Originally posted by Pangaea I said they sucked. not made money.. and then made a seperate point that wish can't be compared with them cause they MAKE money. Look at the top 10 list on MMORPG.. Wish can't stand with them. Frank Mesa Pangaea Games Inc. Paridine: Fantasy Combat to the Extreme! http://www.pangaeagames.com
I didn't see Pangaea Games Inc. in that list either Cancel whatever you're making. you're not in the top 10, so you suck. At least, that's what I should understand from your theory
------------------------------------------ Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
------------------------------------------ Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
Earth and Beyond folks know excatly how the folks that liked wish feels
but the nature of the beast is proft or at least marginal profit. Though we may see a niche
or two games make it, due to the high costs in developing maintaining designing, the big names are the ones that may or may not pull new offerings off.
Bottom line ones that last are making profit and folks playing em, and if enough folks do not like core design in beta feedback, there is a good chance it will not do well on the open market.
There is always room for more if done well and are fun to play......................
I didn't see Pangaea Games Inc. in that list either Cancel whatever you're making. you're not in the top 10, so you suck. At least, that's what I should understand from your theory
------------------------------------------ Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.[/b][/quote]
Actually Pangaea Games doens't MAKE computer games. So umm.. yea.
And I don't have to cancel ANYTHING cause my game doesn't require funding at this stage of development.
And when it does require funding it will already be done.
PS: quit being butt hurt about wish being canceled. If it was GOOD do you think they would have canceled it?
I can't help it, I'm like that all the time...My doctor says I'll get over it, but I don't believe him
------------------------------------------ Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
------------------------------------------ Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
Deleted this because of accidental double post. Sry :-)
------------------------------------------ Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
Well, lets see. First off, that's my sig, not part of the MESSAGE moron. How many times do I have to say this to you thread nazis? Second, it's an analogy. Understand what that is? Look it up if you don't.
A sig is a message. Just one that one repeats over, and over. Sooo.... how come you can't answer the question - what about nerds who are jocks? What about jocks who are nerds? Labels, labels, are meaningless. SOE makes games for skinny, pale skinned, white, males, who are virgins, who wear pocket protectors, wear their pants up to their chest/chin, wear thick black glasses, have bad haircuts, live with their mothers, and can't communicate with other humans?
Also, VarEnt sold out because they were already a second party dev for SONY. Getting absorbed was a matter of time.
Then why did Smeadly get paid a couple of bucks to the tune of 30 million by Sony? Varant was not "simply asorbed sooner or later". It was sold. SOE at first funded Varant, then pulled the rug on EQ before it was finnished. Smeadly, McQuaid, and others took over Varant without Sony, finnished EQ. Then sold it to Sony.
If you're going to flame over a friggen sig, you need to get a life. Go outside. See things other than your computer monitor. There's life beyond high school :P
How do you know that I do not have a life? I guess the same way that you know it is impossible for some one to be a nerd who is a jock, and a jock who is a nerd. And it is not a flame I am intending. It is critical, civil, conversation, with no name calling, that I am doing (that is why only you are doing the name calling, and posting facts that only you know which I do not know like how I have no life, am still in high school, have never gone out, etc... )
SOE makes decent games that appeal to nerds. Their customer service is run by jocks who bully nerds. Wonder why SOE sucks so bad...
SOE has a roughly total of 700,000 total gamers paying monthly fees. EQ alone has generated to date roughly 200 million (conservative estimate) to 800 million (liberal estimate) - source : Buisness 2.0 Magazine. Article in it "The Sorcerer of Sony". With a 40% profit margin. Regular Fortune 50 companies have a profit margin of 10% to 20%. 40% is unheard of in the buisness world. Yes that "sucks so bad".
As for the customer service, it is not "sucky" because of ....... pocket protector weaing, living at him, high water pant wearing, thick eyeglasses wearing, virgin, players..... being bullied by football playing, baseball playing, sports playing, bodybuilding, stud muffin, sexy, cheerleader humping, jocks. It is "sucky" because of workers who are simply inept.
Keep us informed. I'm always interested in that kind of stuff
Especially if you can beat the combat mechanics of Rolemaster in quality (If you manage that you'll have my everlasting )
------------------------------------------ Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
------------------------------------------ Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
Originally posted by FaithRaven Ok thanks for info. It will be a great game and a lot of people will enjoy it. Like your family and your pets. Anyway, how about stop posting offtopic please ?
What was the topic again?
------------------------------------------ Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
------------------------------------------ Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
Even in its beta phases, I consider Wish to have had one of the worst, most bitter, hateful, and condescending player communities to have ever graced the internet. I watched both betas and I smirk in disgust at the defense of this horrible game. The people running it were border-line nazi concerning criticisms in a similar way its rabid fans can't believe that the quality bar just wasn't really there.
I logged on last night to give it one mroe chance and asked if they had added a compass outside of the map window. I got shouted down by the entire town with comments like:
"Up is north, down is south"
"Who needs a compass when you have a map, moron"
I didn't think it would be so hard to imagine the need for a compass outside of a huge bulky map window that could only be minimized so far down.
Frankly, someone let me know where all you people will migrate after Wish so I can avoid that one. The only MMORPG thus far to beat Wish in poor quality that I have played has been Rubies of Eventide, and boy was that a stinker.
In conclusion, canceling Wish was in foresight of any disaster taking it to market would have wrought.
Originally posted by Crabby Even in its beta phases, I consider Wish to have had one of the worst, most bitter, hateful, and condescending player communities to have ever graced the internet. I watched both betas and I smirk in disgust at the defense of this horrible game. The people running it were border-line nazi concerning criticisms in a similar way its rabid fans can't believe that the quality bar just wasn't really there. I logged on last night to give it one mroe chance and asked if they had added a compass outside of the map window. I got shouted down by the entire town with comments like: "Up is north, down is south" "Who needs a compass when you have a map, moron" I didn't think it would be so hard to imagine the need for a compass outside of a huge bulky map window that could only be minimized so far down.
Frankly, someone let me know where all you people will migrate after Wish so I can avoid that one. The only MMORPG thus far to beat Wish in poor quality that I have played has been Rubies of Eventide, and boy was that a stinker. In conclusion, canceling Wish was in foresight of any disaster taking it to market would have wrought.
I don't like the way this conversation is going...
There's bound to be trouble now... ------------------------------------------ Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
------------------------------------------ Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
so it wasnt just me then that thought that their server wasnt what they thought it was gonna be...nice try Wish....sorry.
in the state it was in when i was playing it (well attempting to play it because the server was NEVER up) its no suprise to me that this game was cancelled. maybe with another year of development it would have been ok but...this game was just an aborted fetus IMO.
I guess in light of all my recent and legitimate Wish bashings it was a smart move they made...if Copeland is still reading well I owe you something:
You can WISH in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first. Apparently the shit hand did. I /WISHed/ for this game to be cancelled. And wow, it worked :P
Good. I'm glad. If any of you saw my post about the Win XP and games conspiracy,( which I believe was deleted), you know what I'm talking about. Wish canceled means Bill Gates looses his kickback money that he put up providing they make it Win XP only so gamers like me who think it's a buggy piece of crap might buy it. Damn, I'm getting political in my old age. Jack Bauer will be knocking on my door soon. See you on tomorrow nites episode of 24.
Wish was a great game and i was really looking forward to it. I was playing the beta 18 hours a day and having flash backs of uo. I had completely abandoned my wow account so i could spend time on wish which was a much more fulfilling roleplaying style game which had a lot going for it. The first few days of the beta were hairy cause of the servers but once they were stabilized and we all got in to enjoy the cool live content it was great. Ill miss this game and mutable realms and its sad to see it go . Hopefully these guys will get their game out of the ashes or come up with something else thats just as good or better.
Boy im glad i checked MMORPG i was just downloadin beta it sad that it got cancelled in beta pretty lame they arnt motivated enough to fix the problems they found in beta and quit instead.But no loss least Wish wasnt over hyped like dragonempires was.
Originally posted by Rammur Boy im glad i checked MMORPG i was just downloadin beta it sad that it got cancelled in beta pretty lame they arnt motivated enough to fix the problems they found in beta and quit instead.But no loss least Wish wasnt over hyped like dragonempires was.
Its kinda hard to pay people to fix those problems when theres no funding.
It seemed like it had potential, kinda a upgraded first person/3d version of ultima online, but at the same time it was probally the buggiest mmo beta i've been in... and i've been in several during beta 0 and beta 1. That game was hideously broken...
No real loss, it probally wouldn't have been playable if they'd pushed it out the doors early and with the kinda duration they'd have needed to fix the bugs and interface they'd have flushed. That being said the game had potential, it's uh... a diamond in the rough.
The Majority of the people that played it were dissapointed and did not like the direction, and controls and things they were NOT going to change.
The classless system was nice to see, the idea behind getting rid of the leveling was good, what wasn't good was the number of bugs and the hideous interface. Both were game killers.
A game can't suck, maybe an idea in a game suck. Anyone, go out in world, you will see that women suck too
GuildWars isn't making any cent, also it eat a lot of money. Because it wasn't released yet
I begin to think that you post just to advertise your signature. I guess you have a little game there, but it really sucks
Killer: 80%
Achiever: 60%
Explorer: 33%
Socializer: 26%
I didn't see Pangaea Games Inc. in that list either
Cancel whatever you're making. you're not in the top 10, so you suck.
At least, that's what I should understand from your theory
Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
Earth and Beyond folks know excatly how the folks that liked wish feels
but the nature of the beast is proft or at least marginal profit. Though we may see a niche
or two games make it, due to the high costs in developing maintaining designing, the big names are the ones that may or may not pull new offerings off.
Bottom line ones that last are making profit and folks playing em, and if enough folks do not like core design in beta feedback, there is a good chance it will not do well on the open market.
There is always room for more if done well and are fun to play......................
[quote]Originally posted by Avitu
I didn't see Pangaea Games Inc. in that list either
Cancel whatever you're making. you're not in the top 10, so you suck.
At least, that's what I should understand from your theory
Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.[/b][/quote]
Actually Pangaea Games doens't MAKE computer games. So umm.. yea.
And I don't have to cancel ANYTHING cause my game doesn't require funding at this stage of development.
And when it does require funding it will already be done.
PS: quit being butt hurt about wish being canceled. If it was GOOD do you think they would have canceled it?
Frank Mesa
Pangaea Games Inc.
Paridine: Fantasy Combat to the Extreme!
[quote]Originally posted by Pangaea
[b][quote]Originally posted by Avitu
Actually Pangaea Games doens't MAKE computer games. So umm.. yea.
And I don't have to cancel ANYTHING cause my game doesn't require funding at this stage of development.
And when it does require funding it will already be done.
Frank Mesa
Pangaea Games Inc.
Paridine: Fantasy Combat to the Extreme!
Don't worry, I was just being sarcastic
I can't help it, I'm like that all the time...My doctor says I'll get over it, but I don't believe him
Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
Deleted this because of accidental double post. Sry :-)
Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
SOE has a roughly total of 700,000 total gamers paying monthly fees. EQ alone has generated to date roughly 200 million (conservative estimate) to 800 million (liberal estimate) - source : Buisness 2.0 Magazine. Article in it "The Sorcerer of Sony". With a 40% profit margin. Regular Fortune 50 companies have a profit margin of 10% to 20%. 40% is unheard of in the buisness world. Yes that "sucks so bad".
As for the customer service, it is not "sucky" because of ....... pocket protector weaing, living at him, high water pant wearing, thick eyeglasses wearing, virgin, players..... being bullied by football playing, baseball playing, sports playing, bodybuilding, stud muffin, sexy, cheerleader humping, jocks. It is "sucky" because of workers who are simply inept.
-Personal Website
-AC, AC2, AO, EQ, SWG:
-EverQuest II:
-EQ, Dungeon Siege, Diablo II, *UXO*:
-EVE Online !!!
The game is Paridine.
It is a PnP Combat RPG game based in a fantasy world.
Detailed combat mechanics and no levels... will be done soon I hope.
Frank Mesa
Pangaea Games Inc.
Paridine: Fantasy Combat to the Extreme!
Keep us informed. I'm always interested in that kind of stuff
Especially if you can beat the combat mechanics of Rolemaster in quality (If you manage that you'll have my everlasting )
Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
Ok thanks for info. It will be a great game and a lot of people will enjoy it. Like your family and your pets.
Anyway, how about stop posting offtopic please ?
Killer: 80%
Achiever: 60%
Explorer: 33%
Socializer: 26%
What was the topic again?
Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
Wow... another MMORPG throwing in the towel...
Even in its beta phases, I consider Wish to have had one of the worst, most bitter, hateful, and condescending player communities to have ever graced the internet. I watched both betas and I smirk in disgust at the defense of this horrible game. The people running it were border-line nazi concerning criticisms in a similar way its rabid fans can't believe that the quality bar just wasn't really there.
I logged on last night to give it one mroe chance and asked if they had added a compass outside of the map window. I got shouted down by the entire town with comments like:
"Up is north, down is south"
"Who needs a compass when you have a map, moron"
I didn't think it would be so hard to imagine the need for a compass outside of a huge bulky map window that could only be minimized so far down.
Frankly, someone let me know where all you people will migrate after Wish so I can avoid that one. The only MMORPG thus far to beat Wish in poor quality that I have played has been Rubies of Eventide, and boy was that a stinker.
In conclusion, canceling Wish was in foresight of any disaster taking it to market would have wrought.
I don't like the way this conversation is going...
There's bound to be trouble now...
Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
Basil Fawlty: [to telephone operator] I've been trying to get through to the speaking clock... Well, it's engaged... Well, it's been engaged for ten minutes. How is this possible? My wife isn't talking to it.
so it wasnt just me then that thought that their server wasnt what they thought it was gonna be...nice try Wish....sorry.
in the state it was in when i was playing it (well attempting to play it because the server was NEVER up) its no suprise to me that this game was cancelled. maybe with another year of development it would have been ok but...this game was just an aborted fetus IMO.
A.K.A. Wrython Hellsong, lvl 32 Erudite Dirge -- Befallen
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a MMORPG.com member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Another Dark and Light competitor down the drain
I guess in light of all my recent and legitimate Wish bashings it was a smart move they made...if Copeland is still reading well I owe you something:
You can WISH in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first. Apparently the shit hand did. I /WISHed/ for this game to be cancelled. And wow, it worked :P
Welcome Back My Friends
Welcome Back My Friends
Wish was a great game and i was really looking forward to it. I was playing the beta 18 hours a day and having flash backs of uo. I had completely abandoned my wow account so i could spend time on wish which was a much more fulfilling roleplaying style game which had a lot going for it. The first few days of the beta were hairy cause of the servers but once they were stabilized and we all got in to enjoy the cool live content it was great. Ill miss this game and mutable realms and its sad to see it go . Hopefully these guys will get their game out of the ashes or come up with something else thats just as good or better.
----ITS A TRAP!!!----
----ITS A TRAP!!!----
Its kinda hard to pay people to fix those problems when theres no funding.
It seemed like it had potential, kinda a upgraded first person/3d version of ultima online, but at the same time it was probally the buggiest mmo beta i've been in... and i've been in several during beta 0 and beta 1. That game was hideously broken...
No real loss, it probally wouldn't have been playable if they'd pushed it out the doors early and with the kinda duration they'd have needed to fix the bugs and interface they'd have flushed. That being said the game had potential, it's uh... a diamond in the rough.
The classless system was nice to see, the idea behind getting rid of the leveling was good, what wasn't good was the number of bugs and the hideous interface. Both were game killers.