d) used the same username / password combo that has previously been used for other games/guild websites etc
e) downloaded an 'addon' of some sort
I have played many MMOs and have never been hacked because I dont do these things...
It is easy to hop on the your a simpleton bandwagon and claim all these things . fact is hacks are getting smarter every day, flash ads on reg websites just like this one can snatch your account info now.
one does not need to buy gold or watch pron or use stupid passwords to get hacked these days.
really odd thing is the number of people in Rift saying they were hacked who said they have one puter set up just for gaming IE: dont use it to browse the net etc etc and the fact that those that were hacked their passwords were never changed just all their gear sold and money taken.
but hey you just keep on spouting that old hat diatribe ad hominim over and over again cause it makes you look superior to those who through no real fault of their own got nailed by this bug or hack whichever it may be.
(Disclaimer: I say no REAL fault as it must be their fault for connecting to the interwebs in the first place)
I have a feeling that most 'I've been hacked' claims are simply because they've used exactally the same details to login with as they have done with other games which have been comprimised before, I'm just happy that Trion have given us a 'change email' option in the account settings, as soon as I found out about the farmers, brand new email address time, in fact since WoW (and the fact I lost my 5 year old NC master acount at the same time thanks to NC for resetting my account details to a farmer compainies should NOT use the defalut 'Mother's maden name'/'home town' as the only question and lock it...) I've now bought a book and not all email 'logins' have the same and everything is hand written down.
Also small tip, don't use gmail guys as a login thats been attacked a lot over the years.
About the GM responce times: it's hardly shocking to find out it takes a long time to get to you this early one, remember these guys aren't exactally a massive company and they have to read and reply to EVERY single report, basically rule of thumb is that for every actal report thats a problem theres about 5 'wheres the Guild master button', 'I'm stuck!!!', and 'quest is bugged, mainly because i havn't read the text and didn't know i had to do somthing to trigger it' - it's more shocking when the 'big' companies DO take ages because TBH they do have the money/resorses to have a larger team.
I also remember someone saying that Trion think 80% of the attacks are malware/phising and are considering an authenicator, at least they are actally trying to fix the issue ifself quickly and not just 'improve' repalcing your stuff.
d) used the same username / password combo that has previously been used for other games/guild websites etc
e) downloaded an 'addon' of some sort
I have played many MMOs and have never been hacked because I dont do these things...
It is easy to hop on the your a simpleton bandwagon and claim all these things . fact is hacks are getting smarter every day, flash ads on reg websites just like this one can snatch your account info now.
one does not need to buy gold or watch pron or use stupid passwords to get hacked these days.
really odd thing is the number of people in Rift saying they were hacked who said they have one puter set up just for gaming IE: dont use it to browse the net etc etc and the fact that those that were hacked their passwords were never changed just all their gear sold and money taken.
but hey you just keep on spouting that old hat diatribe ad hominim over and over again cause it makes you look superior to those who through no real fault of their own got nailed by this bug or hack whichever it may be.
(Disclaimer: I say no REAL fault as it must be their fault for connecting to the interwebs in the first place)
yes but still you forget, "hackers"(like you like to call then) try still to make people tell tehn tehy pass or have easy used passwords, like pet name, birthday, and so on. you can say whatever, but if you lose your accounts its your fault, be it like to not have a anti-spyware or be ignorant over the ways you can lose your info.
truth be told if you get "hacked" its your own fault for something you did, be it downloading things to give you a edge, buying gold or giving you pass to your mom/dad/GF/ whole guild, and yeah I saw it everytime and never I saw someone who really wasn't to be blamed.
you can call "simpleton bandwagon" but it also means you don't know nothing about you think you know
d) used the same username / password combo that has previously been used for other games/guild websites etc
e) downloaded an 'addon' of some sort
I have played many MMOs and have never been hacked because I dont do these things...
It is easy to hop on the your a simpleton bandwagon and claim all these things . fact is hacks are getting smarter every day, flash ads on reg websites just like this one can snatch your account info now.
one does not need to buy gold or watch pron or use stupid passwords to get hacked these days.
really odd thing is the number of people in Rift saying they were hacked who said they have one puter set up just for gaming IE: dont use it to browse the net etc etc and the fact that those that were hacked their passwords were never changed just all their gear sold and money taken.
but hey you just keep on spouting that old hat diatribe ad hominim over and over again cause it makes you look superior to those who through no real fault of their own got nailed by this bug or hack whichever it may be.
(Disclaimer: I say no REAL fault as it must be their fault for connecting to the interwebs in the first place)
yes but still you forget, "hackers"(like you like to call then) try still to make people tell tehn tehy pass or have easy used passwords, like pet name, birthday, and so on. you can say whatever, but if you lose your accounts its your fault, be it like to not have a anti-spyware or be ignorant over the ways you can lose your info.
truth be told if you get "hacked" its your own fault for something you did, be it downloading things to give you a edge, buying gold or giving you pass to your mom/dad/GF/ whole guild, and yeah I saw it everytime and never I saw someone who really wasn't to be blamed.
you can call "simpleton bandwagon" but it also means you don't know nothing about you think you know
after I deciphered your post (I am guessing english is a second or third language here) all I am saying is there is more to it these days than herp to the derp you bought gold and powah leveling services, but of course you personally interviewed or know every single person that has been hacked ever so know for a fact that that is exactly what they did.
Never got any phishing mail for rift... but almost everyday i get WOW phishing mails in my spam tho i dont have an wow acc lol
edit: actually i get wow phishing mail on my 4 email adresses, and never played wow
I listed 4 reasons why I thought Trion might have issues and this was one of them. Blizzard locks you out of your account after 4 failed password attempts for a very good reason.
It is called Brute Force attacks. I can tell you right now somewhere some idiot is trying to Brute force my account with a e-mail address I do not even use because the name Puremallace was associated with that e-mail wayyyyy back when in WoW.
You have to create a completely seperate e-mail address for Rift that is not on their list. Once they know your e-mail which is your login then it is a matter of cracking your password
Never got any phishing mail for rift... but almost everyday i get WOW phishing mails in my spam tho i dont have an wow acc lol
edit: actually i get wow phishing mail on my 4 email adresses, and never played wow
I listed 4 reasons why I thought Trion might have issues and this was one of them. Blizzard locks you out of your account after 4 failed password attempts for a very good reason.
It is called Brute Force attacks. I can tell you right now somewhere some idiot is trying to Brute force my account with a e-mail address I do not even use because the name Puremallace was associated with that e-mail wayyyyy back when in WoW.
You have to create a completely seperate e-mail address for Rift that is not on their list. Once they know your e-mail which is your login then it is a matter of cracking your password
I list security as weak for a good reason.
Just to be on the safe side, i created a new email just for Rift now
Just to be on the safe side, i created a new email just for Rift now
Here is how you know you got some mystery keylogger at home or at work. If you create that brand new e-mail account that is one day old and start getting WoW or Rift phishing scams.
Only thing I can suggest until Trion offers authenticators.
Well, i've been playing mmos since eq 1, and never, never got a account hacked...
Im not stupid, nobody knows my acc info, never bought gold, never gave acc info for nobody, in foruns nor emails, have no viruses nor trojans on my computer
Same here and I got hacked yesterday for the first time ever. I run spybot, avast, malwerebytes, use firefox, no script addon, ect...somehow I got hacked.
I logged in yesterday and noticed my gold was gone and my items cleaned out from my backpack. The weird thing was they left about 150 linen cloth on my toon, didn't strip it of armor, and never touched my bank. Anyway....I put in a ticket and logged off to change the password. Then I ran all 3 of my security programs and checked for windows updates. The PC came up clean. A Trion GM got in touch with me about 3 hours later to handle my ticket. Gave me the option of restoring my account to the day before or take the cash I had on my guy before the hack. Choosing restore would have meant I would lost all xp and lvls up to the restore point they had. I chose the cash cause I put a lvl on while waiting. The CS response was on par or better then any other game IMHO.
Never got any phishing mail for rift... but almost everyday i get WOW phishing mails in my spam tho i dont have an wow acc lol
edit: actually i get wow phishing mail on my 4 email adresses, and never played wow
I listed 4 reasons why I thought Trion might have issues and this was one of them. Blizzard locks you out of your account after 4 failed password attempts for a very good reason.
It is called Brute Force attacks. I can tell you right now somewhere some idiot is trying to Brute force my account with a e-mail address I do not even use because the name Puremallace was associated with that e-mail wayyyyy back when in WoW.
You have to create a completely seperate e-mail address for Rift that is not on their list. Once they know your e-mail which is your login then it is a matter of cracking your password
I list security as weak for a good reason.
THIS is exactally what many 'attacked' players aren't getting - if your email has been attacked/phished before the farmers WILL attack EVERY SINGLE account you've made with that email, it's foolish to think 'oh WoW gold farmers only want my WoW account' they ARE the same farmers..
After nearly everyone got attacked during the standard to battlenet account switch with WoW anyone with a Blizzard account might as well bin that email as a login for anything else, same with if you are getting phished, or have been subcribed to a site known to have been attacked and/or have a gmail account during that attack...
ALLLL of those emails are at risk and use of them is basically giving the keys to the kingdom for the farmers - as I said before at least Trion actally give us the option to change emails and actally give us 'non-common' secret questions other then home town and mother's name...
One guy made a pretty long thread about this. Hopefully this helps a little
It is easy to hop on the your a simpleton bandwagon and claim all these things . fact is hacks are getting smarter every day, flash ads on reg websites just like this one can snatch your account info now.
one does not need to buy gold or watch pron or use stupid passwords to get hacked these days.
really odd thing is the number of people in Rift saying they were hacked who said they have one puter set up just for gaming IE: dont use it to browse the net etc etc and the fact that those that were hacked their passwords were never changed just all their gear sold and money taken.
but hey you just keep on spouting that old hat diatribe ad hominim over and over again cause it makes you look superior to those who through no real fault of their own got nailed by this bug or hack whichever it may be.
(Disclaimer: I say no REAL fault as it must be their fault for connecting to the interwebs in the first place)
I have a feeling that most 'I've been hacked' claims are simply because they've used exactally the same details to login with as they have done with other games which have been comprimised before, I'm just happy that Trion have given us a 'change email' option in the account settings, as soon as I found out about the farmers, brand new email address time, in fact since WoW (and the fact I lost my 5 year old NC master acount at the same time thanks to NC for resetting my account details to a farmer compainies should NOT use the defalut 'Mother's maden name'/'home town' as the only question and lock it...) I've now bought a book and not all email 'logins' have the same and everything is hand written down.
Also small tip, don't use gmail guys as a login thats been attacked a lot over the years.
About the GM responce times: it's hardly shocking to find out it takes a long time to get to you this early one, remember these guys aren't exactally a massive company and they have to read and reply to EVERY single report, basically rule of thumb is that for every actal report thats a problem theres about 5 'wheres the Guild master button', 'I'm stuck!!!', and 'quest is bugged, mainly because i havn't read the text and didn't know i had to do somthing to trigger it' - it's more shocking when the 'big' companies DO take ages because TBH they do have the money/resorses to have a larger team.
I also remember someone saying that Trion think 80% of the attacks are malware/phising and are considering an authenicator, at least they are actally trying to fix the issue ifself quickly and not just 'improve' repalcing your stuff.
Bring on the WARRRRGGHH!
yes but still you forget, "hackers"(like you like to call then) try still to make people tell tehn tehy pass or have easy used passwords, like pet name, birthday, and so on. you can say whatever, but if you lose your accounts its your fault, be it like to not have a anti-spyware or be ignorant over the ways you can lose your info.
truth be told if you get "hacked" its your own fault for something you did, be it downloading things to give you a edge, buying gold or giving you pass to your mom/dad/GF/ whole guild, and yeah I saw it everytime and never I saw someone who really wasn't to be blamed.
you can call "simpleton bandwagon" but it also means you don't know nothing about you think you know
Not clear right now if its a bug or hacking.
2 more ppl on the thread got the same bug after patch.
Finishing scaning my computer with tons of programs = nothing
My lvl 10 character still has his stuff... is not much, but i think if the acc was hacked they would clean this char too.
That is typical. They will only go after the highest level character. Here is a simple rule ESPECIALLYYYYY with Rift.
At the e-mail address you use for Rift do you get those Blizzard or Rift phishing e-mails in your spam folder?
If you do then that e-mail is on a big list to get hacked(brute force - realllllly big list of common passwords)
after I deciphered your post (I am guessing english is a second or third language here) all I am saying is there is more to it these days than herp to the derp you bought gold and powah leveling services, but of course you personally interviewed or know every single person that has been hacked ever so know for a fact that that is exactly what they did.
in other news an interesting post on the Rift forums brings to lite this possible (read possible) fault for the hacking http://forums.riftgame.com/showthread.php?116860-possible-reason-for-rift-hijacking-inside-(code-inside)
far fetched ? perhaps, but no more so than every single person that has been hacked ever used a gold service or downloaded hacks to play a game.
Never got any phishing mail for rift... but almost everyday i get WOW phishing mails in my spam tho i dont have an wow acc lol
edit: actually i get wow phishing mail on my 4 email adresses, and never played wow
I listed 4 reasons why I thought Trion might have issues and this was one of them. Blizzard locks you out of your account after 4 failed password attempts for a very good reason.
It is called Brute Force attacks. I can tell you right now somewhere some idiot is trying to Brute force my account with a e-mail address I do not even use because the name Puremallace was associated with that e-mail wayyyyy back when in WoW.
You have to create a completely seperate e-mail address for Rift that is not on their list. Once they know your e-mail which is your login then it is a matter of cracking your password
I list security as weak for a good reason.
Just to be on the safe side, i created a new email just for Rift now
Here is how you know you got some mystery keylogger at home or at work. If you create that brand new e-mail account that is one day old and start getting WoW or Rift phishing scams.
Only thing I can suggest until Trion offers authenticators.
Same here and I got hacked yesterday for the first time ever. I run spybot, avast, malwerebytes, use firefox, no script addon, ect...somehow I got hacked.
I logged in yesterday and noticed my gold was gone and my items cleaned out from my backpack. The weird thing was they left about 150 linen cloth on my toon, didn't strip it of armor, and never touched my bank. Anyway....I put in a ticket and logged off to change the password. Then I ran all 3 of my security programs and checked for windows updates. The PC came up clean. A Trion GM got in touch with me about 3 hours later to handle my ticket. Gave me the option of restoring my account to the day before or take the cash I had on my guy before the hack. Choosing restore would have meant I would lost all xp and lvls up to the restore point they had. I chose the cash cause I put a lvl on while waiting. The CS response was on par or better then any other game IMHO.
Was also hacked just after the patch.
Same exact issue as the OP.
It was obviously brute forced. Never been hacked before and I was getting the WoW spam in my gmail account.
My machine is keylogger/spyware free with near 100% certainty.
My PW was not unique enough, it is now.
Rift needs better security or this will be common.
THIS is exactally what many 'attacked' players aren't getting - if your email has been attacked/phished before the farmers WILL attack EVERY SINGLE account you've made with that email, it's foolish to think 'oh WoW gold farmers only want my WoW account' they ARE the same farmers..
After nearly everyone got attacked during the standard to battlenet account switch with WoW anyone with a Blizzard account might as well bin that email as a login for anything else, same with if you are getting phished, or have been subcribed to a site known to have been attacked and/or have a gmail account during that attack...
ALLLL of those emails are at risk and use of them is basically giving the keys to the kingdom for the farmers - as I said before at least Trion actally give us the option to change emails and actally give us 'non-common' secret questions other then home town and mother's name...
Bring on the WARRRRGGHH!