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As reported by Massively, SV and OnLegends have reached an agreement to distribute MO:
by Jef Reahard on Aug 9th 2011 7:00PM
OnLegends, a Berlin-based "licensing and internationalization specialist" firm, has entered into a partnership with Star Vault, developers of Mortal Online. A new press release states that OnLegends beat out "many major publishers [...] to secure the global exclusive licensing rights" to the indie sandbox MMORPG, and is now in the process of preparing the title for worldwide distribution.
The release also states that Mortal has attracted over 170,000 players thus far despite the lack of any marketing presence, and OnLegends seems enthusiastic about Mortal's place in the expanding MMORPG pantheon. "We strongly believe that Mortal Online can play an important future role on both PC and console MMO markets and we expect Mortal to be one of the trendsetting next-gen titles," said OnLegends vice president Julian Migura.
Gamasutra published the press release here:
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Sounds like they didn't try the game out before issueing such a statement!
“Having the opportunity to work with such an innovative title and its highly-experienced, dedicated team is a massive opportunity for us and a big task for us to fulfill”, said Julian Migura, VP of OnLegends, when quizzed about the cooperation.
Star Vault - a handpicked team of industry veterans from all over the Nordic countries - realised the dream of founder Henrik Nyström to create a universe in which every player can freely evolve based on their own talent rather than going through the classic level-up process. “OnLegends is a company specialised in establishing a global media network to promote internationalisation of the games industry.
Ermm from what we know NONE of the team actually had any experience AT ALL before jumping into making MO and they're down to a couple of programmers now?!
There's a discussion going on over on the official forums:
Most seem to be guardedly optimistic, as the actual details about what this means haven't been spelled out. That, and the statement about consoles is raising some questions.
Sounds like it could be a good thing, though.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
That part I blew up is a joke right?
Age of Conan never made it into a console game, although and they had way more resources then starvault ever dreamed of, and they thought from the beginning of the development cycle to be console-ready.
I wouldn't take this announcement too seriously, porting a pc game to a console ain't that easy, and the quality standards of both microsoft and sony are way too high to allow such a title to be released, it would take some massive work behind the scene to get the software ready.
I'd agree that a console port of the game is really unrealistic for anything other than the very distant future. Probably not an immediate concern.
This development should be interesting, to say the least. Hopefully, we'll hear more details shortly.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
If the game is bad on the PC, imagine the possibilities of how much worse it can be on the console!
He who keeps his cool best wins.
If it were a lie Henrik would be in prison right now. Remember this is a publicly traded company were talking about.
Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!
Lol prison...........
Who is gonna take him to court you?
And who isnt to say that attracting some one and actually getting them to buy the account is the same thing?
I mean its not to hard to summize that this is just forum accounts but hey that would be using your head.
I love this game but hate how people distort facts and read stuff that is not there.
seems to me like their partners have no real idea what they are buying into sicne im assuming onlegends is not some newly made up company setup by fans of MO who want to help out by helping with funding. I assume its an actual company hoping to make it in the mmo world. I really hope they do help the game realise that potential but i have a feeling they will change it for the worse.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
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I'm guessing that is where the number came from.
As to onlegends,,,
"trendsetting next-gen titles" That part made me laugh. Next gen MMO engines have already moved well beyond what MO can do being on an engine that's not created to specialize in MMO development. Hollow statments to drum up sub interests. Sure it may carry on with a small community, good luck to it, but setting a trend, I don't think so imho.
Looks like they partnered with the publishing equivalent of StarVault:
~ 10 employees...
This whole scenario is just so chock full of "win" that I don't even know where to start... F2P? Console? It's like the gift that keeps on givin...
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Ok well do the math. They have 170k forum members around 20k bought the actual game I think I read somewhere and they hold about 2k subs. That is not a good ratio.
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The mighty jungle
Rep Power: 1
Originally Posted by Saphirix
...Henrik, now is a good time to say something
What is there to say? This means MO 3.0 is around the corner. Be hyped.
The life of Raknor in MO - Maluca's Armor shop
Originally Posted by Mats Persson
Regarding the lore of the stones, the priests are obviously members of a gay sect who worships penis-shaped stones, and eagerly resurrect any spirits passing by in the hope of recruiting them to their sect.
Could not say it bettr myself. Remember MO 2.0...
Henrik Nystrom
Join Date: Apr 2008
Rep Power: 15
Ok, I see this have reached to you.
There is a small issue when some news sites get news and rushes to write about the news and misinterpret the key facts. Just like in this case, if you get to read through the entire press release it gets clear what it means.
Onlegend is not a publisher, they are a game broker. This means they are not our publisher for Mortal Online. But they are working with us when it comes to look at options for Mortal Online, since we got lots of requests and interested companies world wide. Onlegend have an impressive network that we will use. This is hard for us to cover by our self, meaning me, especially since Im very busy with the actual team and game development.
We are going to GamesCom for some very interesting meetings.
Things are looking very exciting for Mortal Online.
As you all know, we are striving for getting more resources to be able to work on Mortal Online. And it would be great to be able to actually have some proper marketing for the game when the time is right. When the top 6 mmo publishers world wide just got to hear about MO with exciting interest, that shows clearly how much in the shadows we have been during the latest years. For good and in the bad this is.
WHen it comes discussions about Consoles for MO, thats way to early. There is an interest from companies when it comes to MO and consoles, but we are not sure how that would fit our game and vision since we designed it for PC game play. a MO console version seperate from MO pc version??
Since we have a technology that allows us to expand the server capacity and ingame land space there is no reason to start spliting servers up.
I hope this clears out some of the confusion. In short this means we are looking at some very interesting options for the future of MOs growth. Which is good news for both the dev team and the players of MO.
We are out of money and looking for more investors is what I am reading here.
I actually Mailed the CEO of onlegends and he got back to me in under 5 hours WOW.
Thanks ever so much for your email and for your interest in our cooperation and our work.
I’m sorry to hear that you are not happy with the performance of Mortal Online. As of our understanding, the game, even though it has not yet reached a point of final polishing, incorporates an incredible idea and can become a new trendsetter in terms of personal freedom and character development possibilities.
Please note that OnLegends is not a publisher itself, but a games broker, thus interested in finding the best possible publishers for high potential indie games, such as Mortal Online. Our aim is to help the concept to flourish and the game to be internationally rewarded for its concept and innovation. In the short run, this will not have any effects on neither the community nor the game, but in the medium run we wish to help the game to further evolve and thrive.
We’re looking forward to being in touch with you guys whenever we have any news for you.
For the feedback regarding the product, please keep up the communication with Star Vault directly.
In the meantime, please find or version of the press release (the full picture) at the following URL:
Kind regards,
Julian Migura
Head of Sales
Vice President of the Board of Management
"As our understanding" Seems Henrik the Salesman is at it again.
The link is the official press release from Onlengends.
OnLegends Snatches Unreal3-Sandbox MMO Mortal Online" LOL so there was a bidding war for MO???
'The Berlin-based licensing and internationalization specialist will employ its international publishing network and is open to touch base with potentially interested partners at gamescom."
Like I said they are looking for more investors.
So the long and short of it is that MO is dying badly, and Henrik is now seeking a publisher (thus the "broker") so he can get some added money injected into the game. At this point however, the broker hasn't shown any deals or made any for SV to get out of this rut, but of course that's still early to say.
What we can extrapolate of course, and easily so, is that since Henrik said very early on they wanted to self-publish because otherwise the game would be changed drastically into a WOW Clone, is now looking for the exact thing he said he didn't want at all. Which simply means that SV is really in a tight spot, and this is their last ditch effort; to go into the realm their CEO said they never wanted to go into.
Hopefully this train wreck of a game will crash and burn soon, so this unethical company can get what they deserve, and Henrik's name and his team's names will be forever tarnished and never allowed into the gaming industry again. Ever.
Some clarification about this announcement on the official forum from SV today:
Today, 07:28
#58 (permalink)
Henrik Nystrom
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 739
Rep Power: 15
Ok, I see this have reached to you.
There is a small issue when some news sites get news and rushes to write about the news and misinterpret the key facts. Just like in this case, if you get to read through the entire press release it gets clear what it means.
Onlegend is not a publisher, they are a game broker. This means they are not our publisher for Mortal Online. But they are working with us when it comes to look at options for Mortal Online, since we got lots of requests and interested companies world wide. Onlegend have an impressive network that we will use. This is hard for us to cover by our self, meaning me, especially since Im very busy with the actual team and game development.
We are going to GamesCom for some very interesting meetings.
Things are looking very exciting for Mortal Online.
As you all know, we are striving for getting more resources to be able to work on Mortal Online. And it would be great to be able to actually have some proper marketing for the game when the time is right. When the top 6 mmo publishers world wide just got to hear about MO with exciting interest, that shows clearly how much in the shadows we have been during the latest years. For good and in the bad this is.
WHen it comes discussions about Consoles for MO, thats way to early. There is an interest from companies when it comes to MO and consoles, but we are not sure how that would fit our game and vision since we designed it for PC game play. a MO console version seperate from MO pc version??
Since we have a technology that allows us to expand the server capacity and ingame land space there is no reason to start spliting servers up.
I hope this clears out some of the confusion. In short this means we are looking at some very interesting options for the future of MOs growth. Which is good news for both the dev team and the players of MO.
In short, OnLegends is not a publisher/distributor for MO. They are a broker that is helping SV look at possible options for growing the game.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
It's not for "possible options for growing the game", it's exactly what I said above -- it's a company that helps indie developers find publishers that will publish their games.
That's exactly what Henrik said that he didn't want to do, so it shows how dire and bad the situation is, to have to go back on that.
I honestly can't... and I have quite an imagination
Just gotta ask:
After you have had the satisfaction of watching a small indie company having their innovative project "crash and burn", what will all you dedicated haters do?
Given the amount of time and energy some of you spend in here bashing MO (even mailing their new partner, like some jealous ex-lover, lol), your world will probably be very empty once your dream comes true and the game dies...
Personally I am torn. IMHO Henrik deserves to lose everything he put into the company because my belief is that he has engaged in very "shady" business practices. On the other hand I would definately miss it because it has provided endless amounts of entertainment for me...
I mean.. even this big "announcement" of a distributor so proudly proclaimed in this thread title.. turns out to be an announcement that they are looking for a distributor. I don't even want to get into the whole "Isn't this exactly what Lekool was doing which was also announced a few weeks back"?
MO is honestly the gift that keeps on giving. The Keystone Cops of game development... I'm not sure I ever want it to end.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
The idea of Mortal Online I love. I do not play theme park games. But what I can not abide by is Star Vault. I hope and prey that someone comes in and buys it and makes it a good game or they actually get some programmers with real experience. Not the "I modded UE with my friends so I can now make an MMO" experience.
People who think Star Vault as a team now can make the game good need to see a doctor. They could not do it with 2x the team how do you think they can with the 3 "programmers" they have now. It just is not logical.
MO best feature is Development drama. Its like watching a car wreck, serciously I wish tv was this entertaining.