Initially the game was supposed to stay away from the holy Tank-Healer-DPSer trinity.
Then Combat was supposed to feel epic... to end with Wow like Boss kiting.
LS and force powers are now being used in Hutt Ball games.
All classes in solo mode are pet classes.
Space combat is a point and click minigame.
Heroic crafting ends as having NPCs do it for us.
On paper SWTOR has less features than games years older.
Not even KOTOR core features at launch: Pazaak and Swoop racing.
Story lines doesn't look that epic and it seems doesn't really have an impact on the outcome, but maybe a few times.
Replayability seems to be there only if you switch factions.
Some gear looks like coming directly from Wow: mage/warlock robes, epic shoulderpads.
Character heroic proportions look silly.
Game looks on rails or at least very directed
And that is with a budget even bigger than Tabula Rasa one.
So... what went wrong?
Electronic Arts
That's what's happened, not to mention Bioware is going down like the titanic.
Sic Luceat Lux
I am expecting so much hate on this thread. True enought, those are the things I've been seeing about this game.
Edit: Fixed typo.
prepare yourself.
*Puts on tinfoil hat.*
(Edit: this helment is "Frickin' Lasers" equipped Dynos water proof)
This thread is just another "hate clone". Where's all the innovation huh? Why doesn't this thread rollerskate backwards on rocket powered hoverskates instead of just walking forwards bipedally like all those other threads? It even uses the same font and typeface .. I mean come on that's soooooo 2003 hateration.
I'm bored with this type of thread, I want something new and exciting like I dunno, maybe dinosaurs with lasers!!1
You totally should play more WoW.
Don't you mean "Frickin' Lasers" ?
u need one for your pet too ..u know just in case
This is my best guess.
Bioware used to make instant classics. I didnt think much about the EA buyout thing when it happened. I read about how EA was going to give incredible freedom to Bioware and let them do their thing so I shrugged and said good deal. Why mess with something that aint broken?
It was only much later I started to notice that I was no longer impressed by Bioware games. The last Bioware game I was absolutely in love with was Mass Effect (and pretty much every other Bioware game before that). After that I havent really enjoyed a single one of their games. That includes Mass Effect 2.
And then it hit me. Hey.....Bioware used to lay golden eggs. Whats going on here? Oh yea, they got bought out by EA didnt they! And that was exactly around the time I noticed their games started to lack that special something. Now I wouldnt go so far as to say they are sinking like the Titanic. They make passable games these days. They're not awful. I just wouldnt go as far to say they're good. Mediocre is what Id call it.
As for Swtor, I really dont know what the game was supposed to be originally compared to now. But it seems to lack the incredible vision of past games. Its mind boggling for me to see my once favorite developer begin to tarnish. This is Bioware for crying out loud. But I dont think its the Bioware it once was. And thats a damn shame.
I havent the time or the will to stay in the known behind all the little idiocincracys in propaganda threads that are worse then 3 year olds screaming at each other. That is all!
Tin hat on
This does bring up a subject though that I always think about when ever time is used. As with mmos, time is a big part of them since they are a game that can be played as long as you want more so then any others. I think threads like these pop up sometimes without people actually realizing what there subjects are about. The op had some ok remarks but obviously he didnt have any redeming quality in them cause the following posts had nothing substantial to say. I would say, more so then the game itself and the software that runs it, its how the game will work into everyones lives that they refer to and any more its hard to make time for a game like this so instead of blaming themselves for not being able to make time to enjoy what there is to offer they would rather just bash and hold on to the points that they think are wrong with the software maybee.
ps:tin hat is now off
Actually I believe the OP is stuck in 2008. He seems to have missed all the info over the last 3 years. And also, players are testing and devs are listening to them as well as their statistics. I think it is called developing a game?
How many people long for that "past, simpler, and better world," I wonder, without ever recognizing the truth that perhaps it was they who were simpler and better, and not the world about them?
Truly epic! You sir Winz!
For alternate pets:
Oh look, it's this thread again.
They are playing it safe and hoping to ride out the Star Wars name like Lucas Arts have been since the original trilogy.
Nothing went wrong.
Star Wars looks great but every time I see videos it looks like a console online multplayer game where people are just doing linear missons. Still looking for the MMO in this game.
mel:Hey didnt you know SWTOR is crap and fail
kids: mel wtf are you talking about, they got to stop making the freakin box set cause they sell so many
mel:but its just fail, swtor is just fail
kids:mel shut up
I think what went wrong is peoples perceptions. First they are basis LARGE amounts of there "this is fact" theories on screenshots and videos....How many times have people been blown away by a trailer for a game and the game completely sucked?
Second, you can't expect every single original idea that a game has three years ago to be relevent today. EVERY game developer, from the big to the small spew out their inital vision of a game when they first concieve it, but real life issues like technical problems, time constraints and of course retard publishers like EA usually get in the way of the fans "fantasy world" where developers have magic like powers that let them do what ever they please.
The truth is, i have yet to see a single "hater" post come out that is written by someone who has actually played the game, yet I have heard plenty of good things from friends that are in beta. Is it a REVOLUTION! probably not, but that is because revolutions rarely return a profit, and with the amount of money put into this game, that is the number one deciding factor is how the game is made.
On the other hand, will he still be a great game? Probably. Ya we know the ENTIRE WORLD hates wow, despite its millions of subscribers. Bioware is not going to cater to the "few" emo-like hardcore gamers that refuse to play a game that is "commercialized" (you know like all games are...).
Hell you should hope that TOR has very little sales, cause then you can enjoy right? Because as soon as a game become too popular then they must just be sell outs and you have to instantly hate the game cause its "caters to the rest of the world, and not me".
Huh. Well if dinosaurs with lasers are already taken then I would also accept dinosaurs with sunglasses. Just look at'em! Silly dinosaurs think they are people hehe. Now THAT would be an innovative thread.
Too much money invested + a huge majority of players that don't really care about any "deep" or "inmersive" game. That's what went wrong.
An honest review of SW:TOR 6/10 (Danny Wojcicki)
I kinda hate you. Nah but seriously ... ever since my first twitch based combat MMO I had hopes for TOR being something like the fast paced hack/slash with depth. However, the more videos I watch it is growing on me. Mostly because its Bioware and Star Wars I thinks.
Nothing went wrong except people forgetting that the goal is to make money, not please the 4% of gamers who think they are entitled to everything THEY want and not what they think is best overall. Ok so maybe 6%.