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WOW! Just, Um, WOW! I really don't even know what to say about this disaster...
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It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.
So instead of those on the East Coast being able to buy the game at 12 AM and get that 3 hour start on the West Coast players, everybody will be able to play at the same time - actually, the East Coast folks looking for a hard copy to do any installation will still get a 3 hour start on the installation... is funny how we take certain things for granted on the East Coast. It is fun telling the endings of shows to those West Coast folks though, lol.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
I fail to see this disaster. What exactly is the problem?
How can you not see it? You go to the store at midnight, buy the game, come home and... go to sleep because it's not a midnight launch for you.
Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath were all playable at midnight. Cata won't be, unless you live on the West Coast, then it's fine. If you live on the East Coast, the launch is so late that most people won't get to play...
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Because nobody on the east coast has a life..we all played continuously on launch day until max level. Unfortunatley the late release style of this game basically guarantees that I won't have a chance at a realm first. In the past Sure I started three hours ahead of pacific coast, but I also went to work three hours earlier.
I think their problem is that they want to buy the game right when it comes out, but if its on the east coast they would have to wait till 3 am to do so, which in that case the shops might not be open and or they wont have as much playing time as their west coast counterparts.
Really though, its all silly...this reaction i mean. Clearly blizzard made an intentional decision, and they are a west coast company. Furthermore, THERES NO RUSH, and most likely the retail stores will sell the GAME BOX if thats what you bought on the 6th...since it wont do any good until the 7th anyways.
Ahh so they've made you Australian too I see. I'm Australian, our midnight launch should be 14ish hours before you, but we have to wait.
So um yeah, not a big deal for me.
Considering theres way too many realms, and millions of players playing the game... a realm first really doesnt matter much. Enjoy the game at your own pace man, its how developers want you to play their games. Furthermore, its a Blizzard title, you will be max level in a few days anyways.
That said, no one really cares and or pays attention to those server firsts anymore. Can you name the first level 60 on oh Bonechewer for example? I mean, no one really cares. Its dumb.
I agree with this. They should just delete realm firsts and achievements IMO. Even if realm firsts were an issue, was there ever an instance were an East Coast player got one by a margin of 3 hours?
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Well yes actually, however, the simplest solution is indeed to 86 the realm achievments. They're highly contested and really they are the only reason for the schism in east and west coast launch dates.
I don't really think it's a big deal having to wait another few hours to play the game.
I'm only an hour ahead so I'll be playing at 1am my time... and I will probably have work the next day.
I actually think it's a little more fair the way they're doing it. No one should get a head start due to time zone differences.
more likely the poor souls complaining about this simply don't have enough of a life to sustain themselves for 3 hours. Likely the same people who post "Where's my server" every Tuesday at 10:01 am.
LFD tools are great for cramming people into content, but quality > quantity.
I am, usually on the sandbox .. more "hardcore" side of things, but I also do just want to have fun. So lighten up already
Nice of you to chime in on what you think of someone else's dilema. Seriosly, why are people defending Blizzard on this when they don't live on the East Coast?
What if they said "Hey, let's delete the Arthas realm and all the characters on it."And then people chime in with "I don't play on Arthas, but it's not a big deal." ANNOYING!
Of course you don't think it's a big deal, because it doesn't affect you. If I only had to wait an hour, I'd shrug and make a sammich...
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You ignored my post. I don't recall you championing the cause of Australians at the last few Expansion launches.
Probably because it didn't affect you so you didn't care?
Welcome to human nature son, the line starts on the left.
And that is a disaster how exactly? It is just a computer game after all.
Call me judgmental, but if something so trivial as this bothers you, you need to reevaluate you life choices. Being the owner of multiple"Realm First" titles I can personally say that with the exception of the very rare E-peen contest they have provided zero functionality or use.
Given the state of the world, there are more pressing matters to concern yourself with.
To those basement dwellers of Mom's Home, tis is a matter of life and death!!!!
To the grown up amongst us, those with lives, jobs and class... tis but a fact of life and no biggeth of deals!
Really I also fail to see how this is a disaster. What would you have Blizzard do? make separate release times for each individual person on the planet earth? What happened to reality folks? The company is on the west coast, and thus it will release on west coast time. This is normal.
thank god for that blizz! Im Australian and we could never go for server firsts because of you damn Americans. Now its a fair playing field. Everyones expansion will activate at the same time thoughout all timezones. Download it online and wake up at the required time if you want to play. Get over it and toughen up. Damn Americans need to play WoW in the outback! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I dont see enything Evil or failed here... anyways stores opens at 8am here so ill have 5hrs late, not that i really care about being late. OP might just be a wow hater cuz I dont care about few hrs late.
Op what will this EVIL delay will do to you ?
Didn't the guy who got world first in WotLK get banned for exploiting? I mean, he and his group were abusing rules about tagging elite mobs in instances. I don't like this whole idea of world first/realm first anyway.
And on top of that, you really think servers are going to be stable enough to play on the first day? :-) I used to avoid patch days like plague and go play something else instead of wasting my time on vent nerdraging with 24 other players.
The release isn't botched just because retailers hold midnight release events in different time zones. Blizzard set a release time and if they screw that up then you can say it is botched. Just because we live in different time zones doesn't mean something is botched. The game is going live for everyone at a specific time.
Yes I live in the EST zone and I'm fine with the release time. I'll go to bed at a decent hour and play the following day without any regrets.
I live on the east coast and this just guarantees a good night's sleep for me, meaning plenty of energy to dive into the expansion when I pick it up later that day.
anyone griping about this is either a. extremely irresponsible b. unemployed or c. someone who obsesses far too much over a VIDEO GAME and can't/won't control themselves and just realize that 10 hours isn't that big of a deal in the grand scheme, especially considering how slow Blizzard is with content patches.
Meaning you're going to blow through Cata content and then be left twiddling your thumbs AGAIN until they patch more content at some far off future date.
I dont know what the big deal is. If you are so obsessive about this game that doesnt seem to die, go to bed early and wake up when the servers go live. Unless you are one of those that must have that box with useless material in it but the disc therefore having to get it from the store. Personally, I'd rather purchase the expansion as a digital download from the BattleNEt store. Then you can start downloading it immediatly in the background. Then you will be able to play right as the servers go live on Dec 7th.
Just buy the digital download, go to bed early and wake up at 3am if you simply much play the game the moment it releases. No need to deal with lines, driving, installation and patch times. The game will be ready to load up the minute the servers go live.
So instead of waiting in line for hours to buy the game at midnight, driving home, installing and patching for 2 more hours, you can get 3 extra hours of sleep. If your glass is half full.
The sky is falling the sky is falling! Lets be honest. Odds are you wouldnt be realm first anyway so why does it matter? Hell why does realm first matter? Here is an idea. Dont let what a video game does run your life. If you are worried about 3 hours on a launch then yes, the video game runs your life.