This and my TRS-80 were my first foyer into electronic gaming.
Same first "system" here! I am glad at someone else remembers this "system" too! I was pobably five or six when my dad brought this gaming beast home and we all loved it. The fat kid, that always had jelly on his face, living down the street from us had a real Pong system and I remember him making fun at us for having this Radio Shack crap! He was the same little punk who got an Intelivision system and a Green Machine four years later, while the rest of us were rocking the Atari 2600 and Big Wheels. I hope to someday run into jelly-face as an adult and give him the royal ass whipping he deserves, 33 years later!
Ahh, that's hard to remember. I'd have to say Sim Ant, a nice little colony builder/red vs. black ants game from Maxis, included with two other games in one of those $5 bargain bin packs. Hey, the game was still good lol! After that, Age of Empires (I and II).
It was either Breakout on the Atari 2600, or it was asteroids on the A 2600?
Problem is I started at 5 and that was a long 26 odd years ago!
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
Oh dear lord.....the first video game I ever played was Pong on the massive Pong home console. I completely blame my father for my need to have to very newest and coolest electronics. lol
Ahh, that's hard to remember. I'd have to say Sim Ant, a nice little colony builder/red vs. black ants game from Maxis, included with two other games in one of those $5 bargain bin packs. Hey, the game was still good lol! After that, Age of Empires (I and II).
Sim Ant, holy crap! Had completely forgotten about that one. Thanks for the memories.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
I think my first would have been 'Lunar Lander' played on my Boeing engineer fathers programmable Hewlett Packard calculator (1967 or so?). Then probably Pong > next Asteroids in the crews lounge of the USS America sometime in the late 70's > and finally a game called Zaxxon on my C64. When I first got that C64 it had a cassette tape drive!
Pfff first game cant really remember, i started with commadore 64 with a tape cassete and waiting for it to load for 20 minutes just to fail on me and try again. can remember playing pole position, park patrol, pitfall, ninja gaiden and such but my real first cant really remember. With the tape so easy to copy from one and other i ended up with 100's of games so dunno what i played 1st really
Same first "system" here! I am glad at someone else remembers this "system" too! I was pobably five or six when my dad brought this gaming beast home and we all loved it. The fat kid, that always had jelly on his face, living down the street from us had a real Pong system and I remember him making fun at us for having this Radio Shack crap! He was the same little punk who got an Intelivision system and a Green Machine four years later, while the rest of us were rocking the Atari 2600 and Big Wheels. I hope to someday run into jelly-face as an adult and give him the royal ass whipping he deserves, 33 years later!
Combat for the Atari 2600! It was the best game ever at the time for me.. Me and my friend used to play this game for hours at a time..
Now that was real PvP action.
Bloody hardcore.
Mine was some Game on Atari too but don'r remember the name.
Pitfall for that cute console with the joystick that has one red button
Turok Dinosaur Hunter N64
What an awsome game, scary too as I played It when I was young That T-rex X_X Was..huge..and had lasers!!
Pong, or some variation therof. Later, I started the Atari 2600 and stopped visiting the arcades as much.
Commodore 64!!
Way of the exploding fist
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
Edgar Allan Poe
Battletanks on the atari!
(maybe it was called combat, not sure I was like 2 or 3)
Bubble Bobble was the game that first made me see how great games could be. Dinosaurs bouncing on bubbles!
Ahh, that's hard to remember. I'd have to say Sim Ant, a nice little colony builder/red vs. black ants game from Maxis, included with two other games in one of those $5 bargain bin packs. Hey, the game was still good lol! After that, Age of Empires (I and II).
Sonic on the old Sega Master system. I think it was that system. And Pokemon Red version :P
Super Metriod on the SNES
He who keeps his cool best wins.
Problem is I started at 5 and that was a long 26 odd years ago!
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
I think that was Shufflepuck Café on the mac...
Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!
Oh dear lord.....the first video game I ever played was Pong on the massive Pong home console. I completely blame my father for my need to have to very newest and coolest electronics. lol
Pong on Atari... Nuff said
Sim Ant, holy crap! Had completely forgotten about that one. Thanks for the memories.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
Pong on a Pong Console, 2 dials one for each player, Pong, hocky(pong with four paddles onscreen). ooooooh the lost time, the wild memories....
it was either galaga, pacman, or centipede.
I think my first would have been 'Lunar Lander' played on my Boeing engineer fathers programmable Hewlett Packard calculator (1967 or so?). Then probably Pong > next Asteroids in the crews lounge of the USS America sometime in the late 70's > and finally a game called Zaxxon on my C64. When I first got that C64 it had a cassette tape drive!
Pfff first game cant really remember, i started with commadore 64 with a tape cassete and waiting for it to load for 20 minutes just to fail on me and try again. can remember playing pole position, park patrol, pitfall, ninja gaiden and such but my real first cant really remember. With the tape so easy to copy from one and other i ended up with 100's of games so dunno what i played 1st really
Pong. My friend Malcom had a console.
Jet Set Willy 2 on the Spectrum