It's already been leaked enough about Titan. It is an MMOFPS (think COD persistent). It's an MMO, so it will have the predicatble subsciption model any company loves, it will suck in all those COD players ( COD is currently like 4 of the top 10 games on Xfire), and it is vastly different than WOW, so there will be very little inter-company competition.
Really, just go to Xfire and think about what happens to Blizzard's bottom line when even a portion of those COD players start paying $15/month.
Thats my thinking, WoW brought alot of people to MMO's...well mainly just brought them into WoW and chumps have been wanting to steal them ever since with their garbage MMO's. The most logical thinking is Blizzard are going to make an A sci-fi action MMO, attractive to FPS and players who generaly play action games. I think it will still likly have a good story/single player / coop game, Global agenda tried this and failed, it felt much to like Unreal's story mode. an MMOFPS though has not been attempted Planetside, its verymuch an untapped market. With blizzards marketing I think they maybe just able to launch a game that comes close to what WoW has accomplished. Then the influx of terrible MMOFPS's will begin.
Except you forget one thing,a SCi-FI is a massive undertaking,that kind of game would spell a FAIL for Blizzard i am sure of it.There is the fact Blizzard is already spending a ton on a licensed game engine,so they are not about to spend 6-7 years to make a QUALITY sci-fi and that is exactly what it would take.
Sci is not like Fantasy,where your whole game is based onthe ground ,on one planet,you step into the sci-fi genre ,you need to do a heck of a lot better than what CCP did which was make a cheap database game.
Even if Blizzard went the cheap route and made only one planet and jus thad pvp combat in an empty space that is still going to double production time when compared to a Fantasy game such as Wow.
Blizzard is also not used to spending more time creating hi resolution items like textures,high poly weapons and gear,making tons of shaders ect ect,this all adds developement time to what they are used to.
If any of what i said makes any sense ,you then realize that Blizzard makes a SCI-fi game it will be cheap 101,it might stil lsell becuase Blizz has tons of blind followers,but no way would be a decent product.IMO a sci-fi is 100% a fail ,they would be utterly dumb if they went that route.
Trust me NPD group is the BIGGEST influence in gaming ,and they would NOT tell Blizzard to make a sci-fi game.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Titan is a project name not the title of the game. Project names can often be completly random in order to stop anyone from guessing what it is if the name is leaked (like it was in that data). From what i have heard from other 'leaks' i hear that it will be an original game and most likely a sci-fi one but that is completly unconfirmed.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds -Solid non level based game -Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
what bothers me is they are releasing 2 expanisons before their new MMO. So instead of making a new MMO, they are going to milk the game more with 2 pointless expansions.
what bothers me is they are releasing 2 expanisons before their new MMO. So instead of making a new MMO, they are going to milk the game more with 2 pointless expansions.
Serious death penalties makes every close call an adrenaline rush, and every minor achievement a major victory. This alternative rule-set should be in all MMORPGs.
what bothers me is they are releasing 2 expanisons before their new MMO. So instead of making a new MMO, they are going to milk the game more with 2 pointless expansions.
Thats one of the reason i speculate , that titan will be a new IP set in the SCI FI setting
And screw NPD if NPD says it can´t work , they forget what the kids want .
There mummy listens to the kids , and NET is affecting the kids more then the parents know.
Couple of quality trolls in the right place , and words like the G4M3 R0XX3R only NOOBS wont play .
Is enough to get kids screaming to mummy to buy them there games .
Cause who wants to be a NOOB everybody wants to be a PRO .
Anyway yes they going to milk people out 2 more expansions , who is crying not me .
Cata opened my eyes , nothing new and nothing will change .
Whatever it is, they've already said it's gonna target even broader audience than WoW. In other words, it's even more 'accessible' than their current flagship.
I'll pass this 'titan', thank you.
I can see it, T.I.T.A.N the facebook alternative, were millions of underaged morons posts their inane opinions on subjects they know nothing about and pics of them being dorks IRL.
what bothers me is they are releasing 2 expanisons before their new MMO. So instead of making a new MMO, they are going to milk the game more with 2 pointless expansions.
How is an expansion pointless? I mean for a non-wow player duh, but is this bothersome at all?
It's really amazing. I read almost every post in this thread and was amazed at how many Blizzard fanboys there truely are on these forums. You'd swear they worked for the company.
what bothers me is they are releasing 2 expanisons before their new MMO. So instead of making a new MMO, they are going to milk the game more with 2 pointless expansions.
Pointless? It appears many millions are not considering them "pointless" and many of them would like to continue to play WoW with even more expansions other than those 2. You have to respect that.
what bothers me is they are releasing 2 expanisons before their new MMO. So instead of making a new MMO, they are going to milk the game more with 2 pointless expansions.
I don't think Blizzard is that 'dumb' business wise. They actually make very smart business decisions (share prices show that).
Blizz saw what happens if you divide your playerbase (AC1/2, EQ1/2). You don't want to compete with your own product (just ask MS with their whole XP/Vista) so I see this new MMO being something completely different, catering to a different demographic.
The persistant COD type game prediction actually has some merit. Bobby Kotick (CEO of Accti-Blizz) mentioned several times that he wants COD to be a subscription model.
Gdemami - Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
what bothers me is they are releasing 2 expanisons before their new MMO. So instead of making a new MMO, they are going to milk the game more with 2 pointless expansions.
SoE has been releasing expansions for years for EQ1 while they're also running EQ2.
If you look at that Gametrailers interview you can clearly hear that WoW =/= TITAN. They will be 2 completely unrelated and seperate games.
They're 2 different games and they will support both, whichever you choose to play.
I can guarantee that they will not stop releasing WoW expansions because Titan releases either. There is way too much money still to be made from WoW. Not everyone of those 10 million people is going to play Titan.
Although unlikely, TITAN might be a flop for all we know, they're not going to risk jeopordising 10 million consumers.
They won't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Blizzard blatantly 'copied' from warhammer (which in turn was taken from lotr lore) for warcraft , same goes for warhammer 40k for their starcraft game . They consider both warcraft and starfcraft different 'IP' from the games they borrowed from.
It wouldn't surprise me if their new title was virtually a rewrite of the halo mmofps idea , in all but name , and just give everything their own blizzard touches , a new lore/story behind it all , and of course '' a totally new IP''
One thing you can assume is that they will more or less follow the wow model ie the game has to be able to run on any 3-4 yr old pc or laptop . They appear to not be introducing this before 2015 so probably most machines out now ie 2010/2011 will /can be assumed to be a benchmark as to the graphical limitations on what to expect.
One thing you can expect is the game to be very polished and plenty to keep people occupied , even cattle herded to make sure they enjoy it.
I've tried many new mmo's and solo games with much better graphics , but one constant seems to be their limitation - they all have limited lifespans in terms of appeal and gameplay , and no sustaining replay value . Buy cod on friday , finish solo play by saturday night , do some multiplay sunday , then look to see when release date for next update is due out.
In mmo terms , past attempts have spent so much time and money on graphical artists that the launched game has in essence, forgot what the gameplay should be, but launch schedules and finance restrictions have made the developers release a game before it is ready and failed subsequently as to their initial expectations .
Or you use the Oriental grind-type formula , but generally this dosen't appeal to western audiences, because they are much more casual,lazy and less inclined to work at anything . You think its no surprise that most of the clothes you buy are made in the orient nowadays ? Having to work long hours for little gain just isn't desirable , greed and minimum effort is the western holy grail and no sign of altering . Look at how easy it is to gain new gear at virtually every level in wow , minimum effort to gain reward , and people gather to wow like moths around a flame at night.
I think logic leans towards the sci-fi idea quite well , since we could assume that blizzard dosen't want the new game to compete or pull people away from wow , but instead add to their existing player base .If the new game is fps or even rts , its a refreshing alternative to rpg .Not to forget , that with the ease of gameplay in wow now (after cataclysm) its quite probable that many will be able to play both - raid wed/ thur / tues - play titan over weekend ! Or maybe not , but the opportunity is there at least.
I wouldnt be surprised if blizzard announce some sort of pass system similar to soe pass - play wow or titan for £8.99 a month each , or buy a pass to play both per month for £12.99 or similar. Then it dosent matter to them if you play titan but hardly play wow any more - they still get the sub numbers .Battlenet has been put in place for a very good reason, keep everything under one umbrella , have more control over player base , and make it a one stop shop for all your gaming needs.
The other thing I'm sure they are looking at is the introduction of the likes of xbox live ala microsoft points.Someone mentioned the cod franchise. Imagine an mmo that you could play online via your pc or xbox , suddenly your potential usebase becomes almost infinite Most homes I know of in western world have either pc or a console, many have both. If you stick to wow's graphical limitations , but base it on technology available in 2011, then you have a basis to make a game engine and subsequent mmo which works on both using a common benchmark. Thats probably why they are trying to work around a completely new IP , you never know.
Ignore the techno-geeks wanting the newest up -to -date pc systems , just like hard-core raiders in any mmo, they are the distinct minority . Blizzard have shown this , why make a game around 5-10% of you userbase ? keep the other 90-95% happy by making it more casual friendly seems to be the key to success. The hard stuff will still be a carrot-on-a- stick incentive , but at least you can have fun en route .
It's not the ideal for everyone , some of us like a challenging game experience , but sadly this model is what makes the numbers up .
Planetside used to be, and still is ,my favourite ever mmo , despite trying and playing everything since . I can't play any more , and have long hoped for someone to take up the reigns that the idea or the potential idea of it , and bring it forward . Maybe blizzard is the one to do that. In how they do it , I'm not so sure.
Are they capable of creating a mmofps that is virtually skill-based and works upon teamwork yet at the same time has lasting appeal with some definate character progression ? If you take the general wow player base and put it in a pseudo planetside world , the vast majority would probably be classed as 'fodder' , would they continue paying for a game in which they were mowed down as soon as they left santuary? I doubt it ! Bringing in a npc faction dosen't work , the fodder will just grind on npc's to get progress . Its what always happens. It happened in Aion , it makes so-called pvp realms on wow appear more pve orientated that most pve realms in world pvp terms. If you aren't 20 lvls higher that your opponent , or in a group of 5vs 1 , the general synopsis is go hide in a dungeon .
I think howether , that blizzard has potential in the way they introduced wintergrasp and grim batol into the wow universe. If they can somehow keep level restictions in zones, make teamwork matter towards a common goal , they have a chance of doing the unthinkable - a mmofps with lasting appeal. Imagine a whole universe based on wsg/ av/ ab type zones with equal sides , levelling up to enter new areas or battle similar foes .
Warhammer Online had the potential to do this with the rpg world , but sadly fell short of the ultimate goal due to premature release and backers lacking the inital vision and love of the original designers. Planetside was great, but in soe they had a publisher / developer who simply didnt know what to do with the game once it was released , just kept it on autopilot with a few tweaks to keep the faithful paying for it to be maintained. I just hope and pray that blizzard never, ever get the idea to introduce ridiculous transformer robots into it in any shape or form .
Warcraft is definitely stolen from Warhammer lore, but Gamer Workshop got what they deserved. Pulled the plug during development and Blizzard finished what they had started. StarCraft is definitely from Warhammer 40K, but there is nothing wrong with taking an idea someone else has and making it your own. They didn't completely copy everything, it has creativity in it.
Diablo is probably the most unique and shows that Blizzard is not just out to one up Warhammer. Blizzard did nothing wrong with it, they made it their own IP, because it actually is different. Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance are both based off of D&D, but they are two seperate IPs and are owned by the same company.. funny how that works.
Except you forget one thing,a SCi-FI is a massive undertaking,that kind of game would spell a FAIL for Blizzard i am sure of it.There is the fact Blizzard is already spending a ton on a licensed game engine,so they are not about to spend 6-7 years to make a QUALITY sci-fi and that is exactly what it would take.
Sci is not like Fantasy,where your whole game is based onthe ground ,on one planet,you step into the sci-fi genre ,you need to do a heck of a lot better than what CCP did which was make a cheap database game.
Even if Blizzard went the cheap route and made only one planet and jus thad pvp combat in an empty space that is still going to double production time when compared to a Fantasy game such as Wow.
Blizzard is also not used to spending more time creating hi resolution items like textures,high poly weapons and gear,making tons of shaders ect ect,this all adds developement time to what they are used to.
If any of what i said makes any sense ,you then realize that Blizzard makes a SCI-fi game it will be cheap 101,it might stil lsell becuase Blizz has tons of blind followers,but no way would be a decent product.IMO a sci-fi is 100% a fail ,they would be utterly dumb if they went that route.
Trust me NPD group is the BIGGEST influence in gaming ,and they would NOT tell Blizzard to make a sci-fi game.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Titan is a project name not the title of the game. Project names can often be completly random in order to stop anyone from guessing what it is if the name is leaked (like it was in that data). From what i have heard from other 'leaks' i hear that it will be an original game and most likely a sci-fi one but that is completly unconfirmed.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
what bothers me is they are releasing 2 expanisons before their new MMO. So instead of making a new MMO, they are going to milk the game more with 2 pointless expansions.
Serious death penalties makes every close call an adrenaline rush, and every minor achievement a major victory. This alternative rule-set should be in all MMORPGs.
Thats one of the reason i speculate , that titan will be a new IP set in the SCI FI setting
And screw NPD if NPD says it can´t work , they forget what the kids want .
There mummy listens to the kids , and NET is affecting the kids more then the parents know.
Couple of quality trolls in the right place , and words like the G4M3 R0XX3R only NOOBS wont play .
Is enough to get kids screaming to mummy to buy them there games .
Cause who wants to be a NOOB everybody wants to be a PRO .
Anyway yes they going to milk people out 2 more expansions , who is crying not me .
Cata opened my eyes , nothing new and nothing will change .
I can see it, T.I.T.A.N the facebook alternative, were millions of underaged morons posts their inane opinions on subjects they know nothing about and pics of them being dorks IRL.
first expac: added barren's chat with pictures
How is an expansion pointless? I mean for a non-wow player duh, but is this bothersome at all?
-I want a Platformer MMO
Woah woah woah woah. I thought the code name was hydra or hydro.
It's really amazing. I read almost every post in this thread and was amazed at how many Blizzard fanboys there truely are on these forums. You'd swear they worked for the company.
2014?! They're certainly put a fair amount of time aside for it.
Pointless? It appears many millions are not considering them "pointless" and many of them would like to continue to play WoW with even more expansions other than those 2. You have to respect that.
I don't think Blizzard is that 'dumb' business wise. They actually make very smart business decisions (share prices show that).
Blizz saw what happens if you divide your playerbase (AC1/2, EQ1/2). You don't want to compete with your own product (just ask MS with their whole XP/Vista) so I see this new MMO being something completely different, catering to a different demographic.
The persistant COD type game prediction actually has some merit. Bobby Kotick (CEO of Accti-Blizz) mentioned several times that he wants COD to be a subscription model.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
SoE has been releasing expansions for years for EQ1 while they're also running EQ2.
If you look at that Gametrailers interview you can clearly hear that WoW =/= TITAN. They will be 2 completely unrelated and seperate games.
They're 2 different games and they will support both, whichever you choose to play.
I can guarantee that they will not stop releasing WoW expansions because Titan releases either. There is way too much money still to be made from WoW. Not everyone of those 10 million people is going to play Titan.
Although unlikely, TITAN might be a flop for all we know, they're not going to risk jeopordising 10 million consumers.
They won't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Collector's editions are scams.
Blizzard blatantly 'copied' from warhammer (which in turn was taken from lotr lore) for warcraft , same goes for warhammer 40k for their starcraft game . They consider both warcraft and starfcraft different 'IP' from the games they borrowed from.
It wouldn't surprise me if their new title was virtually a rewrite of the halo mmofps idea , in all but name , and just give everything their own blizzard touches , a new lore/story behind it all , and of course '' a totally new IP''
One thing you can assume is that they will more or less follow the wow model ie the game has to be able to run on any 3-4 yr old pc or laptop . They appear to not be introducing this before 2015 so probably most machines out now ie 2010/2011 will /can be assumed to be a benchmark as to the graphical limitations on what to expect.
One thing you can expect is the game to be very polished and plenty to keep people occupied , even cattle herded to make sure they enjoy it.
I've tried many new mmo's and solo games with much better graphics , but one constant seems to be their limitation - they all have limited lifespans in terms of appeal and gameplay , and no sustaining replay value . Buy cod on friday , finish solo play by saturday night , do some multiplay sunday , then look to see when release date for next update is due out.
In mmo terms , past attempts have spent so much time and money on graphical artists that the launched game has in essence, forgot what the gameplay should be, but launch schedules and finance restrictions have made the developers release a game before it is ready and failed subsequently as to their initial expectations .
Or you use the Oriental grind-type formula , but generally this dosen't appeal to western audiences, because they are much more casual,lazy and less inclined to work at anything . You think its no surprise that most of the clothes you buy are made in the orient nowadays ? Having to work long hours for little gain just isn't desirable , greed and minimum effort is the western holy grail and no sign of altering . Look at how easy it is to gain new gear at virtually every level in wow , minimum effort to gain reward , and people gather to wow like moths around a flame at night.
I think logic leans towards the sci-fi idea quite well , since we could assume that blizzard dosen't want the new game to compete or pull people away from wow , but instead add to their existing player base .If the new game is fps or even rts , its a refreshing alternative to rpg .Not to forget , that with the ease of gameplay in wow now (after cataclysm) its quite probable that many will be able to play both - raid wed/ thur / tues - play titan over weekend ! Or maybe not , but the opportunity is there at least.
I wouldnt be surprised if blizzard announce some sort of pass system similar to soe pass - play wow or titan for £8.99 a month each , or buy a pass to play both per month for £12.99 or similar. Then it dosent matter to them if you play titan but hardly play wow any more - they still get the sub numbers .Battlenet has been put in place for a very good reason, keep everything under one umbrella , have more control over player base , and make it a one stop shop for all your gaming needs.
The other thing I'm sure they are looking at is the introduction of the likes of xbox live ala microsoft points.Someone mentioned the cod franchise. Imagine an mmo that you could play online via your pc or xbox , suddenly your potential usebase becomes almost infinite Most homes I know of in western world have either pc or a console, many have both. If you stick to wow's graphical limitations , but base it on technology available in 2011, then you have a basis to make a game engine and subsequent mmo which works on both using a common benchmark. Thats probably why they are trying to work around a completely new IP , you never know.
Ignore the techno-geeks wanting the newest up -to -date pc systems , just like hard-core raiders in any mmo, they are the distinct minority . Blizzard have shown this , why make a game around 5-10% of you userbase ? keep the other 90-95% happy by making it more casual friendly seems to be the key to success. The hard stuff will still be a carrot-on-a- stick incentive , but at least you can have fun en route .
It's not the ideal for everyone , some of us like a challenging game experience , but sadly this model is what makes the numbers up .
Planetside used to be, and still is ,my favourite ever mmo , despite trying and playing everything since . I can't play any more , and have long hoped for someone to take up the reigns that the idea or the potential idea of it , and bring it forward . Maybe blizzard is the one to do that. In how they do it , I'm not so sure.
Are they capable of creating a mmofps that is virtually skill-based and works upon teamwork yet at the same time has lasting appeal with some definate character progression ? If you take the general wow player base and put it in a pseudo planetside world , the vast majority would probably be classed as 'fodder' , would they continue paying for a game in which they were mowed down as soon as they left santuary? I doubt it ! Bringing in a npc faction dosen't work , the fodder will just grind on npc's to get progress . Its what always happens. It happened in Aion , it makes so-called pvp realms on wow appear more pve orientated that most pve realms in world pvp terms. If you aren't 20 lvls higher that your opponent , or in a group of 5vs 1 , the general synopsis is go hide in a dungeon .
I think howether , that blizzard has potential in the way they introduced wintergrasp and grim batol into the wow universe. If they can somehow keep level restictions in zones, make teamwork matter towards a common goal , they have a chance of doing the unthinkable - a mmofps with lasting appeal. Imagine a whole universe based on wsg/ av/ ab type zones with equal sides , levelling up to enter new areas or battle similar foes .
Warhammer Online had the potential to do this with the rpg world , but sadly fell short of the ultimate goal due to premature release and backers lacking the inital vision and love of the original designers. Planetside was great, but in soe they had a publisher / developer who simply didnt know what to do with the game once it was released , just kept it on autopilot with a few tweaks to keep the faithful paying for it to be maintained. I just hope and pray that blizzard never, ever get the idea to introduce ridiculous transformer robots into it in any shape or form .
Warcraft is definitely stolen from Warhammer lore, but Gamer Workshop got what they deserved. Pulled the plug during development and Blizzard finished what they had started. StarCraft is definitely from Warhammer 40K, but there is nothing wrong with taking an idea someone else has and making it your own. They didn't completely copy everything, it has creativity in it.
Diablo is probably the most unique and shows that Blizzard is not just out to one up Warhammer. Blizzard did nothing wrong with it, they made it their own IP, because it actually is different. Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance are both based off of D&D, but they are two seperate IPs and are owned by the same company.. funny how that works.