Yeh it's about what I figured it would be. They tried to give a fake plastic carrot to the pvpers while at the same time making the game totally gear and raid centric. However if that were enough then EQ2 would be doing much much better right now.
If you wanted to do hard core raids then Final Fantasy online or LOTR are still superior options. All GC did was Gut the game of substance and thought, cookie cutter specs auto set for raid progression.
Going Carebear never works.
Yeah, that's why Final Fantasy and Lotro have milllions and millions of subscriptions.
I pity the lonely souls who can't sleep because of WOW's success rate.
6.2 years and counting. )).
Threads like these have "fail" written all over them.
Uhm WHUT hate to necro this but LOTR is a ftp disaster that is good to have 100k subs right now. EQ2 MIGHT edge out 220K right now, and thats if it peaked when it released the new BGs.. IF. Final Fantasy is about 400K which isnt in the millions, it also came out before WOW.
The only thing that is fail is Cataclysm, I mean this was a total pos wrecking ball of an expansion.
Uhm WHUT hate to necro this but LOTR is a ftp disaster that is good to have 100k subs right now. EQ2 MIGHT edge out 220K right now, and thats if it peaked when it released the new BGs.. IF. Final Fantasy is about 400K which isnt in the millions, it also came out before WOW.
The only thing that is fail is Cataclysm, I mean this was a total pos wrecking ball of an expansion.