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so.... IMO the "miracle" patch has come... yesterdays patch has virtually eliminated all UI lag, mouse lag, and ingame lag for me. the game also runs a lot better and stutters a lot less (still stutters quite a bit... very annoying).
biggest change, the mouse has almost no lag at all now... log in and check it out guys. very happy right now.
Havent noticed any difference myself, heard it was better...patched up, logged in..same as.
I don't know about anything else, but the mouse is still laggy as all get out for me.
just try it out yesterday and the mouse still the same?
by any change did u guys change the settings of FFXIV?
Seems exactly the same as it was to me. I think they use torrent to communicate from server to client.
It'll vary depending on how much work your CPU is currently doing rendering what's going on around you. You'll find your mouse lag to be a lot better in an empty market ward than you will at a busy camp. Staring at a wall might help, provided that wall isn't overlooking a beautiful cascading waterfall.
my frame rate when from the normal 15-25 to 35-55 O_o
Ive seen that the UI is more responsive, the mouse is still a bit off but it is better than before.
well... even standing next to a crystal with 25 people running around and my mouse has zero lag now.... the game runs SO SO SO much better now, but still stutters a little.
UI lag is drastically less now though. looks like some people are seeing the benefit and some are not....
It also could be the difference in peoples computers. Maybe the people with better computers just notice the change more.
They did fix.. now people need to distinguish the cleint issue from their computer issues.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
I strongly doubt that my computer could be causing the game to take 5 seconds to display a menu.
i strongly think it is... considering after checking most of the forums that i frequent, the majority of players are reporting almost no UI lag after yesterdays patch....
What else could it be, your client doesnt like you? Cause it has improved for a lot of people ive spoken too.
maybe you should post your dxdiag and we can test that strong sense of doubt.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
Yeah it was a great patch
still lags
It isnt fixed.
It might be slightly better, and enough to convince people that dont know better that it was some kind of miracle, but for me, when a 3rd party patch to turn on hardware mouse is the most game changing patch put out for a game in beta, there is something fundamentally wrong.
As good as you think it is now, install the hardware mouse patch, and I bet its not SquareEnix praises you are singing.
I don't use the mouse so hardware mouse or not, it doesn't change the fact that the latest patch removed the performance problems I had before the patch. Now I have no problems.
The patch did fix alot of performance issues I had on my low-end laptop. But my super gaming rig is running worse then my laptop now that my laptop gets 20-25FPS.
I'd like to add that the games synergy is terrible. Right next to the newbie area is a area where a squirrel hit me for 800. Great.
He who keeps his cool best wins.
I went to try it out since I heard about this patch and I'm one of those that didn't see improvements sadly =/
Also at first apart of the usual looooooonnnnnnng loading for the first time the game was hanging meaning stopping every few seconds then working again, this never happened before but :S
After a few minutes it ended but I was worried and lowered again map from highest to high >_>
that dont know better? i have been in the IT business, building, repairing, and programming for the last 15 years..... i know the difference, thanks. the patch did wonders for the UI lag issues and performance issues in this game.... im sorry YOU dont know better.
look at the little colored sphere to the left of the mobs name.... if it is anything other than green or blue.... you should STAY AWAY.
the game mixes hard mobs in with easy mobs to keep players of all levels in similar areas.... FF11 did this as well. i dont see the problem if you just pay attention.....
I have two pcs, 1 top of the line alienware, and the other one a 400 euros pc, after the patch the low budget pc improved a lot , while my alienware runs just a bit better.
This is good news anyways, at least goes to show the system it is being optimised, im pretty certain the ui/lag problems will be gone be release, is just a matter of time now.
I can see it happening this way, they already have the boxed out game, with all the content etc, and as soon as you install a patch comes and makes it better, then soon after another patch comes and makes it a bit better again, and so on.
Is EXACTLY how it worked for ffxi, im afraid for a very well polished game we will have to wait a bit still, but not very long, couple of months at most, way before ps release.Sucks but i dont care honestly, i whant a game i can play for a long time anyways and i trust se will deliver.
yeah, my mouse is still super laggy as well. idk what the op downloaded. but yeah its still laggy
But did the miracle patch put all the content in that that SE are supposed to be hiding? xD
I play a lot of Asian mmo's through proxies and all sorts.. LAG is something I can handle, lack of content isnt :P