There is a lot of PvE (hence ask the FPS crowd who will tell you there is TOO MUCH of it) and i doubt AV or anyone creating a game will promise "everything". The world is also not empty is just you don't stumble on critters on every step like in most MMORPG's which is a different and refreshing approach to the Genre. They promised monsters will have their own habitats and settlements and thats what they delivered. Cheating occurs in every game and AV is one of those companies who took this seriously and cut every hacking down pretty fast. It is no coincidence that there is only 1 ! time a report of a flying boat as you say. It is also no coincidence the reports of runner outspeed mount or run under city walls and are faster then boats are now about 2 years old. Those things are almost non existant because of AV's measures against it. It was really impressive how such things got silenced pretty fast.
That could be a perception from someone reading up the planned feature list from alpha and not closely following development afterwards. From my observation they delivered what they promised if you follow their development process and watch closely the announcements what will be not included duringthe beta testing phase. They offered free transfer to US server for existing subscribers so what you talking about double charge ?
IMO you belong to the people who during developement created their own version of DF in their mind and can't accept any other real implementation. Living in a nice dream is better then any reality right ? Unfortunately while developing a game you need to undergo compromises such of that performance is more important then placing things on the ground and clutter the landscape and bulk the server.
btw such a discussion is pretty old and remember me what has been discussed at launch to death already. Now 2,5 years later you should accept DF what it is and get over it. OP also said he had great fun with the game how it is for a big period of time.
Simple answer, cos I am very sick today, cannot stay up too long, just waiting on a pick up.
AV made a promise, pre alpha whatever, that is a promise. If they plan to change it, they should change the list. They did not, and as far as we are concerned, that is supposed to be the blueprint of the game to come. If I did the same to my clients, I will be in chains now already. Changing an implementation without notifiying clients amounts to business fraud. Announcing a change makes it all the more acceptable, but AV never did just that.
They moved to charge people, they keep the list. I for one will hold them responsible, for that list. You think I am the only one who feel somewhat betrayed when we see what was actually delivered? Or maybe you rethink why virtually the entire fan base vanish overnight? You may love the game, but you cannot blame me for trusting an official web site.
I accept DF for what it is, and I do not hate the game. I just cannot trust anymore a producer with such a track record. I have no surprise with some supporters loving he game, but trusting AV again? For another round of high promise --> slipping delivery without notifications --> and what next? Would I be expecting a delivery that meets promises, or another DF1.0 fiasco. Your view my view.
I already stated my view, I will no longer trust one such developer. Not that I have nothing to play. Skyrim is coming in 2 months.
I always find these type of threads somewhat silly. If there is a free trial, give it a go. You can then make up your own mind whether to sub to a game. If there is no free trial then you have to look at more than a single post by someone who obviously has strong feelings about a game and really won't give you a balanced opinion one way or another.
The game for the individual can be fine, its all dependant on how much you want from it I think.. end of day I bet most of you spend more on weed than the sub a mnth
Enjoy it for what it is.. not much around like it is there, MO? gimme a break that has even more issues does it not?
I know alot have given up, as its been way to long without updates promised or what not, but again use it or loose it.. But if you feel you're sub is way to much for what you feel you are getting then move on yes..
The game for the individual can be fine, its all dependant on how much you want from it I think.. end of day I bet most of you spend more on weed than the sub a mnth
Enjoy it for what it is.. not much around like it is there, MO? gimme a break that has even more issues does it not?
I know alot have given up, as its been way to long without updates promised or what not, but again use it or loose it.. But if you feel you're sub is way to much for what you feel you are getting then move on yes..
I dont play DF but agree with your post. Personally, the only reason I wont play is the "no skillcap" . Why, oh why didnt they limit the number skill points?
That being said, DF has a fantastic world to explore- Just not the sandbox I wanna play in. Too PVP focused and no skillcap kill for me what could be a great game.
But DF is a unique experience and it actually works unlike mo , lol.
When you run your own gaming company you can decide when your employees get vacations.
Its cool though, youll have fun playing one of the many other unfinished and bug ridden sandboxes, then youll come back to darkfall because you just want fun combat and fun pve with your ffa full loot pvp..
Need sand to have a sandbox. I see a pve based grind game w/ no skill caps and no sand in sight. By all means enjoy the game but to call darkfall a sandbox is a insult to any sandbox that has ever existed(precu swg r.i.p..).
Need sand to have a sandbox. I see a pve based grind game w/ no skill caps and no sand in sight. By all means enjoy the game but to call darkfall a sandbox is a insult to any sandbox that has ever existed(precu swg r.i.p..).
You cant say that and then pick one of the best sandboxes at their best time.
Just only a NGE patch later and the big SWG has been sized and at any time i prefer DF over SWG in his appearence post Nov 2005.
That said me , me known for being a big supporter of DF and the company got very annoyed by the wipe discussion and how the company handles it.
-----MY-TERMS-OF-USE-------------------------------------------------- $OE - eternal enemy of online gaming -We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
Need sand to have a sandbox. I see a pve based grind game w/ no skill caps and no sand in sight. By all means enjoy the game but to call darkfall a sandbox is a insult to any sandbox that has ever existed(precu swg r.i.p..).
You cant say that and then pick one of the best sandboxes at their best time.
Just only a NGE patch later and the big SWG has been sized and at any time i prefer DF over SWG in his appearence post Nov 2005.
That said me , me known for being a big supporter of DF and the company got very annoyed by the wipe discussion and how the company handles it.
Point stands I don't consider it a sandbox or I'd be playing it.
Need sand to have a sandbox. I see a pve based grind game w/ no skill caps and no sand in sight. By all means enjoy the game but to call darkfall a sandbox is a insult to any sandbox that has ever existed(precu swg r.i.p..).
You cant say that and then pick one of the best sandboxes at their best time.
Just only a NGE patch later and the big SWG has been sized and at any time i prefer DF over SWG in his appearence post Nov 2005.
That said me , me known for being a big supporter of DF and the company got very annoyed by the wipe discussion and how the company handles it.
Point stands I don't consider it a sandbox or I'd be playing it.
A game cannot be called sandbox just by deliberately stripping every feature common to a "themepark". Some of the features are actually good for most games.
Adding some raid bosses or some good quest arcs, or even a Bioware like story, does not necessarily make a "sandbox" bad, or pollute it, or dump it down.
It is stupid to box one's own imagination and acceptance of experimentation, based on empty hollow terms. I do not care what sand or mud or stone box a developer claims its game to be. I look at the actual features, actual implementation, and try it out if I feel interested.
DF is nothing, sandbox or whatever, that is worth trying out, that is my verdict so far. It has a lot of weakness, glaring ones, and is managed by a crook developer. Just because it does not care to implement some of the WoW features does not make it great, it just means it lacks one set of features and does not have anything worthwhile in compensation. FFA PvP full loot, is all it has, and on that alone, it is not worth its place as a sub game in my view.
SWG in its early days is a game worthy of every dollar it charges in its days. This I agree without reservation.
I was sucked into the 6month plans and usually each time my 6month was due to renew AV would tell us the next patch or expansion was coming "soon"... most times this never actually happened soon.
The population has been bleeding ever since they decided to open up the NA server.
Their is still no boxed release of the game.. lol. It is still not up on amazon and steam as the devs said it was going to be "soon" back on sept 1st 2010
Here is a list of broken promises 1.0
It may be missing a few items but this is about 90% of the stuff that we were sold into beleiving were being added to the game starting back from Jan 2010.
Jan 14,2010
We have some major improvements for trade skills underway which target their depth and add a lot more items to the game
We’re improving monster drops and especially rare drops.
We’re planning a huge itemization boost almost doubling the amount of items in the game. This will mean more ingredients, more recipes for crafting, and this should help diversify the economy significantly.
We’re also planning on Clan Vendors.
We’re planning on player/clan vendors in capitals and possibly in clan cities. You need to compete to secure a vendor spot in a capital, or you need to earn one.
Yes we are currently testing our system for armor and clothing dyes in conjunction with the sweeping changes in 2010. The colors are craftable and not all colors are created equal.
Is there any plan at all for more types of craftable armor or weapons anytime in the future?Yes, tons
Starting with the dynamic lore system where players can seriously impact the game’s lore and events happening in the game, it’s in our future plans to allow our players to increasingly affect the world.
Will the sliding corpse bug ever be fixed? Yes and it won’t just be fixed but it’ll be replaced with something very cool.
We’re currently working on introducing dynamic PvP opportunities to the game.
Demigods are a part of a bigger design a part of which is the Dynamic Lore System. The Demigods will be introduced when it’s time for them to be introduced.
Anti -aliasing will be implemented.
We’re speaking with several partners concerning a N. America box release but we can’t give an ETA on that yet.
Salvaging skill will be added and currently being worked on.
Plans to implement a tiered clan bank access system.
planning on diversifying the different melee skills by adding unique attacks/moves or specializations for each weapon type
Feb 22 2010 Advanced leather armor -All races are getting upgrades to new armor.
April 21 2010 Besides the existing mounts, the game will see a wide array of mounts being added.
April 22 2010 A major feature on the way are the Prestige Classes
April 29 2010 Player Model updates, almost all the races have been finalized.
April 29 2010 Attribute consumables, skill books and scrolls should be more common: Yes they should be and they will be on low level mobs.
Introduce new potions / consumables that affect skill/spell/stats for a given time span: These are the temporary boosts we’re talking about in the character progression discussion post.
Quests to increase specific skills/stats: We’re working on this.
Increase the skill/stat level that attributes consumables raise to: We’re looking at adding new types of attribute consumables along these lines.
Decrease the number of “necessary” spells/skills or simply make them more readily available and faster to skill up: We’re doing many small things to this end but we feel that Prestige classes will address this in the best possible way.
Heal mount shouldn’t be affected by encumbrance: We’re going to address this like we did with the transfer spells.
Dungeons need work: We’re doing a complete revamp of the dungeon system. A lot of work is going into this and we think that it will make dungeons a lot more meaningful.
May 18th -2010 We know you are also wondering about character animations: in this case we can tell you that they will get a complete overhaul and Aventurine is currently working on setting up a motion capture studio.
July 02 2010 - Enviromental sounds will be patched in as soon as possible.
Sept 1 2010 - The release of boxed versions of the game across EU and NA. , It will be on Amazon and Steam soon, Adding a type of cloak or tabard for clans.
working on specific plans to improve crafting making it more diverse.
Several new spells coming to the game.
We’re working on several new additions to archery in connection to the prestige classes.
we’re going to offer more weapon types and ammunition types for archers
We’re re-making the entire interface.
speaking with partners in Asia about offering Asian servers as there seems to be strong interest in the game.
adding many craftable-only items to the game.
We’re rolling out a political map in the near future and several other clan tools. We also have several plans for additions to clan cities.
fix city cannons from being able to destory your own city walls.
adding new villages and housing slots.
(dyes / dyeable robes or further cloth accessories that are external to armor.)
Sept 9th 2010
Prestige classes are the largest feature ever added to Darkfall and will definitely change the face of the game. The final design for them is complete. From here we go to the technical design, implementation, testing, evaluation, more testing etc. Sounds like this will take forever but it won’t.
Getting a Darkfall box out is underway and Darkfall is available now through most digital download channels and we’re in talks to get it on more of them
Sveral new spells on the way.
we will reward mages for being mages.
adding more PvP centric additions on land
Archers are getting new weapon types and ammo types and they’re also getting secondary skills in connection to prestige classes
We’re rolling out a political map and several other clan tools. We also have several plans for additions to clan cities and we’re working on implementing various types of clan insignia
We announced that we’re working in the direction of mobs leveling up, and mobs attacking player cities
Jan 2011
new interface
new environmental souns system
major changes to crafting
armor changes affecting gameplay choices.
Darkfall arena announced (used to be called darkfall 2010)
all racial areas getting total spawn and environmental revamp.
All Subcontinents will get revamped.
Own epic monster on each continent
Monsters getting overall art revamp.
new animations for monsters
new armors like barbaian and animations.
underwater effects for swimming
new gui is complete and ready to implement.
Feb 2011
New information interface will be released next month.
implementation of our new website and new forum layout is underway.
GUI interface is now in production.
New lighting system.
More armor talk
Largest monster in Agon.
Another major upcoming change in the game will come as a direct result of the conquest system is being rewritten.
March 2011
Along these lines, each continent will have their own unique boss of which we already presented the Ragaizan
One of the new features being added are land based PvP objectives
new lighting system
Crafting and melee skill skill-up rates will be increased.
Some of the ingredients for the attribute consumables will come from the sea
April 2011
We’re also looking into a faster option for players to get back from a negative alignment
New features of the political map were demonstrated for us
demonstration of the new sound system
The development of the new GUI has led to a lot of further development
Darkfall will also get more utility out of multiprocessor systems.
A significant change coming with the “Arena” expansion to NPC city layouts is that there will be only one starting town for each race.
All types of workstations will be in all NPC cities as well.
Dungeon Chaos Vendors
armor specialization system is now in full development.
self siege fixes - changes to siege system.
deadlier tower s in capital xities.
clan vendors in clan cities.
redesigning the crafting system
quality of enchanting materials is also under consideration
We’re taking a better look at specializations/extensions to hopefully make them more meaningful
Darkfall to utilize multicore systems more efficiently. This will also be going in soon and we should be seeing further improvements to game performance.
May 2011
siege system rewritten and ready for testing.
Some more work has been done on the new Darkfall information system/ interactive map
blood spatter improvements.
New NPC vendors have been prepared and they are all based on the new character models
sound system talk
June 2011
new siege system out within one month.
pve content is being worked on. dungeons etc.
pvp conten is being worked on.
asia market talks
demon queen boss.
july 2011
political map still not done. now called "information interface"
siege system still being testes. should be out within one month.
darkfall re launch eta will be known in august.
dungeon talk
lights talk
environmental effect talks.
new audio system is being enhanced
considers various levels of wipes.
Active subscribers will have priority in playtesting and in a developer interaction group about the new game-darkfall 2.0
making city walls more meaningful is a big priority for us. We are working on many things that when combined will seriously improve the defenses of a city, and one of them is the better management of the potential of the physics spells. We are really determined to make siege machinery such as warhulks and cannons a lot more useful.
The new crafting system is a complete overhaul
surges and fizzles have been reworked more info coming soon.
There are new spell trees and new rules on how different magic schools can be combined. On top of that, we concentrated on reworking the buffs (and the debuffs). So you can be sure that it won’t “continue like now
We are determined to make the melee-focused player more viable
A new salvage skill will be available and it will play an important role in crafting
Top rank gear is being redesigned with everything else and thus will be in the game more often than it is now
armor dyes/guild emblems/city -we'd love to have them in game waiting to find out impact they have on game performance.
testing siege system ongoing
august 2011
new sandbrock video
darkfall 2.0 a closer look (to much crap to list. will be part of broken promises 2.0 list in 2012)
bone armor video
crafting update talk
siege system expansion still testing.
Sept 2011
wipe talk ongoing.
siege expansion still being worked on. in "final testing " stage.
I was sucked into the 6month plans and usually each time my 6month was due to renew AV would tell us the next patch or expansion was coming "soon"... most times this never actually happened soon.
The population has been bleeding ever since they decided to open up the NA server.
Their is still no boxed release of the game.. lol. It is still not up on amazon and steam as the devs said it was going to be "soon" back on sept 1st 2010
Here is a list of broken promises 1.0
It may be missing a few items but this is about 90% of the stuff that we were sold into beleiving were being added to the game starting back from Jan 2010.
Jan 14,2010
We have some major improvements for trade skills underway which target their depth and add a lot more items to the game
We’re improving monster drops and especially rare drops.
We’re planning a huge itemization boost almost doubling the amount of items in the game. This will mean more ingredients, more recipes for crafting, and this should help diversify the economy significantly.
We’re also planning on Clan Vendors.
We’re planning on player/clan vendors in capitals and possibly in clan cities. You need to compete to secure a vendor spot in a capital, or you need to earn one.
Yes we are currently testing our system for armor and clothing dyes in conjunction with the sweeping changes in 2010. The colors are craftable and not all colors are created equal.
Is there any plan at all for more types of craftable armor or weapons anytime in the future?Yes, tons
Starting with the dynamic lore system where players can seriously impact the game’s lore and events happening in the game, it’s in our future plans to allow our players to increasingly affect the world.
Will the sliding corpse bug ever be fixed? Yes and it won’t just be fixed but it’ll be replaced with something very cool.
We’re currently working on introducing dynamic PvP opportunities to the game.
Demigods are a part of a bigger design a part of which is the Dynamic Lore System. The Demigods will be introduced when it’s time for them to be introduced.
Anti -aliasing will be implemented.
We’re speaking with several partners concerning a N. America box release but we can’t give an ETA on that yet.
Salvaging skill will be added and currently being worked on.
Plans to implement a tiered clan bank access system.
planning on diversifying the different melee skills by adding unique attacks/moves or specializations for each weapon type
Feb 22 2010 Advanced leather armor -All races are getting upgrades to new armor.
April 21 2010 Besides the existing mounts, the game will see a wide array of mounts being added.
April 22 2010 A major feature on the way are the Prestige Classes
April 29 2010 Player Model updates, almost all the races have been finalized.
April 29 2010 Attribute consumables, skill books and scrolls should be more common: Yes they should be and they will be on low level mobs.
Introduce new potions / consumables that affect skill/spell/stats for a given time span: These are the temporary boosts we’re talking about in the character progression discussion post.
Quests to increase specific skills/stats: We’re working on this.
Increase the skill/stat level that attributes consumables raise to: We’re looking at adding new types of attribute consumables along these lines.
Decrease the number of “necessary” spells/skills or simply make them more readily available and faster to skill up: We’re doing many small things to this end but we feel that Prestige classes will address this in the best possible way.
Heal mount shouldn’t be affected by encumbrance: We’re going to address this like we did with the transfer spells.
Dungeons need work: We’re doing a complete revamp of the dungeon system. A lot of work is going into this and we think that it will make dungeons a lot more meaningful.
May 18th -2010 We know you are also wondering about character animations: in this case we can tell you that they will get a complete overhaul and Aventurine is currently working on setting up a motion capture studio.
July 02 2010 - Enviromental sounds will be patched in as soon as possible.
Sept 1 2010 - The release of boxed versions of the game across EU and NA. , It will be on Amazon and Steam soon, Adding a type of cloak or tabard for clans.
working on specific plans to improve crafting making it more diverse.
Several new spells coming to the game.
We’re working on several new additions to archery in connection to the prestige classes.
we’re going to offer more weapon types and ammunition types for archers
We’re re-making the entire interface.
speaking with partners in Asia about offering Asian servers as there seems to be strong interest in the game.
adding many craftable-only items to the game.
We’re rolling out a political map in the near future and several other clan tools. We also have several plans for additions to clan cities.
fix city cannons from being able to destory your own city walls.
adding new villages and housing slots.
(dyes / dyeable robes or further cloth accessories that are external to armor.)
Sept 9th 2010
Prestige classes are the largest feature ever added to Darkfall and will definitely change the face of the game. The final design for them is complete. From here we go to the technical design, implementation, testing, evaluation, more testing etc. Sounds like this will take forever but it won’t.
Getting a Darkfall box out is underway and Darkfall is available now through most digital download channels and we’re in talks to get it on more of them
Sveral new spells on the way.
we will reward mages for being mages.
adding more PvP centric additions on land
Archers are getting new weapon types and ammo types and they’re also getting secondary skills in connection to prestige classes
We’re rolling out a political map and several other clan tools. We also have several plans for additions to clan cities and we’re working on implementing various types of clan insignia
We announced that we’re working in the direction of mobs leveling up, and mobs attacking player cities
Jan 2011
new interface
new environmental souns system
major changes to crafting
armor changes affecting gameplay choices.
Darkfall arena announced (used to be called darkfall 2010)
all racial areas getting total spawn and environmental revamp.
All Subcontinents will get revamped.
Own epic monster on each continent
Monsters getting overall art revamp.
new animations for monsters
new armors like barbaian and animations.
underwater effects for swimming
new gui is complete and ready to implement.
Feb 2011
New information interface will be released next month.
implementation of our new website and new forum layout is underway.
GUI interface is now in production.
New lighting system.
More armor talk
Largest monster in Agon.
Another major upcoming change in the game will come as a direct result of the conquest system is being rewritten.
March 2011
Along these lines, each continent will have their own unique boss of which we already presented the Ragaizan
One of the new features being added are land based PvP objectives
new lighting system
Crafting and melee skill skill-up rates will be increased.
Some of the ingredients for the attribute consumables will come from the sea
April 2011
We’re also looking into a faster option for players to get back from a negative alignment
New features of the political map were demonstrated for us
demonstration of the new sound system
The development of the new GUI has led to a lot of further development
Darkfall will also get more utility out of multiprocessor systems.
A significant change coming with the “Arena” expansion to NPC city layouts is that there will be only one starting town for each race.
All types of workstations will be in all NPC cities as well.
Dungeon Chaos Vendors
armor specialization system is now in full development.
self siege fixes - changes to siege system.
deadlier tower s in capital xities.
clan vendors in clan cities.
redesigning the crafting system
quality of enchanting materials is also under consideration
We’re taking a better look at specializations/extensions to hopefully make them more meaningful
Darkfall to utilize multicore systems more efficiently. This will also be going in soon and we should be seeing further improvements to game performance.
May 2011
siege system rewritten and ready for testing.
Some more work has been done on the new Darkfall information system/ interactive map
blood spatter improvements.
New NPC vendors have been prepared and they are all based on the new character models
sound system talk
June 2011
new siege system out within one month.
pve content is being worked on. dungeons etc.
pvp conten is being worked on.
asia market talks
demon queen boss.
july 2011
political map still not done. now called "information interface"
siege system still being testes. should be out within one month.
darkfall re launch eta will be known in august.
dungeon talk
lights talk
environmental effect talks.
new audio system is being enhanced
considers various levels of wipes.
Active subscribers will have priority in playtesting and in a developer interaction group about the new game-darkfall 2.0
making city walls more meaningful is a big priority for us. We are working on many things that when combined will seriously improve the defenses of a city, and one of them is the better management of the potential of the physics spells. We are really determined to make siege machinery such as warhulks and cannons a lot more useful.
The new crafting system is a complete overhaul
surges and fizzles have been reworked more info coming soon.
There are new spell trees and new rules on how different magic schools can be combined. On top of that, we concentrated on reworking the buffs (and the debuffs). So you can be sure that it won’t “continue like now
We are determined to make the melee-focused player more viable
A new salvage skill will be available and it will play an important role in crafting
Top rank gear is being redesigned with everything else and thus will be in the game more often than it is now
armor dyes/guild emblems/city -we'd love to have them in game waiting to find out impact they have on game performance.
testing siege system ongoing
august 2011
new sandbrock video
darkfall 2.0 a closer look (to much crap to list. will be part of broken promises 2.0 list in 2012)
bone armor video
crafting update talk
siege system expansion still testing.
Sept 2011
wipe talk ongoing.
siege expansion still being worked on. in "final testing " stage.
I was sucked into the 6month plans and usually each time my 6month was due to renew AV would tell us the next patch or expansion was coming "soon"... most times this never actually happened soon.
The population has been bleeding ever since they decided to open up the NA server.
Their is still no boxed release of the game.. lol. It is still not up on amazon and steam as the devs said it was going to be "soon" back on sept 1st 2010
Here is a list of broken promises 1.0
It may be missing a few items but this is about 90% of the stuff that we were sold into beleiving were being added to the game starting back from Jan 2010.
Jan 14,2010
We have some major improvements for trade skills underway which target their depth and add a lot more items to the game
We’re improving monster drops and especially rare drops.
We’re planning a huge itemization boost almost doubling the amount of items in the game. This will mean more ingredients, more recipes for crafting, and this should help diversify the economy significantly.
We’re also planning on Clan Vendors.
We’re planning on player/clan vendors in capitals and possibly in clan cities. You need to compete to secure a vendor spot in a capital, or you need to earn one.
Yes we are currently testing our system for armor and clothing dyes in conjunction with the sweeping changes in 2010. The colors are craftable and not all colors are created equal.
Is there any plan at all for more types of craftable armor or weapons anytime in the future?Yes, tons
Starting with the dynamic lore system where players can seriously impact the game’s lore and events happening in the game, it’s in our future plans to allow our players to increasingly affect the world.
Will the sliding corpse bug ever be fixed? Yes and it won’t just be fixed but it’ll be replaced with something very cool.
We’re currently working on introducing dynamic PvP opportunities to the game.
Demigods are a part of a bigger design a part of which is the Dynamic Lore System. The Demigods will be introduced when it’s time for them to be introduced.
Anti -aliasing will be implemented.
We’re speaking with several partners concerning a N. America box release but we can’t give an ETA on that yet.
Salvaging skill will be added and currently being worked on.
Plans to implement a tiered clan bank access system.
planning on diversifying the different melee skills by adding unique attacks/moves or specializations for each weapon type
Feb 22 2010 Advanced leather armor -All races are getting upgrades to new armor.
April 21 2010 Besides the existing mounts, the game will see a wide array of mounts being added.
April 22 2010 A major feature on the way are the Prestige Classes
April 29 2010 Player Model updates, almost all the races have been finalized.
April 29 2010 Attribute consumables, skill books and scrolls should be more common: Yes they should be and they will be on low level mobs.
Introduce new potions / consumables that affect skill/spell/stats for a given time span: These are the temporary boosts we’re talking about in the character progression discussion post.
Quests to increase specific skills/stats: We’re working on this.
Increase the skill/stat level that attributes consumables raise to: We’re looking at adding new types of attribute consumables along these lines.
Decrease the number of “necessary” spells/skills or simply make them more readily available and faster to skill up: We’re doing many small things to this end but we feel that Prestige classes will address this in the best possible way.
Heal mount shouldn’t be affected by encumbrance: We’re going to address this like we did with the transfer spells.
Dungeons need work: We’re doing a complete revamp of the dungeon system. A lot of work is going into this and we think that it will make dungeons a lot more meaningful.
May 18th -2010 We know you are also wondering about character animations: in this case we can tell you that they will get a complete overhaul and Aventurine is currently working on setting up a motion capture studio.
July 02 2010 - Enviromental sounds will be patched in as soon as possible.
Sept 1 2010 - The release of boxed versions of the game across EU and NA. , It will be on Amazon and Steam soon, Adding a type of cloak or tabard for clans.
working on specific plans to improve crafting making it more diverse.
Several new spells coming to the game.
We’re working on several new additions to archery in connection to the prestige classes.
we’re going to offer more weapon types and ammunition types for archers
We’re re-making the entire interface.
speaking with partners in Asia about offering Asian servers as there seems to be strong interest in the game.
adding many craftable-only items to the game.
We’re rolling out a political map in the near future and several other clan tools. We also have several plans for additions to clan cities.
fix city cannons from being able to destory your own city walls.
adding new villages and housing slots.
(dyes / dyeable robes or further cloth accessories that are external to armor.)
Sept 9th 2010
Prestige classes are the largest feature ever added to Darkfall and will definitely change the face of the game. The final design for them is complete. From here we go to the technical design, implementation, testing, evaluation, more testing etc. Sounds like this will take forever but it won’t.
Getting a Darkfall box out is underway and Darkfall is available now through most digital download channels and we’re in talks to get it on more of them
Sveral new spells on the way.
we will reward mages for being mages.
adding more PvP centric additions on land
Archers are getting new weapon types and ammo types and they’re also getting secondary skills in connection to prestige classes
We’re rolling out a political map and several other clan tools. We also have several plans for additions to clan cities and we’re working on implementing various types of clan insignia
We announced that we’re working in the direction of mobs leveling up, and mobs attacking player cities
Jan 2011
new interface
new environmental souns system
major changes to crafting
armor changes affecting gameplay choices.
Darkfall arena announced (used to be called darkfall 2010)
all racial areas getting total spawn and environmental revamp.
All Subcontinents will get revamped.
Own epic monster on each continent
Monsters getting overall art revamp.
new animations for monsters
new armors like barbaian and animations.
underwater effects for swimming
new gui is complete and ready to implement.
Feb 2011
New information interface will be released next month.
implementation of our new website and new forum layout is underway.
GUI interface is now in production.
New lighting system.
More armor talk
Largest monster in Agon.
Another major upcoming change in the game will come as a direct result of the conquest system is being rewritten.
March 2011
Along these lines, each continent will have their own unique boss of which we already presented the Ragaizan
One of the new features being added are land based PvP objectives
new lighting system
Crafting and melee skill skill-up rates will be increased.
Some of the ingredients for the attribute consumables will come from the sea
April 2011
We’re also looking into a faster option for players to get back from a negative alignment
New features of the political map were demonstrated for us
demonstration of the new sound system
The development of the new GUI has led to a lot of further development
Darkfall will also get more utility out of multiprocessor systems.
A significant change coming with the “Arena” expansion to NPC city layouts is that there will be only one starting town for each race.
All types of workstations will be in all NPC cities as well.
Dungeon Chaos Vendors
armor specialization system is now in full development.
self siege fixes - changes to siege system.
deadlier tower s in capital xities.
clan vendors in clan cities.
redesigning the crafting system
quality of enchanting materials is also under consideration
We’re taking a better look at specializations/extensions to hopefully make them more meaningful
Darkfall to utilize multicore systems more efficiently. This will also be going in soon and we should be seeing further improvements to game performance.
May 2011
siege system rewritten and ready for testing.
Some more work has been done on the new Darkfall information system/ interactive map
blood spatter improvements.
New NPC vendors have been prepared and they are all based on the new character models
sound system talk
June 2011
new siege system out within one month.
pve content is being worked on. dungeons etc.
pvp conten is being worked on.
asia market talks
demon queen boss.
july 2011
political map still not done. now called "information interface"
siege system still being testes. should be out within one month.
darkfall re launch eta will be known in august.
dungeon talk
lights talk
environmental effect talks.
new audio system is being enhanced
considers various levels of wipes.
Active subscribers will have priority in playtesting and in a developer interaction group about the new game-darkfall 2.0
making city walls more meaningful is a big priority for us. We are working on many things that when combined will seriously improve the defenses of a city, and one of them is the better management of the potential of the physics spells. We are really determined to make siege machinery such as warhulks and cannons a lot more useful.
The new crafting system is a complete overhaul
surges and fizzles have been reworked more info coming soon.
There are new spell trees and new rules on how different magic schools can be combined. On top of that, we concentrated on reworking the buffs (and the debuffs). So you can be sure that it won’t “continue like now
We are determined to make the melee-focused player more viable
A new salvage skill will be available and it will play an important role in crafting
Top rank gear is being redesigned with everything else and thus will be in the game more often than it is now
armor dyes/guild emblems/city -we'd love to have them in game waiting to find out impact they have on game performance.
testing siege system ongoing
august 2011
new sandbrock video
darkfall 2.0 a closer look (to much crap to list. will be part of broken promises 2.0 list in 2012)
bone armor video
crafting update talk
siege system expansion still testing.
Sept 2011
wipe talk ongoing.
siege expansion still being worked on. in "final testing " stage.
And as long as all the lambs keep on believing their lies and subbing, there is no real reason for them to actually push DF2.0 out (if it even exists).
I suggest everyone subbed to DF now cancel their subs, if only to call their bluff. If they really have those features almost ready to release, they would see the canceled subs and someone would yell "WE HAVE FIFTEEN DAYS BEFORE THE MONEY STOPS FLOWING IN!".
That'd teach them. It would be a fast launch or a fast bankrupt. Each one would be deserved.
And as long as all the lambs keep on believing their lies and subbing, there is no real reason for them to actually push DF2.0 out (if it even exists).
I suggest everyone subbed to DF now cancel their subs, if only to call their bluff. If they really have those features almost ready to release, they would see the canceled subs and someone would yell "WE HAVE FIFTEEN DAYS BEFORE THE MONEY STOPS FLOWING IN!".
That'd teach them. It would be a fast launch or a fast bankrupt. Each one would be deserved.
People like you are the reason that MMOs that could become a complete and good game are released a buggy mess.
(not talking about DFO in the above statement, just generalising the mentality shown)
Also, I'm fairly certain the majority of people in the MMO world have the mentality to make their own decisions in regards as to where to spend their money, and also to spend it on what they personally find fun - so why should they listen to your personal allmighty opinion?
"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys. Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death!" - Sun Tzu, the Art of War
And as long as all the lambs keep on believing their lies and subbing, there is no real reason for them to actually push DF2.0 out (if it even exists).
I suggest everyone subbed to DF now cancel their subs, if only to call their bluff. If they really have those features almost ready to release, they would see the canceled subs and someone would yell "WE HAVE FIFTEEN DAYS BEFORE THE MONEY STOPS FLOWING IN!".
That'd teach them. It would be a fast launch or a fast bankrupt. Each one would be deserved.
People like you are the reason that MMOs that could become a complete and good game are released a buggy mess.
(not talking about DFO in the above statement, just generalising the mentality shown)
Also, I'm fairly certain the majority of people in the MMO world have the mentality to make their own decisions in regards as to where to spend their money, and also to spend it on what they personally find fun - so why should they listen to your personal allmighty opinion?
I'm fine with waiting another year for an unreleased game. Thing is, DFO is not an unpublished game. People are paying subs every month to hear these lame excuses of why there aren't any development on the game done for two years.
Of course they can freely decide what to do with their money. My suggestion was merely there to give them something to think about. Aventurine is a company who's doing a lot of project they probably have legal sanctions in place if they don't finish in time, not to talk about monetary ones. My guess (and guess only) is that they are "borrowing" hours from DFO development as much as they need, as there are no real repercussions for letting the game rot in its current state forever.
That is, unless the people playing the game unsub and force them to do _something_ about the game.
ive quit darkfall several months ago while i still think its a awesome game with a great concept.
people just cant understand that youve always played some sort of beta. they barely advertise the game the game is not even in stores not even on sites like steam for people to buy it.
darkfall 2.0 will be the same game but they are changing so much that there must be a whipe in my point of vieuw.
and from huge list of changes i know of they all sound good to me.
yes they are taking a long time but its still a indie company and they are working on darkfall since the year 2000 with their first beta in 2004 to test there engine they made
this is a nice video first part is a fan made trailer and after that youll see how the game changed the game every year and even showing parts from their first beta.
am i a darkfall fanboy? yes lol but ive played there beta anough and now waiting for darkfall 2.0 release
I have to revive that thread cuz im so mad at the game right now.
Boycott darkfall. I am tired of their huge so called expansion that takes so long to deploy. I swear, most players would stay if DF took the small patch route instead.
When you have to macro in order to advance and you still have to do it after 2 years, then its time to boycott darkfall before they start believing we will stay no matter what they do. Yeah, DF is one of a kind, but the DF devs are stupid enough to think there are no replacement while waiting for updates.
You know what i got to do from now to be one of these vets? Macroing my jump while watching TV till i get 50 jump to unlock acrobatic just to reduce falling damage. You think i dont need it if its for that only? Well, because of bunny hop, you are forced to master it in order to catch up with the rest or you will have 1 hp left from bunny hopping just to catch up or run away from players.
We dont have enough players to allow new vs new or average vs average. So you either power level or you join a super large clan full of meat shield. I dont want to take the zerg route.
Lord knows i'll never understand why small companies think they can run pay to play games. It has obviously been proven serveral times now that small companies can't do p2p.
Look at Mortal Online, that game is going down as well because of the company being too small to achieve anything with the game.
Small Companies should stick to making small games until they are big enough to make big games.
Small Companies should stick to making small games until they are big enough to make big games.
No. Nowadays, the big ones recycle the same things that worked before. Its getting old. Atleast, small company are risking a lot to make something different. The problem is the time it takes to patch. As for mortal online, its not comparable. This game is doom because the SV decided to focus on graphics over content and gameplay. MMO+unreal engine=fail.
The thing with AV is, they rather work on their new 2.0 game instead of keeping 1.0 player base alive. Players are already tired of waiting. What we got left is just not worth enough to login everyday. AV can make some profit out of DF. Right now, i think they are in trouble because most of us cant trust them anymore atleast untill 2.0.
At the moment, best thing DF could do is make the game F2P with a type of cash shop. Once 2.0 gets in, they hould go back to P2P to see how it goes.
Simple answer, cos I am very sick today, cannot stay up too long, just waiting on a pick up.
AV made a promise, pre alpha whatever, that is a promise. If they plan to change it, they should change the list. They did not, and as far as we are concerned, that is supposed to be the blueprint of the game to come. If I did the same to my clients, I will be in chains now already. Changing an implementation without notifiying clients amounts to business fraud. Announcing a change makes it all the more acceptable, but AV never did just that.
They moved to charge people, they keep the list. I for one will hold them responsible, for that list. You think I am the only one who feel somewhat betrayed when we see what was actually delivered? Or maybe you rethink why virtually the entire fan base vanish overnight? You may love the game, but you cannot blame me for trusting an official web site.
I accept DF for what it is, and I do not hate the game. I just cannot trust anymore a producer with such a track record. I have no surprise with some supporters loving he game, but trusting AV again? For another round of high promise --> slipping delivery without notifications --> and what next? Would I be expecting a delivery that meets promises, or another DF1.0 fiasco. Your view my view.
I already stated my view, I will no longer trust one such developer. Not that I have nothing to play. Skyrim is coming in 2 months.
I always find these type of threads somewhat silly. If there is a free trial, give it a go. You can then make up your own mind whether to sub to a game. If there is no free trial then you have to look at more than a single post by someone who obviously has strong feelings about a game and really won't give you a balanced opinion one way or another.
I self identify as a monkey.
DF is losing players like crazy. Me and a lot of people in my clan (LA eu) have gone inactive.
not quite sure what that is meant to convey..
The game for the individual can be fine, its all dependant on how much you want from it I think.. end of day I bet most of you spend more on weed than the sub a mnth
Enjoy it for what it is.. not much around like it is there, MO? gimme a break that has even more issues does it not?
I know alot have given up, as its been way to long without updates promised or what not, but again use it or loose it.. But if you feel you're sub is way to much for what you feel you are getting then move on yes..
I dont play DF but agree with your post. Personally, the only reason I wont play is the "no skillcap" . Why, oh why didnt they limit the number skill points?
That being said, DF has a fantastic world to explore- Just not the sandbox I wanna play in. Too PVP focused and no skillcap kill for me what could be a great game.
But DF is a unique experience and it actually works unlike mo , lol.
Need sand to have a sandbox. I see a pve based grind game w/ no skill caps and no sand in sight. By all means enjoy the game but to call darkfall a sandbox is a insult to any sandbox that has ever existed(precu swg r.i.p..).
You cant say that and then pick one of the best sandboxes at their best time.
Just only a NGE patch later and the big SWG has been sized and at any time i prefer DF over SWG in his appearence post Nov 2005.
That said me , me known for being a big supporter of DF and the company got very annoyed by the wipe discussion and how the company handles it.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
Point stands I don't consider it a sandbox or I'd be playing it.
A game cannot be called sandbox just by deliberately stripping every feature common to a "themepark". Some of the features are actually good for most games.
Adding some raid bosses or some good quest arcs, or even a Bioware like story, does not necessarily make a "sandbox" bad, or pollute it, or dump it down.
It is stupid to box one's own imagination and acceptance of experimentation, based on empty hollow terms. I do not care what sand or mud or stone box a developer claims its game to be. I look at the actual features, actual implementation, and try it out if I feel interested.
DF is nothing, sandbox or whatever, that is worth trying out, that is my verdict so far. It has a lot of weakness, glaring ones, and is managed by a crook developer. Just because it does not care to implement some of the WoW features does not make it great, it just means it lacks one set of features and does not have anything worthwhile in compensation. FFA PvP full loot, is all it has, and on that alone, it is not worth its place as a sub game in my view.
SWG in its early days is a game worthy of every dollar it charges in its days. This I agree without reservation.
I was sucked into the 6month plans and usually each time my 6month was due to renew AV would tell us the next patch or expansion was coming "soon"... most times this never actually happened soon.
The population has been bleeding ever since they decided to open up the NA server.
Their is still no boxed release of the game.. lol. It is still not up on amazon and steam as the devs said it was going to be "soon" back on sept 1st 2010
Here is a list of broken promises 1.0
It may be missing a few items but this is about 90% of the stuff that we were sold into beleiving were being added to the game starting back from Jan 2010.
Jan 14,2010
We have some major improvements for trade skills underway which target their depth and add a lot more items to the game
We’re improving monster drops and especially rare drops.
We’re planning a huge itemization boost almost doubling the amount of items in the game. This will mean more ingredients, more recipes for crafting, and this should help diversify the economy significantly.
We’re also planning on Clan Vendors.
We’re planning on player/clan vendors in capitals and possibly in clan cities. You need to compete to secure a vendor spot in a capital, or you need to earn one.
Yes we are currently testing our system for armor and clothing dyes in conjunction with the sweeping changes in 2010. The colors are craftable and not all colors are created equal.
Is there any plan at all for more types of craftable armor or weapons anytime in the future?Yes, tons
Starting with the dynamic lore system where players can seriously impact the game’s lore and events happening in the game, it’s in our future plans to allow our players to increasingly affect the world.
Will the sliding corpse bug ever be fixed? Yes and it won’t just be fixed but it’ll be replaced with something very cool.
We’re currently working on introducing dynamic PvP opportunities to the game.
Demigods are a part of a bigger design a part of which is the Dynamic Lore System. The Demigods will be introduced when it’s time for them to be introduced.
Anti -aliasing will be implemented.
We’re speaking with several partners concerning a N. America box release but we can’t give an ETA on that yet.
Salvaging skill will be added and currently being worked on.
Plans to implement a tiered clan bank access system.
planning on diversifying the different melee skills by adding unique attacks/moves or specializations for each weapon type
Feb 22 2010 Advanced leather armor -All races are getting upgrades to new armor.
April 21 2010 Besides the existing mounts, the game will see a wide array of mounts being added.
April 22 2010 A major feature on the way are the Prestige Classes
April 29 2010 Player Model updates, almost all the races have been finalized.
April 29 2010 Attribute consumables, skill books and scrolls should be more common: Yes they should be and they will be on low level mobs.
Introduce new potions / consumables that affect skill/spell/stats for a given time span: These are the temporary boosts we’re talking about in the character progression discussion post.
Quests to increase specific skills/stats: We’re working on this.
Increase the skill/stat level that attributes consumables raise to: We’re looking at adding new types of attribute consumables along these lines.
Decrease the number of “necessary” spells/skills or simply make them more readily available and faster to skill up: We’re doing many small things to this end but we feel that Prestige classes will address this in the best possible way.
Heal mount shouldn’t be affected by encumbrance: We’re going to address this like we did with the transfer spells.
Dungeons need work: We’re doing a complete revamp of the dungeon system. A lot of work is going into this and we think that it will make dungeons a lot more meaningful.
May 18th -2010 We know you are also wondering about character animations: in this case we can tell you that they will get a complete overhaul and Aventurine is currently working on setting up a motion capture studio.
July 02 2010 - Enviromental sounds will be patched in as soon as possible.
Sept 1 2010 - The release of boxed versions of the game across EU and NA. , It will be on Amazon and Steam soon, Adding a type of cloak or tabard for clans.
working on specific plans to improve crafting making it more diverse.
Several new spells coming to the game.
We’re working on several new additions to archery in connection to the prestige classes.
we’re going to offer more weapon types and ammunition types for archers
We’re re-making the entire interface.
speaking with partners in Asia about offering Asian servers as there seems to be strong interest in the game.
adding many craftable-only items to the game.
We’re rolling out a political map in the near future and several other clan tools. We also have several plans for additions to clan cities.
fix city cannons from being able to destory your own city walls.
adding new villages and housing slots.
(dyes / dyeable robes or further cloth accessories that are external to armor.)
Sept 9th 2010
Prestige classes are the largest feature ever added to Darkfall and will definitely change the face of the game. The final design for them is complete. From here we go to the technical design, implementation, testing, evaluation, more testing etc. Sounds like this will take forever but it won’t.
Getting a Darkfall box out is underway and Darkfall is available now through most digital download channels and we’re in talks to get it on more of them
Sveral new spells on the way.
we will reward mages for being mages.
adding more PvP centric additions on land
Archers are getting new weapon types and ammo types and they’re also getting secondary skills in connection to prestige classes
We’re rolling out a political map and several other clan tools. We also have several plans for additions to clan cities and we’re working on implementing various types of clan insignia
We announced that we’re working in the direction of mobs leveling up, and mobs attacking player cities
Jan 2011
new interface
new environmental souns system
major changes to crafting
armor changes affecting gameplay choices.
Darkfall arena announced (used to be called darkfall 2010)
all racial areas getting total spawn and environmental revamp.
All Subcontinents will get revamped.
Own epic monster on each continent
Monsters getting overall art revamp.
new animations for monsters
new armors like barbaian and animations.
underwater effects for swimming
new gui is complete and ready to implement.
Feb 2011
New information interface will be released next month.
implementation of our new website and new forum layout is underway.
GUI interface is now in production.
New lighting system.
More armor talk
Largest monster in Agon.
Another major upcoming change in the game will come as a direct result of the conquest system is being rewritten.
March 2011
Along these lines, each continent will have their own unique boss of which we already presented the Ragaizan
One of the new features being added are land based PvP objectives
new lighting system
Crafting and melee skill skill-up rates will be increased.
Some of the ingredients for the attribute consumables will come from the sea
April 2011
We’re also looking into a faster option for players to get back from a negative alignment
New features of the political map were demonstrated for us
demonstration of the new sound system
The development of the new GUI has led to a lot of further development
Darkfall will also get more utility out of multiprocessor systems.
A significant change coming with the “Arena” expansion to NPC city layouts is that there will be only one starting town for each race.
All types of workstations will be in all NPC cities as well.
Dungeon Chaos Vendors
armor specialization system is now in full development.
self siege fixes - changes to siege system.
deadlier tower s in capital xities.
clan vendors in clan cities.
redesigning the crafting system
quality of enchanting materials is also under consideration
We’re taking a better look at specializations/extensions to hopefully make them more meaningful
Darkfall to utilize multicore systems more efficiently. This will also be going in soon and we should be seeing further improvements to game performance.
May 2011
siege system rewritten and ready for testing.
Some more work has been done on the new Darkfall information system/ interactive map
blood spatter improvements.
New NPC vendors have been prepared and they are all based on the new character models
sound system talk
June 2011
new siege system out within one month.
pve content is being worked on. dungeons etc.
pvp conten is being worked on.
asia market talks
demon queen boss.
july 2011
political map still not done. now called "information interface"
siege system still being testes. should be out within one month.
darkfall re launch eta will be known in august.
dungeon talk
lights talk
environmental effect talks.
new audio system is being enhanced
considers various levels of wipes.
Active subscribers will have priority in playtesting and in a developer interaction group about the new game-darkfall 2.0
making city walls more meaningful is a big priority for us. We are working on many things that when combined will seriously improve the defenses of a city, and one of them is the better management of the potential of the physics spells. We are really determined to make siege machinery such as warhulks and cannons a lot more useful.
The new crafting system is a complete overhaul
surges and fizzles have been reworked more info coming soon.
There are new spell trees and new rules on how different magic schools can be combined. On top of that, we concentrated on reworking the buffs (and the debuffs). So you can be sure that it won’t “continue like now
We are determined to make the melee-focused player more viable
A new salvage skill will be available and it will play an important role in crafting
Top rank gear is being redesigned with everything else and thus will be in the game more often than it is now
armor dyes/guild emblems/city -we'd love to have them in game waiting to find out impact they have on game performance.
testing siege system ongoing
august 2011
new sandbrock video
darkfall 2.0 a closer look (to much crap to list. will be part of broken promises 2.0 list in 2012)
bone armor video
crafting update talk
siege system expansion still testing.
Sept 2011
wipe talk ongoing.
siege expansion still being worked on. in "final testing " stage.
This needs its own thread
And as long as all the lambs keep on believing their lies and subbing, there is no real reason for them to actually push DF2.0 out (if it even exists).
I suggest everyone subbed to DF now cancel their subs, if only to call their bluff. If they really have those features almost ready to release, they would see the canceled subs and someone would yell "WE HAVE FIFTEEN DAYS BEFORE THE MONEY STOPS FLOWING IN!".
That'd teach them. It would be a fast launch or a fast bankrupt. Each one would be deserved.
People like you are the reason that MMOs that could become a complete and good game are released a buggy mess.
(not talking about DFO in the above statement, just generalising the mentality shown)
Also, I'm fairly certain the majority of people in the MMO world have the mentality to make their own decisions in regards as to where to spend their money, and also to spend it on what they personally find fun - so why should they listen to your personal allmighty opinion?
"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys. Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death!"
- Sun Tzu, the Art of War
Support the Indie Developers - Kickstarter
I'm fine with waiting another year for an unreleased game. Thing is, DFO is not an unpublished game. People are paying subs every month to hear these lame excuses of why there aren't any development on the game done for two years.
Of course they can freely decide what to do with their money. My suggestion was merely there to give them something to think about. Aventurine is a company who's doing a lot of project they probably have legal sanctions in place if they don't finish in time, not to talk about monetary ones. My guess (and guess only) is that they are "borrowing" hours from DFO development as much as they need, as there are no real repercussions for letting the game rot in its current state forever.
That is, unless the people playing the game unsub and force them to do _something_ about the game.
Unsub and don't play then nobody force you to play darkfall seems obvious and simple choice for you right?
ive quit darkfall several months ago while i still think its a awesome game with a great concept.
people just cant understand that youve always played some sort of beta. they barely advertise the game the game is not even in stores not even on sites like steam for people to buy it.
darkfall 2.0 will be the same game but they are changing so much that there must be a whipe in my point of vieuw.
and from huge list of changes i know of they all sound good to me.
yes they are taking a long time but its still a indie company and they are working on darkfall since the year 2000 with their first beta in 2004 to test there engine they made
this is a nice video first part is a fan made trailer and after that youll see how the game changed the game every year and even showing parts from their first beta.
am i a darkfall fanboy? yes lol but ive played there beta anough and now waiting for darkfall 2.0 release
I have to revive that thread cuz im so mad at the game right now.
Boycott darkfall. I am tired of their huge so called expansion that takes so long to deploy. I swear, most players would stay if DF took the small patch route instead.
When you have to macro in order to advance and you still have to do it after 2 years, then its time to boycott darkfall before they start believing we will stay no matter what they do. Yeah, DF is one of a kind, but the DF devs are stupid enough to think there are no replacement while waiting for updates.
You know what i got to do from now to be one of these vets? Macroing my jump while watching TV till i get 50 jump to unlock acrobatic just to reduce falling damage. You think i dont need it if its for that only? Well, because of bunny hop, you are forced to master it in order to catch up with the rest or you will have 1 hp left from bunny hopping just to catch up or run away from players.
We dont have enough players to allow new vs new or average vs average. So you either power level or you join a super large clan full of meat shield. I dont want to take the zerg route.
C:\Users\FF\Desktop\spin move.gif
Lord knows i'll never understand why small companies think they can run pay to play games. It has obviously been proven serveral times now that small companies can't do p2p.
Look at Mortal Online, that game is going down as well because of the company being too small to achieve anything with the game.
Small Companies should stick to making small games until they are big enough to make big games.
No. Nowadays, the big ones recycle the same things that worked before. Its getting old. Atleast, small company are risking a lot to make something different. The problem is the time it takes to patch. As for mortal online, its not comparable. This game is doom because the SV decided to focus on graphics over content and gameplay. MMO+unreal engine=fail.
The thing with AV is, they rather work on their new 2.0 game instead of keeping 1.0 player base alive. Players are already tired of waiting. What we got left is just not worth enough to login everyday. AV can make some profit out of DF. Right now, i think they are in trouble because most of us cant trust them anymore atleast untill 2.0.
At the moment, best thing DF could do is make the game F2P with a type of cash shop. Once 2.0 gets in, they hould go back to P2P to see how it goes.
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