I am a fan of V.O since EQ2, AOC took it up to a new level in Tortage and now Bioware has taken it to whole new level. So to be honest i enjoyed SWTOR even more only because of voice acting.
From the start, I will state that I don't like the SW universe. At all!
So I haven't even applied to the beta.
That said, I have played in the past few days Skyrim like an insane person would. Hours upon hours. And the voice acting is just another thing that keeps me in the world, instead of just clicking walls of text.
In an mmo... mmm, I don't know how it will be, but anything is better than going to a quest-giver, clicking 3-4 times through a text and just looking for the quest requirements and reward. THAT sucks!
Voice acting/ voice overs are all very nice and all that, but at the end of the day its all down to gameplay, if the gameplay is no good then the voice overs really dont count for much.
Your poll is to fanboi'ish to even consider a vote.
I pretty much think voice acting should be (and probably will be) a standard feature of MMO's going forward. EQ 2 had some, AOC had vo's too. What I'm very interested to see is the rate at which Bioware will produce new content that is also fully voiced after the games initial release. If vo's mean you can't put out the content fast enough, which it could very well mean, then I can see alot of people leaving the game only to re-sub for a month on patch releases.
Also, I hope they don't go the route of adding non-voice quests in patches down the road just to put the content out to tide the masses over. That'd just seem like a backward step to me.
I don't think they will have a problem with producing new content fast enough. The voice actors are story writers most likely have already done a lot of future content. Daniel Erickon said something along lines of "I was done with the launch game a long time ago and I'm still here".
As long as they stay one or two steps ahead, they should be fine.
Happy to say been in CB for over 3 months now and still love the full VO and the game play, Was only slightly worried that it would feel old quick ( a problem Ive been haveing with all the games Ive been playing) and am verry pleased that is hasent and I dont feel like it ever will. Im realy happy with what is offered. Not saying its perfict by any meens but is a solid offering.
Heck yeah I like the idea. Games just seem more alive with VO. If you don't like VO you only have every other mmo on the market to choose from. Why throw such a fit over one game using it?
How about the long haul ?..........Most go into an mmo expecting or at least hoping to play them for months if not years.
It's only my OPINION, but END GAME VOICE ACTING will get old on everyone if there is too much !
What about the long haul? According to resident "experts", TOR subs will vanish after 2 months.
Unless the variable is already present in design, I say pizz on those wanting to miss VO entirely. They already have the option to skip over stuff. VO is a staple of BW games, and I sure dont want to see them patching in new code cause some people are having a hissy fit. F em. Either play the game, or go play something else.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
Heck yeah I like the idea. Games just seem more alive with VO. If you don't like VO you only have every other mmo on the market to choose from. Why throw such a fit over one game using it?
Depending on how it is handled, there could easily be a reason to throw a fit over it.
Does VO coexist with text? Or does VO replace text?
If it coexists - awesome, great - they should put it in every game that folks want it in.
If with the popularity of the masses, it replaces... well, yes - throw the fit.
The term "WoW-Clone" as much as abomination that term is...did not come out of thin air.
If VO replacing the option of text becomes wildly popular with a collection of games, then it may be a case of there only being VO in future games. So those that prefer text, are left out in the cold.
There are plenty of games with VO already. They provide choices though. So...no complaints. SWTOR though... complaints.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Originally posted by ktanner3Heck yeah I like the idea. Games just seem more alive with VO. If you don't like VO you only have every other mmo on the market to choose from. Why throw such a fit over one game using it?
Depending on how it is handled, there could easily be a reason to throw a fit over it.
Are you serious? It's a game and this can be solved simply: if you like it, play it. If not, don't play it. Throwing a fit over voice acting in a game is just infantile.
Your poll is to fanboi'ish to even consider a vote.
Yet you consider responding with a useless comment.
Listen, this is silly. The feature is subjective so the opinions may vary. Don't hate on the poll or hate on other people's opinions because they're not yours. That's what's fan boyish. Actually add something to the exchange that has some substance.
For me, I like the voice acting and as an avid RPer, I don't think it takes away from the immersion in the game. Yes, you could argue that having someone VO your character kind of strips a portion of individuality, but the text boxes can get old to the Ritalin impaired (not me mind you. I don't mind reading). I think VO will hold a player's attention more than text which I'm assuming is what they were going for.
What would really be cool is if we could choose the voice we wanted for our characters but that is a LOOOONNNNG way off if it would ever happen.
I will bet that after the vast majority of folks try this game... they will come away with a much greater opinion of vo in mmo's. I was skeptical when I started beta in early summer and was quickly and totally engrossed.
Stopped beta a couple months ago after copious testing and bug reporting because I want to enjoy the game once it comes out... and a curious thing happened. I couldn't really get back into any other mmo. They all seem a little dryer, paler and 2-dimensional than before. I didn't anticipate that... it just snuck up on me.
This will be the effect for most and set the bar for future games.
Obviously not all will be thrilled by this... but I for one love it.
What I always not understood is why in mmorpg's there were no conversaations. Just usually box filled with text with accept or decline option. You can have great conversations without voice acting, actually from production side it is easier, faster & cheaper and allows for more in-depth and varied conversation options.
See games like Fallout 1 & 2, Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, Planescapre Torment, Arcanum, etc as perfect examples of this.
But....do yoi remember "talking heads" from FO 1/2? They were most memorable.
But...i dont think VO and whole setup is needed for sidequests, personally i wish they had put more "stuff" in class stories so they are larger part of leveling and leave side quests as text (coversations).
IMO would be better overall, those who aint interested in story/VO do side quests, those who are class stories.
Originally posted by ktanner3Heck yeah I like the idea. Games just seem more alive with VO. If you don't like VO you only have every other mmo on the market to choose from. Why throw such a fit over one game using it?
Depending on how it is handled, there could easily be a reason to throw a fit over it.
Are you serious? It's a game and this can be solved simply: if you like it, play it. If not, don't play it. Throwing a fit over voice acting in a game is just infantile.
If there is a game that I would otherwise have enjoyed by the simple inclusion of an alternative to VO, I would be disappointed. If it became the norm for there to be VO in every game without any alternative, then yes - I would be pissed. It is not infantile in the least.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
In my opinion, people who don't like voice over instead of text boxes are kind of like people in the 30s who thought/hoped talkies were a fad and wanted the movie industry to go back to being silent. Is the opinion somehow "wrong?" No, but it is behind the times, and will become less and less mainstream as time goes on.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.
In my opinion, people who don't like voice over instead of text boxes are kind of like people in the 30s who thought/hoped talkies were a fad and wanted the movie industry to go back to being silent. Is the opinion somehow "wrong?" No, but it is behind the times, and will become less and less mainstream as time goes on.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
In my opinion, people who don't like voice over instead of text boxes are kind of like people in the 30s who thought/hoped talkies were a fad and wanted the movie industry to go back to being silent. Is the opinion somehow "wrong?" No, but it is behind the times, and will become less and less mainstream as time goes on.
I ain't never see no plants grow out of a toilet.
Anyhoo, voiceover is here to stay and will likely become the norm. I predict that MoP will be replete with it.
In my opinion, people who don't like voice over instead of text boxes are kind of like people in the 30s who thought/hoped talkies were a fad and wanted the movie industry to go back to being silent. Is the opinion somehow "wrong?" No, but it is behind the times, and will become less and less mainstream as time goes on.
I ain't never see no plants grow out of a toilet.
Anyhoo, voiceover is here to stay and will likely become the norm. I predict that MoP will be replete with it.
The issue is not with VO itself. DCUO has VO...but you could also read the text.
Companies would risk a PR issue by doing away with text completely for quests and the like.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
I will say it again. It seems to me that some people who have yet to actually play the game don't understand how the VO actually works. It's not like it is just a cutscene where quest text is read to you while you wait. It is an interactive dialogue, and as much a part if the game as the combat. It is a conversation, so no, you couldn't just turn them off and have a summary presented to you.
Do we really need another thread on this?
Uhm, they talk a little and you get your options. How could that not have worked in a text box like it did in Baldurs gate?
it was neet at first then i found myself tuning out their talking so i guess i don't really care for it but its not gonna make me rage or anything. i'd rather just read then listen.
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand." - Lewis Thomas
Are you serious? It's a game and this can be solved simply: if you like it, play it. If not, don't play it. Throwing a fit over voice acting in a game is just infantile.
Originally posted by VirusDancer
If there is a game that I would otherwise have enjoyed by the simple inclusion of an alternative to VO, I would be disappointed. If it became the norm for there to be VO in every game without any alternative, then yes - I would be pissed. It is not infantile in the least.
It is infantile because it's a game. That's the point. I don't get mad over a game that has no ultimate bearing on my life whatsoever. Most people who act like adults don't. They simply don't play the game or they play a game they enjoy. The argument is moot. You get over it or cry for nothing which is infantile.
Be a different story if they threw it on you in the middle of months of your subscription. I can see being perturbed at that but you still paid for and enjoyed the game when it was as you liked. If you go in with eyes wide open mad but still playing, it's just whining which is...uhh...infantile because...uhh...it's a game.
I will say it again. It seems to me that some people who have yet to actually play the game don't understand how the VO actually works. It's not like it is just a cutscene where quest text is read to you while you wait. It is an interactive dialogue, and as much a part if the game as the combat. It is a conversation, so no, you couldn't just turn them off and have a summary presented to you.
Do we really need another thread on this?
Uhm, they talk a little and you get your options. How could that not have worked in a text box like it did in Baldurs gate?
Well, if you want to water down a full conversation to "they talk, you respond", then I guess. But this isn't like, they talk, you press "accept" or "decline". It's an interactive dialogue.
But hey, since we apparently don't need to progress at all in the industry, why don't we all just go back to playing MUDs?? After all, who needs all these fancy graphics anyway? Can't we just read a description of our surroundings??
I am a fan of V.O since EQ2, AOC took it up to a new level in Tortage and now Bioware has taken it to whole new level. So to be honest i enjoyed SWTOR even more only because of voice acting.
From the start, I will state that I don't like the SW universe. At all!
So I haven't even applied to the beta.
That said, I have played in the past few days Skyrim like an insane person would. Hours upon hours. And the voice acting is just another thing that keeps me in the world, instead of just clicking walls of text.
In an mmo... mmm, I don't know how it will be, but anything is better than going to a quest-giver, clicking 3-4 times through a text and just looking for the quest requirements and reward. THAT sucks!
Voice acting/ voice overs are all very nice and all that, but at the end of the day its all down to gameplay, if the gameplay is no good then the voice overs really dont count for much.
Your poll is to fanboi'ish to even consider a vote.
I don't think they will have a problem with producing new content fast enough. The voice actors are story writers most likely have already done a lot of future content. Daniel Erickon said something along lines of "I was done with the launch game a long time ago and I'm still here".
As long as they stay one or two steps ahead, they should be fine.
Happy to say been in CB for over 3 months now and still love the full VO and the game play, Was only slightly worried that it would feel old quick ( a problem Ive been haveing with all the games Ive been playing) and am verry pleased that is hasent and I dont feel like it ever will. Im realy happy with what is offered. Not saying its perfict by any meens but is a solid offering.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
What about the long haul? According to resident "experts", TOR subs will vanish after 2 months.
Unless the variable is already present in design, I say pizz on those wanting to miss VO entirely. They already have the option to skip over stuff. VO is a staple of BW games, and I sure dont want to see them patching in new code cause some people are having a hissy fit. F em. Either play the game, or go play something else.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
Depending on how it is handled, there could easily be a reason to throw a fit over it.
Does VO coexist with text? Or does VO replace text?
If it coexists - awesome, great - they should put it in every game that folks want it in.
If with the popularity of the masses, it replaces... well, yes - throw the fit.
The term "WoW-Clone" as much as abomination that term is...did not come out of thin air.
If VO replacing the option of text becomes wildly popular with a collection of games, then it may be a case of there only being VO in future games. So those that prefer text, are left out in the cold.
There are plenty of games with VO already. They provide choices though. So...no complaints. SWTOR though... complaints.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
Would only need subs for cutscenes. I'm not a fan of cutscenes.
VO on the other hand, can exist outside of cutscenes.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
Dislike voice acting and cut scenes in mmorpg,thank you to bioware for skipp option
Are you serious? It's a game and this can be solved simply: if you like it, play it. If not, don't play it. Throwing a fit over voice acting in a game is just infantile.
Yet you consider responding with a useless comment.
Listen, this is silly. The feature is subjective so the opinions may vary. Don't hate on the poll or hate on other people's opinions because they're not yours. That's what's fan boyish. Actually add something to the exchange that has some substance.
For me, I like the voice acting and as an avid RPer, I don't think it takes away from the immersion in the game. Yes, you could argue that having someone VO your character kind of strips a portion of individuality, but the text boxes can get old to the Ritalin impaired (not me mind you. I don't mind reading). I think VO will hold a player's attention more than text which I'm assuming is what they were going for.
What would really be cool is if we could choose the voice we wanted for our characters but that is a LOOOONNNNG way off if it would ever happen.
CoH Supergroup: The Millennium Paladins
I thought the voice acting was really well made. You can tell they invested quite a bit in hiring real actors.
That being said, the voice acting doesn't change the nature of the quests. Those are just more of the same.
2 weeks into testing, I was already getting annoyed by the long cutscenes everytime I picked up a kill "quest".
Eventually, I skipped them all outside of the story related cutscenes.
Leveling in MMOs these days, to me, is out right boring. Awesome voice acting or not, I just want to get it over with asap.
I will bet that after the vast majority of folks try this game... they will come away with a much greater opinion of vo in mmo's. I was skeptical when I started beta in early summer and was quickly and totally engrossed.
Stopped beta a couple months ago after copious testing and bug reporting because I want to enjoy the game once it comes out... and a curious thing happened. I couldn't really get back into any other mmo. They all seem a little dryer, paler and 2-dimensional than before. I didn't anticipate that... it just snuck up on me.
This will be the effect for most and set the bar for future games.
Obviously not all will be thrilled by this... but I for one love it.
But....do yoi remember "talking heads" from FO 1/2? They were most memorable.
But...i dont think VO and whole setup is needed for sidequests, personally i wish they had put more "stuff" in class stories so they are larger part of leveling and leave side quests as text (coversations).
IMO would be better overall, those who aint interested in story/VO do side quests, those who are class stories.
If there is a game that I would otherwise have enjoyed by the simple inclusion of an alternative to VO, I would be disappointed. If it became the norm for there to be VO in every game without any alternative, then yes - I would be pissed. It is not infantile in the least.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
In my opinion, people who don't like voice over instead of text boxes are kind of like people in the 30s who thought/hoped talkies were a fad and wanted the movie industry to go back to being silent. Is the opinion somehow "wrong?" No, but it is behind the times, and will become less and less mainstream as time goes on.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
I ain't never see no plants grow out of a toilet.
Anyhoo, voiceover is here to stay and will likely become the norm. I predict that MoP will be replete with it.
The issue is not with VO itself. DCUO has VO...but you could also read the text.
Companies would risk a PR issue by doing away with text completely for quests and the like.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
Uhm, they talk a little and you get your options. How could that not have worked in a text box like it did in Baldurs gate?
it was neet at first then i found myself tuning out their talking so i guess i don't really care for it but its not gonna make me rage or anything. i'd rather just read then listen.
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand."
- Lewis Thomas
It is infantile because it's a game. That's the point. I don't get mad over a game that has no ultimate bearing on my life whatsoever. Most people who act like adults don't. They simply don't play the game or they play a game they enjoy. The argument is moot. You get over it or cry for nothing which is infantile.
Be a different story if they threw it on you in the middle of months of your subscription. I can see being perturbed at that but you still paid for and enjoyed the game when it was as you liked. If you go in with eyes wide open mad but still playing, it's just whining which is...uhh...infantile because...uhh...it's a game.
CoH Supergroup: The Millennium Paladins
Well, if you want to water down a full conversation to "they talk, you respond", then I guess. But this isn't like, they talk, you press "accept" or "decline". It's an interactive dialogue.
But hey, since we apparently don't need to progress at all in the industry, why don't we all just go back to playing MUDs?? After all, who needs all these fancy graphics anyway? Can't we just read a description of our surroundings??