If this was asked and answered previously, apologies I didn't read the entire threat.
I keep hearing so much about the 1-60 experience, but what about the 60-80? I would be severely disappointed if I dinged 60 and had to do the same Outland quests over again then the same Northrend quests to get to 80.
Ok so I have a question about the beginning. So I have played many other mmos and have tried WoW repeatedly and could never get to 30 because of the real lack of story and just the repeatable kill x and y so on, and the breakup from the bloodelf starting zone and so on when leveling. Have they made this a much more fluid process and more story driven in a sense?
How are the spec trees? Heard they got changed big time. How are the new zones, does the blowing up of a random zone daily annoy you at all? Is the water the only graphical aspect that got changed? Would you say this is a step up or down from WoTLK? Is it basically just the same grind and chug from the previous expacs and original game (I think this question is almost rhetorical)? How are the new races? Would you say that the fact more races can be more classes adds to the game, or detracts from it? Are all the old instances still there? Are you still enjoying the beta, or has it's novelty worn off? Are there still loads of dailies, and do things seem to just become routine?
How are the spec trees? Heard they got changed big time. How are the new zones, does the blowing up of a random zone daily annoy you at all? Is the water the only graphical aspect that got changed? Would you say this is a step up or down from WoTLK? Is it basically just the same grind and chug from the previous expacs and original game (I think this question is almost rhetorical)? How are the new races? Would you say that the fact more races can be more classes adds to the game, or detracts from it? Are all the old instances still there? Are you still enjoying the beta, or has it's novelty worn off? Are there still loads of dailies, and do things seem to just become routine?
Hey, I am not Toxilium, but I am in the Cata beta... I do not have as much experience with it, but I will try to answer anyway.
Spec trees: They got changed quite much and are changing still as it goes along, but all in all I love these new trees. Beside some exceptions, especially in the first 2 tiers, the high talents are all quite meaningful and the "package" you get at level 10 (consisting of one special ability and 2-3 supporting talents) really makes a huuuuge difference.
Used to be that, for example, the different between a frost or fire mage was not really much evident until level 40 or so, now it is evident at level 10.
Zones: I've yet to be burned by Deathwing... so not sure how much that goes, but the zones have ALL be changed as far as I ca ntell. Some more drastically than others, but even the ones that did not had massive chasms open in middle of them are quite different, quest and story wise if not geographical wise. I must say that so far all the zones have kept their "flavor" (Westfall is still permanent summer and all dry, Ashenvale is still the enchanted forest and so on)but have just a much better flow and story in them. Oh yes, I forgot. WAR is everywhere now. Meaning you will find many areas that have a much more "war" feely to them with bunches of npc fighting and slaughtering each other in several hot spots around the region.
No, it does not mean that World PVP is rampant, it is just NPCs, but it does change the feeling when you arrive at Splintertree Post as an Horde char, for example, and there are these giant trees throwing boulders at the walls while orcish catapults throw flaming rocks to them. And oh yes, if one of those boulders hit you, it will damage you. There are several of these, Stonetalon in particular is now a giant battlefield.
Graphics: No, water is not the only change. Do you know how WOTLK looks like? with much more detailed textures and so on? Now take that brush and use it for the old world. The results will vary, in some cases they are subtle, in othes they are dramatic, but certainly the water is not the only changes. There are also many new models in the monsters around, like the giant tentacles now existing in Ashenvale and so on.
Step up/down from WOTLK: In what way exactly? Story wise? Graphically? Atmosphere? your meter will vary, I liked WOTLK for the story and the quests and that is reflected in Cataclysm, but about dungeons and raids, you will have to ask someone else.
Grind: WoW is still WoW if that is what you were asking. Levelling up is much smoother and enjoyable however. You do not even realize you are levelling up then look down and oh! you have gained 2-3 levels just like that. I do not know about faction grinding and all that stuff.
New Races: AWESOME! Both worgens and goblins are full of personality and identity. Each have their own perks too that differentiate them from the other races. Goblins have a "bat-utility" belt basically, while Worgens runs on all four.
More class/race combination: I think it is a positive thing, because of how it is handled in game! You get the Highbourne being mages, not regular night elves. The Tauren priests and paladins worship the Sun, not the Earth Mother (well, the Sun is part of it, but still), and the changes are visible in the game, you do feel to be part of this organization that is part of the Tauren as a whole.
Old Instances: Yes, they are all there, all have been heavily modifed (like sunken temple lost the top level and maraudon has been divided in two instances) and they are all quite challenging. Just yesterday the guild was wiping on Thermaplugg quite much.... now when was the last time you heard of that??
Enjoying the beta: Yes, but I have not been playing it much, so my answer does not have that much value.
Dailies and routine: Again, at max level, who knows? But during levelling up it is everything BUT routine.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
I'm in the beta as well the game still sucks they just re did the Th and what not, and added goblins , YAYAYAAYAY,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I won't be preordering enjoy wasting yoru 40-80 bucks on trash, I rather buy 3 accounts of MO than buy WOW...
WOW is the same old crap period. if someone says other wise there full of it, if you dnot not beleive me try it or buy it then come back to me after launch so I can say told ya so.!!
Where do the Goblin and Worgen starting zones feed into the existing world and at roughly what level? Thanks.
I can't speak about the Goblin zones but the Worgen are "assisted" by the Night Elves and are given refuge in Darnassus. I was level 13 when I got there.
Ok so I have a question about the beginning. So I have played many other mmos and have tried WoW repeatedly and could never get to 30 because of the real lack of story and just the repeatable kill x and y so on, and the breakup from the bloodelf starting zone and so on when leveling. Have they made this a much more fluid process and more story driven in a sense?
Don't take this personally, but new MMORPG players endless obsession with MMORPG's having to deliver the Single Player RPG experience is getting to be a bit too much and is polluting the genre as devs cater to this.
SIngle Player RPG = you follow a fixed linear storyline to completion. In this sort of game, a "story" provides you with background and direction in the absence of other players.
MMORPG = you exist with many other players in a fantasy world and follow your whim as to where your adventures lead you. In this sort of game, a "story" restricts and limits your gameplay experience, making much of the world an unused backdrop instead of exploiting the endless opportunities of free range gameplay.
"MMORPG = you exist with many other players in a fantasy world and follow your whim as to where your adventures lead you. In this sort of game, a "story" restricts and limits your gameplay experience, making much of the world an unused backdrop instead of exploiting the endless opportunities of free range gameplay."
Will we ever get back to this type of playstyle? I wish there was more MMOs and less Online Single Player Role Playing Games (OSPRPG)
Folks will come to the realization that EVERY alt they make has to go through the same artificial phased questing routines and it will get old very very fast. This is not unlike playing a great single player game, and then realizing it's not new the second time through, old the third time, and aggravating after that.
That's a bit overstated. Once characters progress far enough into the game, the storylines converge somewhat. At endgame, all characters will end up playing in the same dungeons and raids. That's why it's called endgame.
People who make alts have the ability to start their alt in one of several starting areas, each with its own quests and storylines to follow. You always have the option of following a specific storyline or skipping it altogether. It isn't until endgame that those options become limited, usually around level 70. Until then, there are entire areas that you can skip altogether if you want. I've played many alts and bypassed Stranglethorn Vale, for example. I've only done the Darkshire quests with one alt, and skipped it with all other alliance alts.
That's one of the things that I like about WoW. It gives me options. Sure, it gets old, eventually. Everything does. But when you compare the options available in WoW to those in, say, Runes of Magic, it's easy to see why I (and many others) prefer one over the other.
Ok so I have a question about the beginning. So I have played many other mmos and have tried WoW repeatedly and could never get to 30 because of the real lack of story and just the repeatable kill x and y so on, and the breakup from the bloodelf starting zone and so on when leveling. Have they made this a much more fluid process and more story driven in a sense?
Don't take this personally, but new MMORPG players endless obsession with MMORPG's having to deliver the Single Player RPG experience is getting to be a bit too much and is polluting the genre as devs cater to this.
SIngle Player RPG = you follow a fixed linear storyline to completion. In this sort of game, a "story" provides you with background and direction in the absence of other players.
MMORPG = you exist with many other players in a fantasy world and follow your whim as to where your adventures lead you. In this sort of game, a "story" restricts and limits your gameplay experience, making much of the world an unused backdrop instead of exploiting the endless opportunities of free range gameplay.
"MMORPG = you exist with many other players in a fantasy world and follow your whim as to where your adventures lead you. In this sort of game, a "story" restricts and limits your gameplay experience, making much of the world an unused backdrop instead of exploiting the endless opportunities of free range gameplay."
Will we ever get back to this type of playstyle? I wish there was more MMOs and less Online Single Player Role Playing Games (OSPRPG)
I think so, but I think we will have to see some kind of market failure as a major studio takes the OSPRPG approach and quickly burns out its players. I think this could happen with the Cataclsym expansion.
I predict box sales will be huge, and for days or weeks everyone will "ooo" and "ahhh" about storylines and phasing.
And then....
Folks will come to the realization that EVERY alt they make has to go through the same artificial phased questing routines and it will get old very very fast. This is not unlike playing a great single player game, and then realizing it's not new the second time through, old the third time, and aggravating after that.
They did the phasing thing big time with the DK starting area, if you remember. Now imagine having to go through that same-style routine throughout the entire game in order to unlock access to areas and to progress. It'll be maddening to many.
IMO, WOW is shooting itself in the foot with this coming expansion. We will see.
... And how is this different from how it is now?
Oh right it isn't!
Actually, there IS a difference! The stories and the process of levelling up is much more entertaining! Yes, the stories will get old eventually, but the mechanics will at least spice up your levelling to some extent.
In addition, with all the changes ,there are now several levelling paths you can take at any given time. There were some before as well, but they tended to converge in the mid point, Now you can level up without leaving Kalimdor if you so wish (or Eastern Kingdoms) and even so, my worgen (now level 58, just going to outlands) never entered Desolace nor Feralas. So even a single continent will have MORE stuff than a full levelling up 1-58 need.
And you got phasing a bit wrong. You do have access to all areas at all times, what phasing permit is to have additions to the areas as the story progress. So for example in this story I just did in Blasted lands, you work for this shifty gnome, an infiltrate of the Twilight Hammer stuck in a cave. As you progress, he charge you with resurrecting a dead night elf demon hunter and once you do that and return to the cave, there he is, a new character. Nothing ever will stop me from getting to Blasted lands or Stranglethorn Vale.
Yes, phasing might mean one of your buddies will not see the demon hunter in the cave, but those quests are all soloable, so if your buddy really need help with that he is better off asking of people of his own level on the same quest.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
What's the meaning of life, the universe and everything?
Awesome Post.
Most of my questions were answered already. I suffer from sever alt-itis & constantly leveling new characters. Really happy to hear about the revamp to original starter areas.
Not much for me to ask...brother has it...seen it (played a little too)..and am unimpressed.
Doesn't warrant me coming back.
Have you tested the new pvp areas? are they fun?
does it still make sense to spend 5k for the artisan riding skill now, or will it be cheaper and/or other ways of obtaining that flight speed?
If this was asked and answered previously, apologies I didn't read the entire threat.
I keep hearing so much about the 1-60 experience, but what about the 60-80? I would be severely disappointed if I dinged 60 and had to do the same Outland quests over again then the same Northrend quests to get to 80.
Ok so I have a question about the beginning. So I have played many other mmos and have tried WoW repeatedly and could never get to 30 because of the real lack of story and just the repeatable kill x and y so on, and the breakup from the bloodelf starting zone and so on when leveling. Have they made this a much more fluid process and more story driven in a sense?
How are the spec trees? Heard they got changed big time. How are the new zones, does the blowing up of a random zone daily annoy you at all? Is the water the only graphical aspect that got changed? Would you say this is a step up or down from WoTLK? Is it basically just the same grind and chug from the previous expacs and original game (I think this question is almost rhetorical)? How are the new races? Would you say that the fact more races can be more classes adds to the game, or detracts from it? Are all the old instances still there? Are you still enjoying the beta, or has it's novelty worn off? Are there still loads of dailies, and do things seem to just become routine?
Hey, I am not Toxilium, but I am in the Cata beta... I do not have as much experience with it, but I will try to answer anyway.
Spec trees: They got changed quite much and are changing still as it goes along, but all in all I love these new trees. Beside some exceptions, especially in the first 2 tiers, the high talents are all quite meaningful and the "package" you get at level 10 (consisting of one special ability and 2-3 supporting talents) really makes a huuuuge difference.
Used to be that, for example, the different between a frost or fire mage was not really much evident until level 40 or so, now it is evident at level 10.
Zones: I've yet to be burned by Deathwing... so not sure how much that goes, but the zones have ALL be changed as far as I ca ntell. Some more drastically than others, but even the ones that did not had massive chasms open in middle of them are quite different, quest and story wise if not geographical wise. I must say that so far all the zones have kept their "flavor" (Westfall is still permanent summer and all dry, Ashenvale is still the enchanted forest and so on)but have just a much better flow and story in them. Oh yes, I forgot. WAR is everywhere now. Meaning you will find many areas that have a much more "war" feely to them with bunches of npc fighting and slaughtering each other in several hot spots around the region.
No, it does not mean that World PVP is rampant, it is just NPCs, but it does change the feeling when you arrive at Splintertree Post as an Horde char, for example, and there are these giant trees throwing boulders at the walls while orcish catapults throw flaming rocks to them. And oh yes, if one of those boulders hit you, it will damage you. There are several of these, Stonetalon in particular is now a giant battlefield.
Graphics: No, water is not the only change. Do you know how WOTLK looks like? with much more detailed textures and so on? Now take that brush and use it for the old world. The results will vary, in some cases they are subtle, in othes they are dramatic, but certainly the water is not the only changes. There are also many new models in the monsters around, like the giant tentacles now existing in Ashenvale and so on.
Step up/down from WOTLK: In what way exactly? Story wise? Graphically? Atmosphere? your meter will vary, I liked WOTLK for the story and the quests and that is reflected in Cataclysm, but about dungeons and raids, you will have to ask someone else.
Grind: WoW is still WoW if that is what you were asking. Levelling up is much smoother and enjoyable however. You do not even realize you are levelling up then look down and oh! you have gained 2-3 levels just like that. I do not know about faction grinding and all that stuff.
New Races: AWESOME! Both worgens and goblins are full of personality and identity. Each have their own perks too that differentiate them from the other races. Goblins have a "bat-utility" belt basically, while Worgens runs on all four.
More class/race combination: I think it is a positive thing, because of how it is handled in game! You get the Highbourne being mages, not regular night elves. The Tauren priests and paladins worship the Sun, not the Earth Mother (well, the Sun is part of it, but still), and the changes are visible in the game, you do feel to be part of this organization that is part of the Tauren as a whole.
Old Instances: Yes, they are all there, all have been heavily modifed (like sunken temple lost the top level and maraudon has been divided in two instances) and they are all quite challenging. Just yesterday the guild was wiping on Thermaplugg quite much.... now when was the last time you heard of that??
Enjoying the beta: Yes, but I have not been playing it much, so my answer does not have that much value.
Dailies and routine: Again, at max level, who knows? But during levelling up it is everything BUT routine.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
What a shocker, he's in beta! oh well me too... but it's boring and laggy.
I'm in the beta as well the game still sucks they just re did the Th and what not, and added goblins , YAYAYAAYAY,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I won't be preordering enjoy wasting yoru 40-80 bucks on trash, I rather buy 3 accounts of MO than buy WOW...
WOW is the same old crap period. if someone says other wise there full of it, if you dnot not beleive me try it or buy it then come back to me after launch so I can say told ya so.!!
What is worgens racial abillity, what classes can they be and what bonuses do they get?
So is Gilneas anything like the Lore or did they Rewrite that whole section?
Where do the Goblin and Worgen starting zones feed into the existing world and at roughly what level? Thanks.
I can't speak about the Goblin zones but the Worgen are "assisted" by the Night Elves and are given refuge in Darnassus. I was level 13 when I got there.
"MMORPG = you exist with many other players in a fantasy world and follow your whim as to where your adventures lead you. In this sort of game, a "story" restricts and limits your gameplay experience, making much of the world an unused backdrop instead of exploiting the endless opportunities of free range gameplay."
Will we ever get back to this type of playstyle? I wish there was more MMOs and less Online Single Player Role Playing Games (OSPRPG)
That's a bit overstated. Once characters progress far enough into the game, the storylines converge somewhat. At endgame, all characters will end up playing in the same dungeons and raids. That's why it's called endgame.
People who make alts have the ability to start their alt in one of several starting areas, each with its own quests and storylines to follow. You always have the option of following a specific storyline or skipping it altogether. It isn't until endgame that those options become limited, usually around level 70. Until then, there are entire areas that you can skip altogether if you want. I've played many alts and bypassed Stranglethorn Vale, for example. I've only done the Darkshire quests with one alt, and skipped it with all other alliance alts.
That's one of the things that I like about WoW. It gives me options. Sure, it gets old, eventually. Everything does. But when you compare the options available in WoW to those in, say, Runes of Magic, it's easy to see why I (and many others) prefer one over the other.
... And how is this different from how it is now?
Oh right it isn't!
Actually, there IS a difference! The stories and the process of levelling up is much more entertaining! Yes, the stories will get old eventually, but the mechanics will at least spice up your levelling to some extent.
In addition, with all the changes ,there are now several levelling paths you can take at any given time. There were some before as well, but they tended to converge in the mid point, Now you can level up without leaving Kalimdor if you so wish (or Eastern Kingdoms) and even so, my worgen (now level 58, just going to outlands) never entered Desolace nor Feralas. So even a single continent will have MORE stuff than a full levelling up 1-58 need.
And you got phasing a bit wrong. You do have access to all areas at all times, what phasing permit is to have additions to the areas as the story progress. So for example in this story I just did in Blasted lands, you work for this shifty gnome, an infiltrate of the Twilight Hammer stuck in a cave. As you progress, he charge you with resurrecting a dead night elf demon hunter and once you do that and return to the cave, there he is, a new character. Nothing ever will stop me from getting to Blasted lands or Stranglethorn Vale.
Yes, phasing might mean one of your buddies will not see the demon hunter in the cave, but those quests are all soloable, so if your buddy really need help with that he is better off asking of people of his own level on the same quest.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Awesome Post.
Most of my questions were answered already. I suffer from sever alt-itis & constantly leveling new characters. Really happy to hear about the revamp to original starter areas.