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WoW has the worst community of any MMO on the market and I'm sure you can agree.
I've heard a lot of complaints about this and I completely agree... However, does anyone have any idea as to how this can be improved?
The only solution I hve thus far is "Dont let douchebags play the game" but obviously this wont work.
Anyone have an idea?
"We have barred the gates, but can not hold them for long...
They have taken the Bridge and the Second Hall...
We can not get out. The end comes.
Drums, drums in the deep. They are coming..."
I think the WoW community is beyond saving... the best thing you can do is turn off public channels and only communicate with your guild.
Make the game more difficult to level, force more group content, and implement a severe death penalty... This will keep all the fps gamers away and restore the fantasy mmorpg genre back to where it used to be when EQ was in it's glory days..
Rallithon Oakthornn
(Retired Heirophant of the 60th season)
Vanilla week, Repatching the game to vanilla times, with no cross server battlegrounds etc, and have us fight people that are actually on our own servers, rekindling old rivalries etc. and maybe even temporarily putting shamies and pallys back on their original respective sides.
The WoW community is doomed, too many bads, too many workarounds for said bads to avoid the stigma that a bad reputation used to impart within the community. WoW could stand to take a page from WAR and implement guild alliances that way you could seek out the good guilds and put them under a shared banner to give people access to nice players for the groups they want to run instead of having to swim in the cesspool of anonymous dungeon/battleground groups. Instead of having to rely on the dungeon finder to fill out your group with a ninja looting lolspammer, you could just recruit in someone from your alliance.
Warhammer fanatic since '85.
Play with friends in a guild. Solved. If u do guild groups the only time u will ever be forced into it is if u purposefully involve yourself in trade chat.
i dont know if you can call a bunch of 9-15 year olds making "anal" jokes and other immature nonsense a community. It's trade... and general... turn them off, turn on guild chat and you now have a community. unless your guild is a bunch of immature 9-15 y/o. then you might want to change guilds... or games...
Maybe Blizzard with all their Billions hire people to moderate in game activites. I'm sure they can spare a few bucks here.
Make stuff harder and more group oriented.
Make games that target the 25+ crowd.
I dunno, just my 2 cents....!
It's fine, relax.
Find a new game! (OR) Pay $25.00 and go to a Role Play Server.... (LOL)
-The game gods have taken my soul, and I cant get it back.
Community is what you make of it... often those that complain need to take a hard look at how they behave before looking at others,
I do not agree.
So what is supposed to be worse than in other mmo communities? Because i dont see a single point that proves that theory. Polski Poradnik Gry Tera Online
Don't go to Moon Guard alliance is nothing but a bunch of pedo freaks there trying to cyber each other. That being said the game has a huge sub base, I'm pretty sure that if the same amount of subs were running on another game then it would be the same crap. I was messing around on lotr online the other day and general chat was about the same as wow and it actually brought me to the point of being pissed off as that game used to have the best community I've played in an mmo since DAOC.
I don't agree at all. It has - by a factor of 20 or more - the biggest number of servers/population yes.
But I regret to inform you, the world consists of a lot of jerks who can't stand other people's success or opinions.
Also most people complaining about communities should really look in the mirror. Don't tell me you are an angle.
Guild play. Never had problems with it: because if you don't find what you want: change guild.
Only one solution :
Make mature only servers. Have to be 21 and over to join along with everyone has to click on an agreement tab understanding that they can be kicked for not following strict attitude rules by a GM. If so they get a free character transfer to any other regular server of their choice. Also no cross server groups.
However it would be impossible to determine who is 21, or many will slip by using loop holes ( The nine year olds would be all over something like this, after all they think they are more mature than the older players ). Add to the fact that Blizzard would never do such a bold move and they would never piss anyone off.
THIS IS THE ONLY SOLUTION........And will never happen !
That's not true. I know some people that get pissed off by Blizzard every patch Polski Poradnik Gry Tera Online
I never read general/trade channels in any MMO. I haven't found WoW to be particularly bad compared to other MMOs. I think most MMOs and shooters have really bad communities so I just stick to my guild/clan.
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
Blizzard tried to fix the community once...once. Real ID. Force people to become accountable for thier mouths by placing thier real names on what they were saying. It was a bit drastic, but the other side of the coin was a game with 14 million subscribers that nobody in the world wants to talk nice about (drastic changes are sometimes needed to fix drastic problems). The player base decided the harshness of the NEEDED fix was just too much to compensate for the existing problem. I was one of the very few who was fine with the Real ID idea, I had nothing to hide from it. But could you just imagine what it would have been like for some of these people who are causing this problem?
The answer is simple though, as long as you continue to leave them in a system that rewards thier behavior instead of punishes it, you will not fix it. They do things in game they would NEVER do in real life, and until you give them the same moral dilema prior to opening thier mouth, well....
There is one other way to fix it, but it would take massive work on Blizzard's part. Thats a report/ban function similar to forums with as many moderators as it would take. You think someone is asshatting off in trade, you report him. The mods get enough reports on one dude, they give them 3 days off from playing. They keep asshatting it over and over, the mods step it up to 7 days off, and no they shouldn't refund your money for the days you missed. Bottom line is there has to be conseiquences to thier actions prior to anything getting better.
Never had an issue with the community myself. My wife and I play and we find the majority of players to be really genuine nice people. Of course there are a few idiots, but that's humanity for you.
I think disgruntled MMO vets like to pretend it has a bad community so that they can find a fault with the game.
Still waiting for your Holy Grail MMORPG? Interesting...
If you can leave the general chat channels on and stay sane, it's a good indication that the community of a server/game is good. If you can't ... welll ...
It's way too late to do anything about it.
Doubtful at best. Not to mention the millions of players(and their money...) who would leave. Look what has happened in WoW's latest expansion. The most difficult dungeons are already being nerfed(on the PTR), even though Ghostcrawler is throwing a tantrum over it. The business suits are worried about losting players because of it, and all Ghostcrawler can see is his Vision(tm).
I'd hardly call WoW's community the worst. I'd reserve that for games like Dark Fall, Linage2, or Mortal Online. WoW's community is no more than a cross section of the general population(with all of the virtues and vices that go with such). The game (WoW) has become more cut throat and pragmatic since the change in guild dynamics though.
Well, I wasn't sane to start with... So, I can't use that as an indication. ^^ I just ignore general 99% of the time. The other 1% is entertaining. But then as I said, I'm already insane. ^^
Take a look around. There's asshats in all games and in RL too.
It's not something that can be 'fixed', it just needs a change of attitude towards it.
'Ignore it' is the best answer, either mentally like me, or through /ignore.
If you can't do that, you become part of the problem.
True, there are ashats everywhere. The thing is, some environments promote ashatery, some tolerate it and others shun it. That's why you hear people talking about good or bad communities. They should probably talk about environments that promote said communities to flurish instead.