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Guild Wars 2 Gameplay footage from their G-Star 2011 presentation has just made it's way to the interwebs and though there's nothing all the new here, the one thing that caught my eye was how much they are making it appealing for the Eastern audience. It's funny because a lot of Asian MMOs have undergone this so called "Westernization" process *cough*cough* Tera, that I find it interesting to see a Western MMO like Guild Wars 2 have little changes/additions to suit the Eastern audience (character appearance, animations & emotes). But hey, it's good to see ArenaNet make an effort to appeal to a wider demographic.
- High Level Dragon Boss... again
- The Shadow Behemoth Boss Fight (with new mechanics & weapon ugrading)
- The Shatterer Boss Fight (with new mechanics)
- Twitter from Peter Fries states that ArenaNet PvP team lost to a team made up of War Machine & Last Pride players.
- Warrior vs Thief. Who will win? ^_^
Well... the most obvious element was the dev constantly doing upskirt shots - which isn't hard, considering the skirt.
"And now, our elementalist will cast a fireball. Casting a fireball will reveal her panties for 0.5 seconds."
* Ohhs and Ahhs from the audience *
Hype train -> Reality
You can see they improved facial animations for conversation on the starting zone video, really nice.
As far as the "Easternization" of GW2 for the East, no surprise there. This has always been the intent. Guild Wars 2 will be releasing in early 2012 for the Western Audience and be "Easternized" for release in the East for late 2012. NCSoft's Blade & Soul will be released in Early 2012 in the East and be Westernized for late 2012. This tandem strategy has been in place for a while now. NCSoft refocused on developing for the two regions, but they also realize there is some cross over appeal, so both games will be developed for the opposite market.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
I hope we (from the west) will be able to choose that eastern appearance too.
Guild Wars 2 Youtube Croatian Maniacs
My Guild Wars titles
The quote from Eric says we will. Not sure about the Eastern emotes though.
Well, they probably didn't have to change much with the character models to Easternize them, since races like the Asura, Charr, and Sylvari look so ridiculously silly that they appear to have been created by a typical Eastern market MMO.
Luckily, we can not! *whew*
Remember Old School Ultima Online
Cool that they will offer both armor options, to be honest. That's what Terra should have done too to prevent that westernization outrage.
My brand new bloggity blog.
Yeah you do make a point, with regards to NCSoft's 2 major upcoming properties. Now I just wonder how the game would fair in the Asian market.
Is it just me or is this comment just slightly racist?
I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been -Wayne Gretzky
Other than some oriental faces and frilly dresses what else did they change in this demo?
Well, it's worth to note that the graphics have been sginificantly improved since the last time we saw it, and that the cutscene animations are synced up with the dialogue.
Some emotes, animations (Korean bowing) and NPC models. Never said it was an extensive amount. Just some little things I noticed.
That's your subjective opinion, though I can say it doesn't appear to be widely held. I've shown a number of friends the game to get them interested and I haven't heard a single derogatory comment about any of the races, even from some normally very jaded people. Not much of that on the forums, either. I think you see what you want to see.
The Asura, Charr and Sylvari indeed will likely not see much change when regionalizing for the East, but if GW2 had been designed to launch first in the east and then faced Westernization, the same thing could be said. There is nothing Eastern or Western about the races that needs to be regionalized.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
And that's what I really liked. That from the implementation of the Gamescom demo, they managed to improve the game quite a bit. I can only imagine how amazing the game would be once we all finally get our hands on it.
Except if a person knows how to read they would see that we CAN. DerpDerp.
Yes. Very noticeable! I'm relieved. The poor lip syncing and awkward body language/gestures during the cut scenes seem to have been very nicely dealt with. It's great for those who will be running non-English clients that the system they now have in place seems to be able to synce well to any language being spoken by the characters! I've seen this technology elsewhere, I'm glad it has made it into GW2.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
The lip syncing during cut scenes and the facial expressions/ body language/ gestures are greatly improved. It seems like skill aquisition from weapon use may be faster than in previous demos. The Easternized character creation faces are not exclusive to the Eastern region. All the Western faces as well as the new Eastern faces and other options as well will be available to everyone at release, so it looks like they are indeed adding a lot to character creation. (We heard from Paris that Kristen was working on a lot more Sylvari faces, this latest seems to confirm that all the races will have a lot more options than some assumed based on the previous demos).
The presentation was the first official one to the Korean audience, so it was mostly a rehash of what we have seen before, but the evolution on character creation is very nice to see!
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
I might be mistaken, but I honestly thought they had used that technology in Nightfall and Eye of the North.
So I was really surprised to see they weren't using such a thing in earlier builds of GW2.
Really pleased to see the improvements in the cut-scenes, they were a bit of a mess before, now they look natural and believable, great job.
We will all be able to make our characters like the one at G-star if we so wish, apparently we are getting a video later this week which shows off the customisation features, guess that aspect has got more love since the earlier demos too, looking forward to it.
Thx OP for the share, those character look remind me of my guild war faction character
Lol +1 to you, it seems Big Brother there spent more time worrying over an option that he didnt have to choose than actually researching it.
"The faces and armors are not region-specific. A few faces that would be more appealing to Asian gamers were added to the G-Star demo. Everyone has access to those faces. We put in some flashier armor for the G-Star demo, but that armor is available as high-level armor to everyone. "
My response to the videos: HOO LEEE COWWW
I want ...
Wow, compare the dialogue sequence in the old build to the new build.
They've certainly come a long way.
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss