If you are big fan of manuals i recommend to check out Dangerous Waters from Sonalyst, it has got a manual 570 pages long and if you want it in hard copy they sell it for $ 19.95 in various places.
games not dumbed down :
- il2 1946 ( over 200 flyable WW2 aircraft )
- Grand Prix Legends ( nicely handling 1967 F1's and safe tracks )
- Steel Beasts Pro PE ( modern tank sim ... used by military as training tool )
- Silent Hunter 3 ( math and subs .. yummy )
- most games from Paradox and Matrix
- EVE ( more math )
I have admit that my personal view of dumbing down is biased since i have mostly played combat sims and strategy games my whole life ( 1st game i played was Silent Service when i was 7 ) and simulators by definition put emphasis on realism and complexity otherwise they wouldnt be called sims.
If you are big fan of manuals i recommend to check out Dangerous Waters from Sonalyst, it has got a manual 570 pages long and if you want it in hard copy they sell it for $ 19.95 in various places.
games not dumbed down :
- il2 1946 ( over 200 flyable WW2 aircraft )
- Grand Prix Legends ( nicely handling 1967 F1's and safe tracks )
- Steel Beasts Pro PE ( modern tank sim ... used by military as training tool )
- Silent Hunter 3 ( math and subs .. yummy )
- most games from Paradox and Matrix
- EVE ( more math )
I have admit that my personal view of dumbing down is biased since i have mostly played combat sims and strategy games my whole life ( 1st game i played was Silent Service when i was 7 ) and simulators by definition put emphasis on realism and complexity otherwise they wouldnt be called sims.
and btw 1st post so hello mmorpg community