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I've seen a lot of discussions regarding raiding lately in reference to GW2 lacking it or SWTOR having it. I'm curious as to how the community here feels about raiding as a whole.
Please answer the poll below and feel free to comment.
EDIT: I know some of you think that raiding is inextricably tied to a gear grind. This is not the case. Raiding as in doing a challenging dungeon with a large coordinated group does not have to be motivated by a gear grind.
Just because many games have decided to encourage raiding by using a gear grind as bait does not mean it always has to be like that. This poll is about raiding taken separately. That's why there is no mention of a gear grind here.
You could just as easily have a game with a gear grind that is done solo or in 5-man does not have to be raiding.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
I dislike raiding, even though I'm not stranger to it.
It takes up way too much time for me and you are basically being told by others when and how you can play.
Why you raid isn't relevant, it's just do you like the experience of raiding. As in doing a dungeon with a very large group.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
I like the idea, of raiding, and like raiding in general..... I don't like how particular raids are. For example, you need the right formula to complete them, you need to do them so many times for the correct rewards... etc.
I think being a little more forgiving would go a long way with Raids.
but .. he can't think like that and attempt to discredit you or your poll at the same time. isn't that the entire point of the internet?
I love raiding and while I do not currently raid, I would never play a game where there was no raiding. I am all for more, and different kinds of content as well .. but yea ..
LFD tools are great for cramming people into content, but quality > quantity.
I am, usually on the sandbox .. more "hardcore" side of things, but I also do just want to have fun. So lighten up already
It depends. If raiding is the central part of the end-game with no other options to significantly progress your character, then I avoid that game.
I have to agree 100% here. And that's why I won't mind Raiding/Dungeons in GW2. It won't be a gear grind unless I want a certain "look".
I love large scale raiding but if a game has great PvP (EVE) I will still play it. That just forces me to play two games like I am currently subscribed to EQ and EVE so I have my dungeon crawls and PvP.
Hopefully some day I'll be able to have a game with my large scale PvP battles and large scale raiding all in one, but I'm not holding my breathe waiting for it.
Will you people stop linking Gear Grind to Raiding....!!!!
In WoW for example,,, everything you dom, not just Raiding, leads up to some sort of Gear Reward! Stop trying to justify your hatred for Raidings due to Gear Grinding.
Because clearly you dont seem to have a problem with Gear Grinding Mobs/Party Dungeons/ Quest/ anything else non raiding
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I don't mind raiding up untill it is forced on you to get the best gear. I don't even understand how such an old "force the kids to play together" type of concept could still be such alive and defended by gamers themeselves, i guess a lot of people are a bit masochist.
Raiding is great if it is optional, but most themepark don't make it optional, so i'm kind of forced to be against it.
Middle option for me, I like raiding with a good guild but it's nothing I absolutely want in a mmorpg, I'd rather have all kinds of other end game stuffses!
LOL I know for real. Thanks for posting this.
I don't know why some people here can't realize that raiding as an activity does not have to have anything to do with a gear grind. It's just doing a dungeon with a large group, that's it.
I personally don't like raiding because well...I don't like raiding. It has nothing to do with the gear grind. I just don't like the time committment and the organization required; it also makes me feel less important because I'm basically just a cog in a big machine.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
Same but different reasons. Raiding would be fun if I could make it work for me. I've been in a few, back during WoW vanilla. None since.
I don't mind a gear grind. I despise guild politics. I work 12 to 15 hours a day on average and don't get time to game much and would never be able to keep up with a guild schedule. There's no way I'd try to PUG a raid spot.
The other side to this is that people also seem to attach raiding to end game, as if there can be no other forms of end game content. I assumed when taking the poll that you meant the experience of raiding in general and not raiding as an only end game option.
Personally I'm neutral, I'm sure people invovled in the previous SWTOR thread will think I'm lying because I argued for solo end game content, but I can actually argue for something that I may or may not use myself. I have had fun raiding and probably will have fun again raiding, but that is more determined by the players who I raid with than it is by the game the raid content is contained in.
Yeah I think one thing we have learned from this poll is that it is difficult for people to separate raiding as an experience from things they associated with it.
I mean, there is really nothing stopping devs from having raids at level 10. They may have to be easier to facilitate PUGs, but you could definitely have them.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
I greatly enjoy the teamwork aspect of a properly run raid. As many other people here stated I will gladly raid as long as there is no gear grind attached to it and it is not the only end game activity available. I like the concept of raiding but hate the soul destroying traps that it can lead to.
But you linked raiding to being central to end game in your poll. Name one game with a raid centric end game that doesn't have a gear grind.
I hate raiding. I avoid any games with a raiding centric end-game. - 8.6%
Its perfectly rational for someone to think your poll is talking about raiding centric games, instead of games where raiding is optional or doesn't exist. Especially since you ask that question specifically!!
I like to raid occasionaly. It generally adds a big social component to mmorpgs and offers multiplayer challenges beyond basic group mechanics. Yet repeating the same dungeons over and over again to get certain drops eventually becomes stale.
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It is not so much the raiding but the type of people I have encountered during PVE raids. Was not as bad in EQ but in WoW it ruined they whole concept for me. Also the way I have seen most raid guilds operate the game becomes more like a job and a game is for entertainment not a vocation.
Touche, I did do that. I basically put that in there because almost all raiding now a days is done at the end-game. I didn't mean to imply that the poll was specifically meant for end game raiding, but I could see how that could be misinterpreted.
The poll is supposed to be about do you like raiding or not. Simple question, no secret gotchas in there. Just a 1-5 scale of how much you like raiding. It doesn't have to be end-game raiding. it doesn't have to be gear grind raiding. Just raiding .
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
Four people from our guild in WoW(mug'thul) ran pug raids with our alts on sundays (one level below the current raid). It worked really really well. Anyone could join but we did end up letting randoms pay to get that one item if it dropped everything else was randomly rolled for. We let greens come to BWL first come first serve sometimes it didnt work but it was always more fun than the main guild raids.
Personally raiding is like everything else its fun unless it becomes a job.
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You know why people associate the two? Because almost all of the games that have raids have the gear grind along with it. It is the carrot on the stick.
I don't mind raids so much. But when you have to continually run them to get the gear so you can advance to the next raid...that is what I absolutely despise.
I am a fan of well made raids. It is one of the funnest parts of MMOs when you get with a good group of people and perfect your group play. Downing difficult content with a bunch of friends is a welcomed addition to a game. I guess I could play a game without raiding if it was made well, but it to me is part of making a good game.
I think a lot of people that say they hate raiding probably grab whatever group they can and burn themselves out on several unsuccessful runs. It can get boring if gear is your only objective, but a game should be about the overall experience not just the pretty things you get. Raid for the sake of killing tough bosses, and doing it more then once should just be to see if you can do it better.
"cinnamon buns"
- Pickles
I gotcha. I just hate raiding. Or, at least, the raiding I've encountered in games like DAoC, EQ, WoW, and DDO(which was the best but still got boring after awhile). I found that one person rarely mattered, and a player's skill is diminshed by the sheer number of people involved. IMO, the rewards are far greater than the risk/skill necessary.
I understand exactly how you feel, and there is a cure for it and the only cure, just the job to dig a guild that suits you, people with the same humour, propably a group that is not too serious about the raiding, that usually works
i like raiding, i just dont like the people or the time commitments where someone is constantly whining at you "just one more (boss/attempt)" over and over again