I voted COnsular for main, but am torn...also interested in the Agent....and the Smuggler...and the Bounty Hunter! About the only thing I can say is that at this point, Trooper will be my last choice...everything else is up in the air !
"So, have you people already worked out what side and what class you plan to start with?"
Hutt Faction.
Flunky Class.
There, I have made my choice. When you see that friendly NPC standing around trying to look useful...
...it's prolly me. Wave hi to me and wake me up once in a while please.
/sarcasm off
Seriously I was not looking for SW:TOR to be SWG all over again, but only having humans (yes variants but human) and basically Force Sensitives or FS Henchman classes is too limiting for the IP and the time in SW history. There is a middle ground between what old SWG was and what SW:TOR will be that would have been great... but Bioware dropped the ball as far as I am concerned. No I did NOT want it to be SWG of old... and what TOR will be is shallow compared to what the IP could have offered.
ONLY TWO Factions? In the time of the Old Republic? Seriously?
Solo instead of group... both maybe? doubtful... mostly solo.
Theme instead of sandbox... how about half way in the middle? No it's a themepark that's obvious. Bioware telling us a story screams themepark.
Casual instead of halfway between Casual and hardcore? That's a given. Casuals make up 95% of planet Earth.
Cash Shop? Not denied so that is a fair bet there's gonna be one.
Only Human Race? many many more would have done the IP justice much better.
Space? WHAT SPACE! how about JTL space near the planets with ship combat?... NOT EvE .... just JTL around the planets, and up to date version.... Nope that was too hard with a $150 million budget and what will probably be the highest retail priced MMO so far.
If they do work on this list then we shall see.
"But they will have a story..."
Yes there will be and I bet it will be awesome.
I am the Player that wonders... "What the %#*& just happened?!" ............... "I Believe... There should be NO financial connection or portals between the Real World and the Virtual in MMOs. " __Ever Present Cockroach of the MMO Verses__ ...scurrying to and fro... .munching on bits of garbage... always under foot...
IM gonna try out every class. From sith inquistior to jedi knight to jedi consular to bounty hunter to smuggler. They all sound so cool
I especially will do the jedi/sith classes first. Thats the fun with an mmo the ability to try out all classes and races. In wow i have a character of most of th e classes and ive checked out all the races even if i dont have every race as one of myy characters.
I cant get into undead i hate how they walk . that said Im gonna play both. From a zabrak sith warrior to a pure blood inquistor to a chiss bounty hunter to a twilek smuggler to human jedi knight and a miraulan counsolor.
why not Thats what mmos are for the replay and roll alts.
Wow first off u are wrong on so many levels. There will be group play once u leave your starting area. This u can see in demos They are making it solo freindly so if u dont wanna group u dont have to. Games that force u to group tend to not do as well as solo freindly games.
Thats just fact. Not Enough races or classes? they have 8 classes and as for 2 factions there are always only 2 factions in star wars. the republic and the empire. Sure u have the unknow regions of space but thats not a faction. Have u read the books?
Sure u have the coorporate sector But from what i read on this game that is controlled by the empire. This is a world at war between 2 giant factions. Sure the hutt are nutrel As they only wanna make money In the end star wars has and always be a 2 faction story.
Its always jedi vs sith .Every war in star wars is a war between jedi and sith . Except fothe yuhzon vong I spelt that wrong. As for races Sure they are starting out with mostly human races but they have multiple races. Just cause they are humanoid in nature doesnt make it a bad thing.
Wow has a 50/50 thing pretty much u got your humanoid species, From humans,undead, worgen, both elves nite and blood.
then u got your trolls, orcs , tauren and dranie and goblins i guess. that said the most played races are yup Human and blood elves, Why they are humanoid. Bioware has a point players tend to play humanoids more ten non humans.
Sure there are exceptions but for the majority of players the perfer humanoids. We dont really know other then its story driven and there is group play but the game is solo freindly much about this game bioware insists its an open world not instanced.
Im assuming each planet is like a continent in wow. U can explore it and when u travel from planet to planet will be like going from one continent to another in wow. So some of your concerns arent even valid. People can deny biowares statement that ist an open world. the one thing im sure is bioware knows alot more then u or i do.
no offense but i think haveing , Twilek, Chiss, Miraluns, Zabrak, as playable races is gonna befun. Sure some of them are just diffrent colored humans or blind humans but there are alot of humans in the star wars universe. we dont really know all the races yet either. They just said they will mostly be humanoid in nature. So lets find out more before we completly bash how bioware is approaching this.
there success in both consol based rpgs and in mythics success yes warhammer and daoc were successful even if not on wows level Means ill give them the benifit of the doubt.
Even though it still a small number of votes, its good that that its pretty spread out with the choices :-). I have no idea which one I will choose until I get to see more of the game in later builds.
If you head over to Darth Hater and look at some of their
1-What do you plan on playing at launch?
Fast forward to E3
2-Has E3 Changed your launch class plans?
Fast forward to GDC
3-What is your favorite class so far
fast forward for GCG
3-Has the flashpoint and gameplay demos changed your starting class
etc ,etc, etc. Out of thousands of cumlative voters you'll see the classes are actually spread out pretty darn evenly. It just goes to show how so many members of the community can identify with the classes and look to make the story told unique to their perspective. I have alot of hope for the class balance ingame, and even though I was DEAD SURE everyone would be rolling jedi knights and sith warriors, only a cumlative total of about 30% plan on doing so for their main toons. Yup, there will be alot of force wielders, but it seems there will be alot of troopers, bh's and agents around as well. Tons of them in fact. I can say my 2 fav's from hands on were totally the Inquisitor (due to the story being pure intrigue and tons of moral choices right out of the gate, even though the powers were a little lacking in the first levels) and the Bounty Hunter. Run in with the blasters going apeshit, fire a rocket and put em all flat on their backs, and close in for a flamethrower finish as you watch them burn to death. And yes, they light on fire, writhe around on the ground for a few secs and the corpses continue to smolder for a bit. It's actually pretty damn badass. The trooper is no joke either. I only got to play one for a few minutes, but Every one I did play had a unique and interesting mechanics. The only ones I saw that people struggled with were the cover mechanics for the smuggler. I only saw one guy using it alot, and only for about 3 minutes. It was a pretty badass feeling on the SW to leap in, and totally decimate 3 guys in a span of 10 seconds only to hear the guy behind me gasp out "Holy SHIT!" as i force leaped to the next group. Let the haters hate. They always will find something to bitch about or be negative towards. This game draws you in, and even though people bitch about the voiceovers and blah blah, you feel VERY immersed, and the acting, facial expressions, and writing was totally top notch. If you are a SW fan, odds are you will absolutely LOVE the game. I got to play a grand total of about 30 minutes, and couldnt stop smiling for 3 days. Just wish I could have gotten to play the jedi knight or consular.
I'm going to start with a Bounty Hunter, but like many of the people that's going to play, I'll make one of everything and play whichever one strikes me when I'm in the mood.
No surprise. Nerds always want to be badass in games to compensate that they were teased all their youth in school. Now they pack back by playing Darth Vader and Boba Fett.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Well I, for one, hope your feeling lasts for a long while while in game as well. I just cant help but think this is Mass Effect in the star wars universe game. I am still very skeptical about the mmo portion of the game. How MMO will it feel. Or will it be Mass Effect with co-op. I have loved Bioware for many years but I am iffy on it. I was not the biggest Mass Effect fan and Dragon Age was too restrictive for my tastes. I was not a big fan of the story in Dragon Age at all. Hope Im wrong.
I personally got the "mmo feel" right off the bat. The questgivers were in phased zones (some of them) but the minute I left a building or a story hub and set foot outside, it was wide-ass open. The videos and commentary just don't properly translate how utterly massive the world felt. I saw other people running around all over the place. There were also alot of "social centers" (although they at the time were'nt active) Like taxi ports, mailbox looking things, interactive screens (bounty boards maybe?) as well as centralized quest hub areas where lots of players were congregating. Now keep in mind everyone was off in their own world swapping in and out of armor or trying /dance like stuff. But it felt like dalaran on a friday night, just alot prettier with about 1/50th of the lag (but it was on a cloed lan network, not sure where the game server was physically located). If I got one feeling to put into words it was MASSIVE. I understand what you're saying about the 3rd person single player ME2 factor, but I didnt get that sense in any way shape or form. It felt closer to Aion or WoW than mass effect as far as that goes. The zones were huge and open, but not so huge as to never see another player for 20minute run stretches. The choice and dialogue systems do resemble ME and DA to an extreme degree though. They have said there are many options from extreme light to extreme dark, and not just dialogue wise. In wow you go here and kill x. From my experience in SWTOR you go here and you can do X, y, z, or a combination of them all arcing the story in different directions, yet all achieve the goal. Im afrid it's not going to get much more diverse than that. The dialogue system (if you didn't like the me/da version) will deffinatly not impress you, but I loved the moral choices and options presented. And they still have 7 months of polish left to put in place. I personally hope you're wrong to. From what I've seen and played, this is the top of the food chain as far as quality mmo's I've seen. The only thing I saw that irked me was some animations and mobs getting stuck hopping on crates, going for cover, or getting killed and floating midair for 2-3 seconds. Other than that it seemed more polished than many games that have been out for years.
Im not sure how much of a Sci-fi guy you are, or if you like the star wars novels at all, but a man named "Drew Karpyshyn" is writing much of the story and plotlines for the story-arc for the game. You could always pick up one of his novels to see if you like his writing style and imagination regarding starwars.
No surprise. Nerds always want to be badass in games to compensate that they were teased all their youth in school. Now they pack back by playing Darth Vader and Boba Fett.
Seriously? Are you trying that hard to make the forum goers angry at you?
Anyways, I'll be starting with Sith Inq and then a Trooper or BH.
"If you're going to act like a noob, I'll treat you like one." -Caskio
I am going to level all classes on both sides. For the Republic my main will be a smuggler and for the Empire a bounty hunter or a imperial agent. These are the classes i will play the most.
Now, if Bioware manages to make the Force using ones able to walk the thin line between light and dark as they claim they will then i may invest some serious time on a Jedi or a Sith. Most likely on a Jedi Consular.
While I'm sure I could eventually play all classes, I Do wish to play SI first. I like to be support.
But from seeing these polls, and polls on the TOR forums, it seems like MUCH of the population wants to use chain lightning and be the emperor or something <.<.
Well I, for one, hope your feeling lasts for a long while while in game as well. I just cant help but think this is Mass Effect in the star wars universe game. I am still very skeptical about the mmo portion of the game. How MMO will it feel. Or will it be Mass Effect with co-op. I have loved Bioware for many years but I am iffy on it. I was not the biggest Mass Effect fan and Dragon Age was too restrictive for my tastes. I was not a big fan of the story in Dragon Age at all. Hope Im wrong.
I personally got the "mmo feel" right off the bat. The questgivers were in phased zones (some of them) but the minute I left a building or a story hub and set foot outside, it was wide-ass open. The videos and commentary just don't properly translate how utterly massive the world felt. I saw other people running around all over the place. There were also alot of "social centers" (although they at the time were'nt active) Like taxi ports, mailbox looking things, interactive screens (bounty boards maybe?) as well as centralized quest hub areas where lots of players were congregating. Now keep in mind everyone was off in their own world swapping in and out of armor or trying /dance like stuff. But it felt like dalaran on a friday night, just alot prettier with about 1/50th of the lag (but it was on a cloed lan network, not sure where the game server was physically located). If I got one feeling to put into words it was MASSIVE. I understand what you're saying about the 3rd person single player ME2 factor, but I didnt get that sense in any way shape or form. It felt closer to Aion or WoW than mass effect as far as that goes. The zones were huge and open, but not so huge as to never see another player for 20minute run stretches. The choice and dialogue systems do resemble ME and DA to an extreme degree though. They have said there are many options from extreme light to extreme dark, and not just dialogue wise. In wow you go here and kill x. From my experience in SWTOR you go here and you can do X, y, z, or a combination of them all arcing the story in different directions, yet all achieve the goal. Im afrid it's not going to get much more diverse than that. The dialogue system (if you didn't like the me/da version) will deffinatly not impress you, but I loved the moral choices and options presented. And they still have 7 months of polish left to put in place. I personally hope you're wrong to. From what I've seen and played, this is the top of the food chain as far as quality mmo's I've seen. The only thing I saw that irked me was some animations and mobs getting stuck hopping on crates, going for cover, or getting killed and floating midair for 2-3 seconds. Other than that it seemed more polished than many games that have been out for years.
Would love to hear more of your experiences, Harvest151
I understand you played on PAX or the Gamescom? What classes did you play? How did the combat feel like? Did you play on Hutta?
And can you find yourself agreeing with the impressions report that another demo player made? (look here)
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
...I don't KNOW!!!
I voted COnsular for main, but am torn...also interested in the Agent....and the Smuggler...and the Bounty Hunter! About the only thing I can say is that at this point, Trooper will be my last choice...everything else is up in the air !
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
I know that we can only work with what Bioware has seen fit to put in its game but I wish they'd added more professions to the mix:
Teras Kasi Artist
Hutt Enforcer
Starship Builder...
,,,would all have been great.
Seeing as bounty hunters are Empire only (stupid idea), I'll most likely be a jedi sentinel, with the trooper being my first alt.
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
On a slight tangent: I wonder if there'd be any kind oif market for a solely crafting/trading/social/political star wars universe simulator?
Trooper. A ranged tank sounds like fun.
"So, have you people already worked out what side and what class you plan to start with?"
Hutt Faction.
Flunky Class.
There, I have made my choice. When you see that friendly NPC standing around trying to look useful...
...it's prolly me. Wave hi to me and wake me up once in a while please.
/sarcasm off
Seriously I was not looking for SW:TOR to be SWG all over again, but only having humans (yes variants but human) and basically Force Sensitives or FS Henchman classes is too limiting for the IP and the time in SW history. There is a middle ground between what old SWG was and what SW:TOR will be that would have been great... but Bioware dropped the ball as far as I am concerned. No I did NOT want it to be SWG of old... and what TOR will be is shallow compared to what the IP could have offered.
ONLY TWO Factions? In the time of the Old Republic? Seriously?
Solo instead of group... both maybe? doubtful... mostly solo.
Theme instead of sandbox... how about half way in the middle? No it's a themepark that's obvious. Bioware telling us a story screams themepark.
Casual instead of halfway between Casual and hardcore? That's a given. Casuals make up 95% of planet Earth.
Cash Shop? Not denied so that is a fair bet there's gonna be one.
Only Human Race? many many more would have done the IP justice much better.
Space? WHAT SPACE! how about JTL space near the planets with ship combat?... NOT EvE .... just JTL around the planets, and up to date version.... Nope that was too hard with a $150 million budget and what will probably be the highest retail priced MMO so far.
If they do work on this list then we shall see.
"But they will have a story..."
Yes there will be and I bet it will be awesome.
I am the Player that wonders... "What the %#*& just happened?!"
"I Believe... There should be NO financial connection or portals between the Real World and the Virtual in MMOs. "
__Ever Present Cockroach of the MMO Verses__
...scurrying to and fro... .munching on bits of garbage... always under foot...
IM gonna try out every class. From sith inquistior to jedi knight to jedi consular to bounty hunter to smuggler. They all sound so cool
I especially will do the jedi/sith classes first. Thats the fun with an mmo the ability to try out all classes and races. In wow i have a character of most of th e classes and ive checked out all the races even if i dont have every race as one of myy characters.
I cant get into undead i hate how they walk . that said Im gonna play both. From a zabrak sith warrior to a pure blood inquistor to a chiss bounty hunter to a twilek smuggler to human jedi knight and a miraulan counsolor.
why not Thats what mmos are for the replay and roll alts.
Main: Jedi Knight
Alt: Smuggler
Wow first off u are wrong on so many levels. There will be group play once u leave your starting area. This u can see in demos They are making it solo freindly so if u dont wanna group u dont have to. Games that force u to group tend to not do as well as solo freindly games.
Thats just fact. Not Enough races or classes? they have 8 classes and as for 2 factions there are always only 2 factions in star wars. the republic and the empire. Sure u have the unknow regions of space but thats not a faction. Have u read the books?
Sure u have the coorporate sector But from what i read on this game that is controlled by the empire. This is a world at war between 2 giant factions. Sure the hutt are nutrel As they only wanna make money In the end star wars has and always be a 2 faction story.
Its always jedi vs sith .Every war in star wars is a war between jedi and sith . Except fothe yuhzon vong I spelt that wrong. As for races Sure they are starting out with mostly human races but they have multiple races. Just cause they are humanoid in nature doesnt make it a bad thing.
Wow has a 50/50 thing pretty much u got your humanoid species, From humans,undead, worgen, both elves nite and blood.
then u got your trolls, orcs , tauren and dranie and goblins i guess. that said the most played races are yup Human and blood elves, Why they are humanoid. Bioware has a point players tend to play humanoids more ten non humans.
Sure there are exceptions but for the majority of players the perfer humanoids. We dont really know other then its story driven and there is group play but the game is solo freindly much about this game bioware insists its an open world not instanced.
Im assuming each planet is like a continent in wow. U can explore it and when u travel from planet to planet will be like going from one continent to another in wow. So some of your concerns arent even valid. People can deny biowares statement that ist an open world. the one thing im sure is bioware knows alot more then u or i do.
no offense but i think haveing , Twilek, Chiss, Miraluns, Zabrak, as playable races is gonna befun. Sure some of them are just diffrent colored humans or blind humans but there are alot of humans in the star wars universe. we dont really know all the races yet either. They just said they will mostly be humanoid in nature. So lets find out more before we completly bash how bioware is approaching this.
there success in both consol based rpgs and in mythics success yes warhammer and daoc were successful even if not on wows level Means ill give them the benifit of the doubt.
Even though it still a small number of votes, its good that that its pretty spread out with the choices :-). I have no idea which one I will choose until I get to see more of the game in later builds.
There Is Always Hope!
If you head over to Darth Hater and look at some of their
1-What do you plan on playing at launch?
Fast forward to E3
2-Has E3 Changed your launch class plans?
Fast forward to GDC
3-What is your favorite class so far
fast forward for GCG
3-Has the flashpoint and gameplay demos changed your starting class
etc ,etc, etc. Out of thousands of cumlative voters you'll see the classes are actually spread out pretty darn evenly. It just goes to show how so many members of the community can identify with the classes and look to make the story told unique to their perspective. I have alot of hope for the class balance ingame, and even though I was DEAD SURE everyone would be rolling jedi knights and sith warriors, only a cumlative total of about 30% plan on doing so for their main toons. Yup, there will be alot of force wielders, but it seems there will be alot of troopers, bh's and agents around as well. Tons of them in fact. I can say my 2 fav's from hands on were totally the Inquisitor (due to the story being pure intrigue and tons of moral choices right out of the gate, even though the powers were a little lacking in the first levels) and the Bounty Hunter. Run in with the blasters going apeshit, fire a rocket and put em all flat on their backs, and close in for a flamethrower finish as you watch them burn to death. And yes, they light on fire, writhe around on the ground for a few secs and the corpses continue to smolder for a bit. It's actually pretty damn badass. The trooper is no joke either. I only got to play one for a few minutes, but Every one I did play had a unique and interesting mechanics. The only ones I saw that people struggled with were the cover mechanics for the smuggler. I only saw one guy using it alot, and only for about 3 minutes. It was a pretty badass feeling on the SW to leap in, and totally decimate 3 guys in a span of 10 seconds only to hear the guy behind me gasp out "Holy SHIT!" as i force leaped to the next group. Let the haters hate. They always will find something to bitch about or be negative towards. This game draws you in, and even though people bitch about the voiceovers and blah blah, you feel VERY immersed, and the acting, facial expressions, and writing was totally top notch. If you are a SW fan, odds are you will absolutely LOVE the game. I got to play a grand total of about 30 minutes, and couldnt stop smiling for 3 days. Just wish I could have gotten to play the jedi knight or consular.
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
I'm going to start with a Bounty Hunter, but like many of the people that's going to play, I'll make one of everything and play whichever one strikes me when I'm in the mood.
I'm going to start off with a Sith Inquisitor and my main alt will be a Smuggler. I might try Jedi Consular to be Miralukan
No surprise. Nerds always want to be badass in games to compensate that they were teased all their youth in school. Now they pack back by playing Darth Vader and Boba Fett.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I personally got the "mmo feel" right off the bat. The questgivers were in phased zones (some of them) but the minute I left a building or a story hub and set foot outside, it was wide-ass open. The videos and commentary just don't properly translate how utterly massive the world felt. I saw other people running around all over the place. There were also alot of "social centers" (although they at the time were'nt active) Like taxi ports, mailbox looking things, interactive screens (bounty boards maybe?) as well as centralized quest hub areas where lots of players were congregating. Now keep in mind everyone was off in their own world swapping in and out of armor or trying /dance like stuff. But it felt like dalaran on a friday night, just alot prettier with about 1/50th of the lag (but it was on a cloed lan network, not sure where the game server was physically located). If I got one feeling to put into words it was MASSIVE. I understand what you're saying about the 3rd person single player ME2 factor, but I didnt get that sense in any way shape or form. It felt closer to Aion or WoW than mass effect as far as that goes. The zones were huge and open, but not so huge as to never see another player for 20minute run stretches. The choice and dialogue systems do resemble ME and DA to an extreme degree though. They have said there are many options from extreme light to extreme dark, and not just dialogue wise. In wow you go here and kill x. From my experience in SWTOR you go here and you can do X, y, z, or a combination of them all arcing the story in different directions, yet all achieve the goal. Im afrid it's not going to get much more diverse than that. The dialogue system (if you didn't like the me/da version) will deffinatly not impress you, but I loved the moral choices and options presented. And they still have 7 months of polish left to put in place. I personally hope you're wrong to. From what I've seen and played, this is the top of the food chain as far as quality mmo's I've seen. The only thing I saw that irked me was some animations and mobs getting stuck hopping on crates, going for cover, or getting killed and floating midair for 2-3 seconds. Other than that it seemed more polished than many games that have been out for years.
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
Im not sure how much of a Sci-fi guy you are, or if you like the star wars novels at all, but a man named "Drew Karpyshyn" is writing much of the story and plotlines for the story-arc for the game. You could always pick up one of his novels to see if you like his writing style and imagination regarding starwars.
Some of his novels:
Star Wars: Dynasty of Evil
Star Wars: Rule of Two
Star Wars: Darth Bane – Path of Destruction
He was also the lead writer for Baulders Gate 1, KOTOR 1, Jade Empire, and Neverwinter Nights 1.
Hope this helps get an idea of what his writing is like. Cheers. Hope to see you ingame.
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
Seriously? Are you trying that hard to make the forum goers angry at you?
Anyways, I'll be starting with Sith Inq and then a Trooper or BH.
"If you're going to act like a noob, I'll treat you like one." -Caskio
Adventurers wear fancy pants!!!
I am going to level all classes on both sides. For the Republic my main will be a smuggler and for the Empire a bounty hunter or a imperial agent. These are the classes i will play the most.
Now, if Bioware manages to make the Force using ones able to walk the thin line between light and dark as they claim they will then i may invest some serious time on a Jedi or a Sith. Most likely on a Jedi Consular.
While I'm sure I could eventually play all classes, I Do wish to play SI first. I like to be support.
But from seeing these polls, and polls on the TOR forums, it seems like MUCH of the population wants to use chain lightning and be the emperor or something <.<.
Would love to hear more of your experiences, Harvest151
I understand you played on PAX or the Gamescom? What classes did you play? How did the combat feel like? Did you play on Hutta?
And can you find yourself agreeing with the impressions report that another demo player made? (look here)
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."