Misconstrued? I'd disagree (obviously) but perhaps I was a bit harsh in my reply to the topic, I get annoyed and impatient with the model of thought that seeks to Obamamize things with misguided notions of whats fair and how the free market is evil. I'll try again.
Ok, so you're not nitpicking about the actual amount, your disagreement comes with charging everyone a flat fee and that despite it being a personal choice how much time to devote for that flat fee, its a "unfair practice". Your position is in order to achieve fairness to players, they should be prorated based upon use and what is accessed, thus if someone spends less time accessing material, they pay less, and thus is equality achieved. At least, that's what you believe will be achieved, the reality of it however, is the total opposite.
in essence, according to you and "those people who are asking for this" is to reward whomever has a deeper pocket with more playtime and content, and punish those with smaller wallets, with less content, thus is social justice achieved. Fairness is therefore, limited by the depth of one's wallet, and this is "better" ? Really?
There have been a number of clever analogies presented by other posters in an attempt to show you how prorating such content access is a flawed premise, but your ideology clings stubbornly to its initial premise that if you play less than someone else, you should pay less. You're the Pelosi of MMO "fair cost and social justice". Therefore I'm not going to waste my time more than I already have trying to bring forth a clever analogy to alter your view, but I will end this with a very basic truth regarding the reality of F2P games despite what imagined virtues you care to assign them.
The fact remains F2P games are in the business to make money, they don't do it because they love you or like where you live or think you're a really cool guy, the only thing that matters is money money money, got it? When they no longer are making money, they will either find another way to draw $ out of your pocket or it ceases to exist, and its they who determine what qualifies as "casual/hardcore" in order to make that money, not you, simple as that.
Thats a big giant wall of asumptions you created there. I have no position, I have never given one, you are assuming many many things about my thoughts, you are putting words into my mouth and the makeing a rebuttle to thoes things, insted of adressing the topic you are atempting to make this about me and my views, when its not.
Also, what the hell is with the fox news glen beck crazy talk here? Its a dicussion about current trends, not about me, or how I persionaly feel, and makeing a giant argument as a rebuttle to an assumed position. You are making it into a forum war, where the goal is to "win" or one up the previous poster.
You are responding to something that doesn’t exist with some sort of political crazy talk. Yes, Misconstrued.
Obamamize? Pelosi? social justice?
Unhook the Fox news IV brother.
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
Doesn't this whole topic avoid the real underlying issue that if devs made a game that engaged players and was worth it, they wouldn't have to resort to the f2p model?
It's not about making a game worthwhile for you to sub. In F2P, it's about gating and hindering you, making you pay for every single little thing in the game.
Really? Don't you think its a fair impression to say game that went f2p did so because they couldn't make it as p2p? Granted as time goes on they may realize they can earn more from f2p than they can from subs, but as it stands now, clearly games that couldn't make it as p2p, are going f2p. The implication is clear.
Why are you so sure this is the case? It ignores other reasons completely to perpetuate a stereotype. Many games that did not convert, but were designed as F2P out perform subscription games, they have for YEARS now.
What about the other factors, such as the old saying "vote with your wallet"? Looks to me like people did, they voted for more types of payment options.
What about the huge saturation of games in the space now? Is it just a falsehood that the new models lower the initial barrier to entry?
Truth of the matter is, free to play games have been larger, and more successful for years now, you may not have noticed, because you may not consider them "MMG", they have larger player bases, make more income, and are easer to start up and to some more attractive then those from the largest MMO houses. Apparently, the larger more "old school" houses are taking note of all this.
A game must stand on its own, subscription based, or not. A payment model does not a success make alone. Never has.
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
Doesn't this whole topic avoid the real underlying issue that if devs made a game that engaged players and was worth it, they wouldn't have to resort to the f2p model?
It's not about making a game worthwhile for you to sub. In F2P, it's about gating and hindering you, making you pay for every single little thing in the game.
Really? Don't you think its a fair impression to say game that went f2p did so because they couldn't make it as p2p? Granted as time goes on they may realize they can earn more from f2p than they can from subs, but as it stands now, clearly games that couldn't make it as p2p, are going f2p. The implication is clear.
I think the impression is more than fair. I think everyone would agree that DDO was a failed game. LOTRO on the other hand was a game that was near the end as well. The difference is Turbine allowed LOTRO to stagnate from lack of content which may well have been a concious effort on Turbines part to make it easier to convince players that F2P would be good for the game. EQ2, from the way they have it set up, is a good example of killing P2P to implement F2P. In all cases the P2P versions of the mentioned games could not longer be considered viable be it due to poor design, poor management or a concious effort on the developers part.
WOW isnt great because it has 12 million players. WOW has 12 million players because its great.
The churn of "casuials" pays more of the bills than the long term users (They do not use 15$ worth of resources per month). Its a steadfast rule that with a subscription based model:
"You are over charging half your player base, and undercharging the other half".
Simply put, those that only play a little bit here and there, are being over charged, those that spend all day in the game, all week, are being undercharged.
Is this why we see claims of "OMG ill end up paying more than my monthly sub" from some users? Is this the REAL issue with the "ala carte" or episodic systems we see today? You now need to pay your full bill? Granted, long term users do create a draw for other users, but it dosnt offset the cost.
While this statement may be true "technically" (meaning the hardcore gamer uses more resources), I feel it's complete and utter bull. Here are a few reasons off the top of my head that I feel this is a total BS statement:
The server will be on whether a hardcore gamer is playing or not
The actual "server" impact of hardcore vs casual is negligable
Hardcore gamers are a necessity for MMOs
Hardcore gamers return their added "expenses" in the form of guides, help, bug reports etc.
Hardcore gamers are more likely to recruit others
Hardcore gamers are your best advertising - look at this site for proof
Hardcore gamers (who are happy with the game) will defend the game against any attack
Hardcore gamers will stay subbed even if a new "better" MMO is released
Hardcore gamers likely have more than one account
Hardcore gamers are your games LEADERS because they've done it all
While this may be true on a purely technical basis, the reality is, your hardcore resource hogging gamers are also your BEST customer and the ones I'd take 100x's over the casual jump ship don't give a crap players.
I see your point. I personally hate the F2P and stores becuase they engineer it to make it required. Perhaps a different subscription model would be better something like $8.99 for less then 40 hours a month and $14.99 for 40 or more hours per month.
Could you verify that?
I play a couple F2P and am NOT REQUIRED to use Item Mall unless I choose to.
My charactors do just fine without it.
There are potions and other things that can enhance Skills but only in PVE, not in PvP....
The churn of "casuials" pays more of the bills than the long term users (They do not use 15$ worth of resources per month). Its a steadfast rule that with a subscription based model:
"You are over charging half your player base, and undercharging the other half".
Simply put, those that only play a little bit here and there, are being over charged, those that spend all day in the game, all week, are being undercharged.
Is this why we see claims of "OMG ill end up paying more than my monthly sub" from some users? Is this the REAL issue with the "ala carte" or episodic systems we see today? You now need to pay your full bill? Granted, long term users do create a draw for other users, but it dosnt offset the cost.
I choose to pay a flat fee, anything more would be too high .. much like cable or sattelite tv. It's up to the casual whether it is worth it or not to pay the flat rate. Although a lower tiered plan for those that do nto play would probably be fine, so long as the high end doesnt go above what it is now.
I see your point. I personally hate the F2P and stores becuase they engineer it to make it required. Perhaps a different subscription model would be better something like $8.99 for less then 40 hours a month and $14.99 for 40 or more hours per month.
Could you verify that?
I play a couple F2P and am NOT REQUIRED to use Item Mall unless I choose to.
My charactors do just fine without it.
There are potions and other things that can enhance Skills but only in PVE, not in PvP....
name the games please
Atlantica for one - playing for about 1 year now.
Only purchase was $20 - 4 Forever Merc slots.
Make your response please
Rofl no you aren't or if you are your equip suxs and so does your character and are you even max level yet, how much time did you waste walking , are you ina guild, do you pvp.
Playing alantica free is only done via bots once you hit 70-80+.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
I see your point. I personally hate the F2P and stores becuase they engineer it to make it required. Perhaps a different subscription model would be better something like $8.99 for less then 40 hours a month and $14.99 for 40 or more hours per month.
Could you verify that?
I play a couple F2P and am NOT REQUIRED to use Item Mall unless I choose to.
My charactors do just fine without it.
There are potions and other things that can enhance Skills but only in PVE, not in PvP....
name the games please
Atlantica for one - playing for about 1 year now.
Only purchase was $20 - 4 Forever Merc slots.
Make your response please
Rofl no you aren't or if you are your equip suxs and so does your character and are you even max level yet, how much time did you waste walking , are you ina guild, do you pvp.
Playing alantica free is only done via bots once you hit 70-80+.
I don't play any "game" to persue "max level" as an objective so No not maxed, I'll get there when i get there......
Level 97 with +3-4 Conq. PvP is another option , do it only to get into the next level dungeons.
Your perspective of "gaming" is obviousely different than mine. That's why you think the way you do and not how I do Rolf.
You can't relate to someone playing different than what you think is the "only way" to enjoy MMO's or anything for that matter.
The churn of "casuials" pays more of the bills than the long term users (They do not use 15$ worth of resources per month). Its a steadfast rule that with a subscription based model:
"You are over charging half your player base, and undercharging the other half".
Simply put, those that only play a little bit here and there, are being over charged, those that spend all day in the game, all week, are being undercharged.
Is this why we see claims of "OMG ill end up paying more than my monthly sub" from some users? Is this the REAL issue with the "ala carte" or episodic systems we see today? You now need to pay your full bill? Granted, long term users do create a draw for other users, but it dosnt offset the cost.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you involved with a F2P game (Wurm I think)? If thats the case, your opinions could be a little biased and self serving.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
I see your point. I personally hate the F2P and stores becuase they engineer it to make it required. Perhaps a different subscription model would be better something like $8.99 for less then 40 hours a month and $14.99 for 40 or more hours per month.
Could you verify that?
I play a couple F2P and am NOT REQUIRED to use Item Mall unless I choose to.
My charactors do just fine without it.
There are potions and other things that can enhance Skills but only in PVE, not in PvP....
name the games please
Atlantica for one - playing for about 1 year now.
Only purchase was $20 - 4 Forever Merc slots.
Make your response please
Rofl no you aren't or if you are your equip suxs and so does your character and are you even max level yet, how much time did you waste walking , are you ina guild, do you pvp.
Playing alantica free is only done via bots once you hit 70-80+.
I don't play any "game" to persue "max level" as an objective so No not maxed, I'll get there when i get there......
Level 97 with +3-4 Conq. PvP is another option , do it only to get into the next level dungeons.
Your perspective of "gaming" is obviousely different than mine. That's why you think the way you do and not how I do Rolf.
You can't relate to someone playing different than what you think is the "only way" to enjoy MMO's or anything for that matter.
Go back to your hole and STFU....
OK it took this guys 1 YEAR , ONE YEAR, people to get lvl 94 (PS it takes about a month or so to hit 70), the max level is 120 So in one MORE year he maybe close. Get that. Maybe you don't play alantica the same way i do, thats fine .. you wanna log in and kill some stuff, not get any good items or any exp ... so what you had fun. Thats fine, but i couldn't do that for one year, i play games to develop, my character/s to see new things, fight as a team (which u can do), accomplish virtual goals, etc.
The max level question was just to example how impossible it is to level w/o $$. Teleport is a large part of this. EQuipment is the worst tho, it costs too much to get good equip in that game.
I love the concept of the game... but im not paying for it.
So while i randomly shot out a few things i know u have to pay a ton for in the game and you basicly said , yeah your right but so what. That fine. But lets be honest to play Atlantica you have to pay or get a 2 or 3 lvls a month. (and walk a ton ,a nd have shitty equipment). The sad thign is the game is made that way on purpose, at level 30 equipment costs but its not crazy expensive you get equip boxes to drop often, at 70 they almost never drop.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Thats becouse half are being overcharged, its not that hard to understand. No where did I say this was a bank breaking issue. Its a relitive thing, your 15 is not the same as the other guys 15 in reguatds to the output. Come back when you can discuss things, insted of trying to win the forum war good soilder.
I'll disagree. I say the minimum price point to play is the monthly sub, regardless whether you play 1 hour or 100, sort of like monthly membership to a gym or golf course.
Doesn't matter if you go daily, weekly or once a month, the fee is the fee is the fee, up to you to take advanatage of the deal.
Of course, in the case of golf courses (not gyms so much) there are courses (usually public) that let you pay as you go, which of course saves money for the infrequent player. And just like in MMO's, pay as you go golf course are usually an inferior gaming experience compared to the monthly, actually, usually annual sub with an initiation fee (a bit like paying for the box price in a game)
My father paid the same amount to be a member of a course whether he played 3 times a month or 15.... just the minimum cost of participating.
Yes, but now that games are moving from the former, to the later, is the bill a shocking discovery and fuel for the fires of hate?
No, they shouldn't be. I'm currently paying for 3 EVE subs on a monthly basis and have spent about 125.00 on a F2P game (I can afford it, wasn't necessary to spend the money, I just chose to make my gaming experience more convenient) and I don't really care, if the game is fun, I'm going to pay the fare regardless of the payment model.
Put yourself in the shoes of a hard-core gamer then, Spending 140+ hours a week/ (3$-hour) And thats 420$ for Just that week, Is that truly fair?
Life isn't fair, was never meant to be, doesn't factor into the equation. When Developers create these games they expect to receive a certain return on investment. The decision is made to charge all customers, whether they even play or not pay for their service. In my golf example, the course charged my father whether he got to play if he wanted to remain his membership. There were times when it rained every weekend for a month. Wasn't fair, but there was no refunds, no returns, he paid for it anyways.
Sure, hard core gamers are consuming more of the system resources then the casuals, but their game play benefits the game in many ways so think of it as a sort of bonus they get for the publicity and what not they bring to a game.
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Many pricing models are not 100% proportional to the cost of production. In our example, MMOs, the cost of production consists of people's salaries and "server costs". I am not expert on this, but i don't think that the "server costs" is that high as the MMO community usually likes to think...
But these servers actually need people to maintain them in order to continue running (that trick with the hamster doesn't really work . Add to that all the people that are needed for player support, then the people who design new content, the marketing ppl, etc etc... But all these are salaries. These are standard costs no matter how many people play your game and how much time they consume on it. If you have 100k subscriptions for example, you need a specific amount of personnel in order to be *able* to service them, and this doesn't change whether they play 1 hour total the whole month, or 12 hours per day. A salary's natural counterpart is a fixed charge.
So no, i don't think you are overcharging or undercharging anyone here, as your main production cost are salaries.
"Traditionally, massively multiplier online games have been about three basic gameplay pillars combat, exploration and character progression. In Alganon, in addition to these we've added the fourth pillar to the equation: Copy & Paste."
Asian market is championing the "hourly pay" and its working fine for them. /shrug
Well for someone who plays over 60 hours a week when playing an MMO... I sure as hell like it how it is.... I wouldnt mind paying hourly if they had the option of a 15 dollar or so for unlimited play still... I sure as hell am not going to play a game where I have to get raped in play time charges... Also there is a reason I dont play F2P games because its not worth the costs for the "supposed" free-ness they advertise... Nothing is free in this world.... Except candy from that shady guy in that shady van... the one with the puppy in it XD
As a relatively casual player ( < 2 hours per day on the days I do play), this is why I don't play a P2P but rather prefer B2P (like the Guild Wars model) and F2P. I dislike being charged the same as someone who uses 8 times the resources.
From what I've spent so far on F2P for a given year, it has been cheaper than a typical P2P (assuming $15/month * 12 months ). Finding a good and balanced F2P is a challenge though but it's so much cheaper to try them all as they're free compared to P2P which may require a credit card up front or a purchase of the initial software.
As an analogy, this is similar to how the prepaid cell phone plans have gained in popularity. There are some people that don't need the whole block of minutes the regular cell phone plans deliver.
The churn of "casuials" pays more of the bills than the long term users (They do not use 15$ worth of resources per month). Its a steadfast rule that with a subscription based model:
"You are over charging half your player base, and undercharging the other half".
Simply put, those that only play a little bit here and there, are being over charged, those that spend all day in the game, all week, are being undercharged.
Is this why we see claims of "OMG ill end up paying more than my monthly sub" from some users? Is this the REAL issue with the "ala carte" or episodic systems we see today? You now need to pay your full bill? Granted, long term users do create a draw for other users, but it dosnt offset the cost.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you involved with a F2P game (Wurm I think)? If thats the case, your opinions could be a little biased and self serving.
That would explain a lot.
WOW isnt great because it has 12 million players. WOW has 12 million players because its great.
These kind of arguments are brought to you by the same jokers in the industry that think if a game they charge 50 dollars offers more than 10 hours of play, well the gamers are getting too much value for their dollars. I disagree completely. When a company opens up its books and proves to me that it costs them well over 10 dollars a month to support a single player playing their game month after month, then I will begin to believe that 15 is too cheap. Until then, this is just someone trying to push the F2P agenda on every game in existence. We've already had a few articles that talk about P2P not dying, and P2P still having a place in the industry. F2P fanatics aren't interested in arguments or discussions, they're interested in audiences.
parrotpholk-Because we all know the miracle patch fairy shows up the night before release and sprinkles magic dust on the server to make it allllll better.
Thats a big giant wall of asumptions you created there. I have no position, I have never given one, you are assuming many many things about my thoughts, you are putting words into my mouth and the makeing a rebuttle to thoes things, insted of adressing the topic you are atempting to make this about me and my views, when its not.
Also, what the hell is with the fox news glen beck crazy talk here? Its a dicussion about current trends, not about me, or how I persionaly feel, and makeing a giant argument as a rebuttle to an assumed position. You are making it into a forum war, where the goal is to "win" or one up the previous poster.
You are responding to something that doesn’t exist with some sort of political crazy talk. Yes, Misconstrued.
Obamamize? Pelosi? social justice?
Unhook the Fox news IV brother.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
Why are you so sure this is the case? It ignores other reasons completely to perpetuate a stereotype. Many games that did not convert, but were designed as F2P out perform subscription games, they have for YEARS now.
What about the other factors, such as the old saying "vote with your wallet"? Looks to me like people did, they voted for more types of payment options.
What about the huge saturation of games in the space now? Is it just a falsehood that the new models lower the initial barrier to entry?
Truth of the matter is, free to play games have been larger, and more successful for years now, you may not have noticed, because you may not consider them "MMG", they have larger player bases, make more income, and are easer to start up and to some more attractive then those from the largest MMO houses. Apparently, the larger more "old school" houses are taking note of all this.
A game must stand on its own, subscription based, or not. A payment model does not a success make alone. Never has.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
Right so um why isn't World of Warcraft F2P then? Oh snap...
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer
Try a MUD today at http://www.mudconnect.com/I think the impression is more than fair. I think everyone would agree that DDO was a failed game. LOTRO on the other hand was a game that was near the end as well. The difference is Turbine allowed LOTRO to stagnate from lack of content which may well have been a concious effort on Turbines part to make it easier to convince players that F2P would be good for the game. EQ2, from the way they have it set up, is a good example of killing P2P to implement F2P. In all cases the P2P versions of the mentioned games could not longer be considered viable be it due to poor design, poor management or a concious effort on the developers part.
WOW isnt great because it has 12 million players. WOW has 12 million players because its great.
While this statement may be true "technically" (meaning the hardcore gamer uses more resources), I feel it's complete and utter bull. Here are a few reasons off the top of my head that I feel this is a total BS statement:
The server will be on whether a hardcore gamer is playing or not
The actual "server" impact of hardcore vs casual is negligable
Hardcore gamers are a necessity for MMOs
Hardcore gamers return their added "expenses" in the form of guides, help, bug reports etc.
Hardcore gamers are more likely to recruit others
Hardcore gamers are your best advertising - look at this site for proof
Hardcore gamers (who are happy with the game) will defend the game against any attack
Hardcore gamers will stay subbed even if a new "better" MMO is released
Hardcore gamers likely have more than one account
Hardcore gamers are your games LEADERS because they've done it all
While this may be true on a purely technical basis, the reality is, your hardcore resource hogging gamers are also your BEST customer and the ones I'd take 100x's over the casual jump ship don't give a crap players.
Whoever said this is totally clueless IMO.
Atlantica for one - playing for about 1 year now.
Only purchase was $20 - 4 Forever Merc slots.
Make your response please
I choose to pay a flat fee, anything more would be too high .. much like cable or sattelite tv. It's up to the casual whether it is worth it or not to pay the flat rate. Although a lower tiered plan for those that do nto play would probably be fine, so long as the high end doesnt go above what it is now.
Rofl no you aren't or if you are your equip suxs and so does your character and are you even max level yet, how much time did you waste walking , are you ina guild, do you pvp.
Playing alantica free is only done via bots once you hit 70-80+.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
I don't play any "game" to persue "max level" as an objective so No not maxed, I'll get there when i get there......
Level 97 with +3-4 Conq. PvP is another option , do it only to get into the next level dungeons.
Your perspective of "gaming" is obviousely different than mine. That's why you think the way you do and not how I do Rolf.
You can't relate to someone playing different than what you think is the "only way" to enjoy MMO's or anything for that matter.
Go back to your hole and STFU....
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you involved with a F2P game (Wurm I think)? If thats the case, your opinions could be a little biased and self serving.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
OK it took this guys 1 YEAR , ONE YEAR, people to get lvl 94 (PS it takes about a month or so to hit 70), the max level is 120 So in one MORE year he maybe close. Get that. Maybe you don't play alantica the same way i do, thats fine .. you wanna log in and kill some stuff, not get any good items or any exp ... so what you had fun. Thats fine, but i couldn't do that for one year, i play games to develop, my character/s to see new things, fight as a team (which u can do), accomplish virtual goals, etc.
The max level question was just to example how impossible it is to level w/o $$. Teleport is a large part of this. EQuipment is the worst tho, it costs too much to get good equip in that game.
I love the concept of the game... but im not paying for it.
So while i randomly shot out a few things i know u have to pay a ton for in the game and you basicly said , yeah your right but so what. That fine. But lets be honest to play Atlantica you have to pay or get a 2 or 3 lvls a month. (and walk a ton ,a nd have shitty equipment). The sad thign is the game is made that way on purpose, at level 30 equipment costs but its not crazy expensive you get equip boxes to drop often, at 70 they almost never drop.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Life isn't fair, was never meant to be, doesn't factor into the equation. When Developers create these games they expect to receive a certain return on investment. The decision is made to charge all customers, whether they even play or not pay for their service. In my golf example, the course charged my father whether he got to play if he wanted to remain his membership. There were times when it rained every weekend for a month. Wasn't fair, but there was no refunds, no returns, he paid for it anyways.
Sure, hard core gamers are consuming more of the system resources then the casuals, but their game play benefits the game in many ways so think of it as a sort of bonus they get for the publicity and what not they bring to a game.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Many pricing models are not 100% proportional to the cost of production. In our example, MMOs, the cost of production consists of people's salaries and "server costs". I am not expert on this, but i don't think that the "server costs" is that high as the MMO community usually likes to think...
But these servers actually need people to maintain them in order to continue running (that trick with the hamster doesn't really work . Add to that all the people that are needed for player support, then the people who design new content, the marketing ppl, etc etc... But all these are salaries. These are standard costs no matter how many people play your game and how much time they consume on it. If you have 100k subscriptions for example, you need a specific amount of personnel in order to be *able* to service them, and this doesn't change whether they play 1 hour total the whole month, or 12 hours per day. A salary's natural counterpart is a fixed charge.
So no, i don't think you are overcharging or undercharging anyone here, as your main production cost are salaries.
"Traditionally, massively multiplier online games have been about three basic gameplay pillars combat, exploration and character progression. In Alganon, in addition to these we've added the fourth pillar to the equation: Copy & Paste."
That may be free, but the cost is pretty high...
As a relatively casual player ( < 2 hours per day on the days I do play), this is why I don't play a P2P but rather prefer B2P (like the Guild Wars model) and F2P. I dislike being charged the same as someone who uses 8 times the resources.
From what I've spent so far on F2P for a given year, it has been cheaper than a typical P2P (assuming $15/month * 12 months ). Finding a good and balanced F2P is a challenge though but it's so much cheaper to try them all as they're free compared to P2P which may require a credit card up front or a purchase of the initial software.
As an analogy, this is similar to how the prepaid cell phone plans have gained in popularity. There are some people that don't need the whole block of minutes the regular cell phone plans deliver.
That would explain a lot.
WOW isnt great because it has 12 million players. WOW has 12 million players because its great.
These kind of arguments are brought to you by the same jokers in the industry that think if a game they charge 50 dollars offers more than 10 hours of play, well the gamers are getting too much value for their dollars. I disagree completely. When a company opens up its books and proves to me that it costs them well over 10 dollars a month to support a single player playing their game month after month, then I will begin to believe that 15 is too cheap. Until then, this is just someone trying to push the F2P agenda on every game in existence. We've already had a few articles that talk about P2P not dying, and P2P still having a place in the industry. F2P fanatics aren't interested in arguments or discussions, they're interested in audiences.
parrotpholk-Because we all know the miracle patch fairy shows up the night before release and sprinkles magic dust on the server to make it allllll better.