As I said in my post, you don't need to play 6 different games to get the features that are in MO, you can get 95% of them in a single game, with the 5% generally being FPV. So you are not being honest in that regard, and many, many people have pointed out exactly why. Anyone can mod a game engine to have some broken feature that is in no other game but that doesn't mean it's worth playing purely on that basis. Especially when I can get virtually all the same features in a form that actually works.
I don't regard you as a "fanboy", those are the various one thread wonder posters that appear from time to time. I do think that you are incorrect in many of your assertions here, and that your posts on the official board do not always match your posts here. But I've also said that some people like hammering nails into sensitive parts of their anatomy, so whatever floats your boat.
PS I post here to counter SV shills, simple as that. Oh and watching SV/MO develop is pretty good comedy too, speaking as a vet of many online games. Passes the time at work nicely
im not saying any individual feature is unique (which there are some) but that the features together create a very unique gaming experience and according to you the best thing i should do is play, huxley, wurm, wow, eve and darkfall combined to sate my desire for MO's unique gaming experience erm no thanks.
Oh oh, a game of semantics! Great fun.
I thought by "unique" you meant something positive, like "uniquely good". If by "unique" you solely meant "unique", then I must disappoint you: Every game is "unique" unless it is exactly like another game. And no game is exactly like another game. If that's the "unique" you were pointing at, then it doesn't mean "good" and is no reason to advertise MO with it.
Yayyy games of semantics are so much fun.
Nothing in MO is unique, or "more unique" than any other MMO on the market.
im not saying any individual feature is unique (which there are some) but that the features together create a very unique gaming experience and according to you the best thing i should do is play, huxley, wurm, wow, eve and darkfall combined to sate my desire for MO's unique gaming experience erm no thanks.
Oh oh, a game of semantics! Great fun.
I thought by "unique" you meant something positive, like "uniquely good". If by "unique" you solely meant "unique", then I must disappoint you: Every game is "unique" unless it is exactly like another game. And no game is exactly like another game. If that's the "unique" you were pointing at, then it doesn't mean "good" and is no reason to advertise MO with it.
Yayyy games of semantics are so much fun.
Nothing in MO is unique, or "more unique" than any other MMO on the market.
right because mo has so many similarities with most mmos its absurd . I disagree that each mmo in itself is unique when most themepark mmos share they exact same feature list were as with sandbox games that isnt the case.
but for arguments sake please tell me of an mmo with the same melee combat as mo and no darkfalls melee combat is nothing like it.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
but for arguments sake please tell me of an mmo with the same melee combat as mo and no darkfalls melee combat is nothing like it.
The two games have very similar melee combat....
Have you even played Darkfall? Anyone who's experienced both games should have no trouble seeing the similarities between the melee combat in each respective game.
Trying to insinuate that MO has superior melee combat is simply not accurate.
but for arguments sake please tell me of an mmo with the same melee combat as mo and no darkfalls melee combat is nothing like it.
The two games have very similar melee combat....
Have you even played Darkfall? Anyone who's experienced both games should have no trouble seeing the similarities between the melee combat in each respective game.
Trying to insinuate that MO has superior melee combat is simply not accurate.
The fact that he thinks of Darkfall's combat by himself in the same sentence already shows that he knows the combat system is the same. He's just trolling.
As I said, once he went "MO is the only sandbox, what other sandboxes are there, tell me of one, and don't say Eve!"
darkfalls melee combat is third person not first, it has no real control over directional swings or blocking, there are no hitboxes other than 1 in darkfall, the combat speed is totally different, aside from them both being tiwtch based there is no similarity its a further difference than comparing counter strike to team fortress combat. So no darkfall does not offer melee combat with anything similar other than a fantasy twitch based affair.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
darkfalls melee combat is third person not first, it has no real control over directional swings or blocking, there are no hitboxes other than 1 in darkfall, the combat speed is totally different, aside from them both being tiwtch based there is no similarity its a further difference than comparing counter strike to team fortress combat. So no darkfall does not offer melee combat with anything similar other than a fantasy twitch based affair.
Yes, also in Mortal they wear tindremic armor and in Darkfall they don't...
There is no real control over your swings in MO either. You can left swing and right swing. Great. "The speed is different", lol come on... if you have to resort to that, how different is the combat really?
So the only real difference is five badly placed hitboxes. You can have that.
Ok it isn't equal. It's just an equally boring clickfest. One with more stats, one with less. But in the end, it's clicklicklicklicklicklicklicklicklick.
Ok it isn't equal. It's just an equally boring clickfest. One with more stats, one with less. But in the end, it's clicklicklicklicklicklicklicklicklick.
Actually you're right. I hate PC gaming in general because I have to click. For example Battlefield 3's combat is horrible. It's just click click click to kill people.
Ok it isn't equal. It's just an equally boring clickfest. One with more stats, one with less. But in the end, it's clicklicklicklicklicklicklicklicklick.
Actually, it is far from same. As far as I am aware, DF got actually depth to its combat with different skills, abilities and debuffs, rather then just swinging your sword around and casting healing/corruption.
yea darkfall as a whole is very different combat, but if you just take the melee side of it vs mo's melee side they are still nothing alike darkfalls melee combat is shallow without its magery and archery.
darkfall does magery well to an extent in that it has an actual projectile but i dislike the constant spam and opness of its magery, its archery is pretty nice though but if it was in mo as it is in darkfall it would be op without slowing the rate of fire a little.
darkfalls melee is all about running about and spamming whilst circle strafing your opponent, whilst that can work in mo its not going to win you alot of fights.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
And as for the "uniqueness" of Mortal Online, I really don't see how anyone could argue against this. Sure, many of the game's features exist in other games, but there are very few games that blend them all in one. The closes one would be Darkfall, but even it is quite different due to the 3rd-person view, the grind and the less (in my opinion) sandbox features. Deny it all you want, but Mortal Online does have a unique feel to it to me and many others. You clearly don't agree, but that doesn't mean you're right.
i play mo for its melee combat, not for its tindremic armor.
mo has stamina managment
mo is in first person
mo has directional attack left right stab overhead,
mo has blocking forward left right and perfect blocks
range is important due to handle hits and the arc of your swing effects the damage output
holding an attack longer does more damage
mo has multiple hitboxes which do for the msot part work, if i want to hit someone in the legs i hit them in the legs almost guaranteed.
So your trying to tell me darkfall pretty much has all that. Im not saying darkfalls is worse im saying they are both nothing alike
so im going to require abit more of an explination as to why you think darkfall and MO's melee combat are similar.
Skyrim has all of these features...Why is Skyrim so entertaining and MO so boring?
Skyrim does not have all of those features.
That should make you wonder if those feats are making MO unique. And yea MO is a unique game and has a unique feeling wjile playing it. The danger is everywhere and the constant possibility to lose all your hard earned stuff gives a surge in your adrenaline... but when it comes the time to think about doing anything else than pvp you are forced to do a constant race around bugs, work with an awfull and outdated UI that reminds games of previous decades, fight against the worst AI ever, travel through a rather big but empty world, through nodelines, empty caves, test your luck by try and use half assed or not working features, spending your time sending petitions, w8ting for them to be answered, getting your self griefed by exploiters who are walking unpunished and continue griefing you and others, experiencing unanounced downtimes with no word at all from SV, new bugs and very often gamebreaking ones in every single patch and many many other issues that it will be just a loss of time to mention them again.
So i ll have to agree with you that MO is a unique game but its unique in a very bad and frustrating way. Also at the end, MO was supposed to be a sandbox game and not a pvp arena that people could use each time they re in need of a small adrenaline pump. And dont get me wrong, i like pvp and i am in for a pvp arena BUT i m not at all into paying 2 or 3 subs each month only to be competitive in a pvp arena. Thats not what i payed for, neither what was being advertised to me and tbh i m about to lose my patience and stop supporting this project cause you cant deny that SV fails to deliver in many ways and for several reasons.
So is it Skyrim that is responsible for the drop in MO's population? I can speak for myself and few people that doing same as me, taking a break from MO and playing Skyrim to get a litle bit of a change. Skyrim will not last forever but tbh i can hardly see any reason to resub in MO since the joy that offers me is simply valued as meaningless in comparison with the frustration, the negative feelings and all the griefing thats coming from a company that fails terribly to be even remotely close to proffesional and deliver something as unique as MO was supposed to be. But yea i will come back in MO when TC goes live and the sadest thing is that i know from now that will be disapointed again with the new bugs that will be delivered, the older bugs that will be reintroduced, the existing forever bugs we all know there are around since beta, the features that will not work properly, the downtimes, the lack of communication with the devs and eventualy will cancel my sub, walk away and never look back. So its not Skyrim or Bethesda that harms MO's population, neither BF3 or MW3... its SV and only SV that fails to make MO decent at first and build on it right after.
Skyrim has all of these features...Why is Skyrim so entertaining and MO so boring?
Wait, is this a trick question?
Setting aside whether MO is boring or just less entertaining than Skyrim, every character in Skyrim is a suppporting character for you (the main character) while MO is multiplayer.
The flip side of that is Skyrim has an "end" to the content
i have played around 80 hours into skyrim and im starting to get bored, compared to the 1000s of hours i have played mo. I find MO's pvp aspect to be very rewarding and also offer alot of replayability, whilst Skyrim is an amazing game but ive been to every dungeon and i have almost done all the quests there really is nothing else for me to do in it. Even though theres alot of npcs skyrim makes me feel lonely.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Skyrim has all of these features...Why is Skyrim so entertaining and MO so boring?
Wait, is this a trick question?
Setting aside whether MO is boring or just less entertaining than Skyrim, every character in Skyrim is a suppporting character for you (the main character) while MO is multiplayer.
The flip side of that is Skyrim has an "end" to the content
Not quite, there is a system to keep generating quests for you. Thou quality and "entertaining" value can be questioned.
Skyrim has all of these features...Why is Skyrim so entertaining and MO so boring?
Wait, is this a trick question?
Setting aside whether MO is boring or just less entertaining than Skyrim, every character in Skyrim is a suppporting character for you (the main character) while MO is multiplayer.
The flip side of that is Skyrim has an "end" to the content
As another said, thats not exactly true.
1) It will keep generating quests etc.
2) The Elder Scrolls Mod community has already proven itself in delivering pretty much never ending content (Which sadly all seems to be better made than what SV can do)
When you get right down to it the only thing Skyrim is missing is multiplayer, other than that... well all around Skyrim does more and does it 10x better.
My advice is to ignore the skyrim comparisons because there is nothing you can say that will actually make MO look good by comparison, nor is there anything you can say to justify the extreme short commings MO has by comparison.
Once MO gets to a point it can legitimately compete with DFO then you can start worrying about high quality games.
Why would anyone compare Skyrim with Mortal Online?
Single player game vs MMO...
Besides that Skyrim was made with a large team whereas MO has what, 2-5 programmers? lol Maybe more but it doesn't seem like it.
BTW that's not an excuse for starvault, Starvault shouldn't have put themselves in a position where they can not afford to hold on to their programmers. MO is likely going to die because of money issues and an inept leader.
As I said in my post, you don't need to play 6 different games to get the features that are in MO, you can get 95% of them in a single game, with the 5% generally being FPV. So you are not being honest in that regard, and many, many people have pointed out exactly why. Anyone can mod a game engine to have some broken feature that is in no other game but that doesn't mean it's worth playing purely on that basis. Especially when I can get virtually all the same features in a form that actually works.
I don't regard you as a "fanboy", those are the various one thread wonder posters that appear from time to time. I do think that you are incorrect in many of your assertions here, and that your posts on the official board do not always match your posts here. But I've also said that some people like hammering nails into sensitive parts of their anatomy, so whatever floats your boat.
PS I post here to counter SV shills, simple as that. Oh and watching SV/MO develop is pretty good comedy too, speaking as a vet of many online games. Passes the time at work nicely
Oh oh, a game of semantics! Great fun.
I thought by "unique" you meant something positive, like "uniquely good". If by "unique" you solely meant "unique", then I must disappoint you: Every game is "unique" unless it is exactly like another game. And no game is exactly like another game. If that's the "unique" you were pointing at, then it doesn't mean "good" and is no reason to advertise MO with it.
Yayyy games of semantics are so much fun.
Nothing in MO is unique, or "more unique" than any other MMO on the market.
right because mo has so many similarities with most mmos its absurd . I disagree that each mmo in itself is unique when most themepark mmos share they exact same feature list were as with sandbox games that isnt the case.
but for arguments sake please tell me of an mmo with the same melee combat as mo and no darkfalls melee combat is nothing like it.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
The two games have very similar melee combat....
Have you even played Darkfall? Anyone who's experienced both games should have no trouble seeing the similarities between the melee combat in each respective game.
Trying to insinuate that MO has superior melee combat is simply not accurate.
The fact that he thinks of Darkfall's combat by himself in the same sentence already shows that he knows the combat system is the same. He's just trolling.
As I said, once he went "MO is the only sandbox, what other sandboxes are there, tell me of one, and don't say Eve!"
darkfalls melee combat is third person not first, it has no real control over directional swings or blocking, there are no hitboxes other than 1 in darkfall, the combat speed is totally different, aside from them both being tiwtch based there is no similarity its a further difference than comparing counter strike to team fortress combat. So no darkfall does not offer melee combat with anything similar other than a fantasy twitch based affair.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Yes, also in Mortal they wear tindremic armor and in Darkfall they don't...
There is no real control over your swings in MO either. You can left swing and right swing. Great. "The speed is different", lol come on... if you have to resort to that, how different is the combat really?
So the only real difference is five badly placed hitboxes. You can have that.
i play mo for its melee combat, not for its tindremic armor.
mo has stamina managment
mo is in first person
mo has directional attack left right stab overhead,
mo has blocking forward left right and perfect blocks
range is important due to handle hits and the arc of your swing effects the damage output
holding an attack longer does more damage
mo has multiple hitboxes which do for the msot part work, if i want to hit someone in the legs i hit them in the legs almost guaranteed.
So your trying to tell me darkfall pretty much has all that. Im not saying darkfalls is worse im saying they are both nothing alike
so im going to require abit more of an explination as to why you think darkfall and MO's melee combat are similar.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Ok it isn't equal. It's just an equally boring clickfest. One with more stats, one with less. But in the end, it's clicklicklicklicklicklicklicklicklick.
Actually you're right. I hate PC gaming in general because I have to click. For example Battlefield 3's combat is horrible. It's just click click click to kill people.
Actually, it is far from same. As far as I am aware, DF got actually depth to its combat with different skills, abilities and debuffs, rather then just swinging your sword around and casting healing/corruption.
yea darkfall as a whole is very different combat, but if you just take the melee side of it vs mo's melee side they are still nothing alike darkfalls melee combat is shallow without its magery and archery.
darkfall does magery well to an extent in that it has an actual projectile but i dislike the constant spam and opness of its magery, its archery is pretty nice though but if it was in mo as it is in darkfall it would be op without slowing the rate of fire a little.
darkfalls melee is all about running about and spamming whilst circle strafing your opponent, whilst that can work in mo its not going to win you alot of fights.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
[Mod Edit]
And as for the "uniqueness" of Mortal Online, I really don't see how anyone could argue against this. Sure, many of the game's features exist in other games, but there are very few games that blend them all in one. The closes one would be Darkfall, but even it is quite different due to the 3rd-person view, the grind and the less (in my opinion) sandbox features. Deny it all you want, but Mortal Online does have a unique feel to it to me and many others. You clearly don't agree, but that doesn't mean you're right.
Skyrim has all of these features...Why is Skyrim so entertaining and MO so boring?
Skyrim does not have all of those features.
That should make you wonder if those feats are making MO unique. And yea MO is a unique game and has a unique feeling wjile playing it. The danger is everywhere and the constant possibility to lose all your hard earned stuff gives a surge in your adrenaline... but when it comes the time to think about doing anything else than pvp you are forced to do a constant race around bugs, work with an awfull and outdated UI that reminds games of previous decades, fight against the worst AI ever, travel through a rather big but empty world, through nodelines, empty caves, test your luck by try and use half assed or not working features, spending your time sending petitions, w8ting for them to be answered, getting your self griefed by exploiters who are walking unpunished and continue griefing you and others, experiencing unanounced downtimes with no word at all from SV, new bugs and very often gamebreaking ones in every single patch and many many other issues that it will be just a loss of time to mention them again.
So i ll have to agree with you that MO is a unique game but its unique in a very bad and frustrating way. Also at the end, MO was supposed to be a sandbox game and not a pvp arena that people could use each time they re in need of a small adrenaline pump. And dont get me wrong, i like pvp and i am in for a pvp arena BUT i m not at all into paying 2 or 3 subs each month only to be competitive in a pvp arena. Thats not what i payed for, neither what was being advertised to me and tbh i m about to lose my patience and stop supporting this project cause you cant deny that SV fails to deliver in many ways and for several reasons.
So is it Skyrim that is responsible for the drop in MO's population? I can speak for myself and few people that doing same as me, taking a break from MO and playing Skyrim to get a litle bit of a change. Skyrim will not last forever but tbh i can hardly see any reason to resub in MO since the joy that offers me is simply valued as meaningless in comparison with the frustration, the negative feelings and all the griefing thats coming from a company that fails terribly to be even remotely close to proffesional and deliver something as unique as MO was supposed to be. But yea i will come back in MO when TC goes live and the sadest thing is that i know from now that will be disapointed again with the new bugs that will be delivered, the older bugs that will be reintroduced, the existing forever bugs we all know there are around since beta, the features that will not work properly, the downtimes, the lack of communication with the devs and eventualy will cancel my sub, walk away and never look back. So its not Skyrim or Bethesda that harms MO's population, neither BF3 or MW3... its SV and only SV that fails to make MO decent at first and build on it right after.
Wait, is this a trick question?
Setting aside whether MO is boring or just less entertaining than Skyrim, every character in Skyrim is a suppporting character for you (the main character) while MO is multiplayer.
The flip side of that is Skyrim has an "end" to the content
i have played around 80 hours into skyrim and im starting to get bored, compared to the 1000s of hours i have played mo. I find MO's pvp aspect to be very rewarding and also offer alot of replayability, whilst Skyrim is an amazing game but ive been to every dungeon and i have almost done all the quests there really is nothing else for me to do in it. Even though theres alot of npcs skyrim makes me feel lonely.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Not quite, there is a system to keep generating quests for you. Thou quality and "entertaining" value can be questioned.
As another said, thats not exactly true.
1) It will keep generating quests etc.
2) The Elder Scrolls Mod community has already proven itself in delivering pretty much never ending content (Which sadly all seems to be better made than what SV can do)
When you get right down to it the only thing Skyrim is missing is multiplayer, other than that... well all around Skyrim does more and does it 10x better.
My advice is to ignore the skyrim comparisons because there is nothing you can say that will actually make MO look good by comparison, nor is there anything you can say to justify the extreme short commings MO has by comparison.
Once MO gets to a point it can legitimately compete with DFO then you can start worrying about high quality games.
Why would anyone compare Skyrim with Mortal Online?
Single player game vs MMO...
Besides that Skyrim was made with a large team whereas MO has what, 2-5 programmers? lol Maybe more but it doesn't seem like it.
BTW that's not an excuse for starvault, Starvault shouldn't have put themselves in a position where they can not afford to hold on to their programmers. MO is likely going to die because of money issues and an inept leader.