTOR, YOU call it fail? Is that it? Well he's hardly going to say that its crap if he likes it, is he? He likes the combat and made a video. So what? Is that some kind of crime?
And further more, you still haven't answered the question WHY you think the video fail?
Btw, weren't YOU one of those posters who slammed people for having a go at certain so-called journalists for having a biased opinion about the game? If so, then I find your responses both amusing and ironic.
Seriously Teala, if you don't like the game, walk away. You'll do ANYTHING to have a go at people who think that this game isn't too bad, won't you?
Yes I did. You just failed to read it. I said it was fail because the very thing he is ragging on about other games combat is exactly what you do in SW;ToR. Go back and watch the video. Looks to me like MOB's and cahracters stand face to face and exchange blows, and the ranged do as well, too. So it is full of fail.
Guild Wars 2 and TERA have not impressed me personally, but nor have i made it a point to press the fact. I prefer to wait and see what they have to offer as a total package; thus far, I am not interested. I do contiune to keep up with those two game in hopes I might see a complete game experience I will enjoy.
And this.
I love these voices of reason enough to quote them whenever I see one. Sensible and balanced posts ftw!
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Guild Wars 2 and TERA have not impressed me personally, but nor have i made it a point to press the fact. I prefer to wait and see what they have to offer as a total package; thus far, I am not interested. I do contiune to keep up with those two game in hopes I might see a complete game experience I will enjoy.
And this.
I love these voices of reason enough to quote them whenever I see one. Sensible and balanced posts ftw!
shhh you'll rat me out the internet doesn't allow sensible and balanced posts. or voices of reason.
Mount and Blade is and FPS works fine in their combat system. It would work fine in any RPG skill based system. Not my fault BioWare is staying with the lame class and level based system we see in games like WoW. Point/click/lock combat. ::yawn::
Bit of a farfetched argument: Red Dead Redemption has an open world and lots of freedom in it. It would work fine in any MMO system. Not my fault all the MMO companies are staying with the same lame gameplay mechanics we've seen since EQ. *yawn*
Same offtrack argumentation, what I did there. A bit silly to expect mechanics that work well in other-genre games to all make their appearance in MMO's.
Umm...acatually Red Dead Redemption and Mount and Blade both have multiplayer options and they work fine in them...so you telling me it wouldn't work in an MMORPG because?
I suspect that the combat will divide many people. It is probably more slow paced than many of the MMO's coming out in 2011 and I don't think it will do the game any favours. But on the other hand we have only seen a few parts of it and can't be sure that this is all there is.
Sadly though if this is the best of the combat is what we have seen and you would expect they would want to show the best of what they have so far. Then saying we have only see parts of the combat isn't much of a counter. It suggests an agreement of why the combat sucks and trying to make an excuse for it. Realistically though its unlikely that the combat will be up to the levels of Final Fantasy, TSW, Tera or Rift but then ToR is looking to bring Story to the MMO not action packed combat.
So then how would you like the combat to be?
Sub to me on YouTube @ http://www.youtube.com/user/JJJK29isGaming?feature=mhee
erm....that video was praising SWTOR, this thread is about SWTOR, and the OP is against SWTORs graphical look. So if that video is showing was is being done in SWTOR, then how is it a failure?
The video was praising the contact element in the combat, not whether or not you would in REALITY be stood there shoot at one another in plain sight. Or did I miss something?
I understand you don't like SWTOR. But I don't mind how the combat looks in that video. And neither do I mind about the graphics eithers.
Top 10 Most Misused Words in MMO's
Haha! I agree!
So, smugglers have to take cover but jedis and troopers can stand at open?
Also, as far as I remember the lightsaber duelists were never standing still like their feet were glued to the ground.
Or maybe they only got bad players for these sample vidoes.
I would be interested to see a well thought out answer by those few opposed to this game, not another, "it just sucks," thread about how its not revolutionary. Personally revolutionary and video games seem to be almost polar opposites now, I just want fun.
If you are going to have ranged - it shouild be FPS. Like we see in BF2 or Mount and Blade. Not this static standing face to face and whacking or shooting at one another.
The smuggler behind cover is like a stance. Just like the BH with jet pack's, and the Jedi deflecting bullet's at a distance.
Sub to me on YouTube @ http://www.youtube.com/user/JJJK29isGaming?feature=mhee
So you want Bioware to change from RPG to FPS, just so it make more sense?
Sub to me on YouTube @ http://www.youtube.com/user/JJJK29isGaming?feature=mhee
And what difference would it being FPS in terms of combat?
Or are you talking about the need to have the ability to hide behind objects? If so, that IS being shown in that video.
So again, I don't see your point.
Top 10 Most Misused Words in MMO's
ME2 is a good enough example. I wouldn't mind the ranged combat to be as in ME2.
Also - although some here will disagree - I kinda liked the ranged combat in Tabula Rasa, also acceptable. But I'd rather have it be as in ME2. Or maybe Planetside.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
That video was praising all aspects of SW:ToR's combat. OMG if you couldn't see that...then you really are wearing some thick rose tinted glasses.
Examples please. I know a number that are on par regarding storytelling, but if there are ones who are distinctly better in all their games, I'd love to hear it.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Mount and Blade is and FPS works fine in their combat system. It would work fine in any RPG skill based system. Not my fault BioWare is staying with the lame class and level based system we see in games like WoW. Point/click/lock combat. ::yawn::
So, let me get this straight, because someone happened to like the combat in SWTOR, YOU call it fail? Is that it? Well he's hardly going to say that its crap if he likes it, is he? He likes the combat and made a video. So what? Is that some kind of crime?
And further more, you still haven't answered the question WHY you think the video fail?
Btw, weren't YOU one of those posters who slammed people for having a go at certain so-called journalists for having a biased opinion about the game? If so, then I find your responses both amusing and ironic.
Seriously Teala, if you don't like the game, walk away. You'll do ANYTHING to have a go at people who think that this game isn't too bad, won't you?
Top 10 Most Misused Words in MMO's
The combat animation may eventually become more fluid, but you can't blame people not being overly impressed after watching a video of two characters standing 10 feet apart in the wide open shooting blasters at each other. I watch combat videos of other MMO's like Guild Wars 2 and TERA, which are both in alpha stages as well, but the action presented seems much more lively than what I've seen from SWTOR so far. It's BioWare's job to put out better game footage to get people interested and not up to the viewers to speculate whether or not it's going to be better later on. I can only base my opinion on what I see at this point, and so far it's not that exciting.
Square enix doesnt count either they havent told a good story since FF10
So then you think SW:ToR's combat is like an FPS simply because they have a cover system in the game? It is a psuedo cover system and still rolls dice to see if you are hit...all it does is mitigate damage. In an FPS cover can protect you from getting hit completely...if you don't stick your head up and get it shot off.
You're logic is faulty. Just because few games are changing style's doesn't mean they all have to. Lot's of ppl love sticky targeting, it's not going anywhere.
Sub to me on YouTube @ http://www.youtube.com/user/JJJK29isGaming?feature=mhee
Guild Wars 2 and TERA have not impressed me personally, but nor have i made it a point to press the fact. I prefer to wait and see what they have to offer as a total package; thus far, I am not interested. I do contiune to keep up with those two game in hopes I might see a complete game experience I will enjoy.
I completely agree. However, its one thing to have an opinion about the combat animations (which is fair enough, the game still has 10 months or so to go yet). But its another thing to critisise people for making a video about their own personal opinion or to critisise how SWTOR is in some respects echo'ing some of the combat mechanics used in other games AND THEN adding their own complexities on top.
To point fingers at one game because it follows the rest in terms of a mechanic is just plain silly.
Top 10 Most Misused Words in MMO's
Bit of a farfetched argument: Red Dead Redemption has an open world and lots of freedom in it. It would work fine in any MMO system. Not my fault all the MMO companies are staying with the same lame gameplay mechanics we've seen since EQ. *yawn*
Same offtrack argumentation, what I did there. A bit silly to expect mechanics that work well in other-genre games to all make their appearance in MMO's.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Yes I did. You just failed to read it. I said it was fail because the very thing he is ragging on about other games combat is exactly what you do in SW;ToR. Go back and watch the video. Looks to me like MOB's and cahracters stand face to face and exchange blows, and the ranged do as well, too. So it is full of fail.
And this.
I love these voices of reason enough to quote them whenever I see one. Sensible and balanced posts ftw!
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
shhh you'll rat me out the internet doesn't allow sensible and balanced posts. or voices of reason.
Umm...acatually Red Dead Redemption and Mount and Blade both have multiplayer options and they work fine in them...so you telling me it wouldn't work in an MMORPG because?
Nope...just poor game design on BioWares part.
I suspect that the combat will divide many people. It is probably more slow paced than many of the MMO's coming out in 2011 and I don't think it will do the game any favours. But on the other hand we have only seen a few parts of it and can't be sure that this is all there is.
Sadly though if this is the best of the combat is what we have seen and you would expect they would want to show the best of what they have so far. Then saying we have only see parts of the combat isn't much of a counter. It suggests an agreement of why the combat sucks and trying to make an excuse for it. Realistically though its unlikely that the combat will be up to the levels of Final Fantasy, TSW, Tera or Rift but then ToR is looking to bring Story to the MMO not action packed combat.