Darkfall is one of those games that will get more people playing as the time goes. They make fixes, and changes and add more things to the game with each patch/update, and expansions. Sure it's taking time and some may feels to much time but the fact is that the game is getting better, and more people are starting to notice the games and what its all about. Its only a matter of time that both servers will get filled up and they will need more servers. My clan that i created consist of about 80% of new players who are subbed and returning players who played serveral months back and are now back to stay.
Like others have said, needs more PvE. OTherwise, its easily the best MMO in the market if you're looking for real danger feeling of the classic MMOs. Really, its the "Demon's Souls" of MMO this generation.
In our city we had over 10 different sets of raiders in numbers yesterday. Niradian Hordes came back three times bring greater numbers each time. We're always getting randoms riding by, people in dungeons when we're there, infact last night we had two sets of raiders at the same time!
The world is large but it's not empty, just don't stick around starter towns or expect to see people every 5 seconds.
You can't judge the in-game population from the forums. The forums are where all the mad and dissatisfied players for any game hang out. Happy players play the game, unhappy players play the forums.
Darkfall Team just know we love you and wish you the best. Also Id like to wish all the best to all sandbox developers, you are making these immersive worlds for us where we are free and not bound to typical mmo rails.
This is the only game I have see where the patches did more good than harm to the game. Lets hope the next expansion comes out soon (cant wait for the class system!).
The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
-----MY-TERMS-OF-USE-------------------------------------------------- $OE - eternal enemy of online gaming -We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
Darkfall is one of those games that will get more people playing as the time goes. They make fixes, and changes and add more things to the game with each patch/update, and expansions. Sure it's taking time and some may feels to much time but the fact is that the game is getting better, and more people are starting to notice the games and what its all about. Its only a matter of time that both servers will get filled up and they will need more servers. My clan that i created consist of about 80% of new players who are subbed and returning players who played serveral months back and are now back to stay.
Like others have said, needs more PvE. OTherwise, its easily the best MMO in the market if you're looking for real danger feeling of the classic MMOs. Really, its the "Demon's Souls" of MMO this generation.
how is 2 year old game with 2 empty servers new and best?
I don't play but I tried the trial and the game is far from empty.
go to official forums
Spreadout is the better word, since darkfall is bigger than 90% of the other MMO's out there and doesn't have instances (except load in dungeons).
Saying Eu-1 is empty is an absolute joke.
In our city we had over 10 different sets of raiders in numbers yesterday. Niradian Hordes came back three times bring greater numbers each time. We're always getting randoms riding by, people in dungeons when we're there, infact last night we had two sets of raiders at the same time!
The world is large but it's not empty, just don't stick around starter towns or expect to see people every 5 seconds.
You can't judge the in-game population from the forums. The forums are where all the mad and dissatisfied players for any game hang out. Happy players play the game, unhappy players play the forums.
This is the only game I have see where the patches did more good than harm to the game. Lets hope the next expansion comes out soon (cant wait for the class system!).
The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
Darkfall is the best MMO right now on the market.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
You forgot the "IMO" at the end of that statement, because that's all it is. I prefer other MMO's, doesn't make them the "best", but I like them.