The animations are really poor like they're so stiff and do not flow together. The combat looks so clunky and just doesn't have the feel that they're making any impact. It all looks so easy too like they could have solo'd it and I know people will say it's only level 9 but in older MMOs you'd be getting your arse handed to you. It just looks so boring, the story makes you all sit there and watch cutscenes of them standing there and talking to eachother. Frigging no one I know wants to do that, we all skip them scenes because they're boring and just want to play the game. That's why games like HL are so good because the story is in the gameplay and there aren't any cutscenes, like how WoW did dungeons back when I used to play. I don't want to be standing there listening to poor script writing while having no control over my character. I hate the art style too, it doesn't feel like Star Wars and everything is plasticly looking and characters look like dolls.
My favorite part of the video is how the Engineering Team didn't even try to hold onto anything. The suction was majorly weak and the Team just flailed their arms and ran around like headless kawakian monkey lizards.
Hilarious. Glad to see there's comedy in SW:TOR.
There wasn't even any effects as they lost compression and the animations as they flew out were poor. The A.I was so bad, they just did nothing to really cause you any trouble, just stood there maksing the really bad animations.
Even starter flashpoints should be hard, I was one of first pre orders but I am expecting things to be a bit harder than that, I hope it ain't a true reflection.
Think about it for a minute. You are the dev here and your boss told you they would love to get tons of people playing this game who have never played and MMORPG before. Would your professional most well thought out version of this starter flashpoint be HARD? Is that really what your best professional approach to getting that type of customer to learn about the game?
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what
it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience
because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in
the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you
playing an MMORPG?"
Thanks for the video post. I had to laugh at the dev calling out every ability by name. I mean, nothing wrong with that, just i've never seen anyone in game talk that way.. ."i shall now flank the advancing enemy and neutralize them with my powerful backstab ability, i will then rejoin the warrior that is using his great scream to draw attention!"
anyhow, not a criticism, just funny to listen to
I kept thinking how they must've felt it was necessary, to make the combat seem more exciting than it really is. It's that "bad".
My favorite part of the video is how the Engineering Team didn't even try to hold onto anything. The suction was majorly weak and the Team just flailed their arms and ran around like headless kawakian monkey lizards.
Hilarious. Glad to see there's comedy in SW:TOR.
There wasn't even any effects as they lost compression and the animations as they flew out were poor. The A.I was so bad, they just did nothing to really cause you any trouble, just stood there maksing the really bad animations.
I love how bad shadows look too.
You're right on all counts. I thought it'd look cooler than it did. Nah.
I'm a huge huge huge Star Wars fan and I'm not pre ordering this game. I'll play it, eventually, but man.... worse looking than a Family Guy episode.
But playing and watching are two different things, you ever watched a video of Wailing Caverns? Or do you guys remeber stuff moving much in Molten Core, Blizzard got better with it with ZG and then started perfecting raids with BWL.
I'll definetly be playing the game because I've liked Bioware games in the past, DA2 being the exception.
uh oh...I was soooo hoping to be impressed, even just a little, by this gameplay, but I ended up cringing through most of it...sigh
seriously...did he say "sabotage charge"? oh come on--that doesn't sound remotely like a weapon of any type...cringe
story--again....seriously? a REACTOR reset disengages security locks and vents the engineering section to space? WHAT SENSE DOES THAT MAKE? And didn't the head engineer act surprised when he heard that the imps activated the lockdown: "The imps pulled the lockdown? You've gotta be kidding me"...EVEN THOUGH HE WAS LOCKED DOWN????...double cringe
guys, that was bad...really bad--and the worst part is that it was the story/characters that really made me cringe--that's why I'll never understand Bioware's reputation for story telling.
Still not cancelling my pre-order, but maybe they should stop showing us gameplay footage.
I went in with an open mind, and left really unimpressed, sadly..
The story was just bad. I'm not expecting academy award here, but for a company known for their story, i was left scratching my head.
For the amount of money they are charging for the collectors edition, the sorta collectors edition, and the hype surrounding this game, i was expecting to be really knocked out of my socks when i saw there was a walkthrough.
Before the accusations start, I'm not a wowfanboi, a disgruntled sandbox player, or a burnt out MMO whatever you call it. I'm an MMO player. I just don't get all the hub-bub surrounding this game.
I'm going to continue to keep an eye out, because maybe i am missing something, but this update did nothing to make me think I really need to get this game.
My favorite part of the video is how the Engineering Team didn't even try to hold onto anything. The suction was majorly weak and the Team just flailed their arms and ran around like headless kawakian monkey lizards.
Hilarious. Glad to see there's comedy in SW:TOR.
Hey. Something we can agree on. I really feel the whole way that scenario was put together was terrible.
Councilor: "Sorry we don't have time for anything else, you all have to die."
Engineer: "Ok let me just stand here with my thumb up my ass and do nothing about my situation, not even try to beg you out of killing me or finding an alternate solution, or grabbing onto or even straping myself to one of those big ass chunks of machinery left and right of me with my belt."
Very poor and lazy story writting in my opinion. With a little more effort they could have made that scene meaningful rather than embarrassingly shallow.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
My favorite part of the video is how the Engineering Team didn't even try to hold onto anything. The suction was majorly weak and the Team just flailed their arms and ran around like headless kawakian monkey lizards.
Hilarious. Glad to see there's comedy in SW:TOR.
Hey. Something we can agree on. I really feel the whole way that scenario was put together was terrible.
Councilor: "Sorry we don't have time for anything else, you all have to die."
Engineer: "Ok let me just stand here with my thumb up my ass and do nothing about my situation, not even try to beg you out of killing me or finding an alternate solution, or grabbing onto or even straping myself to one of those big ass chunks of machinery left and right of me with my belt."
Very poor and lazy story writting in my opinion. With a little more effort they could have made that scene meaningful rather than embarrassingly shallow.
if SW;TOR is their masterpiece.. im starting to get really worried now about whether Mass Effect 3 will be any good...
Yes, just like vacuum cleaners blow the trash into their containers.
Uh, no. Rapid decompression is caused by the normalizing of pressures. The higher pressure atmosphere of the ship forces itself out into the empty vacuum of space. Much in the same way your garden hose sprays water on the lawn.
And actually with a big an opening as the door was, the pressure equalization would have happed so fast that little or no "wind" would have taken place to blow the engineers out in the first place. Meh. Hollywood physics vs real life physics I guess.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
My favorite part of the video is how the Engineering Team didn't even try to hold onto anything. The suction was majorly weak and the Team just flailed their arms and ran around like headless kawakian monkey lizards.
Hilarious. Glad to see there's comedy in SW:TOR.
Hey. Something we can agree on. I really feel the whole way that scenario was put together was terrible.
Councilor: "Sorry we don't have time for anything else, you all have to die."
Engineer: "Ok let me just stand here with my thumb up my ass and do nothing about my situation, not even try to beg you out of killing me or finding an alternate solution, or grabbing onto or even straping myself to one of those big ass chunks of machinery left and right of me with my belt."
Very poor and lazy story writting in my opinion. With a little more effort they could have made that scene meaningful rather than embarrassingly shallow.
if SW;TOR is their masterpiece.. im starting to get really worried now about whether Mass Effect 3 will be any good...
Yeah, I had the same issues with some of DAO2 as well.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
My favorite part of the video is how the Engineering Team didn't even try to hold onto anything. The suction was majorly weak and the Team just flailed their arms and ran around like headless kawakian monkey lizards.
Hilarious. Glad to see there's comedy in SW:TOR.
Hey. Something we can agree on. I really feel the whole way that scenario was put together was terrible.
Councilor: "Sorry we don't have time for anything else, you all have to die."
Engineer: "Ok let me just stand here with my thumb up my ass and do nothing about my situation, not even try to beg you out of killing me or finding an alternate solution, or grabbing onto or even straping myself to one of those big ass chunks of machinery left and right of me with my belt."
Very poor and lazy story writting in my opinion. With a little more effort they could have made that scene meaningful rather than embarrassingly shallow.
Yeah, lets be honest here. It looked like complete sh*t.
The moment that those two Jedi allowed that to happen, they stopped being Jedi.
Then combat wise I do agree it seems contrary to what they have been advertising combat does not so much feels heroic in boss kiting: 4 players against a single boss.
Also it seems they still have some issue with the AI. Having the mobs in wait mode till you attack them doesn't look nor feel that great, even at low level, especially in an instance.
Storywise Tardcore has a point at least the engineer should do something: beg/cry/rage/grab something. Also it does not makes sense to be obliged to cut the main reactor that way. They should add a linesaying we are sorry (playing jedi) the main circuit is down/unreacheable we have to cut the main power from here and as so sacrifice the engineers... you will be remembered.
Not only it would add drama but also it would make sense.
What I really don't like about that walkthrough is that if I choose to save those crew members and the others in my party choose to kill them. Even with me getting lightside points for my good intention, my story is still tainted by a choice I wouldn't have picked.
For me that would get annoying fast and would likely result in my simply opting to do the content solo wherever possible.
Edit: Also, what the heck is up with the size of that bridge? You'd need a mega phone to ask the helms men for a status report.
I think theres an option to completely bypass any group voting and have your own option always. You can also consult with your teamates about decision thats about to be made, you can say "Ok guys lets go for light side here" and do so all together.
I thought the engineer was going to turn out to be an Imperial agent. It would make more sense since engineering would have control over all of the lock downs on the ship etc.
Giving the benefit of the doubt, maybe some of the other choices of dialogue might not have been as bad.
Oh SNAP!! I gonna quit me day job and become a Bioware story line writer
Hope this isn't indicative of the rest of the game...I figured combat would be a little more engaging this late into beta or at least look like it's engaging. I'm still seeing a lot of dead animations and the ones that are there are spotty at times.
It seemed to me that more time was spent watching people talking than any actual combat. And the combat that did take place just lacked any difficulty, like they were just there as something they had to put between story sections. I know this is Bioware and they're big on story but I really can't see how a game played mostly through chat decisions can be that enjoyable.
And can I just say: Portable Barrier? Seriously? The Smuggler takes his own cover along with him? Is it just me who finds this daft? I like the idea of a smuggler jumping from cover to cover, but bringing their own along is just.. what?! It's just stupid. If they want something to hide behind, bring a force shield or something, not a small barrier to hide behind like some sort of cowardly combatant. Bah.. I had hopes for the Smuggler class but that totally changed my opinion.
Watching this story-driven walk-through gave me this impression:
Have you ever watched "American Idol"? If you have then you've probably seen those auditions that didn't go so well, but the person refuses to believe that they're not as good as people have been telling them. And when the judges ask who those people are, they're always friends and know, people that LOVE them. Somehow being encouraged by people that LOVE them, got them believing in their talent so much, that they can't actually hear the reality of what they sound like--which at best might be mediocre, but nowhere near serious competition level. Alas they end up embarrassing themselves on national television.
The goodnews for Bioware, is that it's stories are competing against other videogames, so the bar isn't that high--but I've yet to see anything from them that would lead me to conclude that their talent with storytelling is at a level that it should be the driving force behind it's MMO development. The "choice" dialog mechanic, and all, might be pretty cool if the story is engaging enough that you might want to see what happens if you choose replay value--but from what I've seen, I just want to go all "light-side" and don't care one bit about what happens from making "dark side" choices. They might as well map all lightside dialog choices to one side and all darkside to the other, so I can click through them without having to hear/read any bad dialog and/or sloppy writing. That way I don't accidentally make a dark choice, and I don't have to cringe so much at the awesome and/or amazing story.
This game just looks bad :
The animations are really poor like they're so stiff and do not flow together. The combat looks so clunky and just doesn't have the feel that they're making any impact. It all looks so easy too like they could have solo'd it and I know people will say it's only level 9 but in older MMOs you'd be getting your arse handed to you. It just looks so boring, the story makes you all sit there and watch cutscenes of them standing there and talking to eachother. Frigging no one I know wants to do that, we all skip them scenes because they're boring and just want to play the game. That's why games like HL are so good because the story is in the gameplay and there aren't any cutscenes, like how WoW did dungeons back when I used to play. I don't want to be standing there listening to poor script writing while having no control over my character. I hate the art style too, it doesn't feel like Star Wars and everything is plasticly looking and characters look like dolls.
Just confirmed to me that I wont be preordering.
There wasn't even any effects as they lost compression and the animations as they flew out were poor. The A.I was so bad, they just did nothing to really cause you any trouble, just stood there maksing the really bad animations.
I love how bad shadows look too.
Think about it for a minute. You are the dev here and your boss told you they would love to get tons of people playing this game who have never played and MMORPG before. Would your professional most well thought out version of this starter flashpoint be HARD? Is that really what your best professional approach to getting that type of customer to learn about the game?
Epic Music:
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"
I kept thinking how they must've felt it was necessary, to make the combat seem more exciting than it really is. It's that "bad".
You're right on all counts. I thought it'd look cooler than it did. Nah.
I'm a huge huge huge Star Wars fan and I'm not pre ordering this game. I'll play it, eventually, but man.... worse looking than a Family Guy episode.
Personally, I think it was sorta bland as well.
But playing and watching are two different things, you ever watched a video of Wailing Caverns? Or do you guys remeber stuff moving much in Molten Core, Blizzard got better with it with ZG and then started perfecting raids with BWL.
I'll definetly be playing the game because I've liked Bioware games in the past, DA2 being the exception.
uh oh...I was soooo hoping to be impressed, even just a little, by this gameplay, but I ended up cringing through most of it...sigh
seriously...did he say "sabotage charge"? oh come on--that doesn't sound remotely like a weapon of any type...cringe
story--again....seriously? a REACTOR reset disengages security locks and vents the engineering section to space? WHAT SENSE DOES THAT MAKE? And didn't the head engineer act surprised when he heard that the imps activated the lockdown: "The imps pulled the lockdown? You've gotta be kidding me"...EVEN THOUGH HE WAS LOCKED DOWN????...double cringe
guys, that was bad...really bad--and the worst part is that it was the story/characters that really made me cringe--that's why I'll never understand Bioware's reputation for story telling.
Still not cancelling my pre-order, but maybe they should stop showing us gameplay footage.
I went in with an open mind, and left really unimpressed, sadly..
The story was just bad. I'm not expecting academy award here, but for a company known for their story, i was left scratching my head.
For the amount of money they are charging for the collectors edition, the sorta collectors edition, and the hype surrounding this game, i was expecting to be really knocked out of my socks when i saw there was a walkthrough.
Before the accusations start, I'm not a wowfanboi, a disgruntled sandbox player, or a burnt out MMO whatever you call it. I'm an MMO player. I just don't get all the hub-bub surrounding this game.
I'm going to continue to keep an eye out, because maybe i am missing something, but this update did nothing to make me think I really need to get this game.
Hey. Something we can agree on. I really feel the whole way that scenario was put together was terrible.
Councilor: "Sorry we don't have time for anything else, you all have to die."
Engineer: "Ok let me just stand here with my thumb up my ass and do nothing about my situation, not even try to beg you out of killing me or finding an alternate solution, or grabbing onto or even straping myself to one of those big ass chunks of machinery left and right of me with my belt."
Very poor and lazy story writting in my opinion. With a little more effort they could have made that scene meaningful rather than embarrassingly shallow.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
if SW;TOR is their masterpiece.. im starting to get really worried now about whether Mass Effect 3 will be any good...
You get blown out not sucked out into space.
"The person who experiences greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in."
Yes, just like vacuum cleaners blow the trash into their containers.
<childish, provocative and highly speculative banner about your favorite game goes here>
It would be annoying if my party would choose dark side.
It was so sad seeing those poor innocent ppl die .
Uh, no. Rapid decompression is caused by the normalizing of pressures. The higher pressure atmosphere of the ship forces itself out into the empty vacuum of space. Much in the same way your garden hose sprays water on the lawn.
And actually with a big an opening as the door was, the pressure equalization would have happed so fast that little or no "wind" would have taken place to blow the engineers out in the first place. Meh. Hollywood physics vs real life physics I guess.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Yeah, I had the same issues with some of DAO2 as well.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Yeah, lets be honest here. It looked like complete sh*t.
The moment that those two Jedi allowed that to happen, they stopped being Jedi.
End of story.
Lame, as, hell.
Firts thanks to Whilan for the Q&A parsing.
Then combat wise I do agree it seems contrary to what they have been advertising combat does not so much feels heroic in boss kiting: 4 players against a single boss.
Also it seems they still have some issue with the AI. Having the mobs in wait mode till you attack them doesn't look nor feel that great, even at low level, especially in an instance.
Storywise Tardcore has a point at least the engineer should do something: beg/cry/rage/grab something. Also it does not makes sense to be obliged to cut the main reactor that way. They should add a linesaying we are sorry (playing jedi) the main circuit is down/unreacheable we have to cut the main power from here and as so sacrifice the engineers... you will be remembered.
Not only it would add drama but also it would make sense.
I think theres an option to completely bypass any group voting and have your own option always. You can also consult with your teamates about decision thats about to be made, you can say "Ok guys lets go for light side here" and do so all together.
"To be a rock and not to roll..."
I thought the engineer was going to turn out to be an Imperial agent. It would make more sense since engineering would have control over all of the lock downs on the ship etc.
Giving the benefit of the doubt, maybe some of the other choices of dialogue might not have been as bad.
Oh SNAP!! I gonna quit me day job and become a Bioware story line writer
Work hard Play Harder
Hope this isn't indicative of the rest of the game...I figured combat would be a little more engaging this late into beta or at least look like it's engaging. I'm still seeing a lot of dead animations and the ones that are there are spotty at times.
It seemed to me that more time was spent watching people talking than any actual combat. And the combat that did take place just lacked any difficulty, like they were just there as something they had to put between story sections. I know this is Bioware and they're big on story but I really can't see how a game played mostly through chat decisions can be that enjoyable.
And can I just say: Portable Barrier? Seriously? The Smuggler takes his own cover along with him? Is it just me who finds this daft? I like the idea of a smuggler jumping from cover to cover, but bringing their own along is just.. what?! It's just stupid. If they want something to hide behind, bring a force shield or something, not a small barrier to hide behind like some sort of cowardly combatant. Bah.. I had hopes for the Smuggler class but that totally changed my opinion.
WoW being 7 years old. Besides even if it is a lowlevel dungeon it still is no excuse to create a game for the braindead.
I win.
Watching this story-driven walk-through gave me this impression:
Have you ever watched "American Idol"? If you have then you've probably seen those auditions that didn't go so well, but the person refuses to believe that they're not as good as people have been telling them. And when the judges ask who those people are, they're always friends and know, people that LOVE them. Somehow being encouraged by people that LOVE them, got them believing in their talent so much, that they can't actually hear the reality of what they sound like--which at best might be mediocre, but nowhere near serious competition level. Alas they end up embarrassing themselves on national television.
The goodnews for Bioware, is that it's stories are competing against other videogames, so the bar isn't that high--but I've yet to see anything from them that would lead me to conclude that their talent with storytelling is at a level that it should be the driving force behind it's MMO development. The "choice" dialog mechanic, and all, might be pretty cool if the story is engaging enough that you might want to see what happens if you choose replay value--but from what I've seen, I just want to go all "light-side" and don't care one bit about what happens from making "dark side" choices. They might as well map all lightside dialog choices to one side and all darkside to the other, so I can click through them without having to hear/read any bad dialog and/or sloppy writing. That way I don't accidentally make a dark choice, and I don't have to cringe so much at the awesome and/or amazing story.