Limited power sets, inexplicable lack of body variation, shortage of content, recycling of content.
To the weaknesses listed in this article, add the lack of a functioning auction house and difficulties with trading.
I agree with the poster above as well - grinding achievements (feats) in NOT an alt-friendly (or fun) method of advancement.
To me, it's pretty clear that this game wasn't ready to be released. Some of the systems are pretty well complete, while others are half-baked or non-existent.
Maybe its just me and my "limited" expectations, but I would really like to hear more of this "lack of content"
With the exception of crafting, there is as much to do PVE wise, if not more, than Cataclysm. You have your alerts, duos, arenas, Raids etc. Yes it does not take that long to get to max level, but lets be realistic, there is as much endgame content as most other MMOs. And most MMOs are all about their endgame content, not how long it took to get there. If you look at Wow, yes it has more raid instances overall, but look at wow's endgame content model, they only ever have 1 (in this case, 1 split into 3) raid instances (first naxx, then it was Ulduar, then TOC, then ICC).
There is plenty to keep me busy until the next content patch, even if its months away. You have no idea how nice it is that you can queue for anything (a la dungon finder). This is the only other MMO (other than wow) I have played that has this feature, and its a blast.
I'm not a WoW player, but I do recognize that WoW is a deeper game than DCUO in just about every way.
Crafting is only one way in which it's deeper, and it's a bigger difference than some want to admit. Crafting isn't just pushing a button to make an item - it's a system that encompasses individual character development as well as character interaction and the world economy. It includes: increasing skills in a non-combat way, harvesting, refining, acquiring the desired recipes (some of them rare, or requiring increased reputation with factions), all in order to create something of potential worth to the community. It's a system that helps tie the community together as a part of a virtual world. DCUO missed the boat here, not just in the lack of crafting, but in its failure to provide alternate systems that create a community or virtual world feel.
WoW also added Archaeology - a collection system that's a lot more sophisticated than simply hunting for question marks on the tops of buildings.
One of the most fundamental flaws with DCUO, in my opinion, is the pacing of the game. I'm not just talking about the speed to level cap (which is also ludicrous), but in the pacing of endgame. At least in vanilla WoW, the average raid guild did not burn through the entirety of something like Molten Core or BWL in one or two weeks. The average group did not burn through all of Ulduar in a week or two, either. Such is not the case with DCUO - even at endgame, the pacing in DCUO is too fast.
On a final note, I think the automatic queuing and teleporting to instances as seen in WoW and DCUO (and other games) is a bit of streamlining that turns a vitual world into a lobby game. Just my opinion.
Again though, the only thing anyone can point to regarding lack of content, revolves around professions. Yes, Cata does have more time sinks, but for me personally, I maxed my profs in about 2 hours, and only use them to make flasks and some cash off the AH now (daily transmute). Archeolgy is mind numbing, and is not considered a "plus" or "deeper value" imo.
Professions also do not equate to "endgame content". If you want to talk about actual content to progress through, there is the same amount, if not more, than Cataclysm. Not to mention (for me anyway), doing the content with a good group is eons more fun in DCUO with its combat system.
I am not going to touch on the queueing for instance turing the game into a lobby, as the only point i wanted to make was regarding the "lack of content", which there clearly isnt for those that want it.
WoW also added Archaeology - a collection system that's a lot more sophisticated than simply hunting for question marks on the tops of buildings.
One of the most fundamental flaws with DCUO, in my opinion, is the pacing of the game. I'm not just talking about the speed to level cap (which is also ludicrous), but in the pacing of endgame. At least in vanilla WoW, the average raid guild did not burn through the entirety of something like Molten Core or BWL in one or two weeks. The average group did not burn through all of Ulduar in a week or two, either. Such is not the case with DCUO - even at endgame, the pacing in DCUO is too fast.
On a final note, I think the automatic queuing and teleporting to instances as seen in WoW and DCUO (and other games) is a bit of streamlining that turns a vitual world into a lobby game. Just my opinion.
And you think you know that many players have done the raids in DCUO with an average group? It shows how little you know about the game. On our server there has only been a single team hero side that has completed a raid, the league was my league, and our members spent over 5 hours completing the batcave raid swapping in new players. Burn through it? They tried relentlessly for days for a server first, I was there.
Under no circumstances will you ever be able to do a RAID in DCUO with a PUG or random queue. Even if everyone has T2 PvE gear which will take a hardcore player playing 8 - 10+ hours a day at least a couple weeks. Nobody I know has a full set of any T2 gear yet, let alone any of the T2 PvE gear.
As for the collection system, it goes much farther then investigations, its also costume pieces, and all of that ties into feats, many feats of which require group content and grouping in general. Open world missions will also require grouping at the higher levels. Ring war vendors require you to constantly fight the opposite faction for the ability to purchase gear rewards in that area.
A lot of the systems intertwine, and the game really just gets started at 30.
WoW archaeology is also a way for Blizz to bring high level characters back through lowbie zones to make the world seem more traveled and populated. It gives the lower level characters the 'I wants' when they see an 85 decked out in epics and such.
Archaeology was a grind that, at first, was new/different and seemed fun. Then it quickly got boring.
Find 3 items here... travel for 3-5 minutes.
Find 3 items here... travel for 3-5 minutes.
The !'s and ?'s that you spot in DC Online are by luck and while you are on your way to an objective, usually. Or, if you are just messing around and having fun with your travel powers/exploring, they are pretty easy to find. Like a giant easter egg hunt, more or less.
Is it simple? Yes. But it's not as big of a yawnfest as archaeology is. And Blizz made arch out to be something amazing, as if I were going to learn so much more about WoW lore while I actually increased in levels of arch skill. Not so much.
Someone reliable told me that the game was pushed out early. He also told me that Sony knows DC fans are compliant and would give sony there money no matter how crappy the game. I didnt believe him pre Beta but man was he right. The game has so little content
Originally posted by Rohn WoW also added Archaeology - a collection system that's a lot more sophisticated than simply hunting for question marks on the tops of buildings.
We're talking about archaeology here, right? The children's game of hot/cold mixed with long travel times and random number grind?
As much as I love WoW, archaeology is, at its root, hunting for question marks.
Find question mark, press E.
Almost anything is more sophisticated than that, including Archaeology.
If you are going to compare time sink to time sink, I don't think it is even debatable that WoW has more of them by far.
If we are going to compare engame content, that is another story...
As far as content some games had like a mission system that you could generate and get endless amount of because they are generic but the content here requires voice overs,dialogue and stories and they take time.You cannot just throw those together. The monthly content hopefully will make up for it.
It's a healthy change of pace and able to provide a nice long break from WoW. I haven't played WoW in weeks now... and I don't miss it at all. (I know there are folks out there that say you can't quit WoW... but it's easier now that Cata is out than it has been.)
DC Online is fun. It's not perfect. It's lacking in a lot of features. I think they are aware of that, really. Hopefully we'll see some serious feature rollouts over the next month or two.
A lot of the game does seem very 'solo' friendly. I don't think that's a bad thing, but the game also doesn't seem to have many features that really pull in players to form a 'community'. /Shout is really what we're left with. We need something to really pull players together and I have yet to see that.
As a PC gamer, I think the combo's are a bit 'clunky' and in need of some fine tuning. I feel like I'm really limited in what I can do with my controls, and I realize that's due in large part to the fact DCO is a 'port' for consoles/PC's. I just wish PC gamers didnt' have to feel like they pay a penalty and lose functionality to the game interface because of the cross-platform playerbase.
Overally I like the game. I love the IP. If SOE ruins this as they did the Star Wars IP, they will officially be 'dead to me'.
I agree with the two comments that the game is A: fun and B: not perfect, but on C and D, I have to disagree. I feel they aren't simply aware of the lack of features, in my opinion they intentionally never bothered to put them in. As to serious feature roll outs in the near future, why should they bother? They allready received a large return on their investment from box sales by convincing you guys to buy a seriously content light, though admittedly fun game, where they knew you would hit level cap in less than your free month. If they had any intention or care of keeping you guys around for a long period of time they would have included that content at launch.
But, well, you know, that's just, like, my opinion, man.
I do have to wonder how it is only now that Mr Murphy is mentioning some of these problems when most of them were voiced by beta testors pre-launch.
To kind of speak a little about that, in beta, chat was never really functional. Voice chat has always worked well when grouped, except it was default set as "on" and not on Push to talk, so you would get into a group and hear a lot of static, or someone licking his dog, or fighting with his mom. Or maybe they were all just watching strange TV shows.
But I digress, the Broker was in when beta was going on, but pulled on launch because it had issues. The bank was broken but fixed, and I believe is working now, but haven't tested it. There were a slew of other power sets created but not activated, and will likely not be activated for at least 3 months.
As to content light, read a few posts up in the area marked in green. If nothing else, I suppose we can always agree that "content light" is subjective.
So is "fun" which I mentioned twice, yet I notice you didn't correct that part since it serves your argument.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Someone reliable told me that the game was pushed out early. He also told me that Sony knows DC fans are compliant and would give sony there money no matter how crappy the game. I didnt believe him pre Beta but man was he right. The game has so little content
Im just relaying the message, But nevermind that. Let the crappy underdeveloped game and huge sub counts set forth the truth.....
It's a healthy change of pace and able to provide a nice long break from WoW. I haven't played WoW in weeks now... and I don't miss it at all. (I know there are folks out there that say you can't quit WoW... but it's easier now that Cata is out than it has been.)
DC Online is fun. It's not perfect. It's lacking in a lot of features. I think they are aware of that, really. Hopefully we'll see some serious feature rollouts over the next month or two.
A lot of the game does seem very 'solo' friendly. I don't think that's a bad thing, but the game also doesn't seem to have many features that really pull in players to form a 'community'. /Shout is really what we're left with. We need something to really pull players together and I have yet to see that.
As a PC gamer, I think the combo's are a bit 'clunky' and in need of some fine tuning. I feel like I'm really limited in what I can do with my controls, and I realize that's due in large part to the fact DCO is a 'port' for consoles/PC's. I just wish PC gamers didnt' have to feel like they pay a penalty and lose functionality to the game interface because of the cross-platform playerbase.
Overally I like the game. I love the IP. If SOE ruins this as they did the Star Wars IP, they will officially be 'dead to me'.
I agree with the two comments that the game is A: fun and B: not perfect, but on C and D, I have to disagree. I feel they aren't simply aware of the lack of features, in my opinion they intentionally never bothered to put them in. As to serious feature roll outs in the near future, why should they bother? They allready received a large return on their investment from box sales by convincing you guys to buy a seriously content light, though admittedly fun game, where they knew you would hit level cap in less than your free month. If they had any intention or care of keeping you guys around for a long period of time they would have included that content at launch.
But, well, you know, that's just, like, my opinion, man.
I do have to wonder how it is only now that Mr Murphy is mentioning some of these problems when most of them were voiced by beta testors pre-launch.
To kind of speak a little about that, in beta, chat was never really functional. Voice chat has always worked well when grouped, except it was default set as "on" and not on Push to talk, so you would get into a group and hear a lot of static, or someone licking his dog, or fighting with his mom. Or maybe they were all just watching strange TV shows.
But I digress, the Broker was in when beta was going on, but pulled on launch because it had issues. The bank was broken but fixed, and I believe is working now, but haven't tested it. There were a slew of other power sets created but not activated, and will likely not be activated for at least 3 months.
As to content light, read a few posts up in the area marked in green. If nothing else, I suppose we can always agree that "content light" is subjective.
So is "fun" which I mentioned twice, yet I notice you didn't correct that part since it serves your argument.
Of course "fun" is subjective. I never said this game is fun and thats a fact. Theres no way to prove a game is fun, however I've detailed why I feel the game isn't "content light" going as far to explain that most of those saying its content light haven't experienced all of the content. You could easily still make an argument saying, "Oh well even with that content, I still think its content light." because thats really what it boils down to. An opinion.
Nobody wants to hear about my play habits or how long its taken me post level 30 to achieve my goals and see the content I haven't seen, because its irrelevant to them. You can't deny that you haven't seen all of the content, nor will Bill at the end of his review, nor will more than half of the reviewers writing about the game, yet everyone believes end of levels ='s end of content which ='s nothing to do, which ='s unsub. I'm saying thats not true, and if people choose not to believe me, someone currently playing the game a substantial amount and is at max level currently, then chalk it up to subjective impressions.
WoW also added Archaeology - a collection system that's a lot more sophisticated than simply hunting for question marks on the tops of buildings.
We're talking about archaeology here, right? The children's game of hot/cold mixed with long travel times and random number grind?
As much as I love WoW, archaeology is, at its root, hunting for question marks.
Find question mark, press E.
Almost anything is more sophisticated than that, including Archaeology.
If you are going to compare time sink to time sink, I don't think it is even debatable that WoW has more of them by far. If we are going to compare engame content, that is another story...
For the most part, almost all MMO content can be considered a timesink.
Put another way, those "timesinks" are the actual content of MMOs. Indeed, I don't think anyone would argue that WoW has more than DCUO, by far. Those "timesinks" develop your character. Those "timesinks" tie your character to the world.
Of course, in defending DCUO, I've heard a number of people claim that the game isn't really an MMORPG, and thus doesn't need to have the same trappings or content of an MMO. Oddly enough, SOE is charging like it's a full MMORPG.
I disagree. I think DCUO is an MMORPG, just a very light one currently. It has some very well done systems, some very poorly done systems, and some that are just plain non-existent. Overall, it's underdeveloped.
Like I said before, this is a console game that you play for a month or two and discard. Long term play is something that the game was not initially designed for. If SOE thinks they are going to have a steady subscriber base they are in for a surprise.
I play the game and it's combat is real real fun but there are many graphical bugs and other issues that make the game go down.
The game in general is awesome but it needs 10 critical things to be fixed.
For example some spells sometimes when they are casted are not shown on screen and thats very annoying.When i cast fire i want to see that fire and not just mobs dying without the effect.
Not to mention the ui ,the chat ,some voice acts that trigger at wrong times and several other bugs.
Im waiting cause i have patience for well structured games that seem to have inspiration for more in them.But if they dont do something in 1-2 months then ill walk away.
Some things have to be there from the beggining and are unforgivable for most games but for dc i ll make the exception and wait cause it worths the wait,i hope
I'm loving the Game so far in a lot of ways...Already have 6 people from out LOTRO Guild playing it...And more will likely follow (though we're not ready to quit LOTRO anytime soon)...That being said DC Online is lacking in some REAL basic MMO stuff...
How having Group Member Names in a different color than every other Player character...The Game is SO fast paced it's hard enough to keep up with Group members...It's almost impossible when everyone else's names are the same color...That's just a HUGE oversight...And you cant even scroll over a buff or debuff under your Name to see what the heck it
Not being able to target other players in the Game is just weird to me...I definitely don't feel like I'm playing an MMO...Even though we are grouping and Questing and all that...
But the Combat is as much fun as I've ever had on an MMO times 100...It's SO much fun...And Flying around or Jumping from building to building is a blast...I spent an Hour last night just climbing buildings!!! it really is that much fun...
Almost anything is more sophisticated than that, including Archaeology.
Find area, press survey. Repeat 4-5 times until light turns green. Travel and repeat.
That's not sophistication, that's tedium.
Because "find ?, press E" is scintillating gameplay by comparison.
Whether or not a system is tedious or worthwhile is a matter of taste.
What can't be argued, however, is that there is much, much more involved to the Archaeology system. Whether one choose's to engage in it or not is personal choice, but it's an optional system that actually allows you to develop your character is a real, quantifiable, in-game way.
With such investigations in DCUO, absolutely no character skill or development is required. Anyone can find them, anyone can press E. Zero character development occurs as a result.
These are the types of systems that DCUO lacks, and is why character development in the game is so thin. It has almost no alternate activities - virtually no other ways to build, advance, or modify your character other than questing, instancing (PvE or PvP), gearing, or hunting feats (which mostly come as a result of questing and instancing).
Like I said before, this is a console game that you play for a month or two and discard. Long term play is something that the game was not initially designed for. If SOE thinks they are going to have a steady subscriber base they are in for a surprise.
Especially as they fully focused on the PS3 release and the PC version nothing but being a very bad port of it.
Console gamers in general are the last persons to involve themselves with monthly fees.
So SOE will sertainly be in for a surprise if they think they gonna get a lot of subscribers on the PS3 servers.
There also a meriad of other issues plaguing the PC version the writer didn't mention.
- VSync is capped at 30fps. Switching it off makes no difference. This due to PS3 limiations. Acknowledged and no indication they ever gonna fix it for the PC version.
- Video settings keep resetting every time you log in. Setting graphics to low, medium, high doesn't show any real difference. It's just plain broken. Probably graphics are just setting themselves to PS3 default. Wouldn't suprise me one single bit.
- High res textures have been removed from the game and no indication nor announcement as to why it was taken away and when it might come back for PC users! Also again probably due to PS3 limitations and this whole game being a 1:1 bad console port !
- Animations! And this trully a big issue! Half the combo animations just plainly not work and never go off! Makes playing highly frustrating at times, as you just have no idea if a combo is going off or not. Forcing you to keep an eye on the combat log to see if a combo has been correctly initiated. With the horrible chat system. Good luck with that!
These are just some more issues plaguing the game I though should have been mentioned!
Almost anything is more sophisticated than that, including Archaeology.
Find area, press survey. Repeat 4-5 times until light turns green. Travel and repeat.
That's not sophistication, that's tedium.
Because "find ?, press E" is scintillating gameplay by comparison.
Whether or not a system is tedious or worthwhile is a matter of taste.
What can't be argued, however, is that there is much, much more involved to the Archaeology system. Whether one choose's to engage in it or not is personal choice, but it's an optional system that actually allows you to develop your character is a real, quantifiable, in-game way.
With such investigations in DCUO, absolutely no character skill or development is required. Anyone can find a them, anyone can press E. Zero character development occurs as a result.
These are the types of systems that DCUO lacks, and is why character development in the game is so thin. It has almost no alternate activities - virtually no other ways to build, advance, or modify your character other than questing, instancing (PvE or PvP), gearing, or hunting feats (which mostly come as a result of questing and instancing).
This is easily incorrect. The investigations play a big part in your character development, not just visually, but statistically.
Even though the most basic of skills are required to get them, understanding movement, and being able to get them, and sometimes in the off chance you'll find one next to a mob that you'll have to clear in order to get it, it does develop your character in more than just one way.
Character development is a lasting system in DCUO. Visually, statistically, and skillfully.
Actually the combos work but it may be because when you are told hold right mouse 3 times you actually tap it so the first combo goes off. I noticed this today as I was playing you have to count the hold. Hold for like a couple of seconds each hold and the combo worked I saw a whole different animation. People who say the combos do not work may be not doing them correctly its possible not saying it is the case every time.
He's not saying they don't work but you can not tell if they have worked as loads of skills have no animations or the same animation as other skills. Have they fixed all the tooltips now? A fair few of those where wrong when beta finished. Not that the tooltips gave you enough information to make informed choices anyway.
This is easily incorrect. The investigations play a big part in your character development, not just visually, but statistically.
While I never said DCUO's investigations were "scintillating", they do come off much better than archaeology.
In EVE, there's an offline tool (EFT) allowing people to play around with different ship setups. This leads to a lot of people with not much in-game experience posting layouts that do crazy dps on paper, but are about as practical as velcro toilet paper in actual ship-to-ship combat.
Good points by the op.Been playing it on an off few hours a day since i got it. Great fun for me actualy.More so in a few days than 3 months of wow for me at least.Its got room to grow for sure but they have said that. An best of all i already had a station acess acount so its not costing me any more per month to play
I do belive they will deliver content.For this reason alone ... They went threw mmo hell to get the ip.Thye had to take matrix online to get dcuo ip.They know its a big ip with great potential.Sure its mmolite atm but that is a good thing over all for new players.Did any one realy think it was gona be eve in spandex?Yets its more complex than most see.
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." Robert E. Howard, The Tower of the Elephant (1933)
The truth is the game still isnt ready at all, its like they designed the game as a solo game than made it where you are all in 1 world. If you want to play an MMO with friends this game isnt for you, its a challenge just to simply find your friends to play with unless you know their phone numbers, and being in a League or Legion is useless, not to mention the lack of an auction house makes rare items useless if you cant equip them yourself.
Again though, the only thing anyone can point to regarding lack of content, revolves around professions. Yes, Cata does have more time sinks, but for me personally, I maxed my profs in about 2 hours, and only use them to make flasks and some cash off the AH now (daily transmute). Archeolgy is mind numbing, and is not considered a "plus" or "deeper value" imo.
Professions also do not equate to "endgame content". If you want to talk about actual content to progress through, there is the same amount, if not more, than Cataclysm. Not to mention (for me anyway), doing the content with a good group is eons more fun in DCUO with its combat system.
I am not going to touch on the queueing for instance turing the game into a lobby, as the only point i wanted to make was regarding the "lack of content", which there clearly isnt for those that want it.
And you think you know that many players have done the raids in DCUO with an average group? It shows how little you know about the game. On our server there has only been a single team hero side that has completed a raid, the league was my league, and our members spent over 5 hours completing the batcave raid swapping in new players. Burn through it? They tried relentlessly for days for a server first, I was there.
Under no circumstances will you ever be able to do a RAID in DCUO with a PUG or random queue. Even if everyone has T2 PvE gear which will take a hardcore player playing 8 - 10+ hours a day at least a couple weeks. Nobody I know has a full set of any T2 gear yet, let alone any of the T2 PvE gear.
As for the collection system, it goes much farther then investigations, its also costume pieces, and all of that ties into feats, many feats of which require group content and grouping in general. Open world missions will also require grouping at the higher levels. Ring war vendors require you to constantly fight the opposite faction for the ability to purchase gear rewards in that area.
A lot of the systems intertwine, and the game really just gets started at 30.
We're talking about archaeology here, right? The children's game of hot/cold mixed with long travel times and random number grind?
As much as I love WoW, archaeology is, at its root, hunting for question marks.
Playing: FFXIV, EVE
WoW archaeology is also a way for Blizz to bring high level characters back through lowbie zones to make the world seem more traveled and populated. It gives the lower level characters the 'I wants' when they see an 85 decked out in epics and such.
Archaeology was a grind that, at first, was new/different and seemed fun. Then it quickly got boring.
Find 3 items here... travel for 3-5 minutes.
Find 3 items here... travel for 3-5 minutes.
The !'s and ?'s that you spot in DC Online are by luck and while you are on your way to an objective, usually. Or, if you are just messing around and having fun with your travel powers/exploring, they are pretty easy to find. Like a giant easter egg hunt, more or less.
Is it simple? Yes. But it's not as big of a yawnfest as archaeology is. And Blizz made arch out to be something amazing, as if I were going to learn so much more about WoW lore while I actually increased in levels of arch skill. Not so much.
Someone reliable told me that the game was pushed out early. He also told me that Sony knows DC fans are compliant and would give sony there money no matter how crappy the game. I didnt believe him pre Beta but man was he right. The game has so little content
Find question mark, press E.
Almost anything is more sophisticated than that, including Archaeology.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
We're talking about archaeology here, right? The children's game of hot/cold mixed with long travel times and random number grind?
As much as I love WoW, archaeology is, at its root, hunting for question marks.
Find question mark, press E.
Almost anything is more sophisticated than that, including Archaeology.
If we are going to compare engame content, that is another story...
As far as content some games had like a mission system that you could generate and get endless amount of because they are generic but the content here requires voice overs,dialogue and stories and they take time.You cannot just throw those together. The monthly content hopefully will make up for it.
Find area, press survey. Repeat 4-5 times until light turns green. Travel and repeat.
That's not sophistication, that's tedium.
Playing: FFXIV, EVE
So is "fun" which I mentioned twice, yet I notice you didn't correct that part since it serves your argument.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Im just relaying the message, But nevermind that. Let the crappy underdeveloped game and huge sub counts set forth the truth.....
Of course "fun" is subjective. I never said this game is fun and thats a fact. Theres no way to prove a game is fun, however I've detailed why I feel the game isn't "content light" going as far to explain that most of those saying its content light haven't experienced all of the content. You could easily still make an argument saying, "Oh well even with that content, I still think its content light." because thats really what it boils down to. An opinion.
Nobody wants to hear about my play habits or how long its taken me post level 30 to achieve my goals and see the content I haven't seen, because its irrelevant to them. You can't deny that you haven't seen all of the content, nor will Bill at the end of his review, nor will more than half of the reviewers writing about the game, yet everyone believes end of levels ='s end of content which ='s nothing to do, which ='s unsub. I'm saying thats not true, and if people choose not to believe me, someone currently playing the game a substantial amount and is at max level currently, then chalk it up to subjective impressions.
For the most part, almost all MMO content can be considered a timesink.
Put another way, those "timesinks" are the actual content of MMOs. Indeed, I don't think anyone would argue that WoW has more than DCUO, by far. Those "timesinks" develop your character. Those "timesinks" tie your character to the world.
Of course, in defending DCUO, I've heard a number of people claim that the game isn't really an MMORPG, and thus doesn't need to have the same trappings or content of an MMO. Oddly enough, SOE is charging like it's a full MMORPG.
I disagree. I think DCUO is an MMORPG, just a very light one currently. It has some very well done systems, some very poorly done systems, and some that are just plain non-existent. Overall, it's underdeveloped.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Like I said before, this is a console game that you play for a month or two and discard. Long term play is something that the game was not initially designed for. If SOE thinks they are going to have a steady subscriber base they are in for a surprise.
Get back to me in a couple of months and tell me if you still praise the game as much.
My gaming blog
I play the game and it's combat is real real fun but there are many graphical bugs and other issues that make the game go down.
The game in general is awesome but it needs 10 critical things to be fixed.
For example some spells sometimes when they are casted are not shown on screen and thats very annoying.When i cast fire i want to see that fire and not just mobs dying without the effect.
Not to mention the ui ,the chat ,some voice acts that trigger at wrong times and several other bugs.
Im waiting cause i have patience for well structured games that seem to have inspiration for more in them.But if they dont do something in 1-2 months then ill walk away.
Some things have to be there from the beggining and are unforgivable for most games but for dc i ll make the exception and wait cause it worths the wait,i hope
I'm loving the Game so far in a lot of ways...Already have 6 people from out LOTRO Guild playing it...And more will likely follow (though we're not ready to quit LOTRO anytime soon)...That being said DC Online is lacking in some REAL basic MMO stuff...
How having Group Member Names in a different color than every other Player character...The Game is SO fast paced it's hard enough to keep up with Group members...It's almost impossible when everyone else's names are the same color...That's just a HUGE oversight...And you cant even scroll over a buff or debuff under your Name to see what the heck it
Not being able to target other players in the Game is just weird to me...I definitely don't feel like I'm playing an MMO...Even though we are grouping and Questing and all that...
But the Combat is as much fun as I've ever had on an MMO times 100...It's SO much fun...And Flying around or Jumping from building to building is a blast...I spent an Hour last night just climbing buildings!!! it really is that much fun...
Because "find ?, press E" is scintillating gameplay by comparison.
Whether or not a system is tedious or worthwhile is a matter of taste.
What can't be argued, however, is that there is much, much more involved to the Archaeology system. Whether one choose's to engage in it or not is personal choice, but it's an optional system that actually allows you to develop your character is a real, quantifiable, in-game way.
With such investigations in DCUO, absolutely no character skill or development is required. Anyone can find them, anyone can press E. Zero character development occurs as a result.
These are the types of systems that DCUO lacks, and is why character development in the game is so thin. It has almost no alternate activities - virtually no other ways to build, advance, or modify your character other than questing, instancing (PvE or PvP), gearing, or hunting feats (which mostly come as a result of questing and instancing).
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Especially as they fully focused on the PS3 release and the PC version nothing but being a very bad port of it.
Console gamers in general are the last persons to involve themselves with monthly fees.
So SOE will sertainly be in for a surprise if they think they gonna get a lot of subscribers on the PS3 servers.
There also a meriad of other issues plaguing the PC version the writer didn't mention.
- VSync is capped at 30fps. Switching it off makes no difference. This due to PS3 limiations. Acknowledged and no indication they ever gonna fix it for the PC version.
- Video settings keep resetting every time you log in. Setting graphics to low, medium, high doesn't show any real difference. It's just plain broken. Probably graphics are just setting themselves to PS3 default. Wouldn't suprise me one single bit.
- High res textures have been removed from the game and no indication nor announcement as to why it was taken away and when it might come back for PC users! Also again probably due to PS3 limitations and this whole game being a 1:1 bad console port !
- Animations! And this trully a big issue! Half the combo animations just plainly not work and never go off! Makes playing highly frustrating at times, as you just have no idea if a combo is going off or not. Forcing you to keep an eye on the combat log to see if a combo has been correctly initiated. With the horrible chat system. Good luck with that!
These are just some more issues plaguing the game I though should have been mentioned!
This is easily incorrect. The investigations play a big part in your character development, not just visually, but statistically.
Even though the most basic of skills are required to get them, understanding movement, and being able to get them, and sometimes in the off chance you'll find one next to a mob that you'll have to clear in order to get it, it does develop your character in more than just one way.
Character development is a lasting system in DCUO. Visually, statistically, and skillfully.
Actually the combos work but it may be because when you are told hold right mouse 3 times you actually tap it so the first combo goes off. I noticed this today as I was playing you have to count the hold. Hold for like a couple of seconds each hold and the combo worked I saw a whole different animation. People who say the combos do not work may be not doing them correctly its possible not saying it is the case every time.
He's not saying they don't work but you can not tell if they have worked as loads of skills have no animations or the same animation as other skills. Have they fixed all the tooltips now? A fair few of those where wrong when beta finished. Not that the tooltips gave you enough information to make informed choices anyway.
While I never said DCUO's investigations were "scintillating", they do come off much better than archaeology.
In EVE, there's an offline tool (EFT) allowing people to play around with different ship setups. This leads to a lot of people with not much in-game experience posting layouts that do crazy dps on paper, but are about as practical as velcro toilet paper in actual ship-to-ship combat.
Reading about a game != playing it.
Playing: FFXIV, EVE
Good points by the op.Been playing it on an off few hours a day since i got it. Great fun for me actualy.More so in a few days than 3 months of wow for me at least.Its got room to grow for sure but they have said that. An best of all i already had a station acess acount so its not costing me any more per month to play
I do belive they will deliver content.For this reason alone ... They went threw mmo hell to get the ip.Thye had to take matrix online to get dcuo ip.They know its a big ip with great potential.Sure its mmolite atm but that is a good thing over all for new players.Did any one realy think it was gona be eve in spandex?Yets its more complex than most see.
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." Robert E. Howard, The Tower of the Elephant (1933)
The truth is the game still isnt ready at all, its like they designed the game as a solo game than made it where you are all in 1 world. If you want to play an MMO with friends this game isnt for you, its a challenge just to simply find your friends to play with unless you know their phone numbers, and being in a League or Legion is useless, not to mention the lack of an auction house makes rare items useless if you cant equip them yourself.
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